ROBERT NIGHTHAWK DISCOGRAPHY by Gilbert Guyonnet, Les Fancourt and Bob McGrath ROBERT LEE MCCOY V/g ith !ohn Lee "onny Boy #illia$son %h&'( ) Big !oe #illia$s %g& *urora, +L, May ,, (-./ 07655-1 Tough Luck Bluebird B7115, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 07656-1 Lo&e'o(e World Bluebird B70#5, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 07657-1 )-*$& Bluebird B70%0, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0756!-1 +o&,- *i'-re$- .our Wo($& Bluebird B70#5, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0765%-1 Prowli&g Nigh-h$wk Bluebird B6%%5, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 07660-1 Swee- Pe11er *$($ -1 Bluebird B70%0, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 ROBERT LEE MCCOY Vcl/%g& ith !ohn Lee "onny Boy #illia$son %h& '( ) #alter Da1is %2& ' 3 ) 4oss5 Henry Townsend %g&' . ) Big !oe #illia$s %g& *urora, +L, No1e$ber ((, (-./ 016527-1 *2 3rie&d 4$' 3or'$ke& *e -1,2 Bluebird B7#16, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 01652!-1 *e$& Bl$ck Ca- -1,2 Bluebird B7"0", Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 01652%-1 Brick2$rd Bluebird B7#16, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0165"0-1 *$(ie Lee -1,2 Bluebird B7"!6, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0165"1-1 T$ke 5- E$'2 B$b2 -1 Bluebird B7"!6, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0165"2-1 5 4$6e S1e&- *2 Bo&u' -" Bluebird B7"0", Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0165""-1 C0 -" Bluebird B7##0, Wolf LP WSE120, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 as R*MBL+NG BOB8 1/g& ith !ohn Lee "onny Boy #illia$son %h& '( ) 4rob5 "2ec9led Red %2& *urora, +L, Dece$ber (:, (-.: 0"0!5!-1 E6er2 +$2 &d Nigh- Bluebird B!020, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0"0!5%-1 7l, *o'e Bluebird B!020, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0"0!60-1 .ou,re ll 5,6e )o- To Li6e 3or Bluebird B!067, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0"0%61-1 She,' )o- Wh$- 5- T$ke' Bluebird B7%!%, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0"0!62-1 0e8- Door Neighbor Bluebird B!05%, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0"0!6"-1 Big 11le Blue' -1 Bluebird B7%!7, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 0"0!6#-1 3reigh- Tr$i& Blue' -1 Bluebird B!067, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2, S$g$ %!2 076-% 0"0!65-1 )ood )$(bli&, -1 Bluebird B!05%, Wolf LP WSE121, RCA 07!6"67#16 2 as 4EET+E;" BOY %1/g'(& ) *nn "ortier %1'3, /2rob5 #b& Chicago, +L, !une ,, (-<= %"0"#- )o&&$ 9ee1 5- 3or *2 +$dd2 -1 +ecc$ De7!1%, Wolf LP WSE121 %"0"5- 0e6er Le$6e *e-2 +ecc$ De 7!1%, Wolf LP WSE121 %"0"6- *$($ Do&,- llow *e To S-$2 7u- ll Nigh- Lo&g -1 +ecc$ De 7767, Wolf LP WSE121 %"0"7- 3ri$r' Poi&- Blue' -1 +ecc$ De 7!1%, Wolf LP WSE121, S$g$ %!2 076-% ROBERT LEE MCCOY8 V e>ce2t '(/g with Ethel Mae %Brown& %1 '(&, "unnnyland "li$ or Ernest Lane %2&, #illie Di>on %b&5 Chicago, +L, c5 "e2te$ber (-<: :7127 +o/& -he li&e -1 Che'' ;E< LP 66#1 125 :712! 4$&d'o(e lo6er -1 Che'' ;E< LP 66#1 125 :712% Re-ur& ($il blue' u&i''ued :71"0 *2 'wee- lo6i&= wo($& Che'' 1#!#, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# %* date o? (= No1e$ber ?or abo1e is li9ely to a22ly to $astering5 Chess L4 @@<( (3, Genesis 3, !as$ine !*"MCD .(@< is titled "weet Blac9 *ngel&5 THE 7+GHT6*#A" %*ristocrat 3.=(& Ethel Mae %1&'(, Ernest Lane %2& re2laces "li$5 Chicago, +L, c5 !uly (3, (-<: U 7194 She k&o/' how -o lo6e $ ($& Blue' B$ll LP 200", Blue Nigh- BN 07" 166% :71%5 Bl$ck $&gel blue' ;Swee- bl$ck $&gel< ri'-ocr$- 2"01, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :71%6 &ie Lee blue' ; &&$ Lee< ri'-ocr$- 2"01, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :71%7 Re-ur& ($il blue' Che'' 1#!#, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :71%! Sug$r 1$1$ -1 Che'' ;E< LP66#1 125, %Blues Ball L4 3==. is titled "ultans O? The "lide Guitar, Blue Night L4 (@@- is titled Chicago Guitar Aillers&5 ETHEL M*E %B/33@& %7+G6T6*#A" %U /33//-& Ethel Mae %1cl&'(, 4ineto2 4er9ins %2& re2laces Lane5 Chicago, +L, !anuary ,, (-,= :7226 )ood &e/' -1 Che'' ;E< LP 66#1 125, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :7227 Si8 -hree 0 ri'-ocr$- #1", >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :722! Pri'o& Bou&d Che'' ;E< LP 66#1 125, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# :722% >$ck'o& -o/& g$l ri'-ocr$- #1", >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# %*ll Nightha 9 1ocal titles issued on Chess 3CHD -.:/ The *ristocrat O? The Blues&5 ROBERT 7+GHT6*#A and 6+" 7+GHT6*#A B*70 V/g with Bob Call or Roose1elt "y9es %2&, Ranso$ Anowling %b&, 2rob5 !u$2 !ac9son %d&, Roose1elt "y9es %shouts '(&5 Chicago, +L, !uly (3, (-,( 1005 3eel 'o b$d :&i-ed 105, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 1006 9$&'$' Ci-2 blue' :&i-ed 102, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 1007 Cr2i&g wo&=- hel1 (e :&i-ed 102, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 100! T$ke i- e$'2 b$b2 :&i-ed 105, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 100!-1?2 0igh-h$wk boogie ;i&'-< Pe$rl PL 11, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# V/g with Curtis !ones %2&, g '(, Ranso$ Anowling %b&, d5 Chicago, +L, October 3,, (-,3 11#%-1 Brick' i& (2 1illo/ Pe$rl PL 11, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 1150-% .ou (i''ed $ good ($& Pe$rl PL 11, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 1151-1 *$ggie Ca(1bell -1 Pe$rl PL 11 1151-11 *$ggie Ca(1bell S-$-e' 1"1, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 1151-1 The *oo& i' ri'i&g @i&cA +el($rk +D 711 ;CCD) 1152-" The *oo& i' ri'i&g S-$-e' 1"1, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 115"-6 Se6e&-2-four +el($rk +D 711 115"-7 Se6e&-2-four Pe$rl PL 11,>$'(i&e > S*CD "16# 115#-1 :?S boogie @i&'-A -1 Pe$rl PL 11, >$'(i&e > S*CD "16# %4earl L4 (( / Del$ar9 CD /(( is titled Robert Nightha 9 Bric9s +n My 4illo &5 V/g with #alter Horton %h&, #illie Mabon %2&, !ohnny Young %g&, *ndrew "te2hens %b&, Cli?ton !a$es %d&5 Chicago, +L, (-@< Lul$ *$e +ecc$ ;E< L9 #7#! *err2 Chri'-($' +ecc$ ;E< L9 #7#! %Decca L4 </<: is titled Blues "outhside Chicago&5 V/g with Little #alter %h&, !ohnny Young %g/$and&5 Li1e, Uni1ersity o? Chicago, +L, May -, (-@< 9$&'$' Ci-2 blue' Te'-$(e&- T 2215 Th$-=' $ll righ- Te'-$(e&- CD 600% E6er2-hi&g go&&$ be $lrigh- Te'-$(e&- CD 600% &&$ Lee Te'-$(e&- CD 600% Swee- li--le wo($& Te'-$(e&- CD 6011 %Recorded at the Uni1ersity o? Chicago5 Testa$ent L4 33(, / CD ,=(= are titled Masters o? Modern Blues Robert Nightha 9/ Houston "tac9house5 Testa$ent CD @==- is titled 0own Ho$e "lide, @=(( Down Ho$e Har2&5 V/g with La?ayette Lea9e %2&, Buddy Guy %g&, !ac9 Meyers %b&, Cli?ton !a$es %d&5 Chicago, +L, .= !une (-@< 1""0# ;Sorr2< *2 $&gel Blue' B$ll LP 200", Chic$go Slide LP 005 1""05 So(ed$2 Blue' B$ll LP 200", Blue Nigh- LP 07" 166%, Che'' ;E< CX*D #01" %Chess recordings also issued on Chess %!& 4L4 @=(, / %+t& :(=: titled Robert Nightha 9 Blac9 *ngel Blues5 Chicago "lide L4 ==, is titled Chicago "lide Classics&5 V/g with !ohn #rencher %h&, !ohnny Young %g&5 Chicago, +L, October (<, (-@< Blue' before 'u&ri'e Te'-$(e&- T 200" Bl$ck $&gel blue' Te'-$(e&- T 2015 *$ggie Ca(1bell Te'-$(e&- T 2015 Crowi&g roo'-er blue' Te'-$(e&- T 2015 5=( ge--i&g -ired Te'-$(e&- T 2015 Brick' i& (2 1illo/ Te'-$(e&- T 2015 Brick' i& (2 1illow @$l- -kA Te'-$(e&- CD 5010 *err2 Chri'-($' b$b2 Te'-$(e&- T 2015 Cr2i&g wo&=- hel1 2ou Te'-$(e&- T 2015 Cr2i&g wo&=- hel1 2ou @$l- -kA Te'-$(e&- CD 5021 %Testa$ent L4 33=. is titled Modern Chicago Blues, CD ,=3( is titled Bottlenec9 Blues&5 ROBERT 7+GHT6*#A , L+VE ON M*C#ELL "TREET (-@< V/g with Carey Bell %h '(&, !ohn Lee Granderson or Little *rthur Aing '(, 2rob5 Mi9e Bloo$?ield '3 %g&, !i$$y Collins %d&5 Chicago, +L, "e2te$ber or c5 October (:/3,, (-@< )oi&= do/& -o Eli=' ;*urderi&g blue'< Rou&der LP 2022, ;Che$-i&g $&d l2i&g blue'< Roo-' TR 1005 *rC Bell=' 'huffle @i&'-A -1 ;>uke (edle2< Rou&der LP 2022 The -i(e h$6e co(e Rou&der LP 2022 T$ke i- e$'2 b$b2 Rou&der LP 2022 *edle2 D llie Lee Rou&der LP 2022 Swee- bl$ck $&gel -2 Rou&der TR 1005 Bur&i&g he$- @i&'-A ;*$8well S-ree E$(< Rou&der LP 2022 5 &eed lo6e 'o b$d Rou&der LP 2022 E8cer1-' fro( i&-er6ie/ ? 9$&'$' Ci-2 Rou&der LP 2022 Th$-=' $ll righ- P-Fi&e ;>< PCD 5527?! 4o&k2 -o&k @i&'-A P-Fi&e ;>< PCD 5527?! +u'- (2 broo( -2 P-Fi&e ;>< PCD 5527?! Pe-er )u&& E$( @i&'-A ;The Re$l *cCo2< P-Fi&e ;>< PCD 5527?! B$ck off E$( @i&'-A P-Fi&e ;>< PCD 5527?! %For DNightha 9 "hu??leE see Little *rthur Aing5 Rounder issue $entions !ohnny Young %g&, Robert #hitehead %d&5 Recorded by Nor$an Dayron Dat the corner o? (<th and 4eoriaE, ?or Mi9e "heaFs ?il$ D*nd This i+s FreeE5 +nter1iew e>tended on Rounder CCD, and to << $inutes on a se2arate CD on Rooster Blues .CD 3@<(5 E>ce2t ?or inter1iew / Aansas City, MO titles also on 4'Vine CD and Rooster, including an unedited DThe ti$e has co$eE/D*nnie Lee/"weet blac9 angelE&5 %Roots L4 (==, is titled Rare Ge$s5 4'Vine CD ,,3//: i titled *nd This +s Ma>well "treet, issued B" on Rooster Blues R 3@<(&5 V/g with Bob #ood?or9 %g&, !i$$y Collins %d&5 Toronto, ON, (-@, 9$&'$' ci-2 S-o&2 Pl$i& ;Cn< SPCD 1"17 5=( go&&$ (urder (2 b$b2 S-o&2 Pl$i& ;Cn< SPCD 1"5# B$ck /$-er blue' S-o&2 Pl$i& ;Cn< SPCD 1"5# .ou (i''ed $ good ($& S-o&2 Pl$i& ;Cn< SPCD 1"5# 0igh-h$wk boogie S-o&2 Pl$i& ;Cn< SPCD 1"5# %"tony 4lain CD (.(/ is titled .= Years O? "tony 4lain, CD (.,< ., ., Years O?555& ROBERT 7+GHT6*#A and THE BLUE" RHYTHM BOY" G with Carey DDittyE Mason 1 '(&, Houston "tac9house %g&, !a$es D4ec9E Curtis %d&5 0undee, M", *ugust 3:, (-@/ 0igh-h$wk boogie rhoolie CD #01, 3$- Po''u( 7-110" .ou c$ll 2our'elf $ Cadill$c -1 rhoolie CD #01 Blue' before (id&igh- rhoolie CD #01 +o/& b2 -he wood'hed 3$- Po''u( 7-110", 3P 111# %*rhoolie CD <=( is titled Mississi22i Delta Blues Vol5 (, Fat 4ossu$ CD (((< is titled The George Mitchell Collection&5.
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