No d’Ordre : D.U. 2593 UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL U.F.R. Sciences et Technologies ECOLE DOCTORALE DES SCIENCES FONDAMENTALES No 830 THESE présentée pour obtenir le grade de DOCTEUR D’UNIVERSITE Spécialité : Géochimie - Volcanologie Par : KÜLAHCI DOĞAN G. Deniz Master Le volcanisme basaltique post-collisionnel d’Anatolie Centrale Etude chronologique, magmatologique et géochimique Evolution spatio-temporelle Soutenue publiquement le 1 Septembre 2015, devant le commission d’examen President : LE PENNEC Jean-Luc Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand Rapporteur : GUILLOU Hervé LSCE CEA-CNRS- Gif-Sur-Yvette Rapporteur : SEYİTOĞLU Gürol Université d'Ankara - Ankara Examinateur : KÜRKÇÜOĞLU Biltan Université Hacettepe- Ankara Examinateur : MURATÇAY VAROL Elif Université Hacettepe- Ankara Directeur de thèse : TEMEL Abidin Université Hacettepe- Ankara Co-directeur de thèse : GOURGAUD Alain Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand Le volcanisme basaltique post-collisionnel d’Anatolie Centrale Etude chronologique, magmatologique et géochimique Evolution spatio-temporelle Résumé Cette thèse est consacrée à la caractérisation pétrologique et géochimique des basaltes quaternaires post-collisionnels d’Anatolie centrale (strato-volcans Erciyes et Hasandağ et volcanisme dispersé d'Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar), en se focalisant sur l’évolution spatio-temporelle de ce magmatisme de la Cappadoce (Turquie). Par la géochronologie K-Ar, la coexistence de basaltes alcalins et calco-alcalins a été démontrée, parfois dans un même lieu et à la même époque. Par ailleurs, nos résultats montrent aussi que ces basaltes peuvent être très jeunes (quelques milliers d’années seulement). La minéralogie des basaltes quaternaires de la Cappadoce est la suivante : plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxène, orthopyroxène et oxydes (magnétite, ilménite). Pourtant, seuls les basaltes de l’Erciyes contiennent de l’orthopyroxène, alors que ceux du Hasandağ et du volcanisme dispersé d’Obruk-Zengen et de Karapınar en sont dépourvus. Les phénocristaux de plagioclases présentent souvent des figures de déséquilibre, attribuées au processus de mélange magmatique : zonages complexes (normaux, inverses, oscillatoires), richesse en inclusions vitreuses, figures de résorption. Toutefois, la minéralogie observée est compatible avec un processus de cristallisation fractionnée dominant. Les géobaromètres utilisés montrent que l’origine des magmas de l’Erciyes est plus superficielle que celle des autres sites. Les résultats en géochimie confirment la dualité minéralogique observée entre l’Erciyes et les autres secteurs, ainsi que les caractères alcalins (néphéline normative) et calco- alcalins de basaltes parfois contemporains. Tous les basaltes étudiés sont enrichis en LREE et LILE. Les données isotopiques (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) montrent l’importance de la source lithosphérique enrichie. L’ensemble des données géochimiques montre aussi la signature d’autres sources et processus comme la contamination par la croûte continentale et l’héritage d’une ancienne subduction. Mots Clés: Turquie, Anatolie Centrale, post-collisionnel, Quaternaire, basaltes, âge K-Ar, minéralogie, pétrologie, géochimie. Chronological, magmatological and geochemical study of post-collisional Basaltic volcanism in Central Anatolia and Its spatio-temporal evolution Abstract This thesis revealed the petrological and geochemical characterization of post-collisional Quaternary basalts of Central Anatolia (Erciyes and Hasandağ stratovolcanoes, and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar), focusing on the spatiotemporal evolution of the magmatism in Cappadocia (Turkey). K-Ar geochronology indicated the coexistence of alkaline and calc-alkaline basalts from the same location and age. Moreover, the results also show that these basalts may be very young (a few thousand years). The mineralogy of Quaternary basalts from the Cappadocia is as follows: plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and oxides (magnetite, ilmenite). Orthopyroxene is observed only in basalts of Erciyes, while it is lacking in Hasandağ and dispersed volcanisms of Obruk-Zengen and Karapınar. The plagioclase phenocrysts often exhibit disequilibrium features attributed to magma mixing process: complex zoning (normal, inverse, oscillatory), concentric zones rich in melt inclusions, resorption features. However, the observed mineralogy is consistent with a dominant fractional crystallization process. The estimated geobarometer show that the origin of magmas of Erciyes is shallower than the other settings. The results in geochemistry confirm not only the mineralogical duality between Erciyes and the other settings but also the coexistence of alkaline (normative nepheline) and calc- alkaline characters of contemporary basalts. All studied basalts are enriched in LREE (Light Rare Earth Elements) and LILE (Large Ion Lithophile Elements). The isotopic data (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) indicate the importance of enriched lithospheric source. All geochemical data also display the signature of other sources and processes such as contamination by the continental crust and heritage of a former subduction. Keywords: Turkey, Central Anatolia, post-collisional, Quaternary, basalts, K-Ar age, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry. Orta Anadolu’daki çarpışma sonrası bazaltik volkanizmanın kronolojik, Magmatolojik ve jeokimyasal incelemesi, Zamansal ve mekansal evrimi Özet Bu tez Orta Anadolu’daki (Erciyes ve Hasandağ stratovolkanları ile Obruk-Zengen ve Karapınar dağınık volkanizmaları) çarpışma sonrası Kuvaterner bazaltlarının petrolojik ve jeokimyasal özelliklerini ortaya koymuş, Kapadokya’daki magmatizmanın zamansal- mekansal evrimine odaklanmıştır. K-Ar jeokronolojisi, aynı konum ve yaşta olan alkali ve kalkalkali bazaltların birlikte varolduğuna işaret etmektedir. Ayrıca, sonuçlar bu bazaltların çok genç (bir kaç bin yıl) olabileceklerini göstermiştir. Kapadokya’daki Kuvaterner bazaltlarının mineralojisi aşağıdaki gibidir: plajiyoklaz, olivin, klinopiroksen, ortopiroksen ve oksitler (manyetit, ilmenit). Ortopiroksen sadece Erciyes bazaltlarında görülürken, Hasandağ ve Obruk-Zengen ve Karapınar volkanizmalarında yoktur. Plajiyoklaz fenokristalinin çoğunlukla dengesiz özellikler göstermesi magma karşım sürecine işaret etmektedir: karmaşık zonlanma (normal, ters, osilasyonlu), eriyik kapanımlarınca zengin konsantrik zonlar, soğurulma özellikleri. Bununla birlikte, gözlemlenen mineraloji, baskın fraksiyonel kristallenme süreciyle de uyumludur. Hesaplanan jeobarometre Erciyesideki magma kökeninin diğer yerlerden daha sığ’da yer aldığını göstermektedir. Jeokimyasal sonuçlar Erciyes ve diğer yerlerin sadece mineralojik farklılığını değil, aynı zamanda yaştaş alkali ve kalkalkali bazaltların birlikteliğini de ortaya koymuştur. Çalışılan tüm bazaltlar LREE (Hafif Nadir Toprak Elementler) ve LILE’ce (İri Katyonlu Litofil Elementler) zengindirler. İzotopik veriler (Sr, Nd, Pb, O) zenginleşmiş litosferik kaynağın önemini göstermiştir. Tüm jeokimyasal veriler ayrıca kıtasal kabuk ve daha önceki bir dalma-batmanın kalıntısı ile kontaminasyon gibi süreçleri ve başka kaynakların izlerini de göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Orta Anadolu, çarpışma sonrası, Kuvaterner, bazaltlar, K-Ar yaşı, mineraloji, petroloji, jeokimya. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) for financial support during my research, Research Project No: 109Y064. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisors Prof. Dr. Abidin TEMEL in Turkey and Prof.Dr. Alain GOURGAUD in France for the continuous support, motivation, and immense knowledge during my Ph.D study and related research. Besides my advisors, I would like to thank Dr. Catherine DENIEL. Her guidance helped me while researching for and writing this thesis in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Prof.Dr.Gürol SEYİTOĞLU, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Biltan KÜRKÇÜOĞLU, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Elif VAROL MURATÇAY, Dr.Hervé GUILLOU and Dr. Jean-Luc LE PENNEC for their insightful comments and encouragement. My sincere thanks also goes to Prof.Dr. Nilgün GÜLEÇ, who supported me throughout my thesis and made constructive criticism to make my manuscript better. I would like to thank Dr. Christian Pin who always smiled when he saw me at the lab, and gave his positive energy. I am also grateful to my friend Assis.Prof.Dr. Altuğ Hasözbek who supported me throught this thesis. My dear “la salle des thésards a Clermont-Ferrand” friends Aude de la Rupelle Asmaa Boujibar, Amelie Didier, Baptiste Debret, Oscar Laurent, Gareth-Engille Mae-Pagucian Fabro, Yannic Guéhenneux, Camille Tiécar, Wu Jia, Elodie Brothelande, Manon Hardigon, Gabrielle Menard and Sarah B. Cichy. Thank you very much for your friendship and many things that make me happy... Je t’embrasse trés trés fort! I am also grateful to Dr.Marie-Christine Gerbe, Jean-Luc Devidal, Mhammed Benbakkar, Chantal Bosq, Delphine Auclair, Eric Brut and Verenique Gimmenez. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Burcu Üstün, Sevgi Telsiz, Burcu Kahraman, Yağmur İnal Emiroğlu, Tahir İnan Turan, Erman Özsayın, İnan Ulusoy, and Evren Çubukçu. If “Çokyılmaz Family” were not in Clermont-Ferrand probaby I would have been cold during my stay at the dormitory. You are very special for me... Thank you very much! Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: my parents (Naime-H.Hüseyin) and to my brother (Cem) for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and
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