September/October 2006 Volume 35, Number 1 Newsletter of the Howard County Bird Club • A Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society PRESIDENT ’S W ELCOME BY K EVIN H EFFERNAN elcome to the 34 th year of by sight but about what time of W the Howard County Bird year to expect each species, what Club. As I start in this position, habitats to look for them in, their I’ve thought a lot about what I can calls, behaviors, flight patterns, sil- contribute to the club over the houettes, etc. Their enthusiasm Inside This Issue next couple of years. What comes was and is contagious. They not President’s Welcome………… 1 to mind the most is getting more only get excited when they see a Spring Bird Records ………… 1 people, particularly more young rare bird (e.g. 2 nd county record of Programs …………………….. 4 people, involved. I believe that the a Common Raven this year) but Field Trips ……………………6 great appeal of birding is that peo- also birds that they have seen doz- Fall Count …………………… 8 ple of all ages and experience levels ens of times before (e.g. Pileated Board of Directors Meetings .. 8 can enjoy it. All you need is a pair Woodpecker, Bald Eagle, Brown Dragonfly Count Results……. 9 of binoculars and a field guide to Creeper, the first warbler of the May Count Summary……….. 10 get started. When I first started 25 spring or the first junco of the fall Hawk Watch………………… 10 years ago everything was new and and each and every Song Sparrow). Water ………………………... 12 exciting. The more experienced They seem to get most excited Membership Application members of the club were willing however when they see the look on Fall Count Checklist to share their knowledge and pas- a new birder’s face when he or she sion with me. They not only sees a new bird for the first time. The Goldfinch, newsletter of taught me how to distinguish birds (Welcome continues on page 4.) the Howard County Bird Club, is published five times per year. Copy deadline for the SPRING B IRD R ECORDS November/December 2006 MARCH 1 TO M AY 31, 2006 issue is September 25, 2006. BY J OANNE S OLEM Amanda Witt, Editor Joanne Solem, Proofreader omplaints of few birds and Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin, Anyone is welcome to contribute C a dismal migration domi- Olive-sided Flycatcher, Marsh articles or ideas which you think nated reports. Despite that per- Wren, Common Raven, Brewster’s will be of interest to other birders. ception, Howard birders came up Warbler, Summer Tanager, Nel- Copy may be sent to: with some excellent sightings. son’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow, and Amanda Witt Highlights were Long-tailed Pine Siskin. 6134 Starburn Path Duck, Northern Bobwhite, Ring- Columbia, MD 21045 necked Pheasant, American Bit- Tundra Swan migration was de- [email protected] tern, Cattle Egret, Little Blue tected mostly between 3/3 Please visit the Club’s website Heron, Yellow-crowned Night- Hammond Village ( MW ) and 3/17 at www.howardbirds.org Heron, Sora, Common Moorhen, (Records continues on page 2.) Page 2 RECORDS (Continued from page 1.) Manahan Dr ( BO ). A flock of 106 (RC,EH,JS ). On 4/23 a Cattle (RC ) and another at UMDCF 3/19 flew over River Hill 3/12 Egret joined a herd of Holsteins in (BO,EH,JS ). The final migrant (W&SE ), and one frequented a a Fulton pasture ( KM; JW+ ). Two was spotted over Manahan Dr barley field on Md 99 west of Little Blue Herons were 5/13 ( BO,EH ). Morgan Station Rd 3/22 to 4/28 reported: an adult 5/3 at (WE) . Centennial ( SWh ) and a molting The lone Sora report was 5/3 at immature 5/14 at Race Rd UMDCF ( BO ). A Common Duck numbers were low, but there (EH,JS ). The Great Blue Heron Moorhen appeared in an unusual were some fine sightings. A male rookery at Vantage Point had 16 location—a quiet section of the Blue-winged Teal 3/12 at Lake occupied nests 3/26 ( HZ ). In early Patapsco River west of Woodstock Elkhorn set an early arrival record May, there were at least four 5/27 ( RC ). It was found again (BO,JS ). Two Northern Pintails occupied nests along the Middle 5/28 ( JMr ) and 5/29 ( EH,JS ). were at Centennial 3/9 ( RR ) to Patuxent River at Carroll Mill Rd The American Coot on 5/26 at 5/3 ( JTv ). The three Redheads (M&GMcC ). The earliest Great Warfield’s Pond Park was the (one m.) at Centennial 5/2 to 5/5 Egret was spotted in E. Columbia second latest record ( B&GHi ). (SWh ) had dropped to one female along Md 32 on 3/29 ( HH ). The last seen 5/18 which was the first Green Heron appeared on A Black-bellied Plover in second latest departure date ever 4/12 at Centennial ( RSu ). A breeding plumage is an infrequent (SLg ). A Long-tailed Duck was Black-crowned Night-Heron treat in the county. One was spotted 3/26 at Alpha Ridge was noted 4/9 at Wilde Lake ( HZ ) present 5/20 at UMDCF ( EH,JS; landfill ( PN ); it stayed until 3/31 with a high of three (two ad.) 5/20 RC ). The only spring (RC ). Red-breasted Mergansers (EH ). Others were at Lake Semipalmated Sandpiper was at were reported from 3/12 at Elkhorn 5/3 ( MWg ) and Western Regional Park 5/11 Brighton Dam ( EH -two) to 3/17 Meadowbrook Park 5/21 ( KLz ). (B&GHi ) to 5/13 ( KT,LC ). The at Centennial ( BO -one m.). An adult Yellow-crowned Night- Pectoral Sandpiper at Big Branch Heron showed up at Elkhorn 5/20 established a new departure Two Ring-necked Pheasant hens 5/20 ( MSt,BMi ) and was seen date ( S&EAr,BHi ). We are were seen near the intersection of intermittently for several weeks. A fortunate when one Dunlin is Howard Rd and Triadelphia Rd Glossy Ibis made an appearance at detected in a season. This spring 3/31 ( MMx ). Wild Turkeys were the landfill 5/13 ( RC ). brought three: 4/25 Triadelphia widespread. The Branch Woods Ct M.S. pond ( CSt ), 5/6 UMDCF hen reappeared this spring from Bald Eagles were widely seen. (BO,DOl,JS+ ), and 5/11 Western 3/7 until 4/28 ( SB ); a pair was The majority of reports were one Regional ( B&GHi ). More than present at Alpha Ridge Park 3/31 or two birds frequenting the sixty Wilson’s Snipe were present (RC ); one was heard on the Columbia lakes and Centennial. 3/30 at UMDCF ( BO,JS ). adjoining landfill 4/28 The last Northern Harrier was Courting American Woodcock (RC,EH,JS ); a hen was spotted at noted 5/13 at Bushy Park Rd and were scarce at the Middle Patuxent the north end of Triadelphia Carrs Mill Rd ( KT,LC ). Spring Environmental Area (MPEA) this Reservoir 4/11 ( JS ) and 4/26 Broad-winged Hawk flights spring. Habitat enhancement is (BHi ); and a hen was present at rarely approach autumn taking place there which should Rockburn Branch Park 5/13 concentrations. Six hours of pay dividends in the future ( CF ). (BO,EH ). Three Northern watching on 4/16 over Burleigh Other woodcock locations were Bobwhite reports were welcome: Manor produced a substantial 142, near a W. Friendship yard 3/6 to 4/5 Yellowstone Ct ( DKn ), 5/13 third highest for spring ( MKw ). 3/13 ( LC ); three or four at near Schooley Mill Park ( GW ), and The Merlin at Rockburn 3/5 was a Warfield’s Pond Park on 3/11 5/25 at West Friendship ( JCu ). new early date ( E&JMe ). One at (SMu,HMz ), one at Belmont 3/19 Centennial 3/9 ( RR ) was also seen (S&EAr ), and one at Annapolis An American Bittern rose out of on 3/10 ( BO ) and 3/11 ( EH ). Rock Rd 5/6 ( BO,DOl,JS+ ). the marsh along Hanover Rd 4/29 One was at Wynfield Dr 3/12 (Records continues on page 3.) Page 3 RECORDS (Continued from page 2.) Any significant Bonaparte’s Gull (RC ); on 5/25 four were spotted in Frederick County about five migration escaped detection over Allview ( ES ). A Pileated miles from the Howard County despite frequent checks of the Woodpecker frequented a feeder line, while another pair attempted Columbia lakes. A lone bird west of Ellicott City 5/11 to 6/1 to nest near Marriottsville in appeared briefly 4/12 at Wilde (KH,KD ). Willow Flycatchers Baltimore County. Suddenly, the Lake ( JS ). That same location were not detected until 5/13 when chance of observing a raven in this hosted an adult Great Black- three were tallied on May Count. A county became a realistic backed Gull 4/7 ( JS ) to 4/12 ( JS; Least Flycatcher 5/24 at W. possibility. On 5/2 one was JMa ). The earliest Caspian Tern Friendship was the second latest reported over I-70, one-half mile was spotted at Centennial 4/8 departure date ( LC ). An Olive- east of the Carroll Co line (HH) . (JTv ), with a high of five there sided Flycatcher spent part of Little did we know that this was 4/23 ( GA ). A Black-billed 5/13-14 in dead treetops west of just the beginning. While standing Cuckoo was at Schooley 5/6 Ellicott City ( KH,KD ); one also in the Marriottsville parking lot at (RB ). appeared at W. Friendship 5/24 the Patapsco River on 5/6, Big (LC ). A White-eyed Vireo at Day participants watched Thanks to atlas efforts owls were Centennial on 4/11 established a cautiously, then exuberantly as a widely reported.
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