Staff Rita’s Vs. Profiles Carl’s Page 11-14 The Lightning Bolt Page 19 Volume 27 Issue 1 Free Chancellor High School Newspaper 6300 Harrison Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 TLBBringing the Thunder to Chancellor since 1988 1 The Lightning Bolt what IS HAPPENING? Photo by Lifetouch The Girl’s Cross Country Team kicked off their first meet of the 2014 Season at Loriella Park. Read about the start of their season as well as all of the other fall sports on Page 7. Photo by Yearbook Staff Photo by Yearbook Staff Photo by Yearbook Staff Photo by Yearbook Staff Students follow fire drill proce- Collin McKinnon gauges the size Jawan Graves hugs a friend after New senior class sponsor, Mr. dures during one of the county- of a balloon in order to replicate not seeing her for a whole summer Dockery, and Stephanie Myers, a required drills. a skull as NHS members make as Matthew Patten photo bombs. senior, are excited for a new Homecoming props. school year. Photo by Yearbook Staff Although the football team has not entered the 2014 season as they wanted, they still stand together to cheer on their fellow teammates every Friday night. Check out the football team article on Page 8. The Lightning Bolt 2 News Editorial Imagine that There are many our articles, and have created you are tired on a different experiences, designs, the masterpiece you are current- summer day, and daydreams, and reports of the 18 ly reading. With new staff mem- then you decide staffers are combined into a few bers Emma Haus, Joseph Jazvic, to get cold, soft, dozen pages that you are cur- Myah Hildalgo, Illyana Pacheco, vanilla ice cream rently reading. Ashley Ragonese, Haylie Deca- on a summer day. Think about it- it is Septem- tur, Megan Shaw, and Nata- Then you pur- ber of 2014. Pretty soon it will lie Wilson we are brining By Neil Schubel chase it and you be October, November, Decem- fresh ideas onto the newspa- Editor-in-Chief are unhappy ber, and then April. Before we per faster than ever before. with your order because you can say holiday, it will already We are not finished yet. In fact, enjoy more than soft serve ice be 2015. Students-we have been we just started. This is the first cream at a store that only sells here for more than a decade, issue of the year and it will three flavors. You enjoy mango some almost two. As our time only get better from here. Italian ice and vanilla custard passes, we must continually Harry Fisher, Zach Jewell, in your Gelati’s from Rita’s Ital- think, and question our ideas, Kaitlyn O’Gorman, Matthew ian Ice. You are also unhappy as well as create new ones. This Sanders, Jordan Pearson, Laura because you used the last five newspaper is running off of new Sullivan, and Rachel Thompson dollars in your pocket and you ideas. The whole newspaper is a coordinate their respective sec- only have 63 cents left. Now big idea that is printed on a few tions as Megan Church, Chris- As the past issues pile up, The imagine going home and writing sheets of white paper. Our ar- topher Heimink, and Kailtlyn Lightning Bolt staff continues an article about it. Now imagine ticles are reaching new heights Keisling lead the way. See you in to progress and deliver the best that article being in the Opin- that we have never reached be- October. student run newspaper in the ions section of this newspaper. fore; we are digging deeper into Fredericksburg area. contents editors The Lightning Bolt Staff On the covers Profiles, page 11-14 Megan Church and Nata- Neil Schubel Laura Sullivan Horoscopes, page 9 lie Wilson created the cover Editor-in-Chief Website Editor Find the difference, page 15 “Storming Into September”. As students and teachers storm Opinion Megan church Rachel Thompson into the new year, so do thun- Op-Edible, page 17 Co-Editor-in-Chief Website Editor derstorms. The back cover, tak- The Fault in our Stars, page 17 en by the Yearbook staff, depicts Trashy Tendencies, page 16 thunderstorm clouds present at Middle East Tensions, page 18 Chris Heimink Zack Jewell a Varsity field hockey game. I’m Too Cool, page 18 Layout Editor Administrative Assistant Battlefield, Carl’s vs. Ritas, The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish News page 19 The Lightning Bolt, the only official newspaper on campus. The Kaitlyn Keisling purpose of the newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its Back to School, Back to Prices, The Grid, page 19 readers. As an established open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer page 4 Back Cover, page 20 Layout Editor to adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi. The code states that Chancellor Riverbend Bowl, a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the re- page 5 sult of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulating to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, Humans of Chancellor, page 5 which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will deter- mine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publica- Harry Fisher tion. The advisor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of a free press. The advisor does not Sports Opinions editor serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with community standards, profanity Varisty and JV Cheerleading, will not appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, “fair comment page 6 rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intelligently Kaitlyn O’GOrman criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opin- Varsity and JV football, page ion of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of News Editor the writer and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and Volleyball, page 8 administration of Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well Field Hockey, page 8 as local, national and international events will also be covered. New Baseball Diamond in Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters must be signed and Jordan Pearson be between 200- 300 words long. They may be submitted to A113 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The Lightning Fredericksburg, page 8 Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic Features Editor standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. This is your school, help improve it through your opinions, praises, and con- Features structive criticisms. If voiced aloud and in large enough num- bers, we can bring about change. Our ultimate goal is to print the Ms. Shwar Profile, page 9 Matt Sanders truth and with your help we can reach this goal. Mrs. Kovalik Profile, page 9 Sports Editor Mrs. Fisher, page 9 News 3 The Lightning Bolt Back to School Coming and Going By Emma Haus and Ashley Ragonese sect Zoo, Cindy Robinson, states Staff Reporters that the reason for the closing Back To Prices As a new school year begins, is her retirement. She has been By Myah Hidalgo running the business for nine- Staff Reporter new faces, new teachers, even to have.” She understands the a new morning charge, Chan- teen years. Its location was on Courthouse Road of Spotsylva- According to the National Re- effect prices have on kids and cellor not only has changes but nia. She stated on Facebook that tail Federation, families are esti- parents and tries to help in any Fredericksburg is having chang- her business levels increased mated to spend more than 101.18 way she can. “I understand that es itself. Restaurants are coming heavily after announcing the dollars per student on school most students are the bridge for and going, the newest restau- closing on November 1st. Robin- supplies, which is a twelve per- parent/teacher interaction. And rant coming soon to Fredericks- son states there will be an event cent increase from last year. some families can’t afford sup- burg, The Cookout. held on October 31st Halloween. “Honestly I’m not surprised; plies in this economy.” The Cookout is a privately Carlos O’Kelly’s, the popular that’s low including the clothes When asked what Chancellor owned fast food restaurant. The Mexican restaurant has closed and supplies for the child,” could do to help her with school Cookout started in North Caro- nationwide in 17 of many loca- states Mrs. Amy Bernard tenth supplies she states, “Each de- lina in 1989. Today, it has over tions one of which being here in grade English teacher here at partment is issued a budget. For 130 locations in North Carolina, Fredericksburg. John Rolph, the Chancellor. “I’ve spent about the English department it usu- Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, businesses co-founder, states in two to three hundred for my ally goes to books; I would re- and Virgina. an interview for The Free Lance- children.” Bernard is a mother of ally like classroom management The Cookout has many variet- Star, that he will not speak of three, ages ranging from 18 to 12. tools, and my bins are torn up ies of cook out style food includ- the financial status of the busi- She understands the struggle of so I could really use some new ing juicy burgers, long hotdogs, ness, however that he believes back to school prices as both a ones.” chicken sandwiches, and there the closings will be beneficial to parent and teacher.
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