1.8 125 1.4 1.6 Mlf.Pf if '1' ri MOMENT RESCUE TO 171 200 HE 011 274 AUTHOR Ryan, John If.,rd. TITLE Changing Patterns in Graduate Education. Procn of the rig_ tenth Annual Meeting. Council of Graduate Schools in United Sta tee. INSTITUTION Council of graduate schools in the U.S.,_ashing D.C. PUB DATE 1 Dec 78 NOTE 300p. A VAI LABLE 11FOM Council of Graduate Schools in the United States, Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036 ED :c PRICE MF01/PC 12 Plus Postage. Dr SC T PTORS Admission Criteria; *Pf 'rmative Action; *Ap._ rude Tests; College Admissicn; College near's; Court Case; Creativity; Educational Assessment; *Foreign Students; *Graduate Study; Higher Education; Humanities; *Interinstitutional Cooperation; *International Education; Masters Degrees; Research; Research Projects IDENT F Bakke v Regents of University of California; Constitutions (Documents): *Council cf Graduate Schools; Graduate Reccrd Examinations; Masters Programs ABSTRACT Changing patterns in gra uate education were addressed ata meeting of the Council cf Graduate Schools (CGS)in the United States. Topics of the conference included: cppor *unities and change in graduate education, interinstitutional cooperation in graduate programs for professionals, the future cf graduate study in the humanities, decision-making in the dear's office, student-related legal problems of the academic dean, creativity and the creative climate in graduate preparation for careers, assessment cf creativity in scientific onoblem- solving, the use cf graduate record examination (GRE)scores in graduate admissions, the validity cf GREtest scores, the analytical score of the GRE aptitude test, graduate education for international students, the impact of foreign students on gradua}e education from a Canadian perspective, interassociational activities of the Council of Graduate Schools within, the field of international education, the future involvement of the Council of Graduate Schools in international education, a defense cf affirmative action in graduate and prnfeseional programs, the vital role of research in graduate. education, quality assessment in masters programs, implications of the Bakke case for graduate admissions, training program for graduate teaching assistants, and adapting curriculum and degree requirements for international students. The report of the CGS /GREG 1978-79 Survey of Graduate Enrollment, Part 1,is appended along with the CGS conston and alist of member institutions. (SW) ****-.** * * * * * *** ***** ******* **** * ************** Re prod ucti supplied by EDRS are the best that can made * from the original document. _** ***** ********************************* *** V r r. i.tgl if' 11/111(11 3 It '(' I COUNCIL OF GRADUATE SCHOOLS Ui IN THE UNITED ST/ VMS THEME (HANGING l'ATIERNS IN GRADUA'FF I rtIFFlAL1.1 (N) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA November 29 - December 1, 1978 TOWN L'. COUN'FRY HOTEL OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEI978 DONALD J. WHITE (Chairman) Roston College J. CHESTER MeKEE, JR. (Past Chairman) Mississippi State University ROBERT F. KRUH (Chairman Fleet) Kansas SlateUniversity PAUL A. ALBRECHT (1980) Claremont Graduate School PHYLLIS PRAY BOBER (1980) BrynMawr College EARLE L CAN FIELD (1979) Drake University BEVERLY CASSARA (1980) Universityof the District me Colombia BERN2''D J. DOWNEY (1978) ViTho, caUniversity EASTMAN N. HATCH (1979) Utah State University J. ,KNOX JONES, JR. (1978) Texas Tech University OSCAR A. ROGERS, JR. (1979) JacksonState Universky DANIEL .L ZAFFARANO (1978) Iowa Stale University MICHAEL 1 PELCZAR, JR (ex officio) Presidentcris edited by John W. Ryan Connts I lt Plenary .sion 1.Preliminary licrnarks Donald .1. While, /1o.vion (' . 2. Opportunities and Change in Graduate Education WilliamI).NkElroy,University of Calyin.nia, San Diego II. Concurrent Special Interest Sessions A. InIerinstitutional Cooperation in Ciraduate 'r gramfor Professionals 1. 1)avidR. linger, Oh! Dominion University 2. The Background Ray Willimns,DI/ice of Nnval Training and ls'(Iii anal IS . TheProcess Fred Villianns,University o/ West Florida . 21 4. William Locke, San Diego State University 21 5. Implications for Future Cooperation Among ETMS Institutions Alicia Tilley, Alempiav .State University.. .. B. 'The Future of Graduate Study in the Humanities 1. Michael Hooker, TheJohns llapkins University 2. Dorothy Harrison, Na'e York. Slate Education Department 37 C. The Dean's OfticeCase Studies in Decision-Making I. David I,. Wheeler, Wes: TexasState University 2. Decisions in a New Territory James Ballowe,Bradley University . .. 41 3 ,Irwin C. Lich,University of "TexaatIlan(' . .. 44 III. Luncheon I.Preliminary Remarks and Presentation of the Gustave 0. Aril Award in the Humanities Donald J. White,Boston College . , 49 2.Ellen N. Davis,Queens College, City University of New York 50 3. Gustave O. Aril,President Emeritus, CGS 50 4.Special Presentation to J. Boyd Page Charles T. Lester,Emory University . 5. J. Boyd Page.President Emeritus, CGS 55 Special Presentation to Michael J. Pelczar, J Donald J. While.Boston College .. 55 7, Michael J. Pelczar, Jr..President, CGS . ...... 56 IV. Second Plena Se-AloftStudent-Related Legal Problems of tlte Academic Deon Marilyn E. Phelan,TexasTeeh Unis ( rsity .... 61 V. ('oncorteni .yecid//nreror Sessions A, Creativity and Graduate Education 1, John C. Guyon, Southern Illinois Unive,sily, Carinoulale 75 2. Creativity and the Creative Climate in Graduate Preparation for (':weer~ Calvin W. Taylor, (lniverAir% f/rah 76 3, ..Nssessment of C'reativity in Scientific Problem -Solving Norman I). Frederlksen, Educational Testing Service 92 ItClli Interpretation and Use-New Forms, New l'optilatiuns I. The Use of (RI? Scores in Graduate Admissions Bernard V. Khoury, Grtitillilit. 100 2. The Validity of (RI', Test Scores: A Review of the Evidence Mary In Clark, Educational TestittL, Service........., 101 3, The Analytical Score of the GRE Aptitude Test: What We Know Now 1Vild, Graduate Record / are/ 112 VI, Mint Plenary Session --lirtaltiote Education /,r bite rttatilrrull .Ntudents The Changing Pattern I. Preliminary Remarks Daniel J. Zaffarano, hum Stole University 119 2, Cassandra A, Pyle, institute for briernoriona/ Educorron 120 3, The Impact of Foreign Students on Graduate Education:A Canadian Perspective .1. Alan Rix, International Research Critter 131 4, Interassociational Activities of the Council of Graduate Schools Within the Field of International Education Sanford C. Jameson, College Roan! 13.l 5. The Future Involvement of the Council of Graduate Schoolsin International Education Michael J. Pelear, Jr., Council 11duate Schools 14(1 VI, Fourth Plenm Ses.n A Defense id Aftionatiye Action in Graduate and Professional Programs I.Preliminary Remarks Albert W. Spruill, North Curolino A & T State University 143 2. Kenneth S. Tollett, ute ,Thr the Study of Educational Polley . 144 3. Geraldine R. Waters, Coppin State College 161 A, Report of the CGS Committee on Graduate Education for Minority Students I* Albert C. Yates, University r)f Cincinnatti . 165 2. Observations about Placement of Minority Students Beverly Casson'. University of ilw District0)11110in , 168 VII.-ifth Mowry i I. Chairman's Address Donald J. White, Boston College 171 2. President's Report Michael J. Pelczor, Jr., ( Yi.c 174 3. Committee Repods , , , 177 4, New Business . .. .... 184 VIII. Cont. n Interest Sessions. A. The Vital Role of Research in Graduate Education 1, Preliminary Remarks Erie P. Rude. University of Nindison - Madison .. 187 2. John B. Slaughter, Nutionol Seience Fonnelollon 188 3,Lloyd M. Henning-1dd, Wichita State University 193 4. D. N. langenberg, University o/' Pennsylvania 197 5, C. J. Pings, Call1Prola Institute of Technology 200 6. NSF Academic Statistics Program Susan G. Broyles, National Science Mnindation 2(11 H. Quality Assessment in Master's Programs 1. Preliminary Remarks Bernard J. Downey, 37//atuiva Unipervity 213 2. Quality Assessment in Master's Programs: overview and History Mary Jo Clark, Educational Testing Service . 213 3.Preliminary Report of the Results of the Questionnaire on Master's Program Bernard J. Downey. Villanovo University . 216 4.In Search of Quality for the Master's Del;ree tiles T. Brown, California State University. Fulle ruin I X. Concurrent Special Interest Sessions- A. Implications Of the Bakke Case for Graduate Admissions I. Andrew J. Hein, University Or Ail/unworn 134 2. 'Fhe Aftermath of Bakke: Where Do We Go From Here'? Frank W. Hale, Jr., The Ohio State University 239 3. Graduate Admissions and Affirmation Action: Conditions Before the Bakke Decision Allen Marv, University of CalifOrnin, pelvis 244 B. fruiting Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants 1. John LaTourette. Bowling Green State University 248 2. The Professional Development Program in the Graduate College of Bowling Green State University Ronald L. Fadley, Bowling Green Suite University..... *. 154 3. A Longitudinal Training Program for Teaching Assistants Paul Nash, Boston University .... ......... ... 259 4. A Half-Day Work Session for Teaching Assistants qohert A. Vogel. Miami University Of Ohio .. ... .. 266 C. Adapting Curriculum and Degree Requirements for International Students I. Marvin J. Bataan, Unirsat' kelev 270 2. George G. Karns, hniSlate University 270 D, Visam. Financial Support, and Fees I. Elmer ilaumer, The ()hi, thliversitv . .. ....... 271 X. Report of theaisminEn1978-79 Survey I ;radially Enrollment, Part I 273 XI. Officers ant if Ptthe Year NM .. .. XII..Statement of Cash Receipts a ul Dishur.setnIts Jr(
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