C IT Y O F B O G A LU SA , LO U IS IA N A G eneral-P urpose Financial Statem ents Independent A uditor's R eports, and S upplem ental Inform ation Year Ended D ecem ber 3 1, 2000 RIC HA RD M , SEA L C ERTIFIED PU BLIC A C C O U N TA N T o C ERTIFIED G O V ERN M EN T FIN A N C IA L M A N A G ER C ITY O F BO GA LUSA , LO UISIANA TA BLE O F C O NTENTS Decem ber 31. 2000 DIT REPO RTS R EQ UIRED BY G O V ERNM ENT A U D ITING STA N DA R D ndependent A uditor's Report on the G eneral-Purpose Financial Statem ents 2-3 G eneral-Purpose Financial Statem ents: Com bined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types, Account G roups, and D iscretely Presented Com ponent U nits 5-6 Com bined Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balances - A ll G overnm ental Fund Types and D iscretely Presented C om ponent U nits 7-8 Com bined Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual - G eneral, Special Revenue, and Capital Project Fund Types 9-11 C om bined Statem ent of Revenues and Expenses - Enterprise Fund ~ 12 Com bined Statem ent of Changes in Retained Earnings and Contributed Capital- Enterprise Fund . 13 Com bined Statem ent of Cash Flow s 14 Com bined Statem ent of Changes in Plan Net Assets - Fiduciary Funds . 15 Notes to the G eneral-Purpose Financial Statem ents 16-49 ndependent A uditor's Report on C om pliance and on Internal C ontrol O ver Financial Reporting Based on an A udit of Financial Statem ents Perform ed in Accordance w ith G overnm ent A uditing Standards 50-51 SU PPLEM EN'fA L IN FO R M ATIO N G eneral Fund: Balance Sheet . 54 Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actua 55-62 (Continued) C ITY O F BO GA LUSA , LO UISIA NA TA BLE O F CO NTENTS Decem ber 31. 2000 Page Special Revenue Funds: C om bining Balance Sheet 64 Com bining Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balances 65 Industrial C om plex Sales Tax: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. Em ployee Pay Raise Sales Tax: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 67 Street Im provem ent Sales Tax: Statem ent of R evenues Expenditures, and C hanges ~n Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 68 Capital Im provem ent Sales Tax: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 69 Industrial C om plex Rent/Lease: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 70 Parks and R ecreation C om m ission: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis and Actual. A irport M aintenance and Im provem ent: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis and Actual. 72 Senior C itizens Program s: Statem ent of Revenues Expenditures, and C hanges In Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 73 Recreation and Parks: Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 74 Landfill: Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 75 (Continued) C ITY O F BO GALUSA , LO U ISIANA TA BLE O F C O NTENTS Decem ber 31,2000 Paqe Debt Service Fund: Balance Sheet 77 Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balances 78 Capital Projects Funds: Com bining Balance Sheet 80 C om bining Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balances 81 Landfill Im provem ent: Statem ent of R evenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 82 A irport Expansion: Statem ent of Revenues, Expenditures, and C hanges in Fund Balance - Budget (GAAP Basis) and Actual. 83 Enterprise Fund/Utility Funds: C om bining Balance Sheet . 85 C om bining Statem ent of Revenues and Expenses 86-87 Fiduciary Funds: Statem ent of Plan N et A ssets 89 Statem ent of Changes in Plan Net Assets 90 A UD IT REPO RTS REQ UIRED BY THE SING LE A UDIT A CT ndependent A uditor's R eport on C om pliance w ith Requirem ents Applicable to Each Major Program and Internal Control Over C om pliance in A ccordance w ith O M B C ircular A -133 92-93 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Aw ards 94-96 Notes to the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Aw ards . 97 Schedule of Findings 98-99 Schedule of Prior-Year Findings 100-101 (Concluded) Page 1 A U D IT R E P O R TS R E Q U IR E D B Y G O VER N M EN T A UD ITIN G S TA N DA R D S Page 2 RIC HA RD M . SEA L C ERTIFIED P U BLIC A C C O U N TA N T o C ERTIFIED G O V ER N M EN T FIN A N C IA L M A N A G ER N DEPENDENT A U DITO R'S R EPO RT O N THE G ENERAL-PURPO SE FINANCIAL S TATEM ENTS The Honorable J. M . "M ack" M cG ehee, M ayor and the M em bers of the C ity C ouncil C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana I have audited the accom panying general-purpose financial statem ents of the C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana, as of and for the year ended Decem ber 31, 2000, as listed in the table of contents. These general-purpose financial statem ents are the responsibility of the C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana's m anagem ent. M y responsibility is to express an opinion on these general-purpose financial statem ents based on m y audit. I conducted m y audit in accordance w ith generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in G overnm ent A udithTg Standards, issued by the Com ptroller G eneral of the U nited States. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about w hether the financial statem ents are free of m aterial m isstatem ent. A n audit includes exam ining on a test basis, evidence supporting the am ounts and disclosures in the financial statem ents. A n audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estim ates m ade by m anagem ent, as well as evaluating the overall financial statem ent presentation. I believe that m y audit provides a reasonable basis for m y opinion. In m y opinion, the general-purpose financial statem ents referred to above present fairly, in all m aterial respects, the financial position of the C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana, as of Decem ber 31,2000, and the results of its operations and the cash flow s of its proprietary fund types and nonexpendable trust funds for the year then ended in conform ity w ith generally accepted accounting principles. PO SI O FFIC E BO X 128 o BO G ALUSA, LO UISIANA 70429-0]28 o (504) 732-2536 o FAX (504) 732-2537 Page 3 In accordance w ith G overnm ent A uditing Standards, I have also issued m y report dated June 27, 2001 on m y consideration of the City of Bogalusa, Louisiana's internal control over financial reporting and m y tests of com pliance w ith certain provisions of law s, regulations, contracts, and grants. M y audit w as perform ed for the purpose of form ing an opinion on the general- purpose financial statem ents of C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana, taken as a w hole. The com bining and individual fund statem ents listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financials statem ents of the C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana . The accom panying schedule of expenditures of federal aw ards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U. S. O ffice of M anagem ent and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local G overnm ents, and N on-Profit Organizations, and is also not a required part of the general-purpose financial statem ents of the C ity of Bogalusa, Louisiana. Such inform ation has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general-purpose financial statem ents and, in m y opinion, is fairly stated, in all m aterial respects, in relation to the general-purpose financial statem ents taken as a w hole. Certified Public A ccountant Bogalusa, Louisiana June 27. 2001 Page 4 G EN E R A L-P U R P O SE FIN A N C IA L S TA TE M E N TS Page 5 Page 6 ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ _ E o e-.o B - L~E ~ co L o-', .
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