SUPPLEMENT TO TUB POST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY FOR MDCCCXL, COKTAINISQ THE POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENTS FOR CARRYING INTO FULL EFFECT THE I UNIFORM PENNY POSTAGE, АУО COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF PARLIAMENT, WITH THE (Toton Støt&rnrt During tf)c lírm n t session, AN Э COUNTRY SEAT OE EACH PEER AND MEMBEROF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, BY W. KELLY AND CO, 1D&20, OLD BOSWELL COURT, TEMPLE BAR, # AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. ГК1СЕ ОУЕ SHILLING This "S c p p L E K iia ” will be published Annually about three weeks subsequent to the aisoinbling o f Parliament, so that it may contain the correct London ad less of each Peer and Member. ADVERTISEMENT. In the following pages the Regulations o f the Poet Office, for carrying into effect the Uniform Penny Postage, are given in ample detail j and all exceptions to the Penny Rate in the cases o f Foreign and Ship Letters, i c . enumerated. The “ Parliamentary Directory,” commencing at pBge 83, bos been corrected to tbe 'present day ; it includes all Peers as well as the Members returned at the different Elections since the assembling o f Parliament—each address given is that occupied by the Peer or Member during the Pr e s e s i Session . The “ Supplement,” commencing at page 09, furnishes an account o f all firms established since the publication of the Directory ; and o f important changes in thoso previously existing. General Post Office, Feb. 19,1310. T H E POST OFFICE LONDON DIRECTORY FOR 1840, May now be had completed to the present time. It is the only Work containing the Post Office Regulations with reference to the Uniform Penny Postage, and the most recent Parliamentary information. It is p if t y геп слях c h e a p e r , and will be found infinitely more correct, than any other similar u-ork. MUCH MISREPRESENTATION hae been made with reference to the “ Post Office Directory.” The improvements introduced Into the later Editions have caused an immense increase m the circulation, and its success has probably instigated the statements so industriously propagated. The mode of disparagement adopted precluded the possibility óf sucii being any longer quietly submitted to. The Public are therefore thus acquainted with the true value o f Robson’s (the only other Landon A nitual) Directory, and to prevent the possibility o f its being charged that any selection 1ms been used, an Analytical Review has been made and jmblished, o f consecutive names taken equally from the commencement and conclusion of ‘ R obson’s Co m m e r c ia l D irectory' por 18W.’ It will be found at page 91 o f this Supplement. That Review has now been in the possession of the Proprietors of Robson’s Directory for several weeks, and in their communications on the subject it s т п е т п has not been disputed. While that remains unquestioned little value will be attached to calumnies circulated schere they cannot be met, and by persons interested in detaching Purchasers from the Post Office Directory. GENERAL POST OFFICE, ST. MARTIN’S LE GRAND. Pape New spapers, and Supplements to, and from, the British Co­ Addresses to H e r Ma j e s t y ............................................................. lonies and Foreign P a r t s .......................................................... 5 , Наук Notes akü Bakk Post Bi l l s ................................................ з --------------------- to the East Indies .... 6 Cross Ma i l s .......................................... 32 ------------------------------------------------- to France ....... ç D eeds ................................................................................................... *--------------------------------- ■ -------------from A b r o a d ......................... e Delivery of Letter* in Lo n d o n ............................................................3 ------------- ------------------------------------ by Private Ships ..... в D r a fts ........................................................................ 3 Packets to all parts of the World ............................................ 7 Prance, Lctteis to, or by the way of, mode oř Charging . 8 Postage, British rates o f . ................................... .... 1 Pranking privileges a b o lis h e d .................................................1 & 2Ö Postage, Foreign rates o f ......................... .............................. 8 Sc 9 L etters to go by the Inland Mails 2 ------------to Central G erm any.................................................. 15 to IS — -----to go by the Foreign Mail* . ...................................2 ---------------China (See Ship Letters)........................................................7 ------------ delivery of in L on d on ...................................................... 3 --------------- East Indies 8 6c 22 ------------ Foreign ..................................................................................... ------------- E gypt............................. HÄ32I ------------ Addressed London only „ 2 --------------- F rance....................................................................... 10 to 14 ------------ containing articles of a brittle nature ...... 3 ---------------G reece.................................................................... 8 •---------------------------- Coin, &c. ......................................................3 --------------- Italiaa States ................................................................... 20 — — ------------------ * bottles of liquid, &e. ........ 5 ---------------North A m erica......................................................................ß — -Overcharged ................................................. 2 ---------------Provinces of Austria . ............................. 20 ------------Overweight................................................ 1 ---------------S ard in ia.................................................. * . 18 &c Ì9 ------------ by Private Ship* to Australia, Cape of iiootl Hope, Last ---------------Switzerland . ...................................... 19 6: 20 Indies, Fwnn Hiver, ami all parts of the World . 7 ---------------West In d ie s ............................. в ------------ Registered to Foreign Countries........ 2 Prices Current (Printed) ........................................................... .... в ------------ Seamen and S o ld ie rs..................................................... tl Printed Votes and Proceedings in parliament....................................3 Mail Coaches (Morning) ................................................................... 27 Railway Cross M ails........................ 32 List of Places sent to, b y .............................................................. 28 Receiving Hontes (now consolidated)................................................ 23. Mail Coaches ( E v e n i n g )......................................................28 to 31 List of all within three Miles of the General Post Office . 25 —------------ by Railway ....................................... * . 32 SHIP LETTERS ..... ....................................................... 7 ------------------- C r o s s ........................................................................ 32 Ship Letter Postage, persons exempt f r o m ............................. • T Mails made up In London to all parts of the W orld....................7 Stamps on Letter« ................................................. 5 Marseilles (Steam Packets from, to Leghorn, Athens and tho Steam Packets from Marseilles to Alexandria........................ 2t* East In d ie s)....................................... 20 TWO PENNY (or LONDON LOCAL) POST OFFICE, MONEY#ORDER OFFICE— Regulation« o f ........................................ 3 Regulations o f, ............................................................... 21 & 23 New spapers, and Supplements t o ...................................................... 3 Places in the Country delivery o f .................................. 23 6c 24 Postm aster G e n e r a l . The Right Hon. Thomas William, Earl of Lichfield. Se c r e t a r y .................... Lieutenant-Colonel William Leader Maberly. A ssistan t Secr e tar y Thomas Laurence, Esq. So l i c i t o r .................... Mark Beauchamp Peacock, Esq. PEERS AND MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT no longer desnatrh or receive correspondence e r r e . Members o f either House are entitled to receive free o f oharge Petitions to Parliament, provided that each Petition is sent without a cover, or in a cover open at the aides, and doe* not exceed the weight of Six Ounces. ADDRESSES TO HER MAJESTY PASS FREE. With these exceptions. A lb IN IAVD LETTERS OK PACKETS, including those from the Channel Isles,and the Die of Man, if p r e p a id , are subject to the following RATES OF POSTAGE, Not exceeding Halt an Ounce in W eight ...................... One Penny. One Ounce ........................................... T w o P en ce T w o O unce* ................. ....................... Pour Pence T hree Ounces ................................................ Six Pence, and so on, T w o K a te * being added for every ounce up to S ixteen Ounces, beyond which, with t/íe following exceptions, no Ра с к в г whether subject to postage or not, can be r e c e iv e d . 1. P arliamentary Pe t it io n s and A ddresses to h e r Ma je st y , 2. P arliamentary P r o ceed in g s, 3. L etters and Pack ets addressed to or received from Places beyond Sea. 4. L etters and P ack ets to and from P u blic D e partm en ts, and to and from Pu
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