www.ukrweekly.com І ublished by the Ukra.nian National Association inc.. a fraternal non-profit association rainian Weekly vol. LVIII No. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 28,1990 50 cents Human chain links multitudes across Ukraine JERSEY C1TY, NJ. - Multitudes we are a nation united against the first person in the chain was Kiev poet Church Synod: first of smiling, flag-waving Ukrainians, problems of Chornobyl, economic and Rukh head ivan Drach, followed estimated by various sources at up to problems, ecological problems and the by members of Rukh's Secretariat, then since liquidation half a million, joined hands on January party apparatus," Mr. Yavorivsky, a clergy and laypeopJe from the All- ROME - The first council of the 21 for 300 miles between Kiev and Lviv USSR people's deputy from Kiev, was Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood, Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church since in a symbolic human chain commemo– quoted as saying. followed by activists from regional the Church's liquidation in 1946 con– rating the brief period of Ukrainian The day's events began in the Ukrai– Rukh organizations and various infor– vened in Lviv on Tuesday, January 23, unity and independence over 70 years nian capital, Kiev, with a moleben mal associations from all over Ukraine, and declared the 1946 synod invalid and ago, reported the Associated Press, the celebrated by priests from the Ukrai– Kharkiv, Poltava, Odessa, the Crimea, uncanonical, reported the press office of Ukrainian Press Agency and St. Sophia nian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Donetske, Dnipropetrovske, Myko– the Ukrainian Catholic Church based of Canada. at 11 a.m. in front of St. Sophia's Sobor, layiv and ivano-Frankivske. in Kiev the here. The human chain, organized by the reported the UPA of London. Since 8 route extended from St. Sophia's The council meeting, held at the Popular Movement of Ukraine for a.m. thousands of people had come to square down volodymyr Street, Shev– Church of the Transfiguration also Perebudova or Rukh, appeared to have the square in front of St. Sophia's and chenko Boulevard and victory Pros– declared that the Church will now successfully linked hundreds of thou– all along the planned route of the pect toward the main westbound high- function as a fully legal entity within the sands of people across the 300-mile human chain by bus, train, trolley, way linking all the cities. Smiling Soviet Union. stretch from St. Sophia's Square in Kiev private car and foot. Special busloads of militiamen were extremely helpful in Archbishop volodymyr Sterniuk of westward through the cities of Zhy– people were organized by Rukh and keeping order to make the occasion a Lviv, ranking prelate of the Ukrainian tomyr, Rivne, Ternopil and Lviv, and other informal organizations, such as success, reported the UPA. Catholic Church in Ukraine and the even made a loop to ivano-Frankivske. the Ukrainian Helsinki Union and the The hour-long human chain was official representative of Cardinal The St. Sophia Religious Associa– Ukrainian National Democratic followed by public rallies in cities along Myroslav 1 van Lubachivsky, presided tion reported that 500,000 people League, to fill in gaps along the route. the route, and other cities of Ukraine, over the meeting. Other bishops present participated, while the UPA reported The human chain began at noon as including Kharkiv and Dnipropetrov– were Sofron Dmyterko, bishop of the 250,000 and the AP said 100,000 people, church bells rang in Kiev and Lviv. The (Continued on page 2) eparchy of ivano-Frankivske; ivan waving Ukrainian blue-and-yellow Semediy, bishop of Uzhhorod and flags and banners proclaiming, "For a Mukachiv; Pavlo vasylyk, coadjutor United, independent Ukraine," ga– and bishop of the eparchy of ivano- thered for this peaceful demonstration Human chain manifestation; Frankivske; and Julian voronovsky, of national unity and pride. auxiliary bishop of the archeparchy of Rukh organized the officially-sanc– a triumph for the Rukh Lviv. tioned chain, commemorating both the An estimated 200 Ukrainian Catholic January 22, 1918 proclamation of by Bohdan Nahaylo affirm Ukraine's desire for sovereign priests attended the meeting along with Ukrainian independence and the act of statehood, promote unity around faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic re-unification of Ukrainian lands one "A success that went beyond all this principle, and in doing so to Church who were represented by ivan year later, because "we felt the hunger expectations." "Ukraine has finally legitimatize the brief period of Ukrai– Gel, head of the Committee for the for unity," volodymyr Yavorivsky, a awoken." "We have renewed our nian independent statehood which Defense of the Ukrainian Catholic leading Rukh activist, told the AP. sense of national statehood." "Spring until now has officially been off (Continued on page 10) "We needed to feel we are a people, has finally arrived in Kiev." This is limits. how the organizers of the human Although some of the organizers chain linking Kiev and Lviv des– later admitted that they had their cribed Sunday's impressive manifes– doubts about whether the manifesta– Ukrainian orthodoxlirchbishop' tation of Ukrainian national unity tion would receive mass support on and assertiveness to mark the 72nd the more Russified eastern section of of Australia7New Zealand dies anniversary of Ukrainian indepen– the route, their call drew an enthu– dence and the 71st anniversary of siastic response throughout the re- SOUTH BOUND BROOK, NJ. Ukraine's unification. public and even beyond its borders. - Archbishop Wolodymyr Didowycz, The peaceful demonstration, The human chain was not only prelate of the Australia^ New Zealand which was supported by hundreds of completed, in the west it was extend– Eparchy of the Ukrainian Autocepha– thousands, was called by the Popu– ed in a loop from Lviv to ivano- lous Orthodox Church, died on Satur– lar Movement of Ukraine for Re- Frankivske. Manifestations of soli– day, January 20, at the age of 65. News structuring — Rukh, the Ukrainian darity were organized from Kharkiv of his death was released here by the Helsinki Union, and other indepen– in the Russified eastern part of Metropolitan's Chancery at the Ukrai– dent Ukrainian organizations, in Ukraine to Mukachiv ш the ext– nian Orthodox Center. their appeals to the inhabitants of reme west, by Ukrainian societies in Funeral services for the deceased Ukraine, the organizers called on all Moscow, Riga and vilnius, and archeparch will take place in Munich, who regard Ukraine as their home- throughout the Ukrainian diaspora, West Germany, on Saturday and Sun- land, regardless of nationality, reh– from Canada to Australia. day, January 27-28. Burial, however, gion or political affiliation, to unity During last week, Radio Liberty's will be at St. Andrew's Ukrainian around the platform of democracy Ukrainian Service received reports Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound and Ukrainian sovereignty. from Kiev, Ternopil, Rivne and Lviv Brook, NJ. The idea of forming a 500-kilo– and other cities about the prepara– Services at St. Andrew's Ukrainian meter-long human chain from Kiev tions for Sunday's action. Thousands" Orthodox Center will be held as follows: to Lviv (respectively, the former of Ukrainian blue and yellow flags Friday, February 2, 7 p.m. archepisco– capitals of the shortlived Ukrainian and armbands were prepared, and pal panakhyda; Saturday, February 3,9 National Republic and the Western many hundreds of buses and private a.m. archepiscopal divine liturgy and Ukrainian National Republic), was cars organized to transport people to funeral liturgy, followed by interment. evidently borrowed from the highly locations along the route of the The traditional post-funeral dinner successful Baltic example set last human chain. During the week and (pomynky) will be held afterwards at August on the 50th anniversary of on Sunday itself, the authorities are the Home of Ukrainian Culture, also the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The reported not to have interfered. located at the Ukrainian Orthodox aim of the manifestation was to (Continued on page 8) Center. Archbishop Wolodymyr Didowycz 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, їмо NO.4 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Russian Bible Society is formed in Moscow Zhytomyr residents express concern LONDON - On the initiativeof the Rudenko as general director of the Baptist-based "Protestant" publishing Russian Bible Society and Aleksander over Chornobyl's radioactive fallout group, a Russian Bible Society was Semchenko as treasurer. Both are formed on January 13, in Moscow, Baptists and founding members of the by Dr. David Marples Brovchenko, a correspondent for the Keston College recently reported. Protestant publishing group, which is newspaper, observes that when he The inaugural meeting, attended by an independent organization formed by Over the past two years, the Soviet attended a meeting in Luhyny, attended 20 members representing various Chris– members of registered Baptist churches. authorities have revealed that the effects by both Mr. Chumak and local resi– tian denominations, also hosted non- Protestant has been critical of the of radioactive fallout from the 1986 dents, it was as though an invisible Christian intellectuals, academics and (Continued on page 10) Chomobyl accident were much more barrier lay between the two sides: "One members of the Congress of People's widespread than was initially acknow– attacked, the other defended." The Deputies, as well as the former chair- ledged. The name of the town and raion correspondent "sympathized sincerely" man of the Council of Religious Affairs, Azerbaidzhan refugees of Narodychi have gained international with the population of Luhyny Raion, Konstantin Kharchev. attention as areas in which the popula– especially in a situation where no The society has been registered as an arrive in Ukraine tion has been found to be living in a definitive conclusions have been reach– independent organization under the JERSEY C1TY, N.J.
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