Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-20-2006 The iH lltop 11-20-2006 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-20-2006" (2006). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 353. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_0010/353 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -----------------""":""-~~---- --------- --- - ILLT The Daily Stud.ent Voice of Howard University VOLUME 90, NO. 58 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2006 WWW.THEHILLTOPONLINE.COM BRE>l(ING ~n=ws NATION & WORLD BOY SHOT; INVESTIGATION ENSUES HIP-HOP: THE ANTI-CHRISTI lllQ1'1 , lr.11//.UJJ : lU11$ 10llfl.l.ls ~ $1Ml'' A 15-YEAR·OLD MALE SOUGHT HELP IN THE HOWARD UNIVER­ A MINISTER IN TEXAS SAYS HIP-HOP IS ANTI-CHRISTIAN. FIND lll.:.CWJ),W HIGH 46, LOW: 34 SITY SERVICE CENTER AFTER BEING SHOT LAST NIGHT. AC­ OUT MORE INSIDE NATION & WORLD. HIGH; 47, LOW 33 CORDING TO AN MPD OFFICER, THE CONDITION OF THE VICTIM WAS UNKNOWN AND THE INVESTIGATION IS UNDERWAY.· Jay-Z's 17-Hour Hangar Tour Hits HU's Campus BY DENISE HORN & per then took off to perform see Jay-Z perform after she TRAVER RIGGINS at tlrn Electric Factory in won tickets from a Richmond Hilltop Staff Writer Philadelphia. Jay-Z flew into radio station. Dulles International Airport "It was really good [con­ Rapper and hip-hop 1nogul on his Gs private jet and sidering it was] free," she said. Shawn Carter, better known as arrived in the District about Concert goers sang along Jay-Z, swooped through cam­ half past noon. New York was as Jay-Z rocked the crowd pus Saturday. in a flash concert next, followed by The Rivieltl with several old songs, includ­ behind Cramton Auditorium. in Chicago. The tour wrapped ing "Izzo (H.O.V.A)" and "U Howard was one of the up with a stop in Los Angeles Don't Know," and a few from seven stops the artist made in and an early morning perfor­ .. Kingdom Come." his 17-hour .. Cingular Presents mance in Las Vegas. .. I'm really feeling y'all the Jay-Z Hangar Tour.·· \\l'hile Lhe public was energy," said Jay-Z, decked .. They were looking for aware that Jay-Z would be out in a hoodie, jeans, aviators a non-traditional venue, hopping around the country and "We're four minutes over­ something really cool," said for a day promoting his new time," he said before asking the Shavonne Dargan, senior lnan­ albu1n "Kingdom Come," set to DJ to drop another beat for the ager at Live Nation production drop Tuesday, the performance crowd, which was refused due company. locations were kept under to tin1e constraints. Live Nation produced wraps until the last nlinute. '·Today proved why Jay­ three shows, including the Dargan said tlrnt the Z is the hottest rapper," said Washington, D.C. stop. secrecy was part of tlle public­ Sasha Ramsey, a sophomore Howard was the only college ity strategy. People found out interior design major. "No campus the tour visited. about the show through radio one has ever toured coast to '"It's a great place to get ticket give-aways and hearsay. coast in one day," said Robyn a lot of students and young Howard students were admit­ Nelson, a sophomore human suppo1t," said Fran'k Riley, a ted with their football tickets. development major. "It was .\lritt \\illia1n~. St;1fT Pholoinphtr producer with the tour. Laquinta vVashington the best iliing to ever happen The 17-hour "Clngular Presents the Jay-Z Hangar Tour" made seven surprise stops in The first stop was in woke up at 7 a.m. to drive two to Howard. I am definitely venues nationwide. On Saturday, Jay-Z performed on Howard University's campus. Atlanta at 6:30 a.m. The rap- hours from Richmond, Va. to buying the album." 828 Inspires Local Youth. BY TRAVER RIGGINS Hilltop Staff Writer an entrepreneur. with first hand college expe­ \Vi th an absent father, an rience and incentives and After a quick stop at older brother who dropped some new friends to look up the ta:-ry-ot:t ,,ith frit nds '>lit 'Jf ''i;:h scl100J, 3nother to. Dunbar High School sopho­ with a partial colfog(; educa­ 'These kids live like five more Nico Hinkle heads tion and a position as a hotel minutes away but they've ho1he everyday to help manager and his .. -tt1 inno­ never ever been up here watch his three younger sib­ vator" grandfather having before," said senior finance lings until his mother gets passed away, Hinkle could major Jason Foster, presi­ home fr01n her second job use an extra role model. dent of the Howard chapter at 6:30 p.m. On Mondays, "l'm at a halfway point," and B2B coordinator. "There Wednesdays and Fridays, he said. arc good things in D.C. ,,,,.. .._. (.'t. rn. noil• ~ ~4.aff Vbolov-pbin' the 4.0 GPA student volun­ That's where Beta but there is such a divide School of Communications students and alumni gathered In the Blackburn Center teers 11is time at the Boys Chapter. Alpha Phi Alpha between Howard and the Saturday night to "rekindle the flame" and keep the Howard legacy of greatness allve. and Girls Club. Next sum­ Fraternit) Inc. s "Brother 2 rest of D.C. \Ve want to close mer. he'll be in China as a Brother" (B2B) conference that gap:· part of an exchange program comes in. In its 16th year, On the first day of the learning about Chinese heri­ the annual conference is an two-day conference, close to SOC Student Council tage and culture. Hinkle he effort to provide local middle 300 young men from six local wants to go to college and be school and high school boys schools attended workshops and interacted with B2B vol­ Hosts Networking Din~er unteers, asking questions, BY MERClA WILLIAMS-MURRAY making friends and getting Hilltop Staff Wnter togetl1er. She says that she has come to know college life better. The opening speaker was across seniors in the school The workshops addressed The John H. Johnson Hazel Trice Edney an acc0111- who don't kt10\\ the story of ho'' to apply for college, safe School of Communications plished journalist who has Emmett Till and students who sex, respecting women and student council presented their worked for the black press do not know who was the first accon1plishing dreams in life inaugural alumni networking throughout her entire career. black governor in the United despite obstacles. B2B raf­ dinner on Saturday evening in Edney, who has inter­ States. fled off books, T-shirts, balls tlle Blackburn Ballroom. viewed notable figures such as She says journalists should and other items donated by Current and former stu­ President Bill Clinton, Cicely be ''committed to the adage of outside sponsors. dents from the School of Tyson, Bishop T.D. Jakes and 'comforting the afflicted and Greg Carr, Ph.D.,African Communications came togeth­ is currently a visiting profes­ afflicting the cofftfortable."' American studies professor er to feast and enjoy live jazz sor in the school, referred to The audience was remind­ concluded the day with his music in the spirit of fellow­ Woodburne and his staff of ed by Edney to be serious speech on being an•"intcllec• ship. assistants as "classy." about who they are and to stay lual baller, .. a spin-off of the Anthon) Woodburne, the Despite her praises of infonned as various types of 0.·1·, 11 'niith. 'ih1ff J•tlQl()f.:mphcr student council president, says Howard students, she says media converge. The "Brother 2 Brother" conference stressed the impor­ it was great to see so many that if something needs to be See 828, A3 NEWS tance of college to middle and high school students. alumni and students coming rekindled it has died down. See NETWORK, A3 NEWS South Africa Passes 8,ill Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage BY JANAY WILSON apartheid's . discriininatory South African activists nent. cution of homosexuals, thou­ disgraced by it. If someone Contributing Writer regime, which denied blacks have used the charter to con­ Homosexuality is illegal sands are happy about the new in my family was to tell the the vote and other basic rii>hts, solidate gay rights, 111 con­ in Ziinbabwc, Kenya, Uganda, bill, and son1e are putting it family tlrnt they were gay, they On a continent where South Africa crafted a liberal trast '·vith tl1e bulk of African Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana to use. Couples who had been would be disowned." politicians, church leaders and constitution in 1996 that out­ countries, where gays arc and most other sub-Saharan living together in secret were Students sometimes form traditional figures often con- lawed discrimination on tlle often ostracized or brutally countries. Some countries able to get married, legalizing their own political opinions. demn homosexuality, South grounds of race, gender or attacked. are debating constitutional their union. "My family is from Nigeria. African same-sex couples can sexual orientation. The bill comes as a shock ainendments to ban same-sex The increase of homosex­ My mom is Christian, my dad now legally 1narry based on "When we attained our to the count1y's 80 percent 1narriages. Homosexual sex ual rights in religiously conser­ ~s Muslim and I am Catholic.
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