TOWN OF GREATER NAPANEE REGULAR SESSION OF COUNCIL A G E N D A AUGUST 22, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, Town Hall - 124 John St., Napanee Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.1 Adopt Agenda Recommendation: That the Agenda of the Regular Session of Council dated August 22, 2017 be adopted as presented. 3. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. PUBLIC MEETING UNDER THE PLANNING ACT 4.1 Resolution to Convene Public Meeting Recommendation: That the Public Meeting under the Planning Act is hereby convened. 9 - 24 4.2 Applications: Official Plan Amendment Application PLOPMA 2017 036 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application PLZACO 2017 037 Applicant: Red Tree Development Legal Description of Lands: Located at the southern-most point of Reid Street, south of Slash Road and north of Dundas Street W. The lands are legally described as Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, geographic Township of Richmond, now in the Town of Greater Napanee. Effects of Zoning Application: The Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment will permit the proposed residential development of this site including approximately 48 townhouse units and 5 single-detached units, a community centre and pool. 25 - 30 4.3 Petition from Reid Street Residents Re: Access to the Proposed New Red Tree Development Dundas Street 4.4 Resolution to Adjourn Public Meeting Recommendation: That the Public Meeting under the Planning Act is hereby adjourned. 5. PRESENTATIONS 31 5.1 Douglas Reid, President - The Sandhurst Shores Ratepayers' Re: Presentation of a Letter of Thanks for Road Resurfacing Work Page 1 of 238 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - August 22, 2017 Agenda Page completed in 2016 6. DEPUTATIONS 32 - 45 6.1 Nancy Bruinsma Re: Thank you to Council for the Town's support of The Royal Flying Corps & Camp Rathbun 100th Commemorative Event 46 - 49 6.2 Reeve Rick Phillips, Township of Tyendinaga and Maddison Ellis, Youth-2-Youth Planning Committee Member Re: Youth-2-Youth Summit - September 29, 2017 6.3 Council Resolution to Accept Additional Deputations with No Notice, if required. 7. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 50 - 57 7.1 Regular Session of Council - June 27, 2017 Recommendation: That the minutes of the Regular Session of Council dated June 27, 2017 be adopted as presented. 58 - 64 7.2 Special Session of Council - July 18, 2017 Recommendation: That the minutes of the Special Session of Council dated July 18, 2017 be adopted as presented. 8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1. Correspondence for Information 65 - 66 8.1.1 Correspondence for Information items dated - August 22, 2017 Recommendation: That the Correspondence for Information items dated August 22, 2017 be received. 8.2. Correspondence for Action 67 - 72 8.2.1 Dave Hunt - August 14, 2017 Re: Petition from Bridge Street West Residents to Change the Posted Speed Limit on Bridge Street West 73 - 74 8.2.2 KFL&A Public Health - Expanding Protection Against Second- hand Smoke in the KFL&A Region - July 6, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from KFL&A Public Health dated July 6, 2017 regarding expanding protection against second-hand smoke; And further that Council provide direction to staff regarding any action to be taken to amend the Town's smoking by-law to expand the definition of ‘smoke’ and ‘smoking’ to include both tobacco or non-tobacco products that produce smoke or vapour for the purpose of inhaling. 75 - 76 8.2.3 KFL&A Public Health - Provincial-Wide Alcohol Policy to Minimize Page 2 of 238 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - August 22, 2017 Agenda Page Harms - July 6, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from KFL&A Public Health dated July 6, 2017 regarding a province-wide alcohol policy; And further that Council provide direction regarding the request for support from the KFL&A Board of Health for its resolution urging the provincial government to: (i) create a comprehensive province-wide strategy to minimize harms and support the safe consumption of alcohol in Ontario; and (ii) to halt the expansion of alcohol accessibility through increased retail outlets in the absence of an evidence based strategy that minimizes harms and supports the safe consumption of alcohol. 77 - 78 8.2.4 Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Response to Council's Resolution supporting the Municipality of Brockton's resolution regarding the proposed amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act - July 27, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the email correspondence from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry dated July 27, 2017 responding to Council's resolution supporting the Municipality of Brockton's resolution regarding its opposition to a proposed amendment to the Conservation Authorities Act which would require municipal councils to appoint half of their conservation authority board members from scientific backgrounds. 79 8.2.5 Diane Parks - Request for an Area for Dogs to be Off Leash - July 20, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information, the email from Diane Parks dated July 20, 2017 requesting an area to designate for dogs to be off their leash; And further that Council consider the request as part of the upcoming Strategic Plan discussions. 80 8.2.6 Habitat for Humanity - July 26, 2017 Re: Request to Waive Development Fees for Cook's Road Build Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from Habitat for Humanity dated July 26, 2017; And further that Council provide direction regarding the request to waive development fees in the amount of $6, 396.60 for the 2017 build on Cook's Road. 81 - 84 8.2.7 The Terry Fox Foundation - 2017 Annual Terry Fox Run in Greater Napanee - July 27, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Page 3 of 238 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - August 22, 2017 Agenda Page correspondence from the Terry Fox Foundation dated July 27, 2017; And further that Council approve the 2017 Terry Fox Run in Greater Napanee to be held on September 17, 2017, along the route as submitted. 85 - 86 8.2.8 Ministry of Municipal Affairs - Request for Council Feedback regarding the change to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 Bill 68 (Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act, 2017) requiring municipal election candidates to obtain 25 signatures for nominations Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs received August 1, 2017; And further that Council provide feedback to Minister Mauro for the following questions regarding changes to the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 under Bill 68 as requested: 1. Would potential candidates in your municipality have any challenges in fulfilling the requirement to have their nomination endorsed by 25 electors? 2. The Minister of Municipal Affairs now has the authority to provide an exemption from the requirement for municipal council candidates to have their nomination endorsed by 25 electors in a municipality with less than the prescribed number of electors. What number of electors in a municipality is the appropriate threshold for the exemption to apply? 87 8.2.9 Karen Randall Blancher, NDSS - Unveiling of an Honouring the Land: Encircling Culture Medicine Wheel ReconciliACTion Project - August 15, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the email correspondence from Karen Randall Blancher, History/Indigenous Studies teacher at Napanee District Secondary School dated August 15, 2017; And further that Council provide direction regarding Ms. Blancher's request for the Town to participate in an unveiling of their reconciliACTion project in the fall. 88 8.2.10 Napanee BIA - Re: Request to Form an Ad hoc Parking Committee - August 16, 2017 Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from the Napanee BIA dated August 16, 2017; And further that Council provide direction regarding the establishment of an ad hoc Parking Committee with the BIA. 89 - 92 8.2.11 RW Tomlinson Ltd. - Re: Extension of Noise By-law Exemption MTO 2017-4021, CR 41, CNR Selby Creek, Napanee River Page 4 of 238 REGULAR SESSION COUNCIL - August 22, 2017 Agenda Page Structure Recommendation: That Council receive for information the correspondence from RW Tomlinson Ltd. dated August 17, 2017; And further that Council authorize an extension of the noise by- law exemption granted by Resolution Nos. 60/17 and 137/17 to include work on the Highway 41 structure at Highway 401 and to extend the time of the extension for an additional 10 weekdays. 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 93 - 94 9.1 Community & Corporate Services - Request to Close and Convey an Unopened Road Allowance between County Road 2 W and Napanee River Supplemental Report 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 95 - 96 10.1 Pool Task Force Committee Recommendation: That Council receive and adopt the minutes of the Pool Task Force Committee dated September 12, 2016. 97 - 99 10.2 Napanee BIA - Minutes Recommendation: That Council receive and adopt the minutes of the Napanee BIA dated June 21, 2017. 11. STAFF REPORTS 100 - 109 11.1 CAO - Service Area Updates Staff Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Service Area Updates report dated August 22, 2017. 110 - 129 11.2 Infrastructure Services (Planning) - Zoning Amendment PLZACO 2017 025, 127 Milligan Lane (McCully) Planning Recommendation: That Council receive for information the Planning Report from IBI Group dated August 2017 regarding Zoning By-law Amendment Application PLZACO 2017 025, 127 Milligan Lane (McCully); And further that Council approve the zoning by-law amendment, subject to the following conditions: 1. That Council consider and decide on the merits of written and verbal submissions received up to and including the Council meeting; and 2. That should new information be received, or further input received raise points for further consideration, this report and opinion herein be revisited as needed.
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