ISSUE NOT PUBLISHED The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S ODDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPDE READ "HERB.SHALL THE PEjfSS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED SY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY CAIN. ’ » e VOLUMN XLVIII. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CARQtiNA 1 W EDNESDAY JA NU ARY 8, 1947. NUMBER 2 3 NEWSOF LONG AGO. Whal We Never Regret What Is A Maos Profit What Nathan Forgot One Strike We Favor Seen Along Main Street Rev. Walter K. Isenhonr. Hiddenite. N. C. fEditoriaMiy W Allem White in A questionnaire sent out to man­ Elkia Tribune. Br The Street Rambler. ■ Vlat Waa Happeaiai In Davia We ne'er regret a kindness shown Emporia Gazette, Aug. igoi) ufacturers all over the country by This department has often dis­ 000000 Befara Tla New Deal UaeJ Up Tofoe or friend or cbrim; Theotherdav in Pmporia, the the magazine'Mill-and Factory ef­ cussed its /opposition to harmful Bill Hoots motoring south with longest fonernl procession that has He Alphabet, DrawoaJ Tie We n^’er regret good, seed we’ve fectively refutes, the Nathan re St ikes on the part of Jabdr,.strikes pretty companion—George Hend- sown formed in ten years followed John port to ^hilip Mhrrav that , be­ which hurt and cripple tlfe conn, , ricks busy taking down Qiristmas Haga and Plowed Up Tie When harvest time has come; Jones three long miles in the hot cause the earningSjof all corpora­ try’s economy and work hardship decorations—Brideand groom in ' We ne’er regret the patience used July sun ont to D ry Crelrk Ceme. tions in the country add up to ap­ upon thousands of innocent citi front of bus station waiting on Gatteo nod Caro. te rv .. In times of sorest test; proximately $ 1 2 billion,-each indi zens. But one strike with wTiich east-bound bus—David Lybrook (Davie Record, Jan. 2,1924.) . Now a funeral procession may We ne’er regret the wrongs refused vidnal ,corporation must he prapor we are in complete sympathy is talking to friends in front of bank Cotton ia ?4k cents. mean little or much. When a rich When God gives ns the best. tionately prosperous, and can. con­ that which was staged recently by —Gossip Qub members trying to Howard Poole spent a few days and powerful man dies, people play We ne’er regret the choice we make sequently, afford the wage increas- teachers in one of the nation’s lar­ sign up new members—Popular with relatives in CSiarlotte the past politics and attend his funeral for When it is truly right; es that the C.I.O. will demand. ger cities. undertaker motoring around town week. various reasons. But here was the Mr Nathan apparently - forgets It.is to no one’s credit that our in brand new auto—Knox John­ Clasence Henilridcs made a bu­ We ne’er regret the wav we take body of a meek, -getitle little old That leads us in the light; that the total business of tbis coun teachers, here as well as elsewhere, stone getting ready to leave for siness trip to Sampson county man—a man ’''without purse or Irv is done by snnib 4 2 0 ,0 0 0 corpo­ are so badly paid that it is a down, State capitol—Sheriff Paul Foster last week. We ne’er regret our silence when scrip.” It. won't ■'take twenty rations qf all sizes and dealing in right disgrace. Teachers, who mus' in consultation with new deputy D .K McClamtochl of Leaks- We’re tempted strong to speak minutes to settle his estate In pro­ A word to hurt our fellowmen, all kinds of prod nets: In assum train through long years to meet —Misses. Bobbie Gean and Go- viBe, spent die holidays with re­ bate court He was a preacher of Thoughthey be strongor weak, iue that all of those' corporations tbe reqairethents of their import­ lean Smith Iookingover New Year . latives on R. 2. the gospel — bnt preachers., have shared in.the. Profits he quotes, Mr. ant profession, are in many inscan mail— M t . and .Mrs. Thurman Miss May Neely, of the Orien­ We ne’er regret the prayers we pray been buried before this in Emporia Nathan is taking in entirely too ces paid much less than t lie com­ Miller lunching in . local cafe— tal school faculty, is here for the That reach our God above; without much show of sorrow mnch tern terv. mon laborer, who needs oniy bra »n Long line of young and old folks holidays. I We ne'er regret Or mourn the day . The reason so. many people-iined The National City Bank of New and a few simple tools to plv bis lined up on sidewalk waiting, to Dick Brencgar1 of Concord, was We giae all men our love; up behind the hearse that.held tbe Yorkt -Using United States Treasury trade And the nnusual naft of r get into theatre—Young man be­ here last week visiting His parents We ne’er regret the years of time hearse that held the kind old man's figures on this point, shows that an is, everyone recognizes the impor - ing gently assisted Jnto auto. a fewdays. We give to meo and God; mortalitp' was simple: they. loved average yeer only slightly mote ant part teachers play in the' edu­ Knox Johnstone, a student at We ne’er regret the upward climb him! He devoted his' life to help­ than 5 0 per' cent 1 f the 4.20 ,0 0 0 cation And'gnidance of our 'coun Odb Bottle of Beer Davidson College, was in town In paths that saints have' trod. ing'people. In a very simple way, corporations operate at a profit. try’s children, yet although we for die holidays. We ne’er regret the noble stand without money pr worldly .power, The others operate at a deficit. talk atont it a great deal, and He. That’s all they, had—Just- one William LeGrand, a knight of We take for righteous troth; he gave of the gentleness of his This year, those operating at de- plore it to high heaven, we do - Ii'- bottle of beer apiece. But they the grip, spent Christmas in town We ne’er regret the helping hand heart to all around him ficitis or with extremely narrow tlc or nothing about it. - were only sixteen years old and with home folks. We giw tc age or youth; We are apt to say money, talks, margins of profits are tbe vary ones O ne would think tbe education that one bottle did its deadly Miss Bonnie Brown, of Greens­ We ns’er regret the good we do but it speaks a broken, poverty in which the C.I O’, plans to make of our children would be of major' work. Walking along tbe Nickel boro, spent Qiristmas here with To bless our fellowmen. stricken language. Hearts talk its. demands.for higher wages But importance to everyone - Yetwhen Plate railrdod tracks, they got her parents. And when to God we make it thru better, clearer and with wider in­ -the C I 0. is organized in the form -legislatures meet. it’s, usually the sleepy and curled up on the right- Miss Margaret Meroney, who We’ll not regret It then. telligence. Tbis man with the soft of labor monopolies. ft cannot, highways or some other project of-way. When the freight train holds a position in Greenville, N. voice and kindly manner knew tbe therefore, call for wage increases that gets the big money while the rumbled down upon them they C., is visiting her parents here. Snow FarauiIg language oMhe heart and spoke it. in the profitable units and not in teachers continue to go begging as awoke befuddled and only one R H. Woodruff, of Gadsden, where it would give zest to joy. He bOy escaped. (Greenville, S. C.. News) the unprofitable ones. By the very far as salaries are concerned. AIav was here visiting home folks worked manfully and with a will Just a bottle of beer apiece, and The newspaper wages haxe been nature of its monopoly it mug call Anyone who remembers the pro. during die holidays. in his seusion of the vineyard, and for uniform increases in all units, bicm faced in seeming sufficient a high old time—but there was Miss Lillian Mooney spent the making light remarks about the against odds and discouragements mourning in three homes in Ham­ man made snowstorms made pos­ regardless of their -ability to pay. teachers here, this fall to comple’f- week-end with relatives at Hunt­ he won time and again. He . was mond, Ind. And the- Iiqupr in­ sible by recently annonnded elec­ On rhis poin' the Sutvev by Mill faculty Tolls, wilt realize that the ersville and Davidson. infinitely patient., and brave. He terests make out their income Out tronic devicesl and Factory shows that only .five taachlng profession is plagued with M iss -Bmma Chaffin, a member held a simple, old fashioned" faith, reeeipts! Bnt it seems that manufactured per cent of the manufacturersqner. shortages like everything else. And of die Trinity school faculty, was in God and bis loving.kindness.- snow is- being recognized as pos- ied admitted that production had the reason, it has been' said, is he here for die holidays; ..' When others gave money—which Temptation riblc boon to dry farming regions improved enough to enable them to cause, many teachers fed up with Morris .Allison who holds a po­ was of their store—he gave prayers, The nice old I^dy smiled; at .
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