6OJUFE.BDFEPOJBO%JBTQPSB1VCMJDBUJPO7PMVNFt8JOUFStXXXVNEJBTQPSBPSH GENOVEVA CHRISTOFF: MAKING A STATEMENT IN THE WORLD OF FASHION ANDREW D. PEYKOFF, SR. APPOINTED MACEDONIAN HONORARY CONSUL GENERAL IN CALIFORNIA CHRIS PAVLOVSKI: TORONTO ENTREPRENEUR MACEDONIAN DIASPORA HELPS ORPHANS DURING HOLIDAY SEASON REACHES FOR THE STARS WINTER 2012 1 Washington - Makedonya Dergisi.pdf 1 13.12.2012 11:30 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K IN THIS ISSUE 4 Letter from the President 5 Editorial - Monumental Politics 6 Toronto Entrepreneur Chris Pavlovski Reaches for the Stars 8 Macedonian Diaspora Helps Orphans During Holiday Season ���������������������� 1510 H Street, NW, Suite 900 Washington, D.C. 20005 9 The Global Investment Summit Exceeds Participants’ Phone: (202) 350-9798 E-mail: [email protected] Expectations Australia Ofce: 11 Alexander the Great of Macedon Himself Clearly PO Box 2153 Hawthorn, Vic. 3122 Separated the Macedonians from the Greeks! Australia Phone: 0438 385 466 14������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ E-mail: [email protected] Donations Canada Ofce: 3555 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6 16 Shooting Ourselves in the Foot, By An Educational Canada Worker Phone: 1-800-UMD-9583 E-mail: [email protected] 17 A Builder of the Highest Caliber: Australia’s Vasko Press Inquiries: Spaseski Mark Branov Phone: (647) 741-1919 E-mail: [email protected] 18 Genoveva Christoff, Making a Statement in the World of Fashion Letters to the Editor: [email protected] 20 The Deca Begalci, A History That Cries Out to be Told Special Thanks to: Ana David, Tomi Jovanovski, Klaudija Lutovska - translation 26 Andrew D. Peykoff, Sr., Appointed Macedonian Cindy Armstrong - layout and design Honorary Consul General in California Any opinions or views expressed in articles or other pieces appearing in UMD Voice 27 Macedonian Lawyer Thomas N. Taneff Named a 2013 are those of the author alone and are not Ohio Super Lawyer and Columbus Top 50 necessarily those of UMD; the appearance of any such opinions or views in UMD Voice is not and should not be considered 27 Macedonian Lawyer Chris Paliare Named One of the to be an endorsement by or approval of the 50th Most Inuential People in Toronto same by UMD. 28 UMD Global Conference 2013 - Save the Date 29 UMD Global Conference 2013 - Call for Papers WINTER 2012 3 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Macedonians are still standing proudly, and we have a very bright future ahead of us. This is why UMD decided to hold its sig- nature event in Macedonia– the 4th UMD Global Conference (UMD GC2013), from July 25-August 3, 2013. Let me personally invite you and your family to visit Macedo- Founded in 2004, United Macedonian nia this year, and join us. UMD GC2013 is Diaspora (UMD) is the leading international estimated to provide a much-needed boost non-governmental organization addressing to the local economy and tourism sector in the interests and needs of Macedonians Macedonia, as hundreds of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout from around the world are expected to at- the world. With headquarters in Wash- tend. If you have been meaning to return for ington, D.C., UMD has an ofce in Mel- bourne, Australia and Toronto, Canada and years, now is the perfect opportunity. representatives around the world, including Paris, London, Brussels, Vienna, Kiev, St. 2012 saw Macedonia’s progress being Petersburg, and Stuttgart. blocked by both Bulgaria and Greece. I just read that Serbia is now suggesting that they UMD is a 501 (c) (3) charitable may be able to help resolve the so-called organization in the U.S., and UMD “name dispute.” Is history repeating itself? (Canada) is a registered charity. It is almost like a 21st century reprise of the Balkan Wars on a political stage. The off- Board Members spring of the Serbian, Bulgarian and Greek Stojan Nikolov, Metodija A. Koloski, Aleksan- Dear readers and friends, kingdoms are once again trying to derail dar Mitreski, George Peters, Lidija Stojko- ska, Ordan Andreevski, Jim Daikos, Goran Macedonia’s destiny, for their own benet. Saveski, Dame Krcoski, Trajko Papuckoski I hope you and your families are enjoying Sadly, the European Union and the U.S. re- the holiday season! For me the holiday sea- ward this behavior every time they pressure UMD Advisory Council son represents a time to get together with Macedonia to change its name, or compro- Ambassador Ljubica Acevska, Chris An- loved ones, reect on past memories, and mise its cultural identity. toniou, George Atanasoski, Dana L. Klein, hope for a better peaceful future in the world. George Koroloff, George Markou, Mark B. Whether you celebrate Christmas or Hanu- As you and your families come together for Mitskovski, Jerry Naumoff, Elizabeth Nau- kah, I wish you and yours a beautiful time the holidays, please reect and don’t forget movski, Jim Pavle, Chris Stanwyck, Thomas lled with joy, love, and health. what our forefathers went through to es- N. Taneff, Gligor Tashovich, Nicolas Thaw, tablish a free, sovereign, and independent Lou Vlasho 2012 has passed and a brand new year is Macedonia. We must do whatever we can to Global Representatives on the horizon. In 2013, 100 years will have protect Macedonia, build it, make it prosper- Filip Altiparmakovski, Alexander Avramoski, passed since the Balkan Wars and the sign- ous, make it successful, and make it a role Argie N. Bellio, Mark Branov, Natalia Buling- ing of the Treaty of Bucharest that divided model for the entire region. Betinski, Nikola Cuculovski, Igor Dana- our nation into three, later four countries. As jlovski, Gjorgji Gjeorgjievski, Mishko Josifov, such, it represents a year that Macedonians God Bless you, and on behalf of all of us at Konstantin Nakovski, Aleksandra Nasteska, all of the world must unite to make a stronger UMD, I wish you a Happy New Year! Eugenia Natsoulidou, Dimitar Nasev, Zhikica Macedonia. Pagovski, Robert Pasquale, Goce Peroski, Sincerely yours, Dejan Petkovski George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to Fellows repeat it.” This is inscribed on a plaque at the Ana David, Zlata Unerkova, Milena Furnadz- iska, Tamar Gzirishvili Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland. For more information, please visit: It is time we told our side of the story and www.umdiaspora.org educated the world, to inform them that after a century of ethnic cleansing, cultural geno- Metodija A. Koloski cide, economic upheaval, and civil wars, UMD President 4 UMD VOICE EDITORIAL Some simply are not fans of Alexander, and donia, and they are expressed domestically they have their reasons, too. by state oppression of the Macedonian com- Meanwhile, many Macedonians strongly munity in northern Greece. support the city’s transformation, and the Al- Macedonians are very secure in who they exander statue in particular. They rejoice that are, but their edgling state is not as secure Skopje has nally started to look like a capital as it could be. Meanwhile, the Macedonian city, instead of the gray, provincial outpost of culture is under siege, in western parts of the a foreign regime in Belgrade. Republic, and particularly, in the territories of It seems to me that the statue is primarily historical Macedonia that fall under the ne- a public expression of sovereignty, during a glectful eye of the European Union. period of time when respect for national sov- In Hellas, for instance, state aggression ereignty seems to be out of fashion in places against Macedonian culture enjoys tacit ap- like Brussels and Berlin. proval from the average Yorgos in the street, No matter what your personal opinion of who doesn’t know any better. It also receives Alexander the Macedonian is, his image strong support from the fascist/supremacist and symbols are deeply connected to the element in Greek society, including in the land, and that is the historical homeland of Greek Army and Secret Service, in the Greek the Macedonians. And yes, this includes Ae- Orthodox Church, and in most mainstream gean Macedonia, too. However, the statue is Greek political parties, like the Golden Dawn clearly not an irredentist provocation of any and New Democracy. kind against Greece, a country with a military Since the Alexander statue is a cultural 10 times larger. If Greece were concerned by expression, and since the Republic of Mace- Macedonian irredentism, why would it refuse donia is a sovereign, independent state, no to sign a non-aggression treaty with Macedo- one need apologize for failing to ask Athenian nia called NATO? permission before building it. If the EU’s new Sadly, the modern Greek mind often cannot concept of “good neighborly relations” means Monumental Politics grasp the reality that, not only does Macedo- Macedonians re-baptizing themselves, and nia have a distinct identity of its own here in conforming to a Hellenic world-view, then the By Mark Branov the 21st century, but that it has always had Macedonian people are not interested. its own identity, predating any Greek identity If Hellas wanted better relations, it would not onuments and statues are com- signicantly, and that this Macedonian iden- worry about statues at all, but it would focus monplace in the world’s capital cit- tity will always remain distinct, in perpetuity. of fullling its own regional responsibilities. As Mies, often commemorating a person Thus, this statue dispute is about the hostil- signatory to numerous human rights treaties, or historical event. However, in Macedonia, ity of the modern Greek state towards the it would fully recognize its indigenous ethnic monuments are political bombs. “other,” and it is about how Macedonia should Macedonian community in Aegean Macedo- The government’s ambitious Skopje 2014 confront that hostility. nia, and it would drop its propaganda cam- project has produced dozens of statues re- Greek xenophobia against the Macedonians paign against the Republic of Macedonia.
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