
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEB 27, 19«8 PAGE TWENTY JlRanrbieBt^r Ettfuittg lifra li Most Stores Are Open Tonight for Shopping Until 9 O^Clftck ; About Town B a g s B u c k lira. Betty Q. Pika of Man- Artiage IM br Net Pram Run llMnban at Bt. Ja SHOP AT HOME The Weather ehaater Rd., Olastonbury, * b r Tha Wtoak M b Church pihnnbi( to attend the Btniok and kflled a atx-point P artly cloudy, brsasy, -x>ldsr BlUa Vigil tonight mt 7:90 alt buck laat night, and her FOR YOUR CARPET Navombar It, IM tonight. Chance of anow tlurrlm Ote chivch are remfcited to neighbor may haive vonlatm early. Low 80 to *0. Tomorroiw biiag grooertea and canned for Thankaglvlng dinner to­ BAiwidt—wanow « mohawk mooUy sunny, colder. High *0 gtxMk for the needy. morrow. 15,341 to 48. The deer ran out in front MmneheUer^A City of Vittage Charm a t John’s PoUah Naktoeial of her car near the Manches­ CWthoUc Church will have coo- ter Country Club. Mre. Pike YOL. L X X X V m , NO. SI (FORTY PAGES-TWO SBC110NS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 19S8 (OlaailfiBd Afteertistof PRICE TEN CENTS f Bad DOB ter oha dren Sattsday at had bean shopping In Man- 11 a.m. at (he church. ehadter and was returning i r to get some clgarettea tor her husband when the acci­ ■■.V” The nueocTHtic Mintetry dent occurred. Sdhool o f Jehovah’s W ltneaaea The deor and the driver Viet Order will meet Friday at 7:80 p.m. were brought to hoadquar- Renewed Offensives There will also be a service teni where Mrs. Pike slpied BONO Rdito (A P )- The meeting at 8:86 p.m. a release ter the animal and North Vietnam Charges U.S INCHES',/ y Vlat Ooat today ordarad a turned It over to a neighbor MW gusttlUa and terrorist Graxlc 7 Youth FeHoiwahlp of In Olastonbury later on. ' oCtanalva .httalnot Am erican South united Methodist Church Mrs. Plko Is a teacher at and Uouth thetnamoM units will meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. the Verplanck School. The and offleials. in Cooper Hall c t the church Tidks on Youth EUY PAYMENT TERMS AVAHJBIE S front end of her car was Ibniisil In tfaa name o f the for a "Happeping'.” moderately damaged, ac Robert J. Digan, cooedtaator military Ugh ownmand of cording police. BUDEET EROUPS ■ FAMOUS NAMES ^ the Vlat Ckmg*a libera^ Again Bombing Above DMZ of youth eervipee tor the Board f Lutz Jt|rtlor Museum will be of BducaOon, will qpoak on armed foroes. Urn order was closed TWdtagivIng Day, btit Just tskphoito us! We’B ka glad to dwf ^ | "Why I Believe in the Younger 1|fH*nFn8 leas oonsedon of broadloom right In your own bo^ ^ beamed to South Vietnam by will rwresume ^ asita ssdiedule c ^ e on Fri> Qeiwrattan,’’ Sunday morning at T U D llC ItCCUrUB PARIS (AP) — North where you can ba aura of ohoodng^a color, taxtw* ^ Radio Hanoi and monitored aay The m u ^ to op« to the ^jpi^opai Cta«h Ad- Wanantee Deeds fat Hong Kong. Vietnam charged 'today the Ronald Maynard to Roland A. and pattom tfeafa Joot right CaU oar Tha order was addreooed to United States <»rried out ^ Men and Boya. and Rena M. Larson, property WAU>TO-WAtl. SPflCIAUSn the taat Cong's regular new bombing attacks deep 2 A A breakfaat will be Served af on Kennedy Rd., conveyance troopa, guerrilla unite, and in its teiritory Thursday The West Side Rec. Junior ^ ,^.3^ communion tax $8.80. "saml-ormed” unite. The tot- and demanded an end tar are uiiderground unite High Damse will be Friday from ^vise tor n»en and taya. This Green Manor Batotes Inc. to what it said "were acts of 7 to 9:30 p.m . Musac wUi be by ^ «vet at BL Mary’s Jolm L. and Donna O. OeMer, that funcUon as Sarmera by day and fight by night w ar." •The Rogues.’’ The dance tor jo promote a lather aial property on Keimedy Rd., con- American comment on tee junior high school studente Is ^ teUmvahto at the atort of the veyance tax $87.«. (HenAl ite to br Baoetrlohu) North Vletnameoe charge Was held each Friday during the rec- anmetlmM oaleld the Green Manor Eatates Inc. to Douglaa Pastel, president of Instructors of the Handicapped not inunedtately avaUahle. reatlon season. Alexander and Betty 8. Elgner. Slate Named (lOH), center, accepts check tor $200 tor lOH Pool Building Reports from Saigon have — ^STwT^p^rvtousfy proba- property « W ^ock Rd., con- Fund from UNICO Natlmial President John A. OegianoUo, carried no mention of bombing Youn^ Peoples *F>elkw8Wp .tbon officer for the State of Oon- veyance tax $li.oo. left. Sam M. TTaneWda, right, district governor of the Oon- G>lombia Hit attacks north of the damiHtar- 7 By UNICO St. Miary's Elptocopal Church baa neoUout, Juvenile Court. He re- Herman M. Freaietbs to necUcut Dlatrlct 2 UNICO National, looka on. ized zone dl'vldlng Norte and postponed the dance sdireduled ceived hto B.A. degree in soclo- Richard L. Adams and Rtwrt The Manchester Chapter of South Vietnam. for Friday unta later in Decern- from SL lOdnerB CbBege, Jean Adams, property at 8^ By C risis as A spokesman tor Hanoi’s dele­ ber. WinooaM Park. VI., and hla Wells St., conveyance tax $22. UNICO National Installed John one of Italian background to n,iHi«ng PermUa A. Cagianelo as president of the belong. The organization was gation at the Parte peace talks ----- master’s degree in sociology AlbnxA Construction tor chapter for a second term Sat- founded In 1922 by Dr. Anthony Fire Calls asserted the American bomb­ The Quarterback Club of East from Notre Dame (Ind.) Unlver- Mis. Rose Raymond, new dwell- urday night at Its second an- Vastola of Waterbury and has Cabinet Quits ings had occurred for tee third Csltfaaltc Iflgh School will meet sity. iiV at 29 Palm St., $12,000. nual installation and dinner- chapters all over the country, Two cafc were received by atraight day Thursday. "The United Staten’ tuste of Friday at 7 p.m. to the school He to diairmon of the gifts Howard Andrews, tool shed at dance at the Manchester Ooun- Manchester being the most re­ town flrennen yesterday. ’Hie BfXIOTA, CMamUa (AP) — auditorium. It to the last meet- bequests committee of the ^ Oub The liberal-Oonoervative coali­ war are in violation of national cent one. first was at *:86 p.m. tor a re­ tog of the 1968 footbaU ®*®****season, Manchester ScfitiendilnSchcHanhlp Founds- Rd., $100. ^ __ try ported grass fire at 689 BeH St THiuuhjLiJteJL WUUam W . Scranton tion Cabinet raolgned at dawn sovereignty and security of tee and parents are Invited to at of the tow en- Thoren Kress, altera- other officers tostaUel Were They say they fowd no fire today after a ptormy alx-bour Democratic Republic of (NOrili) tend. Returns on banquet tickrta subcommittee on drug to dwelling at 22* W. Cen- Franda P. DellaFera, vice pres- when they arrived at Bdl St., session with President Carloa Vietnam,” he said. ter St., $SB0. Ident; Frank J. FUloramo, sec- will be accepted. abuse, and an advisor to ths Ueras Readrepo, plunging this The spokesman charged that MandevlHe Signs Inc., Cor retary; Joseph Clementlno, School MenuH and chalked up the caH as a MEC Youth Council of Manches­ false alarm. CARPET CENTER cotifea.growlng notion Into cri- three F4 jets of the U.8. Air Westown Pharmacy, sign at treasurer; Joseph Macaione. Scranton to Make ala. Force dropped exirioalvea and The American Legion Auxil­ ter Human Relattone Commit­ The other call was tor leaves. *00 Hartford Rd., $000. sergeant-^-arms; and Atty. lieras, a Liberal, cfaaiK«d the fragmentEition bom bs on tour iary will sponsor a Seafood tee. Manafort Bros. Inc. for Man- Dominic Squatrito. general The cafeteria menu for Man- lymm firemen wwit to 1190 W. ■ ItoBSOa BiWi a o t O aipal^ He is also reapcaialble for coalition was not moving ahead 'Villages and hamlets in the Night for members and guests cheater Redevelopment Agency, counael. The officers were re- chertei public schods Dec. 2-0: Middle Tpke. at 11:10 p.m. No adwol-pteioe liaison, IdenUfioa- Vtor AO Y a v O aipot Raaia flaa A MfsalaM Mission to Israel with hto programs W reform Province of Quang Blnh. One of Friday from 7 to 10:30 pjn. at “ " “oU*** commercial building eenUy re-elected to serve a sec- Monday, frankfuit on a roll, (jmnage or torjuries was report- potato chips, buttered carrots, ^ Comato<l»Maa«Mis*»0*Fal'OMAr and demanded tee OaMnet step the villages attacked, he said, to the post home. tkto and ywyi to confUo^th ^ Main NBW YORK (AP) — Preal. Belnit, LeiauMti; Deo. 6, Oalroy oemmunity, fasnUy, or school. milk, mixed fruit down ao that be could seek a full more ‘disin 40 mUes north of the St., $700; and com m ercial build­ dsa* stoot Rtohud M. Nixon an- U .A .R .; D ec. 7, Jidda asid R i­ demiUtariaed zone. Raym eod B^edettohaen is key- Special guests were Douglas Tuesday, Hambuig-macaroni onCN 9A1I.T TO SiM — W lJE^ **• J*® * * * 'J political roEUlgnment o f tee'gov- First Church of Christ, Sci­ ing at 24 Main St., $400. nounood today ha wUl a n a tor- yadh, Saudi AioMa; Dec. 8, emment. entist, will have a ’Thankaglv- man for the event MM. E3m^ Baatel and Miss Connie Bel- casserole, buttered wax beans, Exchange VieUon m MAor an oR — owaniin#* M f^AingR,^ The United States haa claimed flore, president and vice presi­ mar PaiBsylvaBta Gov.
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