Published by the Women's Community of San Antonio WoMANSPACE June, 1998 Volume 10 Number 8 P. 0. Box 12327, San Antonio, Texas 78212 PRIDE PICNIC TIMEI .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The 16th Annual San Antonio Pride Picnic will take place this year on Saturday, June 13th at Travis Park! Come one, come all! You know the deal! Beer, music, beer, vendors, beer, food, beer, . beer, beer! Same party, new place! Don't miss it! WomanSJHiu b a mrmber ofthr Eapt'raJWl Network. The work of the E1peranza u based on the belief that al/[orm1 of bigotry and oppr•sslon. withm 011r own community and in the world at large. can only be stopped by addreutng the tnherenr connecllon between them, and by creoong alliances. P&e.K COI&Iider participation as an individUAl or ~roup. Wr'd llkr to ~rl to know you. Call 228-0201 dune Calendar Pot Luck 1998 Wedn esday. June 10- WomanSpace Production, 6 30pm. at Pot luck gatherings are part of our cultural Textures heritage. Check out this opportunity to socialize Saturday June 13- Pride Pi cnic! Sund ay . June 14- Flag Day outside the bars and mark your calendar today! Sund ay, June 21 - Father' s Day For information on the location of the pot lucks, Wedn esday June 24- WomanSpace Folding . 6 30pm. at call the hostess. To become a hostess, call 828- Textures LISA and volunteer. Sund ay . June 28- Potluck I 5-9pm . Call 637-7377 for more info. Pride Picnic Schedule! June 13,~ June 28 5:00-9:00 pm 637-7377 9 oo am - 12:00 noon -- Booth and vendor setup 1o 30 am- 12 00 noon --Marshall at Travis Park for Parade July 19 3:00-7:00 pm 830-216-4312 12:00 noon-- Parade begins-- march to the Alamo and return to (not long distance!) Travis Park 2 00 pm -- Picnic begins August 16 5:00pm 930-2744 2 00 pm - 8 00 pm -- Activities and OJ music 8 00 pm- 10 00 pm --Live entertainment September 20 OPEN 1o oo pm- 11 :00 pm --Conclusion and cleanup Call 828-LISA to volunteer SbQW~,_Exbi.!2lt~,_R~HHI.ings, _ farth~s •. Etl:; ... "Broadway and the Boys:" June 20- A tribute to the music of October 18 OPEN Broadway and off-Broadway presented by the Alamo City Call 828-LISA to volunteer Men's Chorale. The newly formed San Antonio Women's Chorus will also perform. 8 p.m. $15 per person. McAllister November 15 5:30-7:30 pm 658-3457 Auditorium , San Antonio College, San Pedro at Ashby. Call 495-7464 for more info. December 13 5:00-9:00 pm 637-7377 Out of the Closet Film Festival : Friday nights, 7 30 at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center. Call 732-4300 for more info. Poetry Readings Every Saturday, 8 OOpm , at Freedom Cafe. Call 737-3363 for more info. GrQ.Y.JLM~~tings The following meetings are held at the Freedom Cafe. Call 737-3363 to confirm day and times. - CODA Tuesday 6 OOpm - Gay and Lesbian NA Wednesday 815pm. Michigan Womyns Music Festival - AA Saturday, 815pm. August 11th -16th - T ransgender Group 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7 OOpm. If you've never been, you've gotta go! Situated on 650 - Lesbian Singles 3rd . Tuesday, 7:oopm. acres of secluded forest and meadows, Michigan is home to 5000- 7000 womyn who make the trip to the northern The following meetings are held at the Gay and Lesbian woods to enjoy the energy and influence of a community of Community Center . womyn. It's a town that is communally run by each Call 732-4300 to confirm day and times. womon who attends -everyone who attends participates in Counseling Wednesday 1-6pm & Saturday, 3-6pm. by appt two four-hour workshifts during her stay (one shift for - Youth Group Saturday. 6 30pm. weekenders). Together they operate all of the systems and GrQ.Y.R _ Ev~nt~ June LEMOSA event Call 522-1951 for info. services that give the Festival its shape and that infuse the June Alamo Couples event Call 979-1015 for info. community with the love and energy of every womon June Singles Night Call Textures 805-TEXT for date. time. attending. and place Qity_ Wig~ _ Ev~nts There are workshops, screenings of new and exciting June 2- Lecture Humorist Christine Clifford speaks on "From works on film and video, as well as the Crafts Bazaar Road Warrior to Glorious Survivor Celebration of a Life featuring the work of over 130 craftswomyn from with Cancer." 7 p m Free . Holiday Inn Select. 77 N. E. throughout North America. In addition, there will be Loop 410. Reservati ons required 377-4884. performances by the Indigo Girls, Teresa Trull & Barbara June 4- Fiesta Noche del Rio A lively musical revue of music from Higbie, Ferron, Sweet Honey In the Rock, Alice Walker Me xi co. Spain and Texas. Arneson River Theater. 418 La and Marga Gomez, just to name a few. Villita . Call 226-4651 for more info. June 6- Tejano Fest '98 Market Square. 514 W. Commerce. The festivities begin on the 11th of August and June 19- Juneteenth Freedom Mi ni-Parade Pa rade begins at 12 transportation from Grand Rapids Airport begins on noon . Memorial se rv1ce 2 p m. Martin Luther King Jr Monday the lOth at noon. For tickets, First Timers' Tips, Plaza. or other materials, send a large self-addressed stamped u n e Birthstone Pearl envelope to: WWTMC, Box 22, Walhalla, MI 49458, (616) une Flower Rose 757-4766. VffTY available after June 10. You can also 2 visit their web site@ www.michfest.com See you there! CYberdYke's Five Picks for June Enjoy The 12th Annual GOLDEN THREADS CELEBRATION There's no theme for this month's top five picks ... just Provincetown, Inn, Mass. some wonderful sites geared towards a variety of June 26-2Bth, 1998 interests. Lesbians from all over the U s . Canada ana other Cyberdyke wants to do a column featuring web sites of countries will converge in P-Town to celebrate the local lesb iansr If you maintain a web presence, and would Joy in Being a Lesbian by experiencing trtis like it highlighted here in a future column, please drop us a weekend of total acceptance of w~1o and what we note! are. We make friends, play, dance and laugh. This is a weekend of empowerment There is a For a more detailed listing of. online resou rc es for women Thursday soiree for early arrivals, Friday night's look at the Computer Se rvic es section of our Community entertainer, by popular demand, is "SUEDE" I Resources page. Saturday offer a massage therapist demonstrating lesbian "hands on" techniques, an author of a Gay Financial Network - Investment information just Wimmin's Lands 'zine, a medical doctor :; ;,plaining for us! Trade stocks on-line, get free quotes, pay bills "mind-~ 1y" medicine, two G. Ters showrDg a electronically, and have access to over 5000 mutual romant:c ;np to Bali, and a Line Dancinc teacner. funds. Sincle lesbians are offered "special activitie3" to http:! /www.gfn.com meet other sing les before our Sat night Banquetr Lesbian Erotica from the Mining Company - Whoa For more information. send a 1 o inch SASE to: baby, this is hot stuff! If you're 21 or over, this is a GOLDEN THREADS must see! Articles, stories, links, and more all under one P 0 Box 65 cy be r-roof! Richford, VT 05476-0065 http:/ / lesbianerotica.miningco.com/mbody .h tm email: GOLDENTRED@aolcom http: //members. aol.com/goldentred/index. htm Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network - Raising awareness about the special challenges lesbians and gay men face as t hey age and the unique barriers encountered in gaining access to housing, healthcare, long-term care and social services. http:!/ww w.asaging .org/ lgain. html Sapphic Voices - Can't get out to the bookstore (Textures!), but dying to read something new? Get comfy in front of your screen because Sapphic voices publishes lesbian poetry and fiction online, and lots of it! htt p:l /www .sff. net/people/ Sa pphicVoices/ index. ht p Lesbians - This site is so much more than the name It's time for the WomanSpace 6'h Annual Poetry impliesr Lesbians is a collective cyberspace biography, Contest! written, vi sual, and auditory. Let your voice be heard and share in this wonderful work, or see the mark that others have left. Rules are: Only one poem-entry per person; http:!/ww w.echonyc.com/ -lesbians there's a $5 entry fee (check or money order only); all entries must be postmarked by July 31, RCG CIRCLE OF SAN ANTONIO 1998; the three winners must agree to read their poems at Textures Books & Gifts in September. The Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess Circle of San Antonio meets at 7 p.m. Winning poems will be published in the on the third Thursday of the month at the September issue of WomanSpace. Prizes will Resource Center, 121 W. Woodlawn in Monte consist of $50, S25, and $15 gift certificates from Vista, (near the intersection of Main and Woodlawn). Textures. Send poems to: WomanSpace 6'h Annual Poetry Contest, P.O. Box 12327, San Coming up June 18th- Summer Solstice Antonio, TX 78212. Potluck and Circle of the Wise Women. Come and share your knowledge or practices of Purification along v.rith sharing a meal. Winning poems will be selected by three All Third Thursday gatherings are free anonymous judges, so start writing! and open to all interested women.
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