S1M6N C A N Y ON REC REATI ON ARE A WE S T MALPAIS WILDERNESS Northeast New Mexico The Information Corner This sandstone canyon offers dispersed camping, hiking, and The West Malpais Wilderness encompasses grassland, pinyon/ bird watching. The San Juan River provides excellent fishing juniper woodland, Ponderosa pine stands, and lava fields. A TAOS FIELD OFFICE 575-758-8851 PUBLIC LANDS ARE YOUR LANDS. Wheth er visitin g on foot o r h orseback, at the mouth of the canyon. Overlooking the area, the partially designated trail leads into Hole-in-the-Wall, an area surrounded, by b icycle or motor vehicle, we ask you to tread lightly, an d once you reach your www.blm.gov/nm/taos restored Sim6n Ruin, a single-room Navajo Pueblito, is built but not covered, by lava flows. The Wilderness is located destination, practice outdoo r skills tha t leave no trace. on top of a 20-foot-tall boulder. The area has a restroom, within El Malpais NCA. DIA BLO CANYO N RECR E ATION AREA RULES AND GUI DEL NES are in place to en sure your safety, the continu ed h ealth picnic tables, and campfire ri ngs. However, there is no This area near Santa Fe is a very popular destination for WHITE RIDGE BIKE TRAILS of the land, and th at visitor enjoys a q ua lity exp erience . Breaking th e rules drinking water or electricity. its rock climbing opportunities. A 2-mile route through the e~ery The bi ke trails cross a landscape of spectacular beauty and canyon takes you to the Rio Grande. There are no facilities. ca n lead to fines or m e seriou s consequ e n ces. Information about the laws and exceptional geology. The trails \\1ere developed for mountain Wilderness Study Area [l'ISA] regulations that apply o p ublic lan ds in New Mexico can be found at: biking, however, hikers are also welcome. The western-most L A CIEN E G UILLA PETROG LY PH SITE wwiv. blm .govlnnt!la ivertfo rce1n e n t 0 AH - SH l -SLE - PAH trail is also open to equestrian use. Hundreds of petroglyphs can be found along a trail that Ah-shi-sle-pah WSA is a badland area of rolling clay hills, winds its way along a rock-lined escarpment near the Santa FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT BLM PUBLIC LANDS INCLUDE: carved by " 'ater into interesting shapes and hoodoos, with Wilderness Study Areas [WSA] Fe River south\\'est of Santa Fe. There are no facilities. Mlh ite Ridge Bike Trails, Rio Puerco Field Office very little vegetation to conceal the geological formations. Does the BLM Charge Fees? © EMPEDRADO AND LA LENA It 1s a land of sandstone caprocks and beautiful, soft colors Pos 1-0U!NGE REC REATI ON A REA Som e of BLM's recr eatio n sites char ge a day use an d.Jor camping fee. The Empedrado and La Lena WSAs feature deep arroyos, highly rarely seen else\\'here. Adjoining Ojo Caliente Hot Springs, this area features a trail fees help n1aintai11 rec( ation facilities and enh ance visitor services. For more sculpted mesas, canyons, and sandstone and shale outcrops. Northwest New Mexico to a significant pueb]o ruin. The area also has opportunities details, con tact the ne est BLM office or go to •vww.blm.govlnm!recreation Sv..reeping vistas can be found throughout these remote areas. for hiking and mountain biking. BLM:S Seyn1our Antelope Taos Gorge, Rio Grande del No,-te National Monument A variety of Fed eral R reat ional La nds Passes are available and honor ed at FARMINGTON FIELD OFFICE • • • • The Continental Divide National Scen ic Trail (Continental Divide Trail) passes through these WSAs. R fo G R AN D E DEL N O RTE N A T ION AL MONUME N T BLM fee sites. www.blm .gov/nm/ ri opuerco www.blm.gov/nm/farmington Rio Grande Gorge Vis itor Center 575-751-4899 Dispersed camping is also allowed in most of the undevel­ Where Can I Camp? CABEZON CEBO LLA WILDERNESS © Wild Rivers Visitor Center 575-586-11 50 oped areas in the Monu ment. Cam ping is allowed on most E LM-managed public la nd . Develo ped campgrounds are noted o n the m ap or you ALIEN RUN MOU NTA IN BIKE T RAIL Cabezon Peak's dramatic volcanic formation is a wel1 -knov.·n Alien Run consists of t\VO looped mountain bike trails that The 61,600-acre Cebolla Wilderness is made up of sandstone One of the highlights of the Rfo Grande del Norte National S A NTA C R UZ LAK E RECREATION AREA can rough it o n much of the u ndeveloped p ublic lands i th e State. Camping is genera lly allowed for up to 14 d ays Ne\v Mexico landmark, rising nearly 2,000 feet above the cover over 26 miles. The original loop and the Outer Limits mesas, canyons, and grassy valleys. It contains La Ventana Monument (Monument), designated in March 2013, is the This reservoir on the Santa Cruz River provides recreational in a single spot. valley floor. A primitive trail leads to the base of the cliffs; trail circle around a rumored UFO crash site. Natural Arch, a dramatic sandstone arch sc ulpted by \\'ind Rio Grande Gorge, deeply canred through layers of volcanic opportunities for anglers, picnickers, campers, and boaters basic mountaineering experience is required to reach the ls My Pet Allowed on Public Land? and v.1ater. The Wi1derness is located \Vithin El Malpais rock and ash that in places is about 850 feet deep and about (no wakes allowed). There are several day-use sites near the ANG E L P EAK REC REATI O N AREA summit. On m ost BLM p ublic la nds, pets ar e welcome as lo ng as th ey are under o v1.r ne r contr ol. It is your responsibility Nation al Conservation Area. a mile wide. lake with sheltered picnic tables, grills, and a campground. Within this 10,000-acre area rises the scenic Angel Peak at to know the exceptions or closu res so call ahead if-you' not sure-son1e designated trails and facilities do not CHAMIS A AND ( G NAC IO CHAVEZ The Rio Grande offers some of the best whitewater CHAI N O F CRATERS BAC K C O UNTRY B Y W AY © Restrooms are available a11 year. Drinking water is seasonal nearly 7 ,000 feet. A short nature trail leads to an overlook aJlov.1 p ets except for assistance dogs. The northern portion of these adjacent WSAs is arid , while boating in New Mexico. The main river and its tributaries, from April-October. of blue and gray shale badlands formed from flood plains The B}'\vay passes th rough El Malpais National Conservation the southern portion consists of a higher plateau dominated particularly the Red River, also provide great opportunities Are Off-Highway Vehicles Allowed? of ancient rivers. Angel Peak has three picnic areas \ Vi th ADA Area. See volcanic cinder cones, sandstone bluffs, explore WILD RIVERS BAC K COUNTRY B Y WAY by pinyon and Ponderosa pines. The Continental Divide Trail for fishing. [n m ost cases, off-h ighway vehicle use is lim ited to exist ng or designated rou tes. Ho v,1ever, som e areas are closed accessible toil ets. The campground has nine sites available hiking trails, and camp in this unique natural setting. High This Back Country Byway is a closed-loop road providing passes through the Ignacio Chavez WSA. The western portion of the Monument, the Taos Plateau, clearance vehicles are suggested. to off-high way vehicles to protect sensitive natu ral reso ce values. For infor mation on pennitting requirements for tent camping. There are ADA accessible restrooms but no is dominated by several large volcanoes that rise 1,000 to access to the Wild Rivers area of the Rio Grande del Norte electric hookups or water. EL MALPAIS National Monument north of Taos. The low-speed, paved for off-high\vay vel1icles, visit: ivivw. ivildlife.state. nrn.us ohvlohv.htm l EL MALPAIS NATIO NAL C O NSERVATIO N 0 2,000 feet above the surrounding plain. This country is home This area is characterized by rugged basalt flows. Grassland, road is about 13 miles long and provides access to the many BISTI/ 0E-NA-ZIN WILDERNESS AREA ( NCA) 505-280-2918 to New Mexico's largest elk herd, making hunting a favorite Is Hunting Available? pinyo n/juniper \Voodland, and open stands of Ponderosa pine scenic vievvs and recreational opportunities. A favorite with photographers for its hoodoo formations, the This "bad country" (El Malpais) includes lava flo\vs, some up to recreation activity in this area . Roads here are unmaintained The New Mexico Department of Gam e and Fish regulat s hunting, fishin g, a nd trapping on public lands. Hunting cover the area. The Continental Divide Trail passes through wilderness is a remote, desolate area of colorful badlands. 800,000 years old. A must-see is La \'entana Arch, a beautiful and can be hazardous "-'hen wet or during the winter months. and trappin g on or n ear d eveloped recreation sites a re o t allow ed . the WSA. Time and natural el emen~ s Ilaire created strange rock forma­ sandstone arch with ea~·"""'"""' Jromu Highway 11 7. The Joe There are two Visitm-Ceafers: wilhin the Monument­ Wilderness Study Areas fff'SA] Can I Collect Pottery Sherds or Arrowheads? tions leaving the area with some of the most unusual scenery Skeen Campground offers 10 campsites with picnic tables, © CH A IN OF CRATERS in the north at Wild Rivers and the other in the south near S A N A N TONIO 0 It is illegal to gather or collect arch aeological or pa leontolQgical arti facts, su ch as arro\vheads, pottery sherds, a nd in New Mexico.
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