Disabled Old-Age Inwrance Beneficiaries by EDNA C. WENTWORTH * ETWEEN two-thirds and three- tion of beneficiaries who are disabled they had during the year preceding fourths of the men and women depends on the definition used. For the interview were noted. B currently receiving old-age in- the present estimate a beneficiary In the analysis of the data collected, surance benefits are estimated to be was counted as disabled if he was the beneficiaries were first grouped disabled. Most of these disabled incapable of full-time work at the in three classes according to their beneficiaries have quit working for kind of job he had before his entitle- opinions as to their work capacity good. Some of them, however, can ment. The estimate is based on a at the time of the interview. The and do work after their entitlement study of representative beneficiaries postentitlement employment record in jobs that are less demanding than in 20 cities. Altogether, 3,362 men of the beneficiaries in each class and their usual occupations. Others un- and 622 women who became entitled the present condition of their health doubtedly could work if jobs geared to primary benefits during the 8 years were then studied.3 to their limited capacities were 1940-47 were intervieyed in their available. homes in the period from 1941 to Beneficiaries’ Work Capacity This estimate of the extent of dis- 1949 to find out how they were getting The following classification was ability among all retirement bene- along after their entitlement.z Among used in grouping the beneficiaries ficiaries in the United States relates other things they were asked their with reference to their opinion as to to the present period of relatively full opinions about their health and their their work capacity: (1) those who emp1oyment.l In a labor market less ability to work at the time of the said they could work full time-35 favorable to the employment of old interview. The infirmities of which hours or more a week-on a job for people, the disability rate would be they complained and any employment which their experience qualified lower than the estimate indicates them; (2) those who regarded them- because more able-bodied persons 2For reports on some of the findings selves as unable to work at all; (3) aged 65 and over would be out of work of these surveys, see the Bulletin for those who said they were able to work July and September 1943: March 1944; and receiving insurance benefits. January, April, September, and November but specified that the job must be The concept of disability obviously 1945; January 1946; August and October “light” or “part time” (table 1). All is relative, and the estimated propor- 1947; February and September 1948; three classes included some bene- November 1949; April and May 1950; and ficiaries whose benefits were sus- * Division of Program Analysis, Bureau January 1951. See also the Bulletin for of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance. June 1946 for a comparison of aged in- pended a month or more during the 1 The estimate relates to beneficiaries surance beneficiaries with aged assistance survey year 4 because,of their covered currently receiving benefits 1 to 11 years recipients and the aged in the general employment earnings. after their entitlement; for estimates population, and the October 1949 issue relating to the employability of bene- for a study of public assistance supple- ficiaries at the time of their entitlement, mentation of income of insurance bene- Able to work full time.-Most of see the Bulletin for January 1951. ficiaries. the beneficiaries who said they could work full time in their customary occupations if they had the oppor- Table l.-Percentage distribution of old-age beneficiaries by their opinion as to their ability to work,1 20 cities, 1941-49 tunity were probably able to do so. - During the wartime year ending in 7- i Pcrccntage distribution the summer of 1944, for example, 89 - -__ - - percent of all the men beneficiaries Year of IVumber Survey area entitle- in Able to I ncapaci.. ’ 4ble to interviewed in Ohio who had no res- ment s3mplt? work t ated for w ork only ervations as to their work capacity Total full any kind Part tim t or at did have some employment. Two- time of work li ght jobs - .- _- Men: 3 The analysis of health and employ- Philadelphia-Baltimore- ___. ___. 1940 1941 508 ment is limited to the men beneficiaries St. Louis . ---.-.-.-..---___- 1940 1941 550 because the number of women entitled Birmingham-Memphis-Atlanta.. 1940 1942 564 LosAn&.._- -_- __________ 21940 1942 758 to benefits on their own wage records 12middle-sized Ohio cities. __-__.. 1941-42 1944 565 in various surveys was not large enough Boston----.-- .____________._... 1’340~-14 3 1946 415 Philadelphia-Baltimore-- -_... 1940-47 1949 461 to provide an adequate basis for analysis Women: ’ within each work-capacity class. The Philadelphia-Baltimore- --_ _-__. 1YUl 11141 information obtained, however, indicates St.Louis..-.-.....--....--....--- 1940 1941 if Birmingham-Memphis-Atlant3~ 1940 1’942 53 that the general conclusions derived LosAn~eles . -.-.-_-_- .____.. 21940 1’942 186 from the study of the men are likewise 12middle-sized Ohio cities. _._ ___. 194142 lM-14 applicable to the women. No women Boston~...~..............~...~.. 1940-44 3 1946 ii primary beneficiaries were included In - - the 1949 Philadelphia-Baltimore survey. * At t.he time of the interview. 4 Women old-age insurance beneficiaries were CT- 2 Includes January 1941entitlements. ciuded from the 1949Philadelphia-Baltimore survey 4 Twelve consecutive calendar months * Includes Janunry 1947interviews. of 1940-47entitlements. preceding the month of the interview. Bulletin, June 1951 11 thirds of the men who said they were ical exertion; some probably could for full-time employment in their able to work full time were employed not have worked at all, but because customary jobs. They formed the full time throughout the year. When they said they were able to do “cer- following proportions of the benefi- the demand for labor was less urgent, tain types of work” they were in- ciaries in the various survey areas however, the proportion with some cluded with those who might take on the day of the interview. employment among the retirement part-time or light jobs. beneficiaries who thought they were The largest group among the bene- Percent disabled able to work was smaller (from 44 to ficiaries in this class who had some Surveg- area and survey year - 72 percent in the various survey employment were the men-mostly Men Women areas) because older men and women manual workers-who worked a part ___- Philadelphia-Baltimore (1941). 60 70 are ordinarily marginal workers who or all of the survey year at jobs that St.Louis (1941).- . ..___... 52 67 I3irmingham-Memphis- find difilculty in obtaining jobs in required less physical exertion than Atlsnta (194!2..~ .._.... -. 49 70 ;n&xtry or commerce. their usual occupations. A few Los Angeles (1942) . 51 62 12 middle-sized Ohio cities worked full time throughout the year (1944). ____.... ____.-. 77 Boston (1948).- ____..-- ._..... BJ Ilreapacitated for any kind of in small businesses of their own. One Philadelphia-Baltimore (1949). (9 work .-Most of the beneficiaries who old man, for example, who had been said they were unable to work at all a sprayer in a piano factory, boarded Women primnrg beneficiaries excluded from the were probably sick. They said they dogs during the survey year. Some sur”ey. were suffering from heart disease, worked full time in industry but at high blood pressure, paralysis, arth- relatively easy jobs; a former painter There were more disabled bene- ritis, anemia, failing vision, cancer, who was employed as a watchman ficiaries in Boston (1946) and in kidney disease, and other degenera- was typical. Most of this group, how- Philadelphia-Baltimore (1949 1 than tive conditions associated with aging. ever, had only casual employment in the other survey areas, largely be- A few of the men-during the 1944 during the year; a former carpenter cause the beneficiaries in those two survey year as many as 29 percent worked occasionally for private fa,mi- areas had been entitled longer-from and in the other years from 4 to 19 lies, and a former laborer in a steel 1 to 6 or from 1 to 9 years, respec- percenGhad some employment, mill did gardening for his neighbors. tively-than in the earlier surveys, most!y casual work. The majority, A small number of men worked where the beneficiaries interviewed however, had quit working by the during part or all of the year in their had been entitled only from 1 to 3 time of the interview, and others ob- usual types of occupation. Some in years. Because these Boston and viously were working in spite of seri- this group found after their reem- Philadelphia-Baltimore studies are ous health handicaps. pioyment that the work was too hard, more recent and include beneficiaries From a study of their employment and they had to quit. A laborer in the who had been on the benefit rolls for records during the survey year and steel industry, for example, was em- a longer period, the findings as to their own comments on their health, ployed 8 months of the survey year disability in these two samples are it may be concluded that, for prac- as a laborer but stopped because he undoubtedly more representative of tical purposes in estimating the pro- could not perform the heavy duties all retirement beneficiaries in the portion of beneficiaries who were in- required.
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