Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 19 / Friday, January 29, 2016 / Notices 5019 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In may review the information collection Title: Tribal Self-Governance accordance with the December 12, 1988 request online at http:// program, 25 CFR part 1000. court order in National Coalition for the www.reginfo.gov. Follow the Brief Description of Collection: The Homeless v. Veterans Administration, instructions to review Department of the Self-Governance program is authorized No. 88–2503–OG (D.D.C.), HUD Interior collections under review by by the Tribal Self-Governance Act of publishes a Notice, on a weekly basis, OMB. 1994, Public Law 103–413 (the Act), as amended. Indian Tribes interested in identifying unutilized, underutilized, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: excess and surplus Federal buildings entering into Self-Governance must and real property that HUD has I. Abstract submit certain information as required reviewed for suitability for use to assist The Office of Self-Governance is by the Act. In addition, those Tribes and the homeless. Today’s Notice is for the seeking renewal of the approval for Tribal consortia that have entered into purpose of announcing that no information collection Tribal Self- Self-Governance funding agreements additional properties have been Governance Program, as required by the will be requested to submit certain determined suitable or unsuitable this Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The information as described in 25 CFR part week. information collected will be used to 1000. This information will be used to Dated: January 21, 2016. establish requirements for entry into the justify a budget request submission on their behalf and to comport with section Brian P. Fitzmaurice, pool of qualified applicants for Self- Governance and to meet reporting 405 of the Act that calls for the Director, Division of Community Assistance, Secretary to submit an annual report to Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs. requirements of the Tribal Self- Governance Act. the Congress. [FR Doc. 2016–01513 Filed 1–28–16; 8:45 am] Type of Review: Extension without BILLING CODE 4210–67–P II. Request for Comments change of currently approved collection. Respondents: Federally recognized On October 27, 2015, BIA published Indian Tribes and Tribal consortia a notice announcing the renewal of this DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR participating in or wishing to enter into information collection and provided a Tribal Self-Governance. 60-day comment period in the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs Number of Respondents: 75. Register (80 FR 65796). There were no Number of Responses: 84. [167 A2100DD/AAKC001030/ comments received in response to this A0A501010.999900] Frequency of Response: On occasion notice. or annually. Renewal of Agency Information The BIA requests your comments on Obligation to Respond: Responses are Collection for Tribal Self-Governance this collection concerning: (1) The required to obtain or retain a benefit or Program necessity of this information collection are voluntary, depending upon the part for the proper performance of the of the program being addressed. AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, functions of the agency, including Estimated Time per Response: Interior. whether the information will have Completion times vary from 30 minutes ACTION: Notice of submission to OMB. practical utility; (2) The accuracy of the to 400 hours, with an average of agency’s estimate of the burden (hours SUMMARY: In compliance with the approximately 43 hours. and cost) of the collection of Estimated Total Annual Hour Burden: Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the information, including the validity of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is 4,443 hours. the methodology and assumptions used; Estimated Total Annual Non-Hour submitting to the Office of Management (3) Ways we could enhance the quality, Dollar Cost: $10,500. and Budget (OMB) a request for utility, and clarity of the information to approval for the collection of be collected; and (4) Ways we could Elizabeth K. Appel, information for Tribal Self-Governance minimize the burden of the collection of Director, Office of Regulatory Affairs and Program authorized by OMB Control the information on the respondents. Collaborative Action—Indian Affairs. Number 1076–0143. This information Please note that an agency may not [FR Doc. 2016–01700 Filed 1–28–16; 8:45 am] collection expires January 31, 2016. conduct or sponsor, and an individual BILLING CODE 4337–15–P DATES: Interested persons are invited to need not respond to, a collection of submit comments on or before February information unless it has a valid OMB 29, 2016. Control Number. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ADDRESSES: You may submit comments It is our policy to make all comments Bureau of Indian Affairs on the information collection to the available to the public for review at the Desk Officer for the Department of the location listed in the ADDRESSES section. [167 A2100DD/AAKC001030/ Interior at the Office of Management and Before including your address, phone A0A501010.999900] Budget, by facsimile to (202) 395–5806 number, email address or other personal Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible or you may send an email to: OIRA_ identifying information in your To Receive Services From the United [email protected]. Please send a comment, you should be aware that States Bureau of Indian Affairs copy of your comments to: Sharee M. your entire comment—including your Freeman, Director, Office of Self- personal identifying information—may AGENCY: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Governance, 1951 Constitution Avenue be made publicly available at any time. Interior. NW., Mail Stop 355–G SIB, Washington, While you can ask us in your comment ACTION: Notice. DC 20240; telephone: (202) 219–0240, to withhold your personal identifying email: [email protected]. Please information from public review, we SUMMARY: This notice publishes the be sure to include the applicable OMB cannot guarantee that we will be able to current list of 566 Tribal entities Control Number in the subject of your do so. recognized and eligible for funding and comment. services from the Bureau of Indian III. Data FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Affairs (BIA) by virtue of their status as Sharee Freeman, (202) 219–0240. You OMB Control Number: 1076–0143. Indian Tribes. The list is updated from VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:14 Jan 28, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29JAN1.SGM 29JAN1 jstallworth on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with NOTICES 5020 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 19 / Friday, January 29, 2016 / Notices the notice published on January 14, Aroostook Band of Micmacs (previously Cayuga Nation 2015. listed as the Aroostook Band of Cedarville Rancheria, California FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Micmac Indians) Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Laurel Iron Cloud, Bureau of Indian Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Chemehuevi Reservation, California Affairs, Division of Tribal Government Peck Indian Reservation, Montana Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians, Services, Mail Stop 4513–MIB, 1849 C the Trinidad Rancheria, California California (previously listed as the Cherokee Nation Street NW., Washington, DC 20240. Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Telephone number: (202) 513–7641. Indians of the Augustine Reservation) Oklahoma (previously listed as the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of notice is published pursuant to Section Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the Bad Oklahoma) 104 of the Act of November 2, 1994 River Reservation, Wisconsin Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the (Pub. L. 103–454; 108 Stat. 4791, 4792), Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan Cheyenne River Reservation, South and in exercise of authority delegated to Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Dakota the Assistant Secretary—Indian Affairs Rancheria, California Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk under 25 U.S.C. 2 and 9 and 209 DM 8. Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians Indians of California Published below is a list of federally of California Chippewa Cree Indians of the Rocky acknowledged Tribes in the contiguous Big Lagoon Rancheria, California Boy’s Reservation, Montana 48 states and Alaska. Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens (previously listed as the Chippewa- Amendments to the list include name Valley (previously listed as the Big Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy’s changes and name corrections. To aid in Pine Band of Owens Valley Paiute Reservation, Montana) identifying Tribal name changes and Shoshone Indians of the Big Pine Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana corrections, the Tribe’s previously listed Reservation, California) Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma or former name is included in Big Sandy Rancheria of Western Mono Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians parentheses after the correct current Indians of California (previously of California Tribal name. We will continue to list the listed as the Big Sandy Rancheria of Cocopah Tribe of Arizona Tribe’s former or previously listed name Mono Indians of California) Coeur D’Alene Tribe (previously listed for several years before dropping the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the as the Coeur D’Alene Tribe of the former or previously listed name from Big Valley Rancheria, California Coeur D’Alene Reservation, Idaho) the list. Bishop Paiute Tribe (previously listed as Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians The listed Indian entities are the Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the of California acknowledged to have the immunities Bishop Community of the Bishop Colorado River Indian Tribes of the and privileges available to federally Colony, California) Colorado River Indian Reservation, recognized Indian Tribes by virtue of Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Arizona and California their government-to-government Reservation of Montana Comanche Nation, Oklahoma relationship with the United States as Blue Lake Rancheria, California Confederated Salish and Kootenai Bridgeport Indian Colony (previously well as the responsibilities, powers, Tribes of the Flathead Reservation listed as the Bridgeport Paiute Indian limitations, and obligations of such Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Tribes.
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