.— — .— .---- L/4- dk!”w-3%fJ ‘L*3 c. \ .— .—. —— t LA-UR+4-3982 t-or Reference I I Not to be taken from this room I ..— — ..—. -— I I I 1 1 A PROPOSAL TO EXTEND THE INTENSITY FRONTIER OF N,UCLEAR AND PARTICLE LosAlamos National Laboratory LosAlamos,New Mexico 87545 I . I 1 A PROPOSU TO EXTEND 1 THE INTENSITY FRONTIER OF 1 NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE I PHYSICS TO 45 GeV (WF 11) December 1984 LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY I ! I I I I 1 I I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. STRONG INTERACTION PHYSICS I I 3. ELECTROWEAK INTEIViCTIONS I 4. DESIGN OF THE ACCELEWTORS 5. SCOPE OF THE EXPERIMENTAL AREA FACILITIES 6. COST ESTIMATE ANll SCHEDULE I I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The following committees and individuals made important contributions to this document: SCIENCE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Barry C. Barish California Institute of Technology Val L. Fitch Princeton University Leonard S. Kisslinger Carnegie-Mellon University Alan D. Krisch University of Michigan Malcolm MacFarlane Indiana University Sydney Meshkov National Bureau of Standards Peter Parker Yale University Frederick Reines University of California, Irvine S. Peter Rosen Los Alamos National Laboratory, P-DO Lee C. Teng Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Akihiko Yokosawa Argonne National Laboratory John D. Walecka Stanford University SCIENCE POLICY ADVISORY COMMITTEE - NUCLEAR SUBCOMMITTEE Andrew Bather Indiana University Donald Geesaman Argonne National Laboratory William Gibbs Los Alamos National Laboratory Charles Glashausser Rutgers University Jochen Heisenberg University of New Hampshire Leonard Kissinger Carnegie-Mellon University Malcolm MacFarlane Indiana University Gerald Miller University of Washington Christopher Morris Los Alamos National Laboratory LAMPF 11 ACCELERATOR REVIEW COMMITTEE Lee Teng, Chairman Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Matthew Allen Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Mark Barton Brookhaven National Laboratory Michael Craddock TRIUMF Grahame Rees Rutherford Laboratory Robert Siemann Cornell University Lloyd Smith Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory OTHER PHYSICS COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTORS P. D. Barnes Carnegie-Mellon University M. Chanowitz Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory J. Cronin University of Chicago R. Cutkosky Carnegie-Mellon University J. Deutsch Universit6 de Louvain, Belgium Glennys Farrar Rutgers University A. S. Goldhaber Stony Brook V. Hughes Yale University T. Kalogeropoulos University of Sycracuse E. Lemon Mass. Inst. of Technology H. Lubatti University of Washington D. Marlow Princeton University Benjamin Nefkens University of California, Los Angeles W. Praeg Argonne National Laboratory L. Ray University of Texas R. Redwine Mass. Inst. of Technology F. Reines University of California, Riverside R. Shrock Stony Brook H. White Brookhaven National Laboratory M. Zeller Yale University LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY L. Agnew T. Hirons H. Baer C. Hoffman T. Bhatia E. Hoffman T. Bowles T. Hunter D. Bowman A. Jason A. Brow’man M. Johnson R. Brown G. Lawrence P. Bunch D. Lee E. Bush L.-C. Liu R. Carlini R. Macek P. Carruthers J. McGill P. clout R. Mischke E. Colton C. Morris M. Cooper J. MOSS D. Fitzgerald J.-C. Peng C. Potter M. l?osS C. Friedrichs L. Rosen G. Garvey S. P. Rosen W. Gibbs V. Sandberg B. Gibson G. Sanders T. Goldman R. Silbar D. Hagerman G. Spalek V. Hart R. Stokes A. Harvey D. Strottman W. Haxton H. Thiessen P. Herczeg J. Warren M. Wilson CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We propose to construct and operate LAMPF II, a high-intensity, medium-energy synchrotrons addition to the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. This new facility will o provide the nation-s principal capability to address the frontiers of nuclear physics with an unmatched array of light hadronic probes; @ probe physical regimes beyond the standard model of the strong and electroweak interactions; @ provide unique opportunities to address the quark/gluon frontier in a manner complementary to other forefront facilities in nuclear and particle physics; and * provide key facilities for basic research and education to a generation of scientists in the 1990-s and well into the next century. LAMPF II will consist of 0 a 6-@fl, 170-VA booster accelerator and ● a 45-Gev, 34-vA, 3-Hz main synchrotrons, with a 50% duty factor. The injector accelerator will be the existing 800-MeV, l-mA LAMPF linac. With its relatively high energy and compact emittance, the LAMPF Iinac is superior to any other existing potential injector. A broad array of beams will serve research programs using kaons, pions, protons, antiprotons, muons and neutrinos. These beams will provide the capability to probe the underlying behavior of quarks and gluons in nuclear matter. This is the essential frontier of nuclear science today. It is the extension of the historical development of nuclear physics. The early description of nuclei using only bound nucleons evolved to include the second treatment of nuclear behavior with explicit meson properties. LAMPF has been a key tool in this endeavor. Nuclear science is embracing a third and even more fundamental constituent picture, emphasizing quarks and gluons. To explore the consequences of quark/gluon substructure in nuclei, the field theory of the strong interaction, quantum chromodyna~cs (QCD), is being applied to the nuclear many-body problem. To be sure , all three of these perspectives are required to contribute to the principal endeavor of nuclear physics, a comprehensive understanding of the nucleus and its response to external probes. Indeed, even to attack only the newest frontier requires a complementary set of probes, consisting of high-energy electrons, relativistic heavy ions, and high-energy light hadrons. Electrons are the best projectiles for the study of the response of the charged constituents of nuclei, described by the electromagnetic currents. In the newest picture the charged constituents are the quarks which have charges of 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.-2 December 1984 -1/3 and +2/3 of an electron charge. Electrons interact with nuclear matter primarily through the electromagnetic force. Thus , a very important class of nuclear processes is accessible with electrons, those processes excited by a charged, nonhadronic probe. Nuclei, however, consist of both quarks and gluons. Typically, the quarks carry only about half of the momentum content of nuclear matter. The gluons, which bind the quarks through the color force carry the remainder. Gluons are not electrically charged. Thus , electron probes are unable to directly stimulate a significant class of nuclear responses. High energy collisions of heavy nuclei, produced by relativistic heavy ion accelerators, can create the high-density and high-temperature conditions in nuclear matter in which the many-body modes of quark and gluon behavior can be studied. Heavy ions provide tools to test the gross behavior of this hadronic matter under extraordinary conditions. Relativistic heavy ion collisions can create conditions in which a rich mixture of up and down valence quarks, virtual sea quarks, and color gluons are heated to high temperature or compressed to high density. We propose to provide nuclear physics with a third and complementary tool, light hadrons. The principle advantage of light hadronic probes is selectivity. Like electrons, these probes are charged and therefore are sensitive to electromagnetic properties. Like heavy ions, these probes access both the quarks and gluons. By selecting the appropriate hadron beam, choosing from a menu of kaons, antiprotons, pions, and protons, the experimenter can choose the quark content of the beam and thereby select the nuclear characteristic to be investigated. Opportunities for frontier research with nuclei using a light hadron facility like LAMPF 11 will be unmatched in versatility and the breadth of capabilities offered. While several of the selected programs of science we have identified may be addressed at existing facilities, there is no current prospect anywhere to advance this forefront of nuclear physics in a concerted and timely manner. Isolated programs at high-energy physics accelerators and scattered efforts at other laboratories fall short by a factor of a hundred in the rate at which this research may be advanced. The vitality of nuclear physics in the next generation will depend strongly on a facility with the range of capabilities promised by the LAMPF 11 project. A continuing renaissance in nuclear physics will be within the reach of LAMPF 11. LAMPF 11 will provide the principal facility for the next generation of profound tests of forefront questions in particle physics. The very high-energy facilities now being exploited or planned by the high-energy physics community directly access particular higher mass scales that could provide answers to key questions about the family structure of fundamental particles and the possibility of constructing a unified treatment of the forces of nature. Some or all of the answers sought may lie outside the mass ranges opened by these accelerators. The history of nuclear and subnuclear physics has taught us that sensitive experiments at relatively low energies can often uncover the critical clues of high-energy phenomena. Striking examples exist in which current limits on the rates of many rare decays of muons, pions and kaons, in which family number is not conserved, now provide experimental evidence not possible with high-energy facilities. The current limit on one rare kaon decay can be used to bound the mass of the boson 1.
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