Angry bus commuters descend on ICC rate hearing By MARK MAGYAR system along the Route!Corridor" Mr. Goldzweig based the commuter complaint on a MARLBORO - The (ir»t inUnUte Commerce Com At the request of Mr. Goidzweig. who is acting as section of the Interstate Commerce Act which require! mtaatoa bearing ever held on a bin commuter petition to volunteer cossuel for the Central New Jersey Transporta- "every common carrier of passengers ... to provide safe roll back (are* became of poor service opened here yester tion Board, the KT hearing is bung held at the Marlboro and adequate service, equipment and facilities for tbe day with a deluge of complaints by Route I bui com Municipal Building for the convenience of Route f com- transportation of passengers.'' muten. muters. • Mr. Fehrenbacher uid either side could appeal Judge This hearing is unique in tbe annals of commuter bus Commuter witnesses will continue testifying all day Welch's decision, first to the full six-member Interstate aervtce," uid Richard Fehrenbacher. ICC co-counsel today and tonight, then tbe hearing will adjourn for at least Commerce Commission, then to the Federal Court of "We've seen rail commuters mobilized like this when rail three weeks, ICC Hearing Examiner Francis A Welch Appeals. service cut! were proposed, but never bus commuten." decided yesterday. At least two additional days will be Attorneys for Transport of New Jersey and Lincoln Mayor Arthur Goldzweig, Deputy Mayor James M needed after tbe adjournment to near from the remainder Transit Co. succeeded in preventing Mr. Goldzweig from Newman and the Central New Jersey Transportation of the commuter witnesses, and from bus company and introducing tbe 800 commuter complaint cards attached to Board filed a petition in December aaking the ICC to stale Department of Transportation officials. the petition, plus some 700 more collected since, into readnd a 10 percent fare hike granted to Transport of New "The question here is whether the bus companies are evidence at the hearing. Jersey and Lincoln Transit Co. Inc. on Oct. 1. providing safe and adequate service, and at a reasonable But Judge Welch denied a motion by Robert H. Stoloff, The commuter petition alio called for a fare rollback of rate," Mr. Fehrenbacher said "If Judge Welch rules that deputy attorney general representing the state Depart- at least B percent on the two bus lines, and asked that the the companies are not doing so, be can issue a ceaae-and- ment of Transportation, asking him to exempt tbe two earners be ordered to submit a plan acceptable to tbe ICC desist order forbidding the companies from further vio- companies from the bearing because they are state-sub for establishing "a thorough and efficient transportation lations of the ICC code." See Commuters, page 3 Jack Sadow Arttar GoMiweif The Daily Register VOL. 101 NO. 246 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, APRIL 10,1979 15 CENTS People returning as nuclear crisis ends HARRISBURG, Pa (API - Joyful women and their young In Washington, meanwhile, a federal advisory committee from completion, officials said the atomic cauldron had been In addition, the governor said: children, told that the nation's worst nuclear "crisis is over," on reactor safeguards said an instrument reading problem may tamed and only traces of radiation were being emitted from the —All 23 schools within a five-mile radius of the plant, art returning to their homes in the shadow of the disabled have contributed heavily to the accident at Three Mile Island site. situated II miles downstream from Harrisburg on an Island in Three Mile Island power plant and could pose a similar haiard at 41 other reactors. "I consider the crisis over with regard to the status of the the Susquehanna River, can reopen. Relieved and tearful mothers cheered Monday's announce- core," Harold Denton. the NRC's chief of operations, said at a —State offices can resume normal operations. ment by Gov. Dick Thornburgh and Nuclear Regulatory Com- joint news conference with Thornburgh -Drinking milk or water drawn from tbe area poses no mission officials, who 11 days earlier had urged pregnant Radiation data on page 7 About an hour after the press conference, monitoring teams health hazards women and pre school children living within a five-mile radius delected a slight increase in radiation - to about 4 to 5 of the plant to leave because of the exposure risks to radiation millirems per hour, less than the dose of an average chest X- "This does not mean we will relax our vigil," Thornburgh emanating from it. NRC officials said the instrument may have fooled the plant ray — at a site east of the plant. Officials said the level rose said "We will continue to monitor the situation on a 24-hour "It's like breathing a giant sigh of relief," Yvonne Black operators into shutting down an emergency cooling system because there was no wind to disperse the radiation, and basis " said after she and her It-month old daughter stepped into the which had come on automatically, making the accident worse repeated assurances that "there is no threat to the public The state Department of Environmental Resources Bureau living room of their Middletown borne than it otherwise might have been. health." of Radiation said it would begin offering free body radiation "I'm so glad to be borne," said a sobbing Justine Suuller The NRC had already noted the problem in bulletins advis- At the height of the crisis, considered the most dangerous detection tests today to residents of the area surrounding the a mother of two who heard tbe welcome radio bulletin from a ing reactor operators of this and other problems found in tbe nuclear power plant accident ever in the United States. plant motel room where she had taken shelter. Three Mile Island accident Thornburgh advised tbe evacuation of pregnant women and The tests were being offered "to determine whether the "My brothers were with me. and I Jumped up and Inside the isolated plant, engineers gingerly worked to young children living within the five-mile area They are most normal radioactive content of the people in the area has screamed at them, Oh, my God, I'm going borne!'" said Mrs bring the simmering reactor to a cold shutdown vulnerable to low-level radioactivity. changed as a result of the accident..." said Margaret Heilly, Stauffer. who like Mrs. Black is not pregnant. Though the tedious process is at least several days away "This means it is now considered safe," Thornburgh said chief of environmental surveillance. Ovation for John Wayne Fonda, Voight and ^The Deer Hunter9 principal Academy Awards winners HOLLYWOOD <AP) - II violent depletion of the ends appeared to a standing The nationally televised was a fine bit of Hollywood war's effecti on three young ovation — Sir Laurence Oscar show was not as lively Irony - John Wayne and Pennsylvania mill workers, Olivier, who was presented as some in the past, but Vietnam. "Duke." the leg- was picked best picture by a special Oscar by his long- there was some controversy endary superpatriot, and a tbe Academy's 3,400 voters time friend, Cary Grant. stirred by "The Deer war Hollywood had ignored and won best director honors "The Deer Hunter" was Hunter" and a bit of for a decade for Michael Cimino. the big winner of tbe night, backstage warfare between They were the heroes of Virtually shut out in the copping five little statues in the principals of the two Monday's 51st Annual competition was Warren all. Besides best picture and Vietnam films. Academy Awards presenta- Beatly's comedy-fantasy director, the picture took Several protesters dem- tion, with two Vietnam films "Heaven Can Wait," which awards for supporting actor, onstrated outside the winning the big Oscars and had nine nominations but Christopher Walken; edit- auditorium, carrying signs Wayne making an emotional won only for art direction. ing, Peter Zinner, and decrying what they con- first public appearance Wayne, 71, thin but sound. sidered racism and a dis- since cancer surgery Jan tanned and Jaunty, received "Coming Home" won torted portrayal of Vietnam- 12. a thunderous ovation from three Oscars - the top act- ese jn "The Deer Hunter." "Coming Home," a film the audience at Dorothy ing awards and a Thirteen were arrested on a depicting the physical and Chandler Pavilion, then screenwriting Oscar for variety of charges. emotional wounds of Viet- presented the makers of Waldo Salt and Robert C. Miss Fonda said many of nam, earned best acting Os- "The Deer Hunter" their Jones. the protesters were her cars for Jon Voight and Jane Oscars. Wayne, the Holly- Maggie Smith was the friends and that she agreed Fonda, who portrayed a par- wood personification of the only winner of a top Oscar with their position, although aplegic veteran and the of- tough-guy patriot, starred in not involved in one of the she admitted she had not ficer's wife who falls in love Hollywood's last Vietnam Vietnam films. She was seen "The Deer Hunter." with him Miss Fonda had movie prior to 1978, the named best supporting ac- "They (the protesters) won a previous Oscar hawkish "Green Berets" In tress for her role as an ac- are people who spent many playing a hooker in tbe 1971 1968. tress who loses her bid for years of their lives trying to film "Klute." Besides Wayne, another an Oscar in Neil Simon's end the war in Vietnam,"• John Wayne iay$ he'i feeling good "The Deer Hunter," a of the academy's living leg- "California Suite." See Fonda, page 10 Jon Voight and Jane Fonda, both winners Latest school renovation cost put at $4 million plus By DAVID TURNER Amone.
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