need to be simplified for use by the typi- Listed are over 600 general ideas for teaching of environmental awareness cal high school student. outdoor studies. These ideas are divided at the high school and college levels. Emmett L. Wright into 28 categories-Animal Life, As- For each chapter there is a list of refer- Universityof Maryland tronomy, Birds, Ecology, Geology, ences, generally complete through 1976 CollegePark Indian Life, Marine Life, Outdoor Skills, literature. Trees, Wildflowers,etc. The disappointing aspects of the book Here are several typical examples of are the shallow general index, the small- ideas presented under the Animal Life print text, which could be difficult for THE IMPERATIVECALL: A NATUR- category: Idea 10. Mammals. 'Take a some readers, and the inadequate bind- ALIST'S QUEST IN TEMPERATEAND look at the mammals that now inhabit ing of the copy I received for review. I TROPICALAMERICA our area and learn which ones have van- recommend this book for high school, by Alexander F. Skutch. 1980. Uni- ished in the past." Idea 14. Animals and college, and public libraries. versity Presses of Flordia (15 N.W. Their Habits. "This is a discussion of in- Michael I. Johnson 15th Street, Gainesville 32603). digenous animals and their habits of Nettleton High School 331 p. $20. living, illustrated with use of mounted Jonesboro, Arkansc- specimens." Idea 19. Who Lives Here? Alexander Skutch has been a natur- "Explore the nooks and crannies on the alist all of his life, answering what he trails to discover the hidden world of terms "the imperative call." His book is animal homes." an autobiographical narrative of his ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION There are no diagrams, pictures, plans, Downloaded from http://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-pdf/43/1/59/38965/4447131.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 naturalist studies in both temperate and by Emil T. Chanlett. 2nd ed., 1979. bibliographies, or specific instructions McGraw-Hill Book Company (1221 tropical America. to supplement the ideas. In the preface Born in 1904, he grew up in Maryland Avenue of the Americas, New York is this statement: "No attempt has been and Maine where outdoor activities 10020). 585 p. $23.50. made to state the ideas presented here in dominated --hislife. He attended Johns consistent or formal style because of the The book covers the human Hopkins University; and in 1928, he re- influence varied grade levels, situations, and ob- on water, air, land, and how these influ- ceived a Ph.D. degree in botany. As part jectives to which they are directed." ences are reflected in the of his botanical studies, he was required population's Since the ideas in this book are so gen - physiological and to spend some time in the tropics. It psychological re- eral and are directed to such a diverse sponses. The interactions of started with a summer in Jamaica in biological group of potential users, it would seem pathogens, chemical, and physical 1926 6d led to nearly 50 years of that this publication will have limited agents are presented generally in the accumulated experiences in tropical value to high school and college biology opening chapters and examined in more America. Today he is recognized as an teachers. detail in later chapters. Water international expert in ornithology and resources, ArthurD. Meyer air tropical biology. pollution, solid wastes, ionizing radi- Lakewood High School ation, noise, and chemical Skutch writes mostly of his years carcinogens Lakewood, Ohio are covered in spent in tropical America (twenty out of greater detail than in the twenty-four chapters), but he does in- first edition. Safety hazards and toxic compounds in clude some temperate American biology. found the workplace are A most interesting chapter is on a canoe investigated and discussed. Evidence of trip down the Ohio River. ENVIRONMENTALIMPACT ANALY- disease and risks are d2monstrated through This book would certainly be of interest SIS HANDBOOK the author's use of animal model to those fascinated by nature and stories by John G. Rau and David C. Wooten, response data and epidemiologic studies. The of the tropics. I would recommend it eds. 1980. McGraw-Hill Book Com- author stresses that decisions made as a book to be included in the nature pany (1221 Avenue of the Americas, for controlling these problems based on section of high school and college New York10020). 656 p. $36.50. sound evidence using the effect on the libraries. environment and humans as the stand- This comprehensive reference Gordon G. Snyder pro- ard. The book contains many tables and vides guidelines and techniques neces- charts and is Schoolcraft College adequately referenced. sary to predict and evaluate the impact Livonia, Michigan Chanlett has achieved in large of land development projects on existing measure what he attempted to do; that environments. Major areas of analysis is, to develop a valuable introductory include fiscal and socioeconomic con- text for graduate students in environ- ditions, air and water quality, the flora mental sciences and/or health. Each HUNDREDS OF IDEAS FOR OUT- and fauna, energy use, and noise pol- subject is well introduced nidsufficiently DOOR EDUCATION lution. detailed to provide a sou.ic foundation by Russel E. Bachert, Jr., ed. 1979. The The editors and contributors of the for further study. The only complaint Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc. book present impressive credentials in from students in our program at the Uni- (19-27 North Jackson Street, Danville, the areas of environmental engineering versity of Massachusetts/Amherst is Illinois61832.) 152 p. $8.50. and research. Rau has considerable ex- that the prose was a bit dry and there- perience working with local and federal fore, not very enjoyable to read for a As indicated by the title, this is an "idea government planning agencies. prolonged time. However, most students bank" for outdoor educators, camp A well-written introduction begins agree that Chanlett's book will serve as counselors, camp naturalists, museum each chapter. Throughout the book, a valuable resource long after their intro- directors, and others. Bachert is assistant technical terms and statistical methods ductory course is completed. professor, Outdoor Environmental Edu- are clearly defined. Abundant practical Finally,this book, being the work of a cation director, Piney Lake Field Cam- examples and over 200 figures and tables single author, offers the continuity of pus, The University of North Carolina at provide specific tools for persons actively writing style and subject matter so often Greensboro. involved in environmental action or the lost in many recent edited volumes in- REVIEWS 59 .
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