Wednesday, November 9, 2011 • Vol. 5 Issue 18 Treat Everyone! 26,000 copies Independent, locally owned and operated! delivered bi-weekly to Lamorinda homes & businesses www.lamorindaweekly.com • 925.377.0977 Reserve a Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Today! FREE 3545 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA Valid only at participating locations.(925) Price and299-1516 Participation may vary. While supplies last. 16.1624 © 2011 Kahala Franchising, L.L.C. COLD STONE CREAMERY and the MEDALLION design are registered trademarks of Kahala Franchising, L.L.C. or its licensors. By Cathy Tyson lthough twinkle lights ber 15, to cover the expected cost may not qualify as an en- of keeping the lights on. Generous Adangered species, the merchants have given a portion of Lafayette Chamber of Commerce that amount already. Lifson said is hoping the season of giving will that all donations, no matter the start early this holiday season and size, are welcome - checks can be is asking for donations to keep the made out to the Chamber of Com- twinkle lights twinkling in down- merce, which also accepts credit town Lafayette. cards. If residents and businesses When the City Council was are exceptionally generous, donat- forced to trim its budget this year, ing more than the anticipated cost, the banner program was saved, but the Chamber will roll over any twinkle lights got the axe. It’s hard extra amount to next year’s twin- to quantify the benefit of festive kle light fund. For more informa- lighting on holiday shopping, but tion, call the Chamber at (925) it goes a long way toward making 284-7404, or drop by the office at spirits bright. 100 Lafayette Circle, Suite 103, Although the city purchased Lafayette, CA, 94549. new strings of LED lights recently that use a fraction of the electricity that the old ones did, it costs ap- proximately $8,000 per season to maintain and re-string as needed. Jay Lifson, the Executive Director of the Chamber, is in the process of calling around to see if he can get a lower bid for the job. Consider yourself invited by the Chamber of Commerce to be part of the solution. The Chamber Jay Lifson with hat in hand Photo Doug Kohen is asking for donations, by Novem- Advertising Quote of the Week: BURTON VALLEY, LAFAYETTE! “They said make PENDING WITH 3 OFFERS UPDATED, SPECTACULAR yourself at home, so I REMODEL FLEXIBLE brought my dog.” 4 BR, 3 BA, FLOOR PLAN 2367 sq.ft. 4 BR, 4 BA, Read "Charismatic 3217 Sharon Ct. Author Impresses Joan Evans 3150 sq.ft. $1,199,000 Realtor Audiences," 3286 Sweet Dr. page A8 925-260-7555 www.joanevans.com ASSOCIATES DRE# 01168111 $890,000 REAL ESTATE Grand Plans for Orinda’s Mini Park Town News A2 - A8 By Cathy Dausman MOFD A9 hen 1960’s era eastbound Highway 24 wall/fence as a backdrop to soften the view. Cost located at the northwest corner of Camino Pablo Letters to the Editor A10 Wtraffic exited into Orinda, drivers encoun- estimates are $50,000 to $57,000; each participant and Brookwood Road. Landscape architect and Life in Lamorinda B1 - B12 tered a stark, industrial first impression of the city– will contribute either financially or in-kind. Orinda resident Nora Harlow drew up the park’s Service Directory B4 a “welcome” sign supported by a chain link fence, Orinda’s first park was officially designated a original design as a gift to the city. Community Service B6 - B7 and dwarfed by the signal light, telephone and util- mini park in the mid-1970’s. The triangular area is ... continued on page A6 Not to be Missed B8 ity poles surrounding it. A photo of the area is fea- Food B11 tured in William Bronson’s book, How to Kill a Business B12 Golden State, and is a measure of just how far the Sports C1 - C3 city beautification project has come. HOW TO CONTACT US C2 Today that site, a designated mini-park, fea- Classified C3 tures mature redwoods, park benches, a fountain, Love Lafayette C4 several memorial plaques and drought resistant Our Homes D1 - D8 vegetation—and it is on the verge of an update. This Week Read About: The city is collaborating with PG&E, which owns the property, the Montelindo Garden Club and the New at the Vets Building A2 owners of Theatre Square with plans that include Police Reserves Honored A5 removing some redwoods, which interfere with Financing Eden A6 PG&E transmission lines, and two nearby mag- Wavy Gravy A8 nolia trees, which have outgrown their street TassaTags B1 boxes; replacing the redwoods with strawberry SMC's June in a Box B2 trees and the magnolia trees with crape myrtle, Hams, in Lamorinda? B3 beefing up native plants and grasses, raising the World Premiere B4 landscape rockery, and installing an illuminated, SMC Basketball C3 arched metal sign on the west side of the clock tower. Discussions also include installing an art Photo provided Life in Lamorinda B1-B12 Sports C1-C3 Our Homes D1-D8 Local Libraries in the Digital Lamorinda Prep Basketball What So Proudly We Hail Age—it’s About the Experience Will Fight for DFAL Title By Laurie Snyder By Sophie Braccini By Conrad Bassett Just over the rise of a hill and around the bend of one of A September survey by Harris Inter- High school basketball season Orinda’s many winding roads, active confirmed that digital readers kicked off on Monday, November Old Glory flutters, lifting and re- are a hot commodity, and that they 7 with the first day of practice. For settling with each breeze, drawing get people to read more books. The the first time in several years, the the eyes of passers by up and trend does not surprise or worry defending league champion is not away... ...read on page D1 Lamorinda’s... ...read on page B5 Acalanes, ... ...read on page C1 Page: A2 LAMORINDA WEEKLY www.lamorindaweekly.com 925-377-0977 Wednesday, November 9, 2011 COMING SOON TO LAFAYETTE'S TRAIL NEIGHBORHOOD! Dana Green Sarah Kellar Beautifully updated 3957 sq. ft., 5BD Turnkey 3BD/2BA, single-story Lic. #01482454 Lic. #01805955 (+ 2 offices), 3BA craftsman remodeled w/remodeled kitchen/baths & fabulous living (925) 339-1918 by DH Structures in ‘03. Pancake-flat spaces. Incredible .60-acre level backyard www.DanaGreenTeam.com .82-acre parcel w/pool, waterslide, spa, oasis w/pool, patio, orchard, playhouse & orchard & level lawn. plenty of room for all to explore! Call for price & details! Call for price & details! New Book Drop Coming to Library By Cathy Tyson Even when the library is closed, li- brary staff is needed to manually handle the overflow. Civic News “These are our customers” said Public Meetings Kathy Merchant, Executive Direc- tor of LLLC Foundation, “and we City Council want to keep them happy.” The Monday, November 14, 7:00 pm LLLC Foundation funds 53% of the Lafayette Library & Learning Center, building’s expenses, and has cited Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd the need for increased visibility and Planning Commission convenience for library patrons re- turning books. Merchant said the Tuesday, November 21, 7:00 pm Foundation is sensitive to safety Lafayette Library & Learning Center, Community Hall, 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd concerns—there’s plenty of room for a car door to open without im- Design Review peding the bike lane or vehicles on Monday, November 14, 7:00 pm Mt. Diablo Boulevard. Immediate neighbors aren’t Lafayette Library & Learning Center A new book drop will be conveniently located along Mt. Diablo Blvd. Photo Cathy Tyson in the Arts & Science Discovery pleased; representatives from Center at 3491 Mt. Diablo Blvd. ree books for everyone – a the needs of patrons. “With the new building it’s been Boswells and Caffino believe it will Fgood thing, but Lafayette Li- A new driver-friendly option was a learn-as-you-go process,” said have a negative impact, calling it brary and Learning Center’s recently approved by the City Coun- City Manager Steven Falk, adding “disruptive to our business” and “al- School Board Meetings (LLLC) success in getting books in cil. A drop box will be located along “people aren’t naturally inclined to ready a bad situation.” Acalanes Union High School the hands of readers becomes an Mt. Diablo near the edge of the side- drive around the back of the build- The City Council encouraged District issue when it comes time to return walk, just east of the bus stop. Spe- ing” to drop off books. staff to make signage and curb Wednesday, November 16, 7:30 pm those books – existing book drops cial signs and curb markings will Plans call for a stainless steel painting crystal clear that only park- Board Room AUHSD Office are overflowing with 30,000 returns designate one spot for very limited structure that would be paid for by ing for approximately two to three 1212 Pleasant Hill Rd, Lafayette per month. The odd location of two parking, approximately two or three Friends of the Library. Mike minutes was allowed. For readers www.acalanes.k12.ca.us book drops at the rear of the build- minutes, just enough time to get out Gilson, President of the LLLC dropping off books, they should feel Lafayette School District ing along Golden Gate Way and an of your car and deposit books. Cer- Foundation, said they have been free to briefly stop in the designated automated receptacle in the main tainly not enough time to collect “considering a book drop for quite Wednesday, November 16, 7:00 pm spot, then round the driveway and entrance lobby that’s only available children, grab a latte from the café or some time,” the number of returns LAFSD Office head into the parking lot next door during open hours aren’t meeting pick up books that are on hold.
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