7 Pm 8 Pm 9 Pm

7 Pm 8 Pm 9 Pm

APRIL 19, 19351 WORLD -RADIO 137 FRANKFURT, 7.0 -See Berlin. 7.15 -BERLIN,8.0 -News ; Announce-MOSCOW (No.1),8.0 -Dramatic 6 p.m. (contd.) Light Music. ments. 8.10 -Variety from the Clou. Programme. THURSDAY April 25 HAMBURG, 7.0 -Variety (Records). Part I.A Humorous BroadcastingMUNICH, 8.0 -News. 8.10 -Variety. the Samoyedes. 6.50 -Announce- Contest -Cologne v. Berlin. Starters: Lale Wilke (Songs),Lilly Preisig ments. HILVERSUM,7.0 -Light Music. For Cologne :Willi Bolesco and (Soprano), Schamagl (Songs). Kovacs Lajos Orchestra. In the F.gon Emmeri; For Berlin :Melilla Ignatjeff (Balalaika).SchmidmeierBEROMUNSTER, 9.0-" Macbeth" LEIPZIG, 6.0 --Orchestra (contd. from Interval at 7.10: Sports. Kiefer, Carel'andErich (Verdi) (contd. from 8.0). 5.0).6.30 -Topical Report. 6.50 - Carl (Pianoforte).Preissler (Accordion), Medical Talk :The Chemist. HUIZEN, 7.0 -Organ(cont.from Kestin.Part II.Dance Music by Ldscher (Speaker). BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE, 9.0- 6.10). the Hilden-Arnold Band and the 1),6.0 -Orchestra 7.10 -Frisian Programme OSLO, 8.0 -For Farmers. 8.30 - " A pies l'amour "-Comedy (contd. MOSCOW (No. 7.40 -PoliceMessages. 7.55 - Small Station Orchestra. Conductor : Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: from 8.30). (contd.from5.30). 6.307Folk Report. Steiner. Max Bing (Announcer). Music. Issay Dobrowen.Glaser (Violin). KALUNDBORG, 7.0 -News.7.15 -BEROMUNSTER, 8.0- Overture, " Oberon " (Weber). Sym-BRESLAU, 9.0 - Beethoven-Brahms MUNICH,6.0 -Orchestra(contd. Talk :Careers for Girls.7.45 - phony No. 8 (Schubert). The Moldau (contd. from 8.10). from 5.0).6.30 -Discussion :The Talk : The English Influence on the (Smetana). Romance (Svendsen).BRUSSELS (No.1),9.0 -Talk by Wonders of Wireless. Danish Language. " Macbeth " (Verdi) Symphonic Dance (Grieg). An- Deputy Petit :Transport.9.15= OSLO, 6.0 -For Farmers. 6.30 -KONIGSBERG, 7.0 -See Berlin. 7.15 dante cantabile (Tchaikovsky). Pizzi- BalletSuite(Glazunov),bythe Service. from the Municipal Theatre, Basle. -To be announced.7.30 -Songs BasleOrchestralSociety. Con- cato Polka (Strauss). Symphony Orchestra. Conductor : FARIS (PosteParisien),6.20 -Ex- by Young People. Conductor : ductor :Becker.In the Interval :PARIS (Eiffel Tower), 8.0 -Topical Andre.9.30 -Variety by the Re, change. 6.25 -For Children. 6.57 - Neubert. News. Talks. 8.30 -Records. naudins, Variety. Poet, the PARIS (Poste Parisian), 8.0 -Talk by PARIS(Radio -Paris), 6.0 - PlaysLEIPZIG,7.10-" The BORDEAUX-LAFAYETTE, 8.0 - BRUSSELS (No. 2), 9.0-" The Con- (Ponsard) (contd. from 4.45).6.30 Maiden and the Railway "-Scene Talk :Wine. 8.15News ;Re- Gringoire.8.10 -Exchange. 8.20- quest of Peru "-Play (Rombach) (Schmidt).7.40 -Records :" Bach, questRecords. 8.30-" Apres -Review by Max Regnier.8.25- with Music (Douliez) (contd. from =For Farmers ;Talk :Markets; deMusset Racing.6.50 -z --For Ex -Servicemen. Schubert, Reger. ('amour "-Comedy in Four Acts " Lucie" -Play after 8.0). PRAGUE, 6.0 -German TransmissionMONTE CENERI,7.15 -Medical (Wolff-Duvernoir). (Matthieuand Laurent); withBUCHAREST, 9.0 -Requiem (Ver (contd. from 5.50).6.55 -Record. Talk :Spring. 7.30-Jacques-BRATISLAVA, 8.0 -Jazz. 8.15 - Chopin Music. 8.40 -Interlude.; di) (contd. from 8.0). Dalcroze Songs (Records).7.45 - Exchange. 8.55-" Rouge "- SOTTENS, 6.0 -Cookery. 6.20 - Talk. 8.30-Moyzes Choral Music. Comedy in. Three Acts (Duvernois), BUDAPEST (No. 1), 9.10 -Musical Fashions.6.30 -Bridge Problems. News. BRESLAU, 8.0 -Announcements. 8.10 from the Theatre Saint -Georges. Parodies.Orchestra (arr. and con 6.45 -Talk for Mountaineers. MOSCOW .(No. 1), 7.0 -Folk Music -Beethoven-Brahms. EllyNey ducted by Kleinecke).Opera Or- STOCKHOLM, 6.0 -Records. 6.45 - (contd. from 6.30). (Pianoforte) with the Station Or-PARIS (PTT), 8.0 -Wireless Review. chestra.Waltz, "Der Opernball." English. MUNICH, 7.0 -Zither andViolin chestra. Conductor :Prade. Leon- 8.10 -Records.8.30 -Old French Variations on High C. Andante STRASBOURG, 6.0 -Talk : Lope de Duets by Willy Hintermeyer and ora Overture No. 2 (Beethoven). "Hits)(arr. Andre Danerty). (Haydn). Sonata (Haydn). A' Vega. 6.15 -Talk :In a Canoe Son.7.20 -Talk : Biology.7.40 - PianoforteConcertoinEflatPARIS (Radio -Paris),8.0 -Reading Summer Night's Dream in Buda- throughtheGreek Archipelago. Songs by Girls. (Beethoven). Symphony in E minor (Pushkin). 8.30 -News. 8.45- keszi.Pianoforte Music in various (Mme. Schaeffer), 6.33 -Songs OSLO, 7.0L -Announcements. 7.31 (Brahms). " L'Enigme "-Comedy (Hervieu). keys. German Songs in Hungarian Clarinet (Burglin). In the Interval :News ;Fashions. 6.15 - -Norwegian Music :Violin Trio.BRNO, 8.0 -Variety. Settings. One, two, three -one, STUTTGART, 6.0 -Spanish. PARIS (Poste Parisien), 7.0 -Variety.BRUSSELS (No. 1), 8.0 -Massenet.PRAGUE, 8.0 -See 7.30 Brno.8.30 two. Tosca Czardas. Departure of Discussion. 6.30-" How distress- the Guests from the Wartburg. ing! "Humorous Poems. 7.7 -News. 7.28 -Light Orches- Symphony Orchestra.Conductor : -Talk :Physical Culture. TURIN, 6.0 -For Farmers:6.45 - tra. Conductor: Belay. Andr,'. Overture, " Phedre."RADIO-NORMANDIE,8.0 -Hunt,..BUDAPEST (No.2),9.0 -Songs Tourist Report ;Announcements.PARIS (PTT),7.45 -Talk :Social Ballet Music, " Herodiade." Scenes ing .Horn Music.8.15-Siniplice (contd. from 8.35). 9.15 -News. VIENNA, 6.0 -Talk: Viennese May Hygiene.7.53 -Talk by M. Julien alsaciennes. 8.30-Grillon Cabaret. in his Repertoire.8.30 -Concert. 9.35-11niczky Jazz Band. and Springtime Festivals.6.20 - Maigret : The Colonies. BRUSSELS (No.2),8.0-" The 8.45 -Talk. COLOGNE, 9.0 -Orchestra (contd. Art Notes. 6.25 -Theatre Notes. Conquest of Peru "-Play (Rom-ROME, 8.5 -News ;Sports ;Re- from 8.10). 6.30 -Talk :The Buzzard. PARIS (Radio -Paris), 7.0 -Economics. bach).Freely adapted by Yvonne 7.30 -German Press Review.7.40 cords. 8.30 -Announcements ; Talk.DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, 9.0- WARSAW, 6.0 -Mme. Hradi (Songs). de Man. With Incidental Music by 8.45 -Symphony Concert. Con- " Johann Sebastian Bach "-Play 6.15 -Talk :Joseph Conrad. 6.30 - -Talk. Douliez.Radio Orchestra.Con- ductor : Romano. Schaufuss (Piano- (contd. from 8.40). Art. ductor : The Composer. Letter -box. 6,40 -Talk : PRAGUE, 7.0 -News. 7.10 -Re- forte). Overture,".TheSecretFRANKFURT,9.0 -News ;Music 6.45 -Records : Marek Weber cords.7.15 -Russian. 7.30 -SeeBUCHAREST, 8.0 -Requiem (Verdi) Marriage" (Cirnarosa). Sym- (contd. from 8.15). 9.15-" Good - Orchestra. Brno. from Tchernautzi. phony No. 2in D (Beethoven). Fair -Poor ! "-Hum&ous Charac- ROME, 7.0 -News in Foreign Lan-BUDAPEST (No.1),8.0 -Variety PianoforteConcertoin B flat ter Sketches (Schaaf). 7 p.m. guages. 7.40 -Italian Lesson for (contd. from 7.50). 8.40 -News. (Brahms). Symphonic Poem,HAMBURG, 9.0 - " Dancing I " Advanced English Students. BUDAPEST (No. 2), 8.35-Erzsebet 1phigenia(Romano). Excerpts, (contd. from 8.10). ATHLONE,7.0 -French. Mlle. Galanffy-Hoar (Songs). The Force of Destiny" (Verdi). Giudicelliand Mme. Redmond.SOTTFNS, 7.0 -'Cello. Sicilienne HILVERSUM, 9.0 - A.V.R.O. Or- 7.15 -Talk. 7.30 -Time. 7.31 - (Guillou).Suite (Gagnebin).7.15COLOGNE,8.0 -News. 8.10 -SOTTENS, 8.0 -Geneva Radio Or- chestra (contd. from 8.45).9.40 - Irish Concert.Station Orchestra. -Music Review. 7.40 -Wireless StationOrchestra. Conductor : chestra. Overture, " The Lovely Humorous Reading.9.55 - Rodgers (Tenor). Notes. Buschkotter. Schmidt('Cello). Galathea " (Suppe).Melody in F Symphonic Poem, Mazeppa (Liszt). (Rubinstein). Humoresque (Seas- Rococo Variations (Tchaikovsky). sola). Scenesnapolitaines (Mas- Opera Concert Fantastic. Symphony (Berlioz). senet). 8.25 -Talk :The English Polovtsian Dances, " Prince Igor" Novel in the Victorian Era.8.50 - -A.V.R.O. Orchestra. Conductor, (Borodin). News. van Raalte. Hansy Book-Liebmann DEUTSCHLANDSENDER, 8.0 -STOCKHOLM, 8.0 -Pianoforte (Soprano) and van Munster (Tenor). Motto ;Announcements. 8.10 - (contd. from 7.45). 8.15- Overture, "La fintagiardinera " Humorous Programme by a S peaking (Mozart). Tenor and- Soprano Choir. 8.40-" Johann Sebastian Arias, "The Magic Flute" (Mo- Bach "-Play (Kluge). " The Breadwinner " zart). Entr'acte Gavotte, " Manon " (Massenet). Duet, " The Barber FRANKFURT, 8.0 -To -day's Mirror. -Comedy in Three Acts (Somerset of Bagdad " (Cornelius). Ballet 8.15 -New Music. StationOr- Maugham). chestra. Conductor: Jochum. and Duet, "Czar and Carpenter " MusicforOrchestra(Stephan).STRASBOURG, 8.0 -News in Ger- (Lortzing). Prelude and Duet, Symphony in C (Atterberg). man.8.30 -Records.8.45-" Joli " Carmen "(Bizet). Overture., "Djamileh " (Bizet). HAMBURG,8.0 -News. 8.10- Gillis"-Comic OperainTwo " Dancing "-Station Dance Band Acts (Poise). Station OrchestraHUIZEN,9.0 -Programme for the and Soloists. Conductor :Bolt. andSoloists. Conductor :De Unemployed (contd. from 8.45). Villers. JUAN - LES - PINS (RadioCate, HILVERSUM,8.10 -Talk : Agri- 9.15 - culture and Industry.8.41 -News.STUTTGART,' 8.0 -News. 8.10 - d'Azur),9.0 - News ; 8.45-A.V.R.O. Orchestra. Con- See Munich. Music and Literature. ductor :vanRaalte. BorovskiTOULOUSE (Radio -Toulouse), 8.0 -KALUNDBORG,9.0 - Alt Wien (Pianoforte). Air,Bourree and FilmMusic, 8.15 -Excerpts : (Schubert - Friedman) by Ignaz Hornpipe(Handel). Pianoforte " MadameButterfly " (Puccini). Friedman (Pianoforte) on Records. Concerto in F minor (Bach).Ex- 8.30 -Film Music. 9.10-Bellman'sStockholmTalk cerpts," Landliche Hochzeit "(Gold - and Songs tothe Lute by Alf TURIN, 8.0 -Records.8.5 -News ; Gildsig.9.50 -News. mark).Concert Piece (Weber). Records. 8.30 -Announcements ; HU1ZEN, 8.0 -Report.8.10 -Press Talk. 8.45 -Request Records. KONIGSBERG, 9.0 - Dance Music Review. 8.40 -News. 8.45 - (contd. from 8.15). Programme for the Unemployed ;VIENNA,8.0 -VienneseOperetta.LAHTI, 9,0 - News (Swedish). (PAoto: nwass ffirrizr. Reports ;Addresses ; Interviews. Vienna Symphony Orchestra and Mixed Choir. Conductor :Holzer.LEIPZIG, 9.0 -See 8.10 Hamburg. A scene fromThe Breadwinner," which Stockholm broadcasts at JUAN-LES-PINS (Radio Cote d'Azur),8.0 -News ; Exchange.

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