Page 01c :WBPB AGM 2010 12/13/10 10:50 AM Page 1 WELCOME TO WEST BELFAST PARTNERSHIP ANNUAL REPORT 2010 am delighted to present the programme for social, and joining with the Belfast Partnership - our Board West Belfast Partnership economic and physical change Media Group and local Members, staff, sub IBoards Annual Report. I am in West Belfast. We have made businesses to raise funds for committees and multi agency confident that this Annual significant progress in a the Aisling Bursaries which partners who show dedication Report 2010 will reflect the number of areas which will assist local people to access and commitment year after Partnerships continued success benefit the people of west higher education and training. year. in drawing together a wide Belfast. Looking ahead to next year, it I would particularly like to range of agencies, elected We have developed and is clear that West Belfast faces thank the Department of representatives, businesses, implemented a £2m Integrated many challenges. One of the Social Development for community groups, Services for Children and most urgent is unemployment, their support throughout neighbourhood partnerships Young People programme as all too many local people the years and to all our and individuals, with the aim of aimed at improving the life have lost their income and other Funders featured working together to get a chances of children and young livelihood as a result of the across this report. better deal for West Belfast, its people in this part of the city; recession. It is imperative that May I take this opportunity people and places. we have worked with we keep up the pressure on to wish everyone a Social and economic justice politicians and local government and those agencies happy Christmas with equality for all is at the communities to develop firm tasked with delivering jobs and and a Peaceful heart of what West Belfast plans for the future of the skills development to local New Year. Partnership is all about. This is Andersonstown Barracks site; people, to tackle poverty, a major challenge for us on we have put education at the disadvantage and lack of many different levels and in the heart of regeneration - investment in West Belfast. Gerry McConville past year we have worked with organising an annual Easter Thanks to the many people Chairman partners to deliver our School for Maths GCSE pupils involved in West Belfast Your West Partnership Staff Team: Callie Persic, Lianne Carlile, Tina McCann, Mairead McCafferty, Stephanie Vallely, Geraldine McAteer, Patrick McDonald, Deirdre McVeigh and Bronagh O’Kane Our Mission “To involve people who live and work in West Belfast in generating social, economic, physical and cultural development to ensure West Belfast makes a full contribution to and benefits equally from developments in the city as a whole” 218 – 226 Falls Road, Belfast, BT12 6AH • Email: [email protected] • Tel: 028 90809202 • Registered Charity No: XR2 5732 w w w.w e s t b e l f a s t – p a r t n e r s h i p . c o m Page 02c - Chair :WBPB AGM 2010 12/13/10 10:51 AM Page 1 2 | West Belfast Partnership Annual Report | December 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Andersonstown Barracks Site ‘Working in Partnership towards a better Belfast’ Since the demolition of the An- International Women’s dersonstown Barracks, local people have been passionate about what will be developed on the vacant site. Much con- Day at City Hall troversy has surrounded the barracks site but this past spring the tension was alleviat- ed somewhat when West Belfast Partnership along with PLACE organised a number of community engagement activi- ties to let people have their say in shaping the compilation of a Design and Development Brief for the regeneration of the for- mer Andersonstown Barracks site. The site is owned by the De- partment for Social Develop- ment who have enlisted the help of Daniel Libeskind, one of pers and leafleting houses in Attwood MLA, Minister for So- the world’s most foremost ar- the local area, we used a vari- cial Development, who both chitects who will be lending his ety of media, such as Twitter, gave their commitment to the professional expertise to the website and Facebook to get future development of the site. design competition which will the views of people on the de- Councillor Tim Attwood and transform the former Ander- velopment of the site. Paul Maskey MLA also con- sonstown barracks site. After all the responses were firmed their ongoing support West Belfast Partnership held collected a final meeting was for developments on the bar- Kelly Robinson, Shankill Partnership, Evelyn Collins, Chief Executive Equality Commission, Naomi Long, Lord Mayor of a number of meetings locally in held during the West Belfast racks site. We are pleased to Belfast, Geraldine McAteer, Chief Executive West Belfast Partnership and Maggie Andrews, East Belfast Partnership the Glenowen, a workshop with Festival week. The meeting report that the Brief has now community groups, spoke with gave us the opportunity to feed- gone out for international com- Belfast’s Lord Mayor Naomi Better Belfast’. The event planning and business sec- young people in the Computer back to people on the different petition and in the New Year a Clubhouse and St Teresa’s Long hosted the Belfast drew together women from tors – right through to elect- views presented, the draft De- panel will meet to assess the Area Partnerships at City throughout Belfast from a ed representatives, all of Youth Club, held breakfast sign and Development Brief submissions. meetings, met with elderly res- and the next steps for this im- Hall on Monday 8th March range of sectors – from com- whom are instrumental in idents after mass and conduct- portant development. @ Facebook “Andytown Barracks Site to mark International munity and women’s devel- driving forward the social, ed a ‘vox pop’, speaking to over The meeting was addressed by - Have Your Say” Women’s Day in Belfast and opment, from health, educa- economic, physical and cul- 100 people. Twitter: @ATownExpoWest Gerry Adams MP and Alex www.expowestbelfast.com ‘Celebrate Women Working tion, housing, transport, ac- tural regeneration of In addition to local newspa- in Partnership Towards a ademia, community safety, Belfast. West Belfast Partnership Board West Belfast Partnership Board Members 2010 Mr Gerry McConville Falls Community Council (Chair) Ms Tish Holland Upper Andersonstown Forum (Treasurer) Mrs Renee Crawford Lenadoon Forum (Secretary) Ms Annie Armstrong Colin Neighbourhood Initiative Mr Tom Armstrong Chair of the Education Subgroup Cllr Tim Attwood SDLP Cllr Janice Austin Sinn Féin Cllr Briege Brownlee Sinn Féin Mr Saoirse Caldwell Belfast City Council Mr David Cargo Belfast Education & Library Board Mr Jim Carlin Northern Ireland Housing Executive Mr Michael Culbert Coiste Na Niarcheini Cllr Maire Cush Sinn Féin Cllr Tom Hartley Sinn Féin Ms Tish Hegarty Department of Employment & Learning Mr Peter McAllister SEELB Cllr. Fra McCann Sinn Féin Mr John McGeown Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Ms Susan McCrory Falls Women's Centre Mr Alex McRitchie Bombardier Aerospace Mr Sean Mitchell Mitchell Kane Associates Mr Terry Murphy CCMS Mr Danny Power Falls Neighbourhood Partnership Ms Sybil Skelton SEELB Ms Deirdre Walsh Whiterock Children’s Centre Mr Seamus O’Prey ORTUS Members of the West Belfast Partnership Board Mr Geoff Beattie Belfast Regeneration Office Ms Mary McKee SIB Back row from left to right: Mr Kenny Knox, Mr Martin McDermott, Ms Claire Ferris, Mrs Deirdre Walsh, Mr Michael Cllr Michael Brown Sinn Féin Culbert, Mr Jim Carlin, Mr Gerry McConville (Chairman). Front row from left to right: Ms Geraldine McAteer (Chief THANK YOU TO BOARD MEMBERS WHO HAVE MOVED ON IN 2010 Executive), Mrs Eilis Creen, Ms Tish Hegarty, Cllr Tom Hartley, Mr Seoirse Caldwell Mrs Eilis Creen Upper Springfield Development Trust Ms Claire Ferris Work West Mr David Gavaghan Strategic Investment Board Mr Martin McDermott Belfast Regeneration Office Our accounts are available upon request from Marie McIlwee, Finance Officer, at West Belfast Partnership Board. We would like to thank all our funders and supporters for their continued support in 2010, in particular our core funder Belfast Regeneration Office. Housing Executive Enterprise,Enterprise, TrTradeade aandnd InvestmentInvestment WEST BELFAST Page 03c - CEO :WBPB AGM 2010 12/13/10 10:53 AM Page 1 West Belfast Partnership Annual Report | December 2010 FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE | 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 A year of achievement for the Partnership Chief Executive’s Report t is my great pleasure to Looking ahead - the present the West Belfast challenges of economic reces- IPartnership Board’s An- sion and public cuts nual Report 2010. I trust that Looking ahead, immense chal- lenges face West Belfast as the eco- this report will bear testimo- nomic recession and public sector ny to the hard work and firm cuts bite. Those who have lost purpose of our Board mem- jobs in the construction, retail, bers, committees, staff and service or other employment partners, who have steered a sectors have felt the cold wind of steady course towards our the recession already and are goal of economic, social, cul- struggling to make ends meet as it is. tural and physical regenera- It is vital that West Belfast have tion of West Belfast, despite strong representation to ensure the challenges of economic that all that can be done, is being recession and impending done, by the appropriate agencies public sector cuts. to protect jobs and put in place ap- propriate training and education A better deal for to ensure that people are skilled up West Belfast, to access employment. West its people and places Belfast Partnership is committed In the past year our Partnership to working to this agenda and is team have worked hard to get a bet- currently working with the West ter deal for West Belfast, its people Belfast and Shankill Task Forces to Representatives of the West Belfast Partnership Board meet with Sinn Féin MLAs to secure continued support for develop concrete proposals fo- and places.
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