Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15345-4 - Love and Conflict in Medieval Drama: The Plays and their Legacy Lynette R. Muir Index More information Index Abele spelen (skilful plays), 4 Arthur and Arthurian legends, 172 see also Dutch plays Assumption of the Virgin Mary, 151 Abraham (Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim), 22 Atreus and Thyestes, 120, 122 actors, stories about Augustine, St, 262 Genesius, St, 15–21 Axelrad, A. Jos´e, 189 Philemon (Bidermann), 211 Ayrer, Jakob, 4, 84, 91, 102, 118, 236 Acts of the Apostles, plays based on, 7 Adam de la Halle, 179, 203 Babes in the Wood, 100 Adrian, St, St Genesius’ enactment of, 18, 212 Baldwin of Flanders, conquest of Adriana (L. Groto), 87 Constantinople by, 168 L’Advocacie Nostre Dame, Virgin Mary as Bandello, Matteo, Novelle, plays based on his advocate for humankind in trial with stories Devil, 55 love and lovers, 87, 88 Aeneas and Dido, plays about, 145, 186 slandered fiancees, 91 Agatha, St, 10 theatre of cruelty, 112, 117, 118, 119 Agatocli und Clinia (Sachs), 233 Banks, John, 141–3, 193–5 Agnes, St, 11, 29 Los ba˜nosde Argel (Cervantes), 85 Aguilar, Gaspar de, 155 Barbara, St, 11 Aignan, St, 176 bargains with the Devil, 65–75 Albertus Magnus, St, 34 Chevalier qui donna sa femme au diable, 68–9 Alboin and Rosamunda, 122 The Devil’s charter (Barnaby Barnes), 72–3 Alexander the Great, 145, 171 El esclavo del demoniao,orThe Devil’s slave Alexis, St, 215 (Antonio Mira de Amescua), 69–71 Amazons, 171 Theophilus stories, 65–8 Ametanus, 75 see also Faust Amis et Amile, 88–9 Barlaam and Josaphat, Sts, 26–8 Andrew, St, 43 Basil of Caesarea, St, 226 angels Baudoiche, Catherine de, 3 accompanying Virgin Mary in Cang´eplays Bautheuch, St, 109 archangels, see Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel Bede, the Venerable, Ecclesiastical History, plays in Jovinian stories, 180–2 adapted from, 75 not acceptable on stage in Belisarius, 182–3 seventeenth-century French drama, 179 La belle H´el`enede Constantinople, 234 Anthony the Great, St, 23–4 Bello, Pierre, 210 Apius and Virginia, 116 Benedict of Monte Cassino, St, 28 Apollonia, St, 11, 92 Benedictine plays, see school dramas Arboreda, Alejandro, 20 Berenice and Titus, 155 Arden of Feversham, 100 Berkoff, Steven, 222 Arians, 35, 253 Bernard of Clairvaux, St, 29 Ariosto, Ludovico, 91 Bernard of Menthon, St, 28–9 The Arraignment of Paris (Peele), 136–8 Bernhardt, Georg, 75 282 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15345-4 - Love and Conflict in Medieval Drama: The Plays and their Legacy Lynette R. Muir Index More information Index 283 Berte au grand pied, 91 Cang´eMS, subject matter classification of biblical figures in plays plays in, 2–3 Amnon and Tamar, 113 Canute IV,king of Denmark, 36 David, 172 Cardenio stories, 86 Dinah, 113 Carretto, Galeotto del, 187 Esther, 173 Castellani, Castellano, 12 Jael, 173 Castelvines y Monteses (Lope de Vega), 87 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, 106 Castro, Guillen de, 86, 121 Joshua, 172 Cathars, 32, 34 Judah Maccabee, 172 Catherine de Medicis, 185 Judith and Holofernes, 173–5 Catherine of Alexandria, St, 11, 28 Susannah and the Elders, 98, 115 Catherine of Siena, St, 3, 34 Bidermann, Jacob Cecchi, Giovan Maria, 160 Adrianus, 212 Cecil, Robert, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195 Belisarius, 182 Cecil, William, Lord Burleigh, 190, 193, 194, Cenodoxus, 73–4 195 Jakob the usurer, 47 Cecilia, St, 11 Josaphatus rex, 214 Celtic St Meriasek, Cornish play about, 7, 43, Philemon, 211 157 bigamy, 83 Cenerentola (Rossini), 204 Boccaccio, plays influenced by Cenodoxus (Bidermann), 73–4 conversion stories, 47 Cephalus and Procris, 239 fairy tales, development of, 263 C´erisiers, Ren´ede,98 friends and rivals, stories about, 87, 90 Cervantes, 85–6 theatre of cruelty plays, 112, 120, 121, Cesar y Pompeyo (Lope de Vega), 171 122 Chapoton, Fran¸cois, 183 Troy, siege of, 246 Charlemagne, 29, 91, 97, 172 wager stories, 102, 103 Charles I of England, 186 women and affairs of state, 260 Charles II of England, 5 Bodel, Jean, of Arras, 46 Charles IV (Holy Roman Emperor), 168 Boileau, Etienne, 169, 170 Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor), 146 Borgias, The Devil’s charter and the, 72–3 Charles V of France, 168 Boursault, M., 186 Charles VII of France and Joan of Arc, 176–8 Boyer, Charles, 175, 257 Charles VIII of France, 149, 166 Br´etog, Jean, 101 Chastelain, Georges, 145 Breughel, Peter, 96 Chastelaine de Vergi, 107, 243 Brooke, Henry, 195 Chatelain de Couci, le, 120, 243 brothels, women in Chaucer, Geoffrey Thais and Mary of Egypt, Sts, 22 Canterbury tales: Knight’s tale, 88, 90 virgin martyrs in, 9–11 Constance, 234 Brousse, Bernier de la, 92 Pardoner’s tale, 23 Bruno, St, 73–4 Troilus and Cressida, 246 Buddha legend, 26, 214 Chester play, 77 see also Barlaam and Josaphat, Sts Chettle, Henry, 36 Buonarotti, Michaelangelo the Younger, plays, Chevreaus, Coriolan, 184 16 children of Satan in miracle plays, 56–9 Burleigh, William Cecil, Lord, 190, 193, 194, children’s blood used to cure leprosy, 195 Amis et Amile, 88 Chocheyras, J., 14 Cabri`ere, massacre of Vaudois in, 36 Chosroes (Persian king), 160, 162, 163, 164 Callimachus (Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim), 9–10 Christine, St, 29 Calvinism, see Protestantism and Protestant Christine de Pisan, 173, 243 plays Christopher, St, 11 Camden, William, 192 Cicero, 171 Cammelli, Antonio, 121 Del cielo viene el buen rey (Herrera), 181–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15345-4 - Love and Conflict in Medieval Drama: The Plays and their Legacy Lynette R. Muir Index More information 284 Index Cinderella, 204 Copland, William, 200 Cinthio (Giambattista Giraldi), 98, 117, 122 Coriolanus, plays on, 183–4 Cioni, A., Rappresentazioni, 10, 13, 16, 31 Corneille, Pierre, 77, 179, 188, 198, 238, 253 civic groups, staging of plays by, 3–4 Corneille, Thomas, 192–3 classical figures, plays about Cornish Ordinalia, 251 Alexander the Great, 145, 171 Cornish play about St Meriasek, 7, 43, 157 Coriolanus, 183–4 Corpus Christi, establishment of feast of, 50 Dido and Aeneas, 145, 186 Corraro, Gregorio, 121 Horatius Cocles, 200 Counter-Reformation Catholicism Julius Caesar, 171 auto sacramental plays in Spain, 220 Mucius Scaevola, 196, 200 grace and free will, debates regarding, 62 Regulus, 196–9 martyr and heretic plays, 36–7 Scipio Africanus, 186 Mary Queen of Scots, Catholic view of, 186 Semiramis, 185 Virgin Mary on the stage, rejection of, 203 Sophonisba, plays about, 186–90; Mary court entertainment, plays staged as, 4 Queen of Scots performs in Trissino’s Coventry, see George, St, 201 play of, 185 Crespius, Historie des martyrs, 36 Claudio, St, 19 Crispin and Crispianus, Sts, 11 Clemence of Hungary, 50 Crispus, son of Constantine, woman scorned Clement I (pope), 151 by, 107 Clement VII (pope), 201 Cromwell, Oliver, 186 Clitandre (Corneille), 77, 238 cross-dressing in plays Clotilde, wife of Clovis I, 165 considered a sin, by the Church, 224 Clovis I, king of France, conversion and La fille d’un roy qui devint soudoyer, 93 baptism of, 165 Ostes d’Espagne, 103 Clovis II, king of France, 109 Pope Joan, 60–1 Coello y Ochoa, Antonia, 195 popularity of girls disguised as boys in Collin, Heinrich Joseph von, 199 medieval and Renaissance literature, 238 communities or civic groups, staging of plays Semiramis, 185 by, 3–4 Theodora of Alexandria, St, living as monk, El condenado por desconfiado,orThe doubter damned 108 (Tirso de Molina), 60 Crown, John, 198–9 confraternities, staging of plays by, 3–4 Crowne, John, 155 Constance in Chaucer, 234 Croxton sacrament play, 52–3 Constantine the Great, 156–64 cruelty, theatre of, see theatre of cruelty conversion and baptism, 156–9, 163 crusades, 46, 83, 149, 168–70, 172 Cross, the Cueva, Juan de la, 262 Exaltation of, 160–1, 162, 163, 164; German Cyprian, St, 163 plays of in sixteenth century, 162–4 Cyriacus, 163 in hoc signum vinces promise, 158, 162, 163, 253 Cysat, Renward, 115–16, 162, 163 Invention or discovery of, 159–60, 162, 163, 164 da Porto, Luigi, 87 Tree of Life, grown from, 162 d’Amboise, Adrien, 174 Constantinople, conquest by Baldwin of damnation Flanders, 168 bargains with Devil leading to, see bargains convent drama, 4 with the Devil conversion Cenodoxus, 73–4 by heroines in the harem, 79–86 doubt, grace, and free will, plays involving, of Jews, miracle plays about, 45–9; Iconia 62–4 plays, 45–7, 49; merchant and Jesuit dramas of, 75 money-lending plays, 47–9 El mayor desenga˜no, 74 Ostes d’Espagne, hero’s temporary conversion Damon and Pythias, 233 to Islam in, 103 Danae, 11 Vespasian converted after cure from leprosy, D’Ancona, A., 180 148, 149, 152 Dante, 172 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-15345-4 - Love and Conflict in Medieval Drama: The Plays and their Legacy Lynette R. Muir Index More information Index 285 Dares the Phrygian, 132, 133, 135, 143, 146 plays about St Dominic and Dominican Datini, Italian merchant house of, 131 saints, 31–5 David, 172 Don Giovanni, 61, 64, 226 de Bartholomaeis, V., 34 Don Quijote de la Mancha (Cervantes), plays de Batines, Colomb, 53 based on, 86 de Castro Guillen, 86, 121 Dorothy, St, 10 de Herrera, Rodrigo, 181–2 The double falsehood (Theobald), 86 de la Serre, Pujet, 36, 237 doubt, damnation, grace, and free will, plays de la Taille, Jean, 171 involving, 62–4 de Vigneulles, Philippe, 51 The doubter damned,orEl condenado por desconfiado Decameron (Boccaccio), 87, 95, 102, 103, 120, 121 (Tirso de Molina), 63–4 Dekker, Thomas, 234 dragons in plays Delbouille,
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