THE COLONIST. Vol. I.] DEMICR AR A, THURSDAY, DECEMBER II, 1823. [No. 27. ■rea.-si I i m/hiTilini G. O. FOR HIRE, FOR LONDON, Adjutant-General’s Office, . HE BUILDINGS situate on Lot No. 58, near to the House an ^ie ^th of January, Head-Quarters, Georgetown, December Q, 1823. T of A. Walstab, Esq. in Werk-en-Rust district, (lately be­ The fine Ship RICHARD, longing to, and occupied by, J. Horsley, dec.) comprising1 Ona Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 11th, 12th, and 13th of James Williamson, Master. For Passage only* IS Excellency the Commander-in-Chief has been pleased to0 Dwelling-House, with two halls below, and two chambers above,> December, by order of Campbell, M‘Kenzie, and Co. at their apply to Captain Williamson, or H make the following Promotions in the Demerara Militia“- with front and back galleries ; recently repaired and painted. A Store, without reserve, ' ' M‘DONALD, EDMONSTONE, and Co. range of Side Buildings, containing a good brick kitchen and oven, INED and unlined jackets, women’s wrappers, oznaburg pet­ 11th December, 1823. RIFLE CORPS, and five comfortable negro rooms, also in good order; with two wa- ticoats, Russia duck and blue trowsers, red flannel and check ter vats. For particulars, apply on the Premises. Second Lieutenant Alexander Shepherd, to be First Lieute­ Lshirts, tradesmen’s and negro hats, large sized blankets, strong linen FOR LIVERPOOL, nant. 8th December, 1823. checks, Strelitz oznaburgs, chambreys, Irish linen and diaper, mull leave the Bar on the 20th December, Sergeant Andrew Davidson, to be Second Lieutenant, vice■e ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ -—- and jaconet muslins, flounced muslin dresses, furniture chintz, The Ship CORNWALL, R. Morrison, Master. Shepherd, promoted. HE Subscriber begs leave to announce to his Friends and the> fancy muslins, ginghams, calicoes, seersuckers, cotton shirting, linen For Freight or Passage, having excellent accom-* John Pearce, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. Public in general, that he has re-opened the “ COLUM­. bed tiqk, table diapers, York stripe, India jeans, dimities, Prince’s modation, apply to Captain Morrison on board, or to T 'Cord, platillas, Britannias, huckaback, brown holland, white and By Command, BIAN HOTEL.” • M'DONALD, EDMONSTONE, and Co; FRED. KENT. yellow nankeens, Bandanna and Barcelona handkerchiefs, blue J. R. BRANDT, Lieut.-Col. <£ Adjt. Gen. M. F. 4th December, 1823. 8th December, 1323. Rorhals, Matdras, Balasore, and cambric ditto, musquito netting, cotton hammocks, cotton socks and stockings, cotton shawls, black silk stockings, bombazeen and bombazette, black crape, China crape FOR LIVERPOOL, MADEIRA WINE. ONG LEAF TOBACCO, in hogsheads, tierces, and barrels shawls and scarfs, silk and cotton umbreljas, ladiee’ parasols, black The Ship BOLTON, W. Bathgate, Master, TRADESMEN’S CLOTHING assorted and blue cloth coats and vests, black, blue, and fancy coloured L NEGRO ditto / To Sail the Second ^Springs in Janiukry. THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, trowsers, Welsh flannel, English rose blankets, gentlemen’s beaver- Tor Freight or Passage, apply to MESS and PRIME BEEF in barrels and half-barrels, hats, boys’ and girls’ ditto, mess beef and pork in whole and half Consignment of CHOICE LONDON PARTICULAR EDWARD DAWSON. T Kegs of BEEF,^picked pieces, and barrels, ox tongues, butter in firkins, pease, barley, and oatmeal in MADEIRA, at the very reduced price of Three Hundred 17th November, 1823; A d PORK in barrels jugs; spermaceti and tdlow candles, brown soap, paint and oils, and Fifty Guilders per Hogshead. The above will be sold very reasonable for Cash or Produce. stationary assorted, mull tallow, coopers’ and carpenters’ tools, an­ -irA FOR LIVERPOOL^ ” NURSE, TROUGHTON, and Co. chors, cambooses, cordage, hoes, shovels, and cutlasses; Madeira, H. O. SEWARD and Co. The Brig ELEANOR, J. Young, Master. 11th Dec$«nber, 1823. old Port Wine, Claret, Frontignac, Bucellus, Burgundy, Cham- paigne, &c. This Vessel having fully one half of her Caigo al- S. A. GOODMAN. ready engaged, will be despatched on the 14th of THE SUBSCRIBERS WANTED TO HIRE, January. For Freight of Sugar, Coffee, or Cotton, please apply to the Master on board, or Have imported per brig Hedleys, J. Crockley, Master, from SIX GOOD COQPERS, who will get liberal wages, and a re­ On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 15th, 16th, London, - 1 gular weekly allowance. 17th, and 18th December, by order of Nurse, Troughton, and PATTINSON, CHEVELEY, and Co. N Extensive and General Assortment of PLANTATIONST '• 8th December, 1823. Co; at their Stores, in Robb’s-street— 1st December, 1823. STORES, NEGRO CLOTHING^ DRY GOODS,5, ------------------------------------------------ !------------- :------------------------- HE Following CHOICE ASSORTMENT of GOODS, A FOR- LIVERPOOL, FURNITURE, &c. &c. ; which they will sell at very reducedd NOTICE. T viz.— 3 Bleached and brown dowlas in large and small pieces, fine and T.o Sail the 12th January, prices. LL PERSONS having CLAIMS against? the late Graves NURSE, TROUGHTON, and Co. ’ coarse osnaburgs, white Ind brown Russia sheeting, Russia drill, he CL Chamney, deceased, are kindly requested to send them in, T First Class Brig RICHARD, Aas soon as possible, to the Undersigned, At the Store now occupied, Irish linens in whole andfhalf pieces, French cambrics,' long lawns, Jno. Bamber, Master; >. by him.’ bed sheeting, printed calicoes and muslins, cotton cambrics, fine has griat part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Passage, ap­ ■On board said vessel, to be sold a great bargain, if taken imme­ jaconet, striped, mull, bopk, leno, hair cord, cross-bar, and flowered ply to the Master, on board, or to diately from alongside : O. BRENNAND, Acting Deliberating Executor to the Estate of. muslins, India dimity, fine jean, jeannette, satteen, and florentine JAMES LAING. for pantaloons, white Marseilles, fine huckaback, large and small 50 Large New Hogsheads Building Lime , - Graves C. Chamney? , table cloths, huckaback, diaper, and damask towels, Doyley’s 20,000 Best Grey Stock Bricks A Georgetown, 4th Dec. 1823. ■ IMPORTED in said brig, 2,000 Welsh Paving Tiles clouting and diaper towelling, fine and coarse bombazetfes and bom- bazeens, black crape, black China silks and lustrings, rich China COALS in new hogsheads, and 50,000 BRICKS—which will 30 Barrels Butch Terras DRIFTED, be disposed of on reasonable terms, deliverable alongside. 30 Barrels Roman Cement. ' ' crapes, crape dresses, shawls and scarfs, elegantly embroidered do., From the Ship Venus, on the Night of the 2nd Instant, coloured silks in dress patterns, Bandannas, black and coloured RUM, Colony proof, will be received in payment. 13th November, 1823. China silk handkerchiefs, tucked, flounced, and embroidered robes, 11th December, 1823. JOLLY BOAT, belonging to the Ship New Volunteer, painted black on the outside, and green inside, and had in her’ fashionable figured and plain neck cloths, threads and tapes assorted, FOR LONDON, A ladies’, gentlemen’s, youths’, and children’s fine cotton stockings, ~ 1 Trunk addressed to “ Miss Knight, care of Charles Richardson, To Sail 12th January, £ plain and ribbed black and white silk ditto, white and yellow Nor­ On board the Ship THORNE, Captain Hume— Esq. 22, Prince’s-street, Rotherhtihe, London,” and one bag of The First Class Brig STEEL, way doe, buck skin, and military gloves, ladies* fasliionably trim- g Clothes, one dozen Wine, six Chairs, two kegs and one jug of Rum, M‘Donald, Master. AAA T IVERPOOL BRICKS, loo New MOLASSES ’ med straw bonnets, misses’ and children’s ditto, ladies’ black beavers, CASKS, a quantity of Fruit, and many other little articles. Any Person ZUyUUU Xu T planters’ black and drab broad rimmed hats, gentlemen’s and chil- Having the greater part of her Cargo engaged, will take Freight at 30 Large New SUGAR HOGSHEADS; having picked np the same will be suitably rewarded by delivering them to ’ dren’s fashionable beaver ditto, green silk umbrellas, white and current rate. Application for wliich, or Passage, to be made to which will be sold very cheap if taken from alongside immediately.0 JOHN B0MMEL, Branch Pilot. yellow India nankeens, blue and white salempores, Strelitz osna­ the Master cn board, or to Cumingsburg, 4th Dec. 1823. - ■‘J burgs, men’s fashionable black and blue broad cloth coats and JAMES LAING. NURSE, TROUGHTON, and Co. _ coatees, black end blue cassimere pantaloons, fine white jean and 10th November, 1823. Robb’s-street, 11th December, 1823. PICKED UP, Florentine ditto; rich black silk and cassimere vests, white and ------------------------------ - - ---- -- ■ ■>___________________ __ coloured Marseilles ditto, corded dimity, black and blue broad FOR LIVERPOOL, Yesterday, in front of Pl. Thomas’ Buildings, THE SUBSCRIBERS cloths and kerseymeres, fine and coarse flannel, planters’ strong The Brig EUROPE, H. J. Reavely, Master. PUNT, which will be delivered to the Owner on applying toa buckle shoes, dress and half dress ditto, Cossack and Wellington For Freight (which will be taken at a low rate) or1 offer for sale, A the Manager of Pl. Thomas, and paying for this Advertise-- boots, sole and pump leather, tradesmen’s lined jackets, unlined lyr^TillW Passage, please apply to the Master, on board, or HE CARGOES of the Brigs Catherine, from Norfolk, Vir­ [•_ mer.t. ditto, boys’ ditto, women’s and girls wrappers, osnaburgs and pen- O. BRENNAND, nistqne petticoats, blue and duck trowsers, red flannel and check T ginia, and Visitor, from Bath, U. S. consisting of— 4th December, 1823. At the Store of the late G. C. Chamney, dec. White Pine Boards, Plank, and Scantling _ shirts, negro hats, tradesmen’s ditto, Kilmarnock caps, Scotch bon­ MTNROY, SA.NDBACH, and Co. nets, stout blue pennistone, linen and cotton check, best hogskin Who offers for Sale— BRICKS, LIME, and COALS, received Norfolk Inspection Red Oak Staves by the above Vessel, which will be disposed of cheap for Cash or Ditto ditto White Oak Staves. saddles, single and double reined bridles, gig harness, hoes, cut­ Have received by the Ship Boode, from Liverpool, lasses, shovels, adzes, axes, nails, two tons puncheon and vat hoops Produce.
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