'l'HB SAHARAR PEOPLES SUPPORT COMMITTEE Volume XI, 50. 4 SPSC Volume XII, .0. 1 LETTER July 1991 - March 1992 ISS. 0891-608X KBW SBCRBTARY-GBKBRAL REPORTS TO ca (30), Russian Federation (29),Ven­ SECURITY COUNCIL DMSBRS O. MllIURBO ezuela (15). The Secretary-General noted that The f iret report of new Secretary­ Force headquarters is located with General Boutros-Ghali on the status MINURSO headquarters in El Aiun. UN of UN efforts to organize a free and military observers have been deployed fair referendum in western Sahara was in 10 team sites at Mahbes, Smara, distributed February 28. In the Tifariti, Bir Lahlou, and Maharrize report Boutros-Ghali noted that he in the northern sector; 0Urn Dreiga was reporting pursuant to the Securi­ and Mijek in the central sector; and ty Council Resolution 725 of December Aouserd, Zug, and Aquenit in the 31, 1991, which invited the new Sec­ southern sector. The team site at retary-General to submit a further Zug was relocated to Dougaj in Novem­ report on the situation concerning ber 1991 to facilitate logistic sup­ Western Sahara, as soon as possible, ply and liaison with the Polisario but in any event within two months. and to provide better accommodations His report is a follow-up to the last for the UN military observers. Sec­ report of former Secretary-General tor headquarters have been provision­ Javier Perez de Cuellar, who in late ally established at Smara, Oum Dreiga December proposed some changes in the and Aouserd. A liaison officer is rules for recognition of those eligi­ also at Tindouf in Algeria to main­ ble to vote. tain contact with Algerian authori­ ties and Polisario. In hie report, Boutros-Ghali noted that as of mid-February 1992, the The Australian Signals Unit has de­ military strength of .MINURSO was 375, tachments at Force headquarters, at including 200 United Nations Military each sector headquarters, and at the Observers. Contingents are from 25 Tindouf liaison office. The Swiss nations from several continents. · The Medical Unit is based in El Aiun, but largest group is from Switzerland has small medical clinics in Smara which is providing 85 medical unit and Dakhla and air medical and casu­ personnel and one headquarters staff alty evacuation elements in El Aiun person. They are followed by Austra­ and Smara. lia with 43 signal unit personnel and 2 headquarters staff/military observ­ Soutros-Ghali noted that Perez de er personnel. Canada is third with Cuellar intended to initially deploy 33 (one half are military observers 100 observers and some support per­ and headquarters personnel and one sonnel to verify the cease-fire and half are movement control personnel. cessation of hostilities. This was endorsed by the Security Council on All other nations are providing mili­ september 4, 1991. The first group tary observers and headquarters per­ of UN military personnel arrived in sonnel: Argentina (7), Austria (1), EI Aiun on september 5, just hours Bangladesh (1), China (20), Egypt before the cease-fire came into for­ (9), France (30), Ghana (1), Greece mal effect at 0600 Greenwich mean (1), Guinea (1), Ireland (6), Italy time on September 6. (6), Kenya (10), Malaysia (1), Nige­ ria (1), Pakistan (1), Peru (1), The report notes that "the team site Poland (15), Tunisia (9), United is the key element in monitoring the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern cease-fire and each one is, on aver­ Ireland (15), United States of Arneri- age, responsible for an area of more than 9,000 square kilometers on ei­ the last five and a half months." ther side of the sand wall (berm), which extends for 1,960 kilometers. The Secretary-General notes that UN military observers operate in since taking office he has followed mobile patrols of two vehicles each, the situation in western Sahara very with two UN military observers per closely. He met with King Hassan II vehicle. Patrols can last from sev­ on January 30, 1992, and with Presi­ eral hours to several days, depending dent Mohamed Abdelaziz (SADR) on on the mission and the distances February 14, 1992, at United Nations involved. Hel icopter-borne patrols Headquarters. This latter was the are also conducted on both sides of first time Polisario had been invited the berm and enhance the UN capabili­ to UN Headquarters. ty to cover the large area and react at abort notice to complaints and A major sticking point remains the violations. The primary task of new instructions given by Perez de these patrols is to monitor compli­ Cuellar to the Identification Commit­ ance with the cease-fire. They do tee on December 19, 1991, enlarging this by direct observation of mili­ the voting list of the 1974 Spanish tary forces and activities carried census to include complete tribes of out by either party and by verifying individuals scattered throughout complaints of alleged cease-fire several countries in the region. A violations. Each violation or com­ large number of these individuals are plaint is taken up with the relevant people who have recently been moved military commanders, both orally and to the western Sahara, but consider in writing, and is reported up the themselves "Moroccans from the MINURSO chain of command.. Each con­ north." In December the Security firmed violation is the object of a Council welcomed, but did not approve protest to the party concerned. Each the last report of Javier Perez de complaint is investigated and the Cuellar and asked for a report by results are communic?ted to the com­ Boutros-Ghali within two months of plaining party as quickly as possi­ his taking office. ble. In all instances, the confiden­ tiality of information obtained from Following 'the resignation of the either side is protected." former Special Representative, Johan­ nes Manz, Boutros Ghali sent the The secretary-General goes on to note Deputy Special Representative to the that the main type of cease-fire area to address "the persistent lo­ violations are overflights, improve­ gistical and technical problems faced ment of defensive works, and the by MINURSO •••• The office of the spe­ movement of troops. He states that a cial Representative in New York was total of 77 violations have been closed at the beginning of January reported and that 75 have been at­ 1992 and MINURSO staff at Headquar­ tributed to Morocco while 2 have been ters were either redeployed ••. or attributed to the Polisario Front. released •... At the same time, agree­ He notes that overflights have been ment was reached on the release and particularly difficult to identify transport from Moroccan ports of all positively, but notes that it has United Nations goods required by been possible to affirm, in some MINURSO and notably by its military cases, that they are by military air­ component." craft. Defensive improvements in­ clude the laying of mine fields, Boutros-Ghali also noted that "con­ digging of anti-tank ditches, con­ sultations have been held with the UN struction of rock and/or sand walls, High Commissioner for Refugees in and building of other fortifications Geneva. UNHCR now has adequate con­ such as bunkers or barriers. He tributions in cash and kind to orga­ reported there has been some unautho­ nize, as provided in the plan, the rized movement of troops by both eventual return of refugees together parties from the positions originally with their immediate families. Pre­ held on September 6, 1991. paratory technical measures have been taken by UNHCR and a senior level Boutr08-ohali notes that the primary UNHCR mission to the territory is function of MINURSO, to monitor the foreseen in the near future." cease-fire, has been successful in that "the cease-fire has held during A new Special Representative has not yet been selected as one acceptable CHRONOLOGY OF TBB WESTERN SAHARA to both parties has not yet been CONFLICT FOLLOWIIfC TBB CBASB-FIRB found. It has been reported that Polisario favors a Special Represen­ tative from the U.S., believing t hat the US will be impartial. September 15 Boutros-Ghali notes that the referen­ dum in western Sahara was scheduled Moroccan officials refuse the special for January 1992. That date has not correspondent of Le Monde to enter been met. In his report he does not the Western Sahara. propose a revised timetable for the referendum, but sets a target date of three months to resolve the issues September 17-18 that block setting a new timetable for the vote. The Union of the Greater Maghreb meeting in Casablanca upholds the He also notes that the UN has never peace plan of the UN and refuses to organized a referendum of this kind further discuss the Western Sahara. and asserts that this may be one reason for the difficulties in meet­ ing the proposed earlier timeline. September 18 He also calls on both parties for full cooperation with UN efforts to The population of the Western Sahara find mutually acceptable solutions to is warned by Moroccan authorities unresolved differences. He also that it has no right to make contact notes that if by the end of May 1992 with foreigners, whether they be there is no agreement on implementa­ members of MINURSO or journalists, tion of the existing plan, that it under pain of disciplinary action by "will be necessary to consider alter­ the authorities. Group assemblies native courses of action and possibly are forbidden, including celebrations adopt a new approach to the whole of a marriage, naming of children, problem." and other social occasions. Thou­ sands of Moroccan soldiers start wearing civil police garb and are spread throughout the Western Sahara. Article taken from Security Council They replace taxi drivers to better Report S/23662, 28 February 1992 observe the movements of the popula­ tion and work as telephone operators in the central offices of El Aiun in order to monitor telephone conversa­ tions and interrupt them if neces­ sary.
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