VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4, JUNE 2006 ANNOUNCEMENTS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PUBLICATIONS William Miller’s recent publi- implications of EU and NATO Myant, (eds.) Varieties cations include ‘Corruption enlargement, which continues of Capitalism (London: ANNOUNCEMENTS: and Corruptibility’ World Devel- until next year. Palgrave, November opment, February 2006 2006), pp.309-334. Yulia Korosteleva’s paper vol.34, no.2: pp. 371-380 and ‘'Maximising Seigniorage and Sarah Oates’s new ‘Perceptions, experience and Inflation Tax: The Case of Bel- book Television, Democ- lies: What measures corrup- arus', based on her PhD, has racy and Elections in · Publications tion? And what do corruption been recently accepted for Russia has just ap- · Study Groups measures measure? In publication in Eastern peared (Routledge). The Charles Sampford, Arthur · Conferences European Economics. She photograph below is Shacklock, Carmel Connors also published ‘Belarus - incorporated in the · Grants and Fredrik Galtung (eds) Heading Towards State Capi- cover design. · Research Visits Measuring Corruption talism?’, in D. Lane and M. abroad (London: Ashgate, 2006), pp. · Visitors to the 163-185. Department Stephen White is a joint author of Politics in Europe, · Personal which CQ Press will bring out in August. Chris Carman is another contributor. His study of ‘Putin’s Russia and the Enlarged Europe’, with Roy Allison and Margot Light, will appear in the early autumn with Blackwell; it is the first of two book-length studies based on his ESRC project on the The Transformation Group brings together members of the Department of whatever status who take a primary or at least substantial interest in the process of political change in Eastern Europe, the former USSR and China. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 Page 2 STUDY GROUPS A UACES Study Group, tics entitled The New Neighborhood Policies’ co- Belarus, Russia and organized at the initiative of Europe and the authored with Giselle Bosse Ukraine’” . Derek S. Hutcheson ’Outsiders’: Is There a and Galina Bogutcaia; Ka- The special issue will (University College Dublin, Values Gap?. tsuto Furusawa’s article be launched at the Ireland) and Elena A. Koros- ‘Participation and protest in The contributions in- UACES Annual Confer- televa (University of Aberyst- the European Union and the clude: Anke Schmidt- ence in Limerick, Ireland, wyth, Wales), is to publish “outsider” states’ and Felzmann’s article ‘Lost in 31 August — 2 September the outcome of its activities Stephen White & Yulia Koros- Translation? Political El- 2006 at the panel enti- in 2006 forthcoming special televa’s joint article “‘Feeling ites and the Interpretative tled ‘Political Values in issue of Contemporary Poli- European’: The View from Values Gap in European the New Europe’. CONFERENCES Anke Schmidt-Felzmann Enlarged European Union in Russian foreign policy at Image of a Friend? Interna- gave the following presenta- in its Relations with the a PSAI—PSA postgraduate tional Images as a Factor in conference at the Queen’s tions: ‘Russia’s “Self- Russian Federation’, pre- the EU-Russia Relations’ (to University, Belfast in May Exclusion” from from the sented at conference be presented by Valentina 2006. EU’s Neighbourhood Policy ‘Reflecting on a Wider Feklyunina & Sirke Mäkinen, Anke Schmidt- and Its Implications for the Europe and Beyond: University of Tampere). Felzmann & Valentina Fek- EU’s Normative Agenda’ Norms, Rights and Inter- Stephen White will be lyunina also organised a presented at conference ests’, Central and East presenting a paper on Bela- panel “The EU and its ‘Inclusion and Exclusion – European International rusian and Ukrainian foreign Eastern Neighbourhood: 7th Annual International Studies Association policy orientations at the Visions and Interests in Postgraduate Conference (CEEISA), 4th Convention, AAASS in Washington DC in Conflict?”, UACES Annual on Central and Eastern University of Tartu, 25-27 November. Ian McAllister of Conference:’Exchanging Europe’, School of Slavonic June 2006. the ANU will be presenting Ideas to Europe’, Univer- & East European Studies, William Miller was one their jointly authored paper sity of Limerick, 31st Au- University College London, of four participants in a on political parties and de- public “Scottish Conversa- gust—2 September 2006, 16-18 February 2006; 'The mocratic consolidation at tion” (with Lewis Lapham chaired by Sean Molloy. EU as a Normative Agent - the International Political of Harper’s Magazine; Tod Papers to be presented at Do Values Really Matter in Gitlin of Columbia Univer- Science Association Con- the panel include: ‘Too EU-Russia Relations?', pre- sity; & Tom Devine of Edin- gress in Fukuoka, Japan Many Cooks Spoil the sented at conference on burgh University) on “Is (Katsu’s home town), in July. Patriotism History?” , held Borscht? – The Diver- International Relations in Stephen White will also be on 4th April 2006 at New gence of National Inter- Eastern Europe, 16-18 speaking at a conference in School, Greenwich Village, ests in EU Member States’ March 2006, Humboldt New York. Kyiv in early October on stra- Policies Towards Russia’ University, Berlin; ‘Is Bigger tegic elites and European Valentina Feklyunina (to be presented by Anke Better? Strengths and gave her first paper on the enlargement. Schmidt-Felzmann) and Weaknesses of the role of international image ‘Image of an Enemy or PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4, JUNE 2006 Page 3 GRANTS Stephen White was awarded a m issioned a post-presidential sur- Daniel Hammond obtained a £ 7,500 grant by the Nuffield Founda- vey in Belarus. Data will also be £ 1860 travel grant from the Uni- tion, as a contribution to the costs of available for analysis in the near versities China Committee London a post-election survey in Ukraine. future. In collaboration with Elena (UCCL) to undertake his fieldwork Other contributions were obtained and Christian Haerpfer of Aberdeen in China in June 2006. His main from the Department and the Faculty. it is hoped to conduct a survey in purpose of the visit is to collect Fieldwork has now been completed Moldova in the autumn using the documents and to hold interviews and the data will shortly be available 2005-6 World Values Survey ques- regarding urban poverty alleviation for analysis. They will be available, tionnaire, which will yield data that policies in China. He will be primar- within reason, to departmental col- are comparable with those for a ily based in Tianjin at the Depart- leagues. With Elena Korosteleva of very large number of other coun- ment of Social Work and Social Aberystwyth, Stephen has also com- tries. Policy, Nankai University. RESEARCH VISITS ABROAD Stephen White was in Russia in the Thomas Johnson, having almost areas of conservation, water re- spring for ten days of library work and completed the first year of his PhD, sources, desertification, and ur- discussion with colleague Olga is currently in China, conducting ban environment. He is based at Kryshtanovskaya, who will be preparing fieldwork into Chinese environ- Nankai University in Tianjin and interviews for a mid-September visit to mental NGOs and their impact on will stay there until September. Moscow by three members of the pro- policy-making. He will examine ject team. NGOs involved in the sub-policy VISITORS TO THE DEPARTMENT The Transformation Group was glad to welcome Christian Collina of Turin (until the end of July), and Grigorii Ioffe of Radford University, as short-term visitors. PERSONAL CONGRATULATIONS to Jane Duckett on the arrival of Ruaridh, a ‘smiley baby’, and to Yulia Korosteleva on her appointment to a research assistantship at Sheffield University. BEST WISHES to Chris Corrin on her departure for pastures new. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 4 PRESENTATIONS Stephen White gave a He also presented a the Berlin ICCEES con- Mao China: the Case of paper on turnout levels paper at the University of gress in late July, and at a Health Provision’, at the In- and their implications in Hull in March on conference on political stitute for International Pol- Russia, Ukraine and Bela- ‘Classifying communist parties in Washington DC icy Analysis, University of rus at the BASEES confer- systems’, and spoke on in late August immedi- Bath, on 18 March. ence in April, took part in ‘Who is Mister Putin?’ to ately before APSA. a round table on ‘Belarus the Scottish-Russian Fo- Jane Duckett pre- between East and West’, rum in Edinburgh. sented a paper, and chaired the Saturday Over summer he will ‘Explaining Welfare State evening symposium. be presenting papers at Retrenchment in post- BREZHNEV CENTRAL COMMITTEE ARCHIVE Some years ago Stephen White and Evan Mawdsley held a series of grants for the study of the CPSU Central Committee, one of which provided for the interviewing of as many as possible of its surviving mem- bers. In the end, working with Ol'ga Kryshtanovskaya and her colleagues in Moscow, we secured nearly a hun- dred interviews, some of considerable length. The tapes are still in Moscow, but we now have an electronic version of the entire archive, and will be preparing it for deposit in both hard and electronic form in GUL. In the meantime, any inquiries may be addressed to Stephen White. POSTGRADUATE STUDENT NEWS Wang Guohui re- Perceptions of Foreign PhD in the Department, MUNIST STUDIES AND turned from Shandong Policy: Eastern Poland’ in also in 2000) has secured TRANSITION POLITICS in Province, China, in Febru- PERSPECTIVES ON EURO- a contract with Routledge June. to publish a book entitled ary. He had been doing PEAN POLITICS AND SOCI- Yeongmi Yun (who BOLSHEVIZING THE SOVIET field work for his disserta- ETY, Volume 6, Issue 1, took her PhD in 2001) COMMUNIST PARTY, which tion on post-election vil- 2005. published a second paper lage governance and ob- will be based on her thesis.
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