Cold Starters 冷菜 Per portion / 每份 Preserved egg with chopped chili 28 剁椒迷你松花蛋 Black fungus with black vinegar 28 爽口拌云耳 Fried bean curd sheet roll filled with mushrooms 28 佛门素鸭 Braised juicy turnip with homemade sauce 28 蜜汁酱萝卜 Zhouzhuang preserved vegetables 28 周庄咸菜苋 Cucumber skin with hot and sour sauce 28 酸辣黄瓜皮 Lotus roots filled with glutinous rice and rock sugar 28 钱塘藕韵 Crown daisy in sesame oil 28 油醋皇帝苗 Preserved vegetables and bamboo shoots 28 梅菜春笋 Cold wild vegetables with chrysanthemum 28 菊香绿野菜 Chinese yam with milk and blueberry jam 38 蓝莓浸山药 Sichuan farmed sausage 48 农家自制腊肠 Smoked fish Shanghai style 48 上海熏鱼 Chicken in spicy Sichuan sauce 48 麻香口水鸡 Spicy honeycomb tripe with coriander and chili oil 48 黔香金钱肚 Frozen duck tongue with soup 48 水晶冻鸭舌 Spicy beef shank Sichuan style 58 川味拌牛腱 Chilled jelly fish head with vinegar 58 老醋海蜇头 Conch meat with black bean sauce 68 豉味花螺 Sake infused goose liver 68 清酒浸鹅肝 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Per portion / 每份 Sliced whelks in scallion oil 88 葱油拌螺片 Cold sea cucumber with peppers and vinegar seasoning 138 椒醋拌辽参 Baked Chinese Dishes 明炉烧味 Braised pigeon 48 石岐红烧乳鸽 Honey barbecued pork 68 碳烤蜜汁叉烧 Roasted crispy pork cube 68 冰烧三层肉 Baked chicken traditional "hakka" style 78 东江古法盐焗鸡 Traditional roasted chicken 88 酱香脆皮吊烧鸡 Char-grilled duck 98 堂弄炭烧乳鸭 Baked Chinese oven combination 108 金装烧味彩碟 Supreme roasted goose 118 深井脆皮烧鹅 Roasted lamb chops with cumin 168 碳烤孜然羊腩排 Roasted suckling pig with goose liver and flaky pastry 188 鹅肝三叠乳猪件 Roasted whole suckling pig please order 24 hours in advance 鸿运乳猪全体 888 ( ) (请提前一天预定) Marinated Dishes 潮州卤水 Steamed pigeon with yellow rice wine and toadstool 58 羊肚菌陈年花雕醉乳鸽 Marinated meat combination “Chaozhou” style 88 锦绣卤水大拼盘 Marinated cuttlefish "Chaozhou" style 88 潮州卤深海墨鱼 Marinated goose slices “Chaozhou” style 118 潮州卤水鹅 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Soup / 炖汤 羹 Per person / 每位 Minced beef soup with egg white 28 西湖牛肉羹 Assorted seafood and beancurd thick soup 38 海皇竹笙豆腐羹 Morels in millet and pumpkin soup 48 粗粮汁炖羊肚菌 Double-boiled mixed mushroom with medlar and bamboo fungus 48 竹笙杞子菌皇汤 Double-boiled pork soup with cordyceps flower 58 鲜肉汁炖虫草花 Double-boiled pine mushroom soup with pork and chicken 68 松茸菌养生功夫汤 Double-boiled pine mushrom with fish maw 98 高山松茸花胶汤 Double-boiled sea cucumber 1 138 鲜辽参养生汤( 条) Double-boiled dried seafood soup with Chinese caterpillar fungus (please order 6 hours in advance) 冬虫夏草炖海中宝1 6 298 ( 条,请提前 小时预定) Portion / / Person / 小煲 位 Chinese soup of the day 78 22 是日老火靓汤 Small / / Large / 小盅 大盅 Double-boiled fish head soup with herbs 138 268 川芎白芷炖鱼皇 Double-boiled nutritious sea whelk soup 158 308 养心仙草炖响螺 Double-boiled wild duck with fresh ginseng 158 308 长白山鲜人参炖水鸭 Double-boiled young pigeon with dendrobe and lily tuber 158 308 石斛麦冬炖乳鸽 Double-boiled seahorse with maca and longan 198 388 玛卡桂圆炖海马 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Bird's Nest Per person / 珍馐百味 燕窝 每位 Fried sesame balls with homemade almond cream 68 in bird's nest 灯芯燕影 Double-boiled bird's nest with pumpkin juice 98 南液燕之露 Double-boiled superior bird's nest with almond juice(50g) (50g) 158 生磨杏汁烩燕窝 Superior bird's nest soup with crab meat and minced chicken(50g) (50g) 178 生拆蟹肉鸡茸烩燕窝 Stir-fried bird's nest with crab meat and egg white(50g) (50g) 198 蟹肉蛋白炒燕窝 Superior bird's nest(50g) (50g) 298 chefs recommendation-braised, with almond juice, 龙牙官燕窝( double-boiled with rock sugar, with coconut juice, 推介 红烧、生磨杏汁、冰花、) braised with papaya 椰汁、原个木瓜炖 Abalone Per portion / 每份 珍馐百味 鲍鱼 Braised South African abalone in abalone sauce (12 heads 12 298 ) 蚝皇 头南非干鲍 Braised fresh abalone in abalone sauce (3 heads) 3 338 蚝皇 头澳洲鲜鲍 Braised fresh abalone in abalone sauce (2 heads) 2 398 蚝皇 头澳洲鲜鲍 Braised Japanese Yoshihama abalone in abalone sauce (16 heads 16 1, 388 ) 蚝皇扣 头皇冠吉品 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Seafood Per person / 珍馐百味 海味 每位 Boiled golden sea cucumber with pumpkin 108 温室迷你金瓜健康煮金玉参 Braised superior fish maw with black true 138 黑松露烩花胶筒 Braised sea cucumber with shrimp eggs and shallots 148 虾子葱烧鲜辽参 Braised sea cucumber with dry fruit and millet 148 干果小米鲜辽参 Baked sea cucumber with black true 158 黑松露焗鲜辽参 Braised goose web and sea cucumber with abalone sauce 188 鲍汁扣掌上参 Braised fish maw and goose web in ham sauce 188 腿汁扣花胶筒伴玉掌 Japanese kanto sea cucumber (please order 5 days in advance) 日本关东辽参5 208 Braised with abalone sauce, shallots, dry fruit and millet (请提前 . 天预定). 鲍汁扣 葱烧 干果小米烩 Per portion / 每份 Golden sea cucumber in oyster sauce 588 金龙吐双珠 Braised fish maw (3 heads) 3 1, 688 (please order 5 days in advance) 堂弄原幅5 头花胶 (请提前 天预定) Braised deluxe fish maw (2 heads) 2 8, 888 (please order 5 days in advance) 堂弄原幅5 头极品鳘肚公 You can choose your favourite flavours of double-boiled with cordy (请提前 天预定) ceps flower or braised with ham sauce 您可以选择您喜欢的味道: 养心仙草炖原只鳖肚或火腿汁香扣 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Fresh Fish 游水海鲜 鲜鱼 Hump Head Wrasse(so-mei) Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 苏眉 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 High Fin Garoupa Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 老鼠斑 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Red Spotted Garoupa Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 东星斑 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Red Spotted Garoupa Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 泰星斑 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Tiger Garoupa Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 老虎斑 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Sea Garoupa Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 海石斑 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,翅汤过桥,瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Turbot Marketprice / 500g Steamed or with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed country style or 时价 poached sliced fish in soup or braised with dried scallop or combined with deep-fried fish bone with pepper, salt and stir-fried fish fillet 多宝鱼 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件、古法蒸,翅汤过桥、瑶柱金汁炆,骨香炒球 Sand Goby Marketprice / 500g Steamed or steamed with black bean sauce or deep-fried or steamed country style 时价 or braised with dried scallop 笋壳鱼 清蒸,豉汁蒸,油浸,古法蒸,瑶柱金汁炆 Mandarian Marketprice / 500g Steamed or steamed with black bean sauce or steamed with chopped chili or steamed 时价 country style or sweet & sour sauce or braised with dried scallop 桂花鱼 清蒸,豉汁蒸,双椒蒸件,古法蒸,糖醋,瑶柱金汁炆 Fresh Seafood 游水海鲜 Australian lobster Marketprice / 500g Sashimi, baked with butter and cheese, steamed with egg white, baked with soup, 时价 cooked with pumpkin juice 澳洲龙虾 刺身,芝士黄油焗,白雪藏龙,上汤焗,南液龙虾球 Local lobster Marketprice / 500g Sashimi, baked with butter and cheese, steamed with egg white, baked with soup, 时价 cooked with pumpkin juice 花龙虾 刺身,芝士黄油焗,白雪藏龙,上汤焗,南液龙虾球 Baby lobster Marketprice / 500g Cooked with shrimp head sauce, steamed halved lobster with garlic, steamed with egg white 时价 南非龙虾仔 妙酱焗,开边金银蒜蒸,开边蛋白蒸 Geoduck clams Marketprice / 500g Sashimi or poached sliced clams or cooked with sake 时价 象拔蚌 刺身,过桥,清酒煮 Niccolo Signatures 尼依格罗 金牌推介 V Vegetarian 素食 All prices are in CNY and subject to 15% service charge 以人民币结算另加15%的服务费 Jumbo bamboo prawn Marketprice / 500g Baked in Singapore style, steamed halved prawn with garlic, baked with prime soya sauce, 时价 baked with pepper 珍宝花竹虾 星洲酱焗,开边金银蒜蒸,豉油皇焗,黑白胡椒焗 Prawns Marketprice / 500g Poached, fried with spicy salt, steamed halved prawn with garlic 时价 海围虾 白灼,椒盐,金银蒜开边蒸 Spotted sea crab Marketprice / 500g Baked with ginger and spring onion, steamed, steamed with Huadiao wine, deep-fried 时价 with chili and garlic 红花蟹 姜葱炒,原味蒸,陈年花雕蒸,避风塘炒 Alaskan crab Marketprice / 500g Baked with rice, steamed with egg white, baked with black true paste 时价 “阿拉加斯蟹1 2 ” 两食:蟹盖焗饭 蛋白蒸 ,黑松露焗 Flower screw Marketprice / 500g Poached, salt baked, cooked with wine and pepper 时价 花螺 白灼,盐焗,辣酒煮 Mango conch Marketprice / 500g Wok sauteed with ginger and spring onion, baked with chili, cooked with sake 时价 芒果螺 姜葱炒,辣子炒,清酒煮 Razor clam Marketprice / 500g Steamed with black bean sauce, steamed with mashed garlic, baked with ginger 时价 and spring onion, baked with pepper, cooked with sake 蛏子皇 豉汁蒸,金银蒜蒸,姜葱炒,辣子炒,清酒煮 Jumbo scallop Marketprice
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