Colby's not all fun and games. Focus section on p. 6 , _« __ : , : , ; : - : — : i — : : — — - 1 photo by Sharon Labick Overlap group Makin' history meeting cancelled yearshave 9 agreed that it $$n.t. * Golby becameInvolved in -the By Andrea JKrasker anti-trtiststatiniuIyB89.AIlofthe Jtf&WS EPITPR jnfortnatiott tiequlned f romColby ^thejiisdceDep&Ttmentwasseni lhW i U|l|l|li¥#l¥!W ^¥i¥l¥l¥ ^Wl*Wi¥. i ' i ' . I H ' ' ' **** * *** out in October 19$? and "we WhUe under scrutiny from the haven't heard &om them since" justice Department, the "overlap 3aidC-.aer-. gtotip/'ofwHchColbyisam^ £2iy-five colleges- ?m _ ^mder decided; to cancel it$yearly meeting investigation, trtdudlng Bowdom »(J^ttfedfQrUifemonth,acwirdJn§ and Bates-Batesis notamemberof to JRresiderft WiBbm Cotter. the overlapgtofcp. Hie gtoup meets yearly at Catter hopes that the Justice Welles, ey Collegeto- decide an aid Department will come to the packages,, which consist of a <»ndrofonihatth_weri_pg-Wps combination of grants, loans and activities;do not violateanli-tftisfc jdb%.accoft-tiitg to Cotter. law$, and perhap$come tip with The attorneys fop the colleges some gujdeKnes-forthe gt»up. advised thexr clientsnotto hoM the 'The financial aid offwats get meetingtWsyearpendingaieJustlce together to make sure they have ,l_te^rte--a_t'sded_.iottt-g-^ii_g_he underwood theneedsof individual legality of the group uhder theanfci* ian^l^whenth^tst^entsthave toast laws< . „ , „ applied to more than one of the ' "She Justice p_?p_rtmei. t ha$ s^^V^d Cc.^"'' "" j<i_^^estionsi^towh^u^«rxK>t Th.eoverlapgw>up,estaMi^hed itlthetwerlapgtoupjfeSL<^ Iundler itt 1925, consists of 23 a__le$», the sntterast laws/' said Cotter. tw .uding the teadmg liters tote An exuberant Coach Richard Whitmore celebrateswith his son, Kevin Whitmore.'91 (l eft), and Tom Dorian '91 (right) 'Most oi5 &«. $awy<. r$ Whd have colleges u. thecowntryand .heJvy after winning the ECAC title on Saturday. Beating Babson 97-63, Colby is the first team in history to win the title two looked, at it Ithe group) over the years in a row. Runaways call WMHB explores issues in depth Colby home By Doug Hill communicate," said Gruener, who is in charge STAFF WRITER of booking guests. "We want controversy." "We try to get all sides of the issue," said By Andrea Krasker Goldberger, "We're trying to get people to NEWS EDITOR In an effort to think." bring more than just The moderators, Goldberger and Robin alternative music to Lauzon '93, lead the discussion by asking Two runaway teen-agers from New Jersey itslisteners, WMHB questions. "If someone makes a weak briefly found a home on Colby's campus, has a new talk show argument, we might attack it. Otherwise, we spending about three nights sleeping in their called 'In Depth." just let them talk," said Goldberger. car in the Hillside parking lot, and showering Its purpose is to The show takes place in a lounge rather and watching television in the lounge of "discuss issues than a studio so that the guests will be more Williams, according to Mark Van which affect the comfortable. "It's an easier environment," said Valkenburgh, director of safety and security. Maine community lauzon. The two trespassers, a 14-year-old girl and as well as Colby," "I thought of this at the beginning of the a 19-year-old boy were discovered by said Jason year, but no one was interested," said residents of the dorm, and reported on Goldberger '93, Goldberger. The show became a reality when Saturd ay to Charlotte Reece '91, head resid ent manager of WMHB Gruener became interested and agreed to of Williams; and one of the produce it. The first show, a discussion of the "I think people had been noticing them moderators of the Gulf War, was held on Feb. 12. since Friday and they just assumed that they show. Topics have The guests on the Health Forum show werc were somebody's friends," said Recce. included the Gulf Dr. Mark Silver; Dr. Peter Laliberty, a dentist; Reece called Joyce McPhetres Maisel, War, a health forum KimHalle,anurse;and Dr. AlanHume, medical associate dean of students, who informed on the 90's, dircctoratColby.Theydiscusseda widcvaricty Security of the two trespassers. censorship of music of important health issues in the 90's including Officers went out to the parking lot and lyrics, and abortion. care for the elderly, AIDS, date rape, medical looked through cars and found them," said "It's different," ethics, and general trends in health care. Van Valkenburgh. "We called the Waterville said Goldberger. Gruener encouraged listeners to call in and police, who called the New Jersey State "Ninety-five ask questions. The questions will be written Police." percent of the stuff down and given to the guests rather than There was a bulletin out for the teens, who on WMHB is broadcast directly. Listeners can also call to had been missing from New Jersey for four music." suggest topics or to express interest in being a days, according to Van Valkenburgh. "Wc have to find guest on the show. * The girl was held at the Waterville Police people Igucsts) who "In Depth" is on Mondays from 8 p.m. until Station to wait for her parents, according to hol b Tara 7«upkr have a definite 9 p.m. Tlie ncxt topic will be nuclear waste with Van Valkenburgh, and the boy was let go. Robin Lauzon and Jason V ° V guest James Fleming, visiting assistant "We issued a trespass warning to keep Goldberg moderate aWMIili talkshow on abortion. position on an issue which they can professor of science-technology.Q himoffourcampus," said Van Valkcnburgh.Q News and Fea tures liaison, and Foreman. howyoufeeL" . Radiorama will last until 12 midnight on March 17. (D.H.) Lichterfeld Thomas and her News Briefs | husband, Richard CNN Kmited to Fishbowl Thomas, . are expecting their first Despitethewidespread supportforCNNinthestudentoenter, child in mid-July. CNN is not available elsewhere because the wiring is very Mr. Thomas is a Studentfound guilty oomplicated,aooordingto Ken Gagnon, director of administrative clinical psychologist At a J-Board hearing on March 10 a Colby student was found services. in Waterville, where guilty of four charges related to drug possession, according to The wiring, which was set up quickly because of the weir, he runs his own Mark Serdjenian, associate dean of students. comes in througji the satellite dish by the football field and runs private practice. ' The defendant, a Drummond resident, was charged with through three buildings before the signals reach the Student After the baby's failure tocomply withSecurity, violationof quiet hours, possession Center. The Spa is not wired in. Wiring to the Spa would be the arrival, Lichterfeld of drug paraphernalia, and possession of useable amounts of same as wiring to a completely separate building, said Gagnon. Thomas will take an marijuana. He was found guilty of all charges, said Serdjenian. Consultants are coming to reviewColb y's wiring situation in eight -w e e k but for now Sanctions against the student, approved by Dean of Students view of futurecable expansion, according to Gagnon, maternity leave. Janice Seitzinger earlier this week, include disciplinary probation students will haveto be content gettingtheirnewsinthe HshbowL Upon her return to through May,a $50 fine, and drug evaluation through the Seton (E.C.) work at Colby, she UnitattheMid-MaineMedicalCenter. The studentwill also write said she. will be a letter of apology to fellow Dnimmond residents for disturbing Circle K dub gets thud lace "looking for baby- quiet hoursandaignacontractwiththedeanofstudentspromiang p sitters throughout the 1991 fall semester." (J.F.) no further involvement with drugs while enrolled at Colby, At an awardsbrunch on Sat, Feb.23 in Peabody, MA, Colby's according to Serdjenian. (L.P.) Circle K Club was awarded third place in the club achievement Charity Ball a success, again competition against clubs from all over New England. * Amidst pink and grey balloons and twinkling white lights, The brunch was part of a weekend-long convention that about 450 people danced to the rhythm of Colby's T. S. Jazz last included workshops, district elections and social events. Friday to benefit Waterville's homeless. Conaty not guilty Individuahawards were also administered at the convention. TheColbyVolunteerGrouphosted theblack-tieaffairinorder John Conaty'93 was found not guilty at his trial on Feb. 1. He Dave Unruh 91, president of Circle K, was recognized as to raise money for the establishment of a permanent shelter was charged with theft of a wrench from Ames in the Concourse. outstanding officer of the year for setting up a club at Colby.Jane downtown. The party grossed approximately $4500, with Sellers "I knew from the start that it wasn't a problem because I never DeStafano *92 came in second place in the outstanding member contributing $1000 worth of hors d'oeuvres and Stu-A donating left the store, and I knew I wasn't guilty," said Conaty. Conaty category. $350 in decorations, according to Paul Diamond '91, head of the wished that thecharge had been kept private because "it wasn't a CircleK is a volunteer service organization at colleges in the Colby Volunteer Group. big deal." (R.F.) U.S. and in six other countries. Members raise money for charities "I haven't had anv oomolaints vet." said Diamond. "We had and help those in need through service projects. Colby's chapter raisedover$600forthe!_iwamsPediatricTrax-n-a_hstitutethrough WMHB raising money funds raised from the Winter Carnival. (J.D.) Newsflashes in Student Center An electronic moving message board now hangs over the entrance to the Student Center as a result of a bargain Student Association President Shawn Crowley struck with Sales Caster Inc. Crowley obtained the sign from the factory on a free trial basis, said Tullio Nieman, director of Student Activities.
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