Home Beautiful· Edition THE R. l. REVIEW Vol. XVII, No. 15 PROVIDENCE, R. I., JANUARY 12, 1939 5 Cents the Copy S. H. WORKMAN MAKE·s APPEAL /NOTED SCHOLAR I LEADERS TO DISCUSS \ PROBLEMS OF Almost 26 years ago, In 1914. young people who are not reached I WILL SPEAK REFUGEES a group of J ewish leaders pur-1 by the Center because of lnade- I AT CONFERENCE cbased the present building. Flor quate faclllties. I Palestine In 1938, American· Not only will hundreds of lead- many • years It was c9nducted as Furthermore, our present build· I Word has just been r eceived Jewry's role In the rebuilding of ers from scores of J ewish commu- a Hebrew school and for meeting Ing more than 70 years old, Is I nltl_es throughout the country Purposes. rapidly outliving Its usefulness that Professor Alvin S. Johnson, the Jewish National Homeland, I participate In the deliberations, In' 1925 the name was changed and Is being worn down 'by the one ' of this count~;"• great econ- and Palestine as the key to the but nation-wide broadcasts by the from the Hebrew Educational In· use made of It by many people. omists and director of the New refugee problem, will be the fun- three major radio chains will stitute to that of the Jewish Com- We are a lso concerned about the ISc hool for Social Research, has damental questions to be consld· bring to tens of tbousands of J ews munlty Center. fact that there should be neces- accepted the Invitation of the Am· ered In the sessions of the Na- and non-Jews throughout the Uni- Since that time a board of di· sary safety provisions In a publfo Ie rlcan ORT Federation to ad· tional Conference for Palestine ted Slates addresses by the prln- rectors composed of leading clti- building of this type. · · which wlll be held at the Hotel clpal speakers at the National z~ns in th,ls community and a pro- In all of these years the J ew· dress Its meeting during the ~a- Mayflower In Waslilngton, D. C., Conference in Washington. fesslonal staff have been direct- !sh Community Center has en-, tlonal Assembly of the Oouncll of J anuary 14 and Sunday, Janua~y On Saturday evening from 6. 15 Ing a l)rogram that Influences the deavored to be the beacon-the l 15, It was announced by Dr. Abba to 6.30 p. m., · Columbia Broad- lives of hundreds of J ewish boys guiding light - for the Jewish Hillel Silver; national chairman castlng System will carry the ad· and girls and young men and children a nd adults as well. of the United Palestine Appeal. dress of Jan Masaryk, former young- women. In these days of the world un-1 Meeting on the even of the op- Czechoslovakian Minister to Lon- . The Center serves as a protect- rest, when several million of our enlng of the discussions between don and son of the founder of the Ing shelter for Jewish boys 11, nd people are persecuted throughout I the British government and Arab ICzechoslovak Republic. In addl- girls to wJ:lom it extends a hand the world, we, who are enjoying ' representatives, the National Con- tlon to the broadcast for the Co- of guidance and develops In them ·liberty and freedom, have an obll· ference for Palestine will be the 1 lumbla chain, the National Broad- a feeling of American loyalties gallon to provide for the human forum of American J ewry for an I casting Co. will bring to Its vast and the knowledge of ;Jewish tra-· needs of our own children In our I ditions. own community. expression of Its position with re- radio audience addresses by Dr. As good as the work may bJ These are the days when ~our- gard to decisive questions relat- I Sliver and other prominent lead- ing to the future development and ers on Saturday evening from 8 that ls carried on· within the wall~ age a,n'd •vision are needed. And I I of the Center, the board of cil.rec~ these are the days when commu- settlement of Palestine. to 8.30 o'clock. tors has long realized that In ~ nlty endeavor-s ' s\lch as the J ewish city the size of ours and with d ' 'Communlty·Denter must be given J ewish population of more than Ia greater opportunity for greater Students E_xhibit . Mrs. G. p. Metcali 25,000, there are thousands of service. Suggestions For I Is Concert Head Modem Rooms Mrs. George Pierce Metcalf Is l Designs for modern interiors, chairman of the committee of ar- 1orlg!nnted b~ '3t ·~n!..t in the cle- nLngtJmenls !or Ltte couc·ert-Lo·· ':--:- r-1 American J ewry's HIAS, the ::.u'gm~nted measure of support, to d 11 , partment of Interior dealgns of J given by Arturo Toscanini re- Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant answer the anguished cry of our J ewish Federations an We a;re the Rhode Island School of De-1 nowned conductor and his ' NBC Funj!s In Baltimore, this month: sign, are being shown ln the en-. ' Aid Society, has enlarged th'e suffering brethren and sisters,". Tire assembly which will-attract trance lobby ot the Metcalf build- i symphony orchestra, at the Met- scope of its "Rescue Tbrough Mr. Herman stated In ~I~ !'PP~~L lng at South Main a nd College I ropolitan Theatre, Tueallay eve- Emlgration" program and by The statement polnte.d out that J ewleli leaders from every sec- I manning, on an emergency bas!s, offices and •gerlcles 'worl<lng dl· tlon, of the United States and streets. nlng; Feb. 7, under auspices of Its emigrant and Immigrant a1d rectly under the auspices of HIAS Canada will take place In the There are designs for living I the Junior League of Providence, Marylan·d metropolis on January rooms, whose Inspirational source Inc. agencies In 31 countries of e1Dl· or- affiliated with Its service are lay ln a Greeclan vase: a Japan- I Other chairmen follow: Ex-of- gratlon, transit and Immigration, being maintained thrqughout the 21 , '22 a nd 23, through which the tragic path. of 1vorld. They a re located ln coun- The council has scheduled the ese print, an Indian textile, a mod· 1 flclo, Mrs. Curtis B. Brooks; pro­ the Jewish wanderer trO.ns ·1ri' the tries o·r . eni.fg~~tion, t;anstt and' ORT meeting for 3 o'clock on ern painting, a Persian miniature. g rams , Mrs. Lawrence Lanpher; , k t h f J I h ff · 1 1 l t{ ,. Monday ,afternoon , Janua-ry 3. Reception rooms for a cosmetic · publicity, Mrs. Dunton Howe. As­ car es our o ew s su er ng. mm gra ou. Some of th'e coun:.. Dr. David Lvovitch of Paris, vice house a re among the renderings sistlng . the chairmen are Mes- Announcing the steps HIAS Is tries where ,such offices a re In Po- chairman of the World ORT shown, and there are plans for the dames Arthur H. W. Lewis, Royal taking ln co-operation with Its land, Roumanla, Latvia Llth- in teriors of a complete house Llttl Ch 1 M S , f?relgn offices through the HIAS· uanla, Czechoslovakia, Yugosla- Union, newly arrived In America, e, a r es orris nnth, 3rd, · lll dl th "E l Ad showing samples M the fabrics Ashbel T. Wall Jr.. Wilson G. !CA Emigration Asso_clatlon, Abe via, Spal~; . ln Belgium, J)anzlg, ;v t ' s:usr" th \ con;'; c t . and materials to be used. Wing and the Misses Isabel Doo- rn ham Herman, president of the Harbin, Man~hukuo, Portugal arid us men o ,e ews.. o 'as ern_ Students exhibiting are Misses little, Mary Ann Lippitt, Sophie organization, directed an urgent Luxembour'g. Offices to serve and Central Europe. Proresao1 l{atherine Walker, Justine Price, L. Mauran and Carol Metcalf. appeal to the nation-wide . coll the needs of new a rrivals a~e Jol;rn son has talcen for his topic trlhutlng membership and to th functioning in the following coun-1 "Tl1 8 E'conom Ic Adj us t men t o r tiie Helen Louise W etmore, Margaret C'>·operating organizations to tries of Immigration: Argentine, J ews ln America and the Training Mend enhall, Gertrude Hamilton, d n ttl t Q ti f th Dorothy Shepherd, Mildred La- rm.kc available the necessary Brazil, Uruguay, Ch ile, Paraguay, an ese emen ues ou o e Cross. Sisterhood funds tor the 10 39 budget, as' well Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Vene- Refugees Wlthln the United as for the special needs of the zuela, Bolivia, Mexico, the Cen- States from the Social and Eco- I::mergency Emigrant Transpor- lral American Republics. nomlc Sta nd P01nt." Austin T. Levy Slste, hood of Temple Emanu- t~tlo11 Fund. Of special slgnlflcunce In lts Professor Johnson ls recognized I S G t I E l met ln the vestry of the tem- "Rescue through om lgratlon, present emergency ls the close as one of the outata ndlng authorl- S Upper UeS I/ IC. Following the business ses- wberever and however havens of co-operation being carried on by lies on tthls phase of th••e sub- Is lon a draqrntic review d e11lc ting r ofoge at more hospllable shores HIAS In New York and Its branch jects. Austin T. Levy, who "as chair- the activities of tbe Sisterhood may be found, ls the urgent need olllces ln lloston, Daltlmore, Ch i- at ~:erei~::: ~a~t~ ~; !e~~is~~ ~-~ man or the Republican Stale Cam- sin ce lts formation ln 1926, writ­ or the countless thousands of our cago, Philadelphia, San l<'rancl; .
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