WAR BULUyriN;: ciiONaKiNG, /iprU u (/fVrdilnne. Icueps beiltnt ilH «aatbcm Df « Jkpaiine plncen tlirtatealDr Ui« n il ell7 et L«7snf<ln nortbem Itesui pm< lnr« l»vo fon«tit Itaelr wmr back lo lb* euUktrU of Sllhileji. *a mllei icnUnretl of Cbeoehtlen. » eemraaaiftie uld Mmj; V O L . 27, NO. U CooaU Mmpicx' TWIN F A U ^. IDAHO. S\JN\V\Y MOHNING, Al'UJL nO, 1T)M P R IC E 5 CENTS "W M C Rules Truck 77 U. S. Planes Downed in Savage LETIERS SHOWER Drivers Free to Air Battles Over Berlin as War’s Seek Other Jobs CALDWELL. Id#.. April 2J J- H. Oli»on. presltlent of Uie Cn\ B OISl'.. Ajiril 20 Carl J . SaUlbiivK. lociil ii«enl for G a r­ ton PrSntcre, Ud.. lodny rett Freiglitlines. told n meclinK of major truckline operators hod received letter* frcm hiKh olfl cloli of tlie Democratic pnriy Indi here inte tociny he had been informed the war mnnpower com­ ^Heaviest Day Raid Smashes City caUng that President Hoosevell hn mission bus reltnsed employes of the four lines which have decided not to seek k fnurih lent WtLUAM 8MTTB WtUTE been lied up by n union dispiile for Die pnsl nine cinys. Gipson xnid that acioirtliiK to In Grnntinfr of certfficatos of avnilnbility to the men wiio left information the nnnonnrpment '■ LON DON , A pril 29 (A P )— Two thousand U. S. warplanes smash-;- the President's ilei-LMon will nut l> ( J iin u Grateful lo (^apL Slow c tlieir job-s in a dispute until t inpr thi’ouffh box-like stacks of hundreds of Germ an fig-hters in the Imrdlititr of non-union frciKht coi\v«nt.lo« mftiA t greatest daylight battle of the w ar cast a 2,500-ton torrent of ex­ Held in Killing would allow them to accept He said he had received 10 letlc other employment. nil saying substnntlally the sai ploding- steel and incendiaries on invasion-jittery Berlin today at a llic AFt Tcnnislpfs nnd Wnrc- thing, from both hlBli Demormi hoiwcnieir* unloa advocaied thU nt party lenders, and iiioniliirnl R cost of fi3 bom bers and 14 fighters. It WMC .henrliiR Ifl Pocalcllo lust publicans, A U. S, communique tonight said that 88 German planes were destroyed in combat, 72 Wcdnwday Ojirnitors opposed Lssu- Joyce Sharp. Cuidivell lorrespoii .by Ibe Kun.4 of the Flying Fortress itnd Liberator crews, nnd 16 by a powerful escort of enl for the Idaho Btatcsmnn, once of the cprtlflcntps on Ihi Am crifan Thunderbolt, -Lightning's nnd Mustang fighters and R A F Slustitnga which also Rroiind.1 llii'j- ttoiild be iiniible tt .«lie had seen the li sol tliclr drlvpr.i jijid i)£>cJi woricerj . ___1 pledsrd ' wTi'cked parkeil nuzi Aircraft and shot up 21 locomotives. ’ 10 resume Iliclr ruiu. denllal the signers' : At miilniKht the German radio indicated that RA F n ight miders were carrying the un­ I If I precedented ns.siuilts into the 16th strnight day by w arning that allied planes were over the To Decline Carfo, parly I. Gl|)s(ili totdrespon.--lbIc SnhlbcrB said he and other t . the Associated Press; Rheni.sh-Westphalian industrial area of Gnrmauy. alors hnd btcn Inloiwcd by Ihclr "Tliey couldn’t be very mud Great fires were kindled in Iho heart of the German capital which was bombed viaually employes that ilic union ordered higher—In both parties." them In the future lo decllii .. ‘through holes in a cloud- Ho said his Infonnnllon was tlm cover. The communique term­ hnnclle freight from any non-union factors Influencing the President'; trunsfer or wnrelioiisa company In decWon were possibility of a do.'' ed enemy fighter opposition Bobe. Invasion Rum or Uiiconfii’metl; "determined” and dedared Most of Ihe local flrnu are election, a hostile cDiiRrcs,-.. ttio "un nlon. bill In Ihe pn-^t the "hot latlsfoctory state of American for “there were many heavy air ;lgn relattons. moke • remole t)i, Jittery Nazis Await Attack hnttlea between our nircralt le cn.se ol Hie CoiniJlon TraiLsler ;hntu'.-s tif Mcurlue a Just nitrt and the enemy’s." lid StornRf co. leiilth. f By ALEX SINGLETON DunagB AdmlUetl Such action wouUl be a sicp to- :l the n LONDON. April 29 (;P>— The allied w«r of iiervcfl today Tlie German - controljed Vichy nrd orguiilHng nil lociil rtrivcra- iRnlnst certatn ndiiimiMnUlon ixil- .. move jirffltctcd Ttiuri.(iuv by H. kept t'/i-rmuny lensely expecljinl of roonieiilnry laiidingH on broadcasts said flatly i h. WoxbcrK. Lo.' AnBele.s, InlernR- the coiiiiiiinil. and Berlin it.self suiii "the invaHion airforce is firea broke out In Berlin.” TIis now acUially in the fi« h t." nozl-controlled Oslo radio ssid oporal clinrRcd Ihus. for all practical purposes. Berlin said, Ihc invasion "heovy domage and fires’ were spread in the heart of the German bejran » week a^o, when the Americans ontl British hurled capital. ’ MEIILIN J. SMITH Kryat niiniber.i of reserve air crcws Rnd plnnes into the bomb' The.German fighter force, which . Twin F»n» Mldlrr wlio ing. ............... has been refusing combat during rhunHlay nfKlil rfpnrlfdly cim- :)rlc(l -no ilfvclopmcnl'' hnps iUuslrativc of the AmtTltan raids on Franc* this week, to hftvln* Uhrn purl In »ht nlVLniil Khlfh lins s|iread t engaged In what returning filers ilrtjinf of » Norlli HolIjwoocI, .shattered state of Europe' described as the greatest masa sky :hllil»t. (Staff ftinrav- PAY-AS-GO PEACE nerves— in neutral countries battles of Uie war. Inr) as well ns occupied and Ger­ Despite the severity of the fight­ many it.self— was one rumor ing. the loss of 83 American bomber* was not quite as costly as two pre­ out of Finland thnt tho land vious missions. It was five less than AX BASIS ASKED assault was nlceady-in pro- fell la the first mass assault cm V.-A.SHlNaTON, MwH 59 t/P> — KTCftS. BtrHn March IT, and one less than In FOR l Y DELAY Uie AprU 11 assault on Osctienlsben. ADVANCKD ALLIED HEAD- 'oM-war lax iPRlslalloh to put the The Helsinki newspaper Sanomat QUAIITERS, NEW GUINEA. Sun- overnmcnl on n pny-a.s-you-go ba- said "landings probably are In prog­ Bemburg and Rostock. day, April 30, i.l'—ocn, Douglas Mc­ 1* nnd p^labUsh Incentives for prl- ress at several places now." It did Fiercest ot War Arthur does not MVcL Uii> Rrpub- at<- enlprprl.'ip nnd rniployment WOJ not say where It obUlned ita Infer- Tlie Berlin assault « u deetated KNOX SUCCESSOR rt a union rcvitcMnUtive ca- -nil nDmlnnlloii lor Prf:.lrtrnl and iro|«),iPd tixloy by Chairman need. maUon. .which many hour* after­ to be not only the fiercest tlr batUa WASHINOTON, April IJ „5'. _ each man to hb employer's 111 iiol acorin II. IIP siild uiic<|ul- L, N, Y„ or n linu.v Republican ward was without the slightest sub- ever fought at the nazl eaplUl: lb Arrowhead FrelghlUnca, llio pomlblllty t lin l Prc.slilfnt vijcnlly lodny In n Mnlcnicnl, osHv.ir tax study comnilttce. was the fiercest ever fought to,tha RooMVPll m«y wall iiiilll nltrf the Juted hTclKhtway* and Oar- The flat staiemonl rapped a scrirr, Rpcd announced he hod apgxilnt- Berlin quoted allied atrmen. ..... whole coiuM of the war. - Dcmocrntic find RfpuUUwn con- of developoifntjj In whlcli a, Rcvwb- d mnc *ub-commlttcc» to study piisoncTB, *s saying lh»yhad trained The German* threw up thetr ntv Vfntlons lo nnme a tiiccrssor to firr- Ilcnn Ncbrl^^kn ionj!rf.v,iiinii liiid hnw.< nl t.iTOtlmi. Includlns o post- yeart^'or.^ie Imaslcr hud been twin-engltiKl pla»^.-t)ia Ppeke W ull. A«ked Orllflcale urscd the Rpncral to be n slleiii ■ ar fcrtprnl rcloll snles tax, He hold 111 Mcrve. and a week ..ip. amiTttg .•tttsrs. anB'^jd.airmen rrtnry or the Nnvy Fmnk Knox fift- tinlieslUUjqfly flew, their piknto into urcd Increiuilndy todny In epcculit- e man laid off at Orange ndldntp nnd MacArthur had cx- fnreiow pcaceUme federal budgets ago hsd never taken part in'ordi* Tnin.ijMrlntlon declined lo jo bock prcsspd appreciation of the Intfrrst immng at about * nary raids over Europe, and stated; thelr own flak—making tulcldea.U. tlon about thf cAhlnrt posi whole squadrons. TUMe wliose tlioiidhln ..........Ihnl ICanIlns«« <n Ttff >■ C«>>nili t) manllp.ilMj but did not make cIpjf uall,v. •They regard themselves as inva­ •hptlier hp would ncept If drallpd, The New Yorker himself will head sion troops, and Oie Invasion b^an Simultaneously anoUier forte of «uy ftiRBenied mich r wnlt miRlit be up to SOO Flying Fortresses and • dfalfftble pnrtlculnrly If Mr. Roosp. Tlie complete text of the three China’s Gratitude to Doctor Republican sub-committee to study for Uiem when they were sent Into paragraph stntemenl rp;id: proposal,t for a constitutional llml- action," (C*«Usa«J M rsn *. C.liiaa I) fiont HoU talloa on the taxing power of con^ The Berlin dispatches said “most GOREO BY lalidia o|M-ri<lloiis, I Imvr had Proved in Two Gift Banners pre,M, He pointed out th.nt 11 state of Uie prisoners do not believe Uie Funeral Monday brought U) my attpnllun a wlde- lc«lslntiirM had pcUtloncd congre.is Invasion will come across Uie chan­ WASHINOTON. April 2(1 i,rr-ni- iprcad public opinion that It H dpt- nstltut nal E nel or against the AUantle wall, but ncriii Acrvlces for 8rrretar>- of llii the r YA1SIAKE7IH ■impnlal to our war pffort lo hi.ip tor fcdprtil tox cciUt^RS, agalntt tti« Ptencl\ MedtlecT&nt&n Nnvy Fnink Knox, »ho dtrd of f UULL) in officer in hliih po.dllon on active will e I dl^plav Political circle* expect the com- coo.«," heart attack yciterdiiy.
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