i TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Preamble 1 Purpose 1 Basis 1 Organization 2 PART 2: COMMUNITY PROFILE 4 Background 4 Population 4 Community Objectives 6 PART 3: GENERAL PROVISIONS 9 Objective 9 Policies 9 Accessory Structures and Uses 9 Fences 10 Signs 10 Parking 11 Temporary and Special Uses 12 Illumination 13 Swimming Pools 13 Motor Vehicle Service Stations 13 Changes to Non-Conforming Uses or Structures 14 PART 4: MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE 15 Objective 15 Policies 15 General 15 Water Distribution 16 Sewage Collection and Disposal 17 Solid Waste Management 18 Town of Pictou MPS Table of Contents ii Recycling 18 Composting 19 Transportation 19 Pedestrian Network 19 PART 5: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 21 Objective 21 Policies 21 Watercourse Setback 21 Development Constraints 21 Water Supply Protection 22 PART 6: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 25 Objective 25 Policies 26 General 26 Rural Residential Development 26 Residential Development 26 Comprehensive Development District (CDD) (R) 26 Establishing Comprehensive Development Districts 27 Bed and Breakfast Establishments in Residential Areas 28 Country Inns 29 Undersized Lots and Flag Lots 30 Secondary Structures and Uses 31 Multiple Unit-Development 31 Innovative Housing and Site Design Development 32 Mini Home Parks 32.1 Future Housing Needs 32.2 PART 7: WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT 33 Objective 37 Policies 37 Waterfront Lands 38 Waterfront Uses 38 Residential Development in the Waterfront Designation 38 Special Requirements for the Waterfront Designation 39 PART 8: HERITAGE 37 Objective 41 Policies 41 Table of Contents Town of Pictou MPS iii PART 9: COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT 43 Objective 44 Policies 44 Downtown Commercial 44 West River Road Commercial Corridor 46 Neighbourhood Commercial 47 Highway Commercial 48 Business Park 49 Home Occupations 49 PART 10: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 51 Objective 51 Policies 52 PART 11: INSTITUTIONAL 53 Objective 53 Policies 53 PART 12: RECREATION 55 Objective 55 Policies 55 Recreation and Open Space Master Plan 56 PART 13: IMPLEMENTATION 57 Objective 57 Policies 57 Municipal Planning Strategy 57 Generalized Future Land-Use Map 58 Land Use By-law 58 Land Use By-law Administration 59 Amendments to the Land Use By-law 60 Land Use By-law Amendment and Development Agreement Evaluation Criteria 60 Subdivision By-law Regulations 62 Creation of Lots With Less than Required Lot Area or Frontage 62 Existing Lots with no Street Frontage 63 Reclaimed Lands 63 Town of Pictou MPS Table of Contents iv Public Participation Program 64 Table of Contents Town of Pictou MPS 1 1 INTRODUCTION Preamble This document constitutes the Municipal Planning Strategy for the Town of Pictou. This Municipal Planning Strategy updates and replaces Pictou’s earlier Municipal Planning Strategy, originally adopted in 1994. Purpose The Town of Pictou Municipal Planning Strategy is comprised of policies intended to manage future growth and change in the Town and to provide guidance on land use and related development issues. Prior to enacting any By-law that would regulate development, a council must prepare a Municipal Planning Strategy that sets out the rationale for any land-use policy or development regulations. The Municipal Planning Strategy is also intended to establish policy statements to guide Town Council in making any non-regulatory development decisions. The Nova Scotia Utility Review Board also uses the Municipal Planning Strategy as the basis for its decision in the case of an appeal of a decision of a council as provided under the Municipal Government Act. This document is expected to be in place a minimum of five years prior to a full review. As a result, it is imperative that the Strategy accommodates changing circumstances and yet clearly states Council’s policy positions on land use and related development issues. Basis This Strategy has been prepared according to the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1998, as amended. The Provincial government, through the Municipal Government Act (MGA), has enabled municipal councils to establish policies and by- laws to regulate local development. This arrangement ensures that local municipalities are capable of addressing planning and development issues that fall within or affect their jurisdiction, and that these concerns are addressed through a process which is accessible to local residents. In 2001 the Pictou Town Council authorized a full Review of the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. The plan review program was co-ordinated by the Town’s Planning Advisory Committee, under the direction of Council. Under the guidance of the Planning Advisory Committee, the plan review program consisted of the following four phases: Phase 1 - Issue Identification/Collection of Background Materials; Phase 2 - Establishment of Objectives; Phase 3 - Policy Development; and Phase 4 - Council Consideration and Adoption. The Town Council undertook an extensive consultation program to ensure that the content of this Strategy deals with issues that are important to the Town. The policies contained in this Strategy have been prepared as a result of background studies and consultation with the public and other stakeholders, groups and individuals. Phase (1) one of the review involved the identification of issues and collection of background materials. Through discussions with Town staff and relevant stakeholders, a list of issues was identified. This list was taken to the public for comment through an open house meeting. Once all issues had been identified, a draft Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law was prepared. The Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law were taken to the public for review via an informal open house. A Town of Pictou MPS Part 1: Introduction 2 final draft Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law was prepared which took into consideration the comments obtained from both the public and stakeholders. Organization This Municipal Planning Strategy consists of written text and a Future Land Use Map. The Town of Pictou Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is divided into the following parts: 1. Introduction 2. Community Profile 3. General Provisions 4. Municipal Infrastructure 5. Environmental Protection 6. Residential Development 7. Waterfront Development 8. Heritage 9. Commercial Development 10. Industrial Development 11. Institutional Development 12. Recreation 13. Implementation 14. MPS Maps and Appendices The Municipal Planning Strategy publication is based on the original adopted by the Town Council on (March 11th, 2002) following a public hearing advertised (February 20th and 27th, 2002) in the Advocate and reviewed by the Minister of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations (April 4th, 2002). The Office Consolidation includes Ministerial Amendments to the original and will be revised from time to time as required by future amendments. Office Consolidations are prepared for conveniences only, therefore, for accurate reference, refer to original documents, available at the Pictou County District Planning Commission. Part 1: Introduction Town of Pictou MPS 4 2 COMMUNITY PROFILE Background The Town of Pictou is located on the north shore of Nova Scotia on the Northumberland Strait. The Town, located on the north shore of Pictou Harbour, is comprised of approximately 2,060 acres (833 hectares) of land. Approximately 677 acres are developed with urban services while the remaining 1,383 acres are mostly undeveloped. The history of Pictou began in 1773 with the arrival of a group of Scottish settlers aboard the ship Hector. This beginning has earned the Town of Pictou the title of “Birthplace of New Scotland”. The Town developed slowly along what is known today as Water Street, which anchors a distinctive area with large older homes and tree lined streets. The core commercial and industrial areas were located near the waterfront in the vicinity of Front, Church and Water Streets. Major growth periods in the Town included the late 1800’s when the Town became a centre for education, shipbuilding and fisheries. During the war years Pictou was an important port with shipbuilding, fishing and port facilities playing a vital role in the economy of the Town and surrounding area. In the 1980’s the downtown core and waterfront district underwent a multi- million dollar renovation, enhancing the Town’s image as an attractive tourist destination. Today Pictou is the third largest town in Pictou County, and along with the four “up river” towns, forms the third largest urban area in Nova Scotia. The Town serves as the county seat or “shiretown” for Pictou County. Newer subdivisions, featuring curvilinear streets and other modern development patterns, have been built in the north and west districts of the Town. The vast majority of this new development contains single-family dwellings. Population Pictou has had a relatively stable population averaging 4200 persons since the late 1950's. The population began rising in the mid seventies and reached its peak in 1981 with a count of 4,621 persons. This trend was short-lived, as between 1981 and 1986 the population dipped 4.7%. As well, the 1986-1991 period demonstrated a further reduction of 6.3%. The latest census data from 1996 resulted in a count of 4,022 persons, representing a 2.7% decrease in population from 1991 levels. A similar population decline is occurring in other Pictou County towns, and can be attributed to both a decline in the local economy and the centralization of services in larger urban areas. Given these population trends it is not expected that the town will experience significant population growth over the next few years. These trends have influenced the objectives and policies contained within this document. Part 2: Community Profile Town of Pictou MPS 5 Population of Pictou 4,800 4,600 4,400 4,200 4,000 Population 3,800 3,600 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 Years The Town of Pictou has a population density of 1.95 persons/acre (4.83 persons/ha). Most of the developed parts of the Town are located between the waterfront northward to an area just past Oak Ridge Terrace Court.
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