7 h?sjI / ".! hunttiH io ; aWU W a*/ «&<*&*rV3 ^ *V JJ incf. < w •-••-i m • &i #{$5L 5<#*t a U.*-.<>.} >hll •? mhr*'- !11i» ./) tt TftJ. .W «t m&i «si vi&l mm'mm fea» voi, LXV;:- WHOLE NUMBER NOR WALK,' CONNECTICUT, IS •yii'%M'!> £&&•>*,,'Q.*i$4 *•&/*' *» »K*>lfto- fci • S;- The Helping Prajcri- • - i» TIic Adirondack Mountains. from its orbit, and .it required time for him Oysters on .Legs. .A Farmers' Candidate. Judicial. Drolleries, nt - NORWALK GAZETTE, REAL ESTATE. For Dyspepsia, to readjust himself to the situation. His idea Costiveness, The monk was preaching • strong his'iatiiifst' RESULT OF YOKING THE OFF HORSE ON THE QUAINT STORIES ABOUT SOME CELEBRATED Isick Hcadachc, BY at. it- v. was all that was left to him. He put into it LIEUTENANT WINSIOW'S EXPERIMENTS IN AE- : PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY MOMIN0. word. TIFICIAL PROPAGATION• NIGH SIDE. BUT ECCENTRIC JURISTS. _ Rare Opportunity. Chronic Dlar- all his earnings—he devoted heart and soul Wit and Wisdom of tbe ifenoli and Bar. ! -•!- v rbfluif Janndicc* From the abundance of his heart he spoke; Its mountain pines toss in the air; to its development, and he Anally forgot him­ A good story is told the Post at the ex­ Occasionally Judges find themselves in Tbe Second Oldest Paper in the State. J - - For Sale. > Impurity of tho And the flame spread—in cvefy soul that Its lnUcs gleam like some mirror fair ; Although the artificial propagation of self and Helen Hildreth in his work and its pense of Col. Robie, the "farmers'candidate" conflict with members of the bar who HE! Farm formerly owned by Charles Van Blood, Fever and heard cystcrs in deep sea beds is comparatively a Hoosear.deccased, consisting of Homestead ot I'Ague, malaria, Its soft winds breathe their priceless wealth, success. for Governor of Maine. Some ten years ago T Sorrow and love and good resolve awoke— new industry in the United States, and is are under no professional privilege or res­ •; OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING.. over lorty acres ol line farming land, all in a good ' and all Diseased Till p.ilo cheeks wear the glow of health. "Wealth land splendor have hot proved at the tync when the epizootic was generally , y."i \ «-*'.-••• state ol cultivation, and about four acresot wood­ The poor lay brother, ignorant and old, principally confined to the waters of New traint. Some maintain their dignity by land.. There is a large new barn and good out-' causcd by De­ ,i? ; £' v'' bnildings, and a line well of water on the premis­ Thanked God But oftener still they vainly blow * all her fancy painted them," he thought as England and the middle states, it is destined prevalent, a certain York county man was fining and committing for contempt of rangement of Liver, Bowols and Kidneys* that he had hoard such words tlicir eyes met. "Mr. Van Vleck," Bhe cried, es, but tho house is ot little consideration. To a of gold. O'er some wan cheek and brow of sn ow ; to revolutionize the oyster trade of the engaged in hauling goods to and from the court. This coursc in some cases may be • A. H. BYINGTON & CO. N,cw York gentleman'wishing to;erect a fine SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED IXVEIt. "who would have dreamed of meeting you freight depots at Portland, ^using oxen necessary, but a delicate- ridicule is gener­ country seat, this a GKAND oi-roBTirniTr. Bad Breath; Pain -in the Side, sometimes the No roseate tints of health they bring, world. To Connecticut must be accorded A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, G- N. ELLS This farm is-beadtiluUy situated about three pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for "Still ict the gloiy, Lord, be Thine alone '— here!" Was the pleasure which brightened instead of horses. All of his own stock was ally much more effective. A troublesome miles irom Norwalk center, and a short distance Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels And sad hope sits with drooping wing. the honor of first making deep sea planting : generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax; So prayed thejaonk, l)i9 heart absorbed in her eyes and deepened her somewhat exag­ in use, and he was obliged to buy several attorney, who was pleading his own cause, "" ^ "I from the summer residence of Mr. W. J. Gun­ a success; thousands of acres of beds are ning. It is on elevated ground overlooking. Long the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, praise; There fading, fading day by day, gerated dimples a reminiscence of her pow­ more yokes in order to keep up with the and. raising untenable points before Lord island Sound, is considered a remarkably healthy with* considerable loss of jneniory^ .accompanied cultivated under the "artificial" system, and Subscription $2.00 pdr year, in advance. location and is ol easy access. For further inlor- , with a painful sensatiori"ofleavrng undonesomething "TJiine be the glory : if my hands have sown His young life ebbing slow away, er, or was Mrs. Sterling a married flirt, he demands of his customers. One day he Ellenborougb, became exasperated becausc , „ , Single Copies 5 Cents. mation apply to lit A COLE, at the Shirt Manu­ , which ought:to have'been done; a~slight, dry-cough the area is increasing from year to year. s The harvest ripened in Thy mercy's rays, The stall and prop of future years wondered. "We have heard of you often, chanced to meet Col. Robie in a railroad he was invariably overruled, and exclaimed: i akn<i hi • • factory of MCrison ft Hutchinson. and flushed face is .sometimes an attendant, often Although experiments in hatching oysters iN or walk, June 10, 1882. mistikeri for consumption; the pAtidnt complains It was Thy blessing, Lord, that made my Drifts out beyond these hopes and fears. to be sure," she purred. "The newspapers car, the Colonel being en route to Gorham. " My lord, my lord, although your lordship 'of wcauuess and debility;-nervous, easily startled; have been made from time to time in differ­ feet cold or burning, someb'mes a prickly sensation word have not been silent concerning you and where he resides upon a large and highly is so great a man now, I remember the time Entered at the Post Office at Norwalk, Colin., ofcthe skin exists r spirits are low and despondent, Still bitter.arc the tears that flow, ent countries, the recent improved methods j, i ' , . as.Second-Class Matter. your great invention. I've always felt an cultivated ancestral farm. The Colonel and when I could have got your opinion for five t#(i H . i For Sale. and, although satisfied that exercise would he bene­ Biing light and love to e.very soul that The anguished cry, O must he go ? pf cultivation in this country have been an 11E OLD HOMESTEAD ot David Comstock, ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to heard. i - ownership in that invention, do you know ? York county man enaged in conversation, shillings." Such impertinence would, with hj i&.-fc:-'-. - * -ir: deceased, situated on,Comstock Hill, about 2 try, it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several ;; Relentless death as stern as fate, ., , element in inducing the United States gov­ Tmiles north-west ot NorWalk Bridge. It consists of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases I felft as if I were behind the scenes, let into and during its progress the former said: many judges, have led to the committal of ; Advertising Katies V have occurred when but few of them existed, yet ."O, Lord, I thank thee that my feeble strength Heeds not tiiose cruel words—too late-1 ernment to make exhaustive experiments in ota two-story dwelling with usual farm out­ examination after death has shown the Liver to the secret before the rest of the outside world "William, what are you paying for oxen the offender; but Lord Ellenborough merely i buildings; about 70 acres of goodlaiin land well oyster hatching. This work has been under . '• watered/and easy of- cultivation. It is situated have been extensively deranged. lias been so blest; that sinful hearts and Too late—how like some spirit call, . when it was only a dream. I've resented ev­ now?" T observed, with an amusfe'd' smile: "Sir, I Four lines or less, 1 time SOo.,* 3 times $1 00 ° on high ground and has an extended view of Long the direction of the United States fish com­ One square, one insertion.... ... ... 1 00 It should be used by all persons, old and cold ery infringement—" laland Sonmly and lias fine shade tree's In front, The solemn words come home to all. mission, and Lieutenant Francis Winslow, "That depends,'.' replied William. dare say it was not worth the money." The Per week for continuance 50 itiwill be sold low and on reasonable terms in young, whenever any of the abovo Were tnelted'at my pleading—knew at length' "I am flattered that you remember my oider to closc up the estate. £or further infor­ Their deepest import is not fate, U. S. N., now detached, is making experi­ "Well," said the Colonel, "get off with me same judge was on one occasion sitting at One Square, throe 'months .......... 4 00 symptoms appear. .IIow sweet Thy service and how safe"Thy EmalJ. affairs," said Theodore, humbly. at Gorham and come over to my place and the Guildhall,-fallen Henry "Hunt, the famous "- " six months. 7 Off mation apply to' ~ JOSIAH KELLOGG. 'Tis only putting oil too late.
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