!"#$!#%&'()* HOLIDAY 2019 HOLIDAY MONDAY DECEMBER 16 - 2 2019 Opinion THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 2019 The Santa Claus lie and Creating a fear-based narrative jeopardizes children’s trust in parents. ELIZA GREEN Editor creative with Christmas traditions without When Santa is in the picture, children’s lying to children. It is okay for children focus on Christmas becomes more about to still believe in the magic of Christmas the material possessions obtained rather without having to believe in Santa Claus. than being with family, or any religious The claim that parents must encourage events they might celebrate. “creativity” through the Santa myth ne- Another issue arises when the cultural gates the fact that doing so can also sti- and religious diversity in America is con- fle a child’s ability to practice critical sidered. Other winter holidays that are thinking. While it may seem like a long celebrated in the United States, such as jump from believing in Santa to other lu- Kwanzaa, Diwali and Hanukkah, do not dicrous and baseless conspiracy theories, necessarily have the same traditions sur- the reality of the world we live in must rounding Santa. While some schools still instead inspire parents to foster critical largely celebrate Christmas and the tradi- thinking in children. tion of Santa, this practice creates confu- The increased denial of scientific facts sion to kids who did not grow up in the simply to support one’s own personal be- same context. There is the potential that REBECCA MENA / DAILY TITAN liefs, or rejection of narratives that do not students could begin to believe that San- fit one’s own worldview is not helped by ta doesn’t want to bring gifts to kids from While Santa remains a necessary part morphed into a surveillanced and fear- teaching children to believe baseless sto- their cultural or religious background. of many Americans’ Christmas experi- based tradition that can harm parents’ ries. Teaching children to weigh fact from Many parents also use the myth of San- ence, not many people stop to wonder credibility as well as a child’s ability to fiction at a young age will only benefit ta as a crutch for discipline. It can be used where this tradition comes from and the decipher the truth. them in their future ability to measure the as a way to instill fear in the child with- effect it could potentially have on chil- Highlighting the not-so-helpful things truth and keep an open mind. out the parent actually coming off as the dren’s perception of their parents and the that Santa brings to the holiday plate There are more underlying issues that bad guy. The idea that if a kid will be on world around them. seems like something Ebenezer Scrooge come with the facade of Santa and his the naughty list for not being good all year The origins of this iconic Christmas would do, but there are plenty of other magical reindeer. When children of a is a lazy substitute for disciplining a child figure can be traced back to around 300 traditions to get the whole family into the lower socioeconomic class receive gifts while deflecting the blame to a third party. A.D. in what is now Turkey. There an holiday spirit without convincing children from Santa that are less expensive and While it is important to set good patterns early Christian, St. Nicholas, followed to believe in a constructed narrative. Fam- less flashy than kids from a more afflu- of discipline with children, it is also im- Jesus’ words to “sell what you own and ilies can still bake cookies together, wrap ent background, it can create self-doubt portant to ensure that children understand give the money to the poor.” There are presents together, host a Christmas party, within some kids who assume that San- that love from their parents is not contin- many stories of St. Nicholas’ generosi- volunteer for charity or even invent their ta doesn’t like them as much. Most of the gent on good behaviour. ty: one story tells of a poor family with own household Christmas traditions. time, the reality of that situation is that While the decision whether to tell chil- three daughters who were destined to be Parents should never make a habit of in- their families sacrificed a lot to make sure dren about Santa or not seems like a small sold to slavery over the lack of a mar- tentionally lying to their kids. While like they still got presents. issue, it can set an unhealthy pattern and riage dowery. Suddenly, bags of gold in this scenario it is often harmless, chil- Parents need to be able to take credit affect some kids in deeper ways than can started showing up in their stockings and dren deserve to grow up with the ability for the gifts they give their children. Giv- be imagined. It is important to consider shoes that were left by the fire. to trust that their parents would never feed ing gifts is an act of love, and children can the effects of traditions that are perpetuat- St. Nicholas acted in secrecy with his them lies. Parents usually follow this lie appreciate it even more when they know ed for children in order to equip them with generosity, and this act of selflessness in order to avoid stifling their child’s cre- someone they are close to cares enough to every tool that is necessary to have a ful- and kindness, amongst others, has now ativity, but there are plenty of ways to be get them a gift they will really enjoy. filling and successful future. MONDAY DECEMBER 16 - HOLIDAY THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 2019 Opinion 2019 3 its negative impact children to abandon the values come cheap. On the other end This belief perpetuates of judgment and good behav- of the spectrum, wealthy fami- ior if there is no incentive be- lies are able to replace any price socioeconomic hind it. It also leads them to be- tag with a cheesy “from Santa lieve that they are not worthy Claus” note. problems and issues of enough, which damages their In that case, are parents re- self-worth. ally giving children the chance self worth. These negative values stray to learn the true meaning of people away from the true Christmas and ole Saint Nicho- REBECCA MENA meaning of Christmas, as well las? Peter Ellerton, the Curric- Editor as the actual person Santa Claus ulum Director of the University was based on; Saint Nicholas, a of Queensland Critical Think- Christmas time is full of fan- fortunate areas. especially in front of children, devout Christian who lived a life ing Project, would answer with tastical features: bright string In other words, low-income for the sake of worried parents of charity and goodwill. a solid ‘no’. lights, musical parades, festive families have little to no chance worldwide,” said John Park, au- Saint Nick is known as the pa- “Consider what must follow sweets and the best part of all, of being able to afford what thor of the 2016 study. tron of the needy and the suf- from the Santa story. If only gifts. Without a doubt, Christ- their children want for Christ- But the repercussions do not fering, a great contrast to our good children get presents, what mas is a holiday that brings peo- mas. Toy drives are sometimes only come with shutting down modern version of a jolly fel- does that say about poor fami- ple together to celebrate the act an option, but the likelihood of the Santa Claus myth. They low who fails to cater to low-in- lies? What value judgments are of giving and receiving. children receiving the exact toy also come with keeping up the come families that are desperate being formed? What if children Santa Claus, however, does they want is low. charade. to make their children’s wishes themselves are poor? How does not have the ability to fulfill While parents have the option Rather than being aware of come true. this narrative impact their sense every person’s wish and deliv- to disclose the truth to their chil- their socioeconomic status and Kids are not the only ones of self-worth? Children are far er the message of gratitude and dren about Santa’s existence, re- coming to terms with it, kids who suffer the consequences. more alert to these implications generosity. Not all kids receive percussions will most likely fol- are made to believe that they Parents have to deal with the that we give them credit for. the toys and tech they ask for in low. Nonetheless, it is better to are on Santa’s “naughty” list, disappointment their children Maybe it’s ok to lie about some their crayon-written notes, es- face the music rather than con- leaving their year-long efforts feel after opening up presents things, but give it up for Santa,” pecially those who come from tinue to add on to the list of lies to make it on the “nice” list as a and not finding what they asked Ellerton said. low-income families. parents tend to craft to cover up failed endeavor. for. Because of this, shame and Let’s give credit where cred- According to 2016 data from distressing information. Although some consider San- guilt are often the top gifts par- it is due. Santa Claus receives the Harvard T.H. Chan School “Dispelling the ‘naughty or ta as the spirit of Christmas, ents find in their stockings this the credit for providing children of Public Health, a profession- nice’ myth has important im- who instills feelings of happi- time of the year.
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