l1h iIhIIelIEIII Ai iirilia The Big Mac is back. APPLAUSE Vols' Thompson as u1r a 'A e10 , i k y , , overcomes his past.16 VOLUME 84, NUMBER 33 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1990 Vision wins easily; voter turnout more than anticpated By CARRIE SEGAL Gainewville along Archer Road He Aligator Writer was disappointed at the results and atwhat he said wasa low voter The veteran Vision party turnout snatched 35 of the 40 Student "We tried and now there's noth- Senate seats up for grabs in ing we can do about it," Miranda Tuesday's elections, strengthen- said "People didn't vote It's time rig its commanding majority in for me to move on and (io other the 80-member body. things " Vision, which swept But SG Ele tions Su- SG elections last spring. pervisor Susan garnered support both Schatzberg said the on and off campus front nuber of students who about 3,400 students voted Wednesday was who went to the polls much more than the SG's two newestpoht- 2,500 turnout she had ical parties - the 32608 predicted earlier. Student Coaltion and the Indepen The referendum brought peo- dent Coalition - failed to garner pl eout," she said. "Students in the the support they hoped for residence halls voted strongly to The Independent Coaltion keep freshman parking" landed two seats and the 32608 A majority ofstudentssaid "No" Coaltion failed to seat anyone. to a ballot question that asked if Three students who didn't run freshman parking should be elim- with a party also won seats inated. The final count was 1,965 Nelson Miranda, president of votes against and 1,240 votes for the 32608 Coalition, said his party the referendum -- T sJULIVAN only campaigned in that zip code But by more than a 2-to-I mar- Candidates and party supporters gathered in the Orange & Brew Wednesday night to celebrate area, which includes the apart- the election results. More than 3,400 students went to the polls to fill 40 Student Senate seats. ment complexes in southwest see Results, page 3 Jury convicts Humphrey V_ , on lesser battery charge The Equipment as long as possible,' Russo mid. Police, who have said Humphrey is among the MELBOURNE - Edward Lewis Humphrey, top four suspects in the August student slayings. Dressing players costs the most talked-about possible suspect in the searched the former UF freshman's Gainesville murder of five Gainesville students, was con- apartment, car and Indialantic family home for victed Wednesday of beating his elderly grand- clues in the killings. UF athletics big bucks mother. Although his grandmother, Eln Hlavaty, 79, Police no longer will comment on whether testified in Humphrey's defense, Humphrey or anyone else is a suspect in the J This is the fourth of a five-part series check everything out every time I the jury of five stabbings of four UF and one Santa Fe Commu- men and one woman delivered a guilty verdict on the advantages and disadvantages of think it's got something to do with nity College student. being a UP football player. (NCM) regulations" after an hour of deliberation. It does National Collegiate Athletic Sentencing is scheduled for Nov. 8 in Ttus- Indian River County Sheriffs Office spokes- When a football player leaves UF, woman Theresa Woodson said Humphrey will he takes with him only memories And Association regulations prohibit ville, when Humphrey, 19, could be sentenced schools from giving athletes anything to a maximum of five years in prison. be served with warrants on unrelated 1988 maybe his game jersey. charges of attempted sexual battery and armed The memories cost nothing beyond that could be resold. Steve Mallonee Humphrey had been charged with aggravated of the NCM's legislative division says battery of an elderly person, which carries a bu rglary. soreness and dedication. Humphrey also has been charged with assault- The jersey costs $40 that provision prevents athletes from minimum mandatory sentence of threeyearsand selling their equipment "and therefore ing two UF students outside the Pi Lambda Phi Athletes are not allowed to keep any a maximum of 30 years in prison. But the jury making a profit on their athletic skills opted for the lesser charge of battery on an fraternity house in August. State Attorney Len thing that can be reusable or resold. Register could not be reached Wednesday for Tight end Charlie Dean says UF Even though players can't keep any elderly person. of their helmets, shoes or other gear, comment on the status of those charges. makes sure no one takes anything In closing arguments, defense attorney JIR. UF spends about $800 each season to Russo accused prosecutors of trying to 'ham The defendant's brother, George Humphrey, home with them. lhey're pretty strict about that sort ner" Humphrey on the battery charge as a has criticized the treatment of Edward Hum- see Equlpment, page 7 stalling measure for Gainesville Investigators. phrey and said Wednesday the assault convic- of thing," Dean said. "You've got to "It's my opinion they weren't able to prove the tion was unfair. it anyway.in an at- charge and they brought see Humphrey, page 4 etojeEdward Humphrey incarcerated i lilts iiIepeniIEjj floria The Big Mac Is S a a back. APPLAUSE wsw Wr a Vols' Thompson I V M6 n.1 .- 1 0 . Pub Ied r, A A u overcomes his past. 16 VOLUME 84, NUMBER 33 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1990 Vision wins easily, voter turnout more than anticipated By CARRIE SEGAL Gamesville along Archer Road Alligator Writer He wasdisappomnted at the results and at what he said wasalowvoter The veteran Vision party turnout snatched 35 of t he 40 Student "We tried and now there's noth- Senate seats up for grabs in ing we can do about it," Miranda Tuesday's election is, strengthen- said "People didn't vote It's time ing its command Ig majority in for me to move on and do other the 80-member bo dy things." Vision, which swept But SG Elections Su- SG elections lastsprmig, pervisor Susan garnered support both Schatzberg said the on and off campus from number of students who about 3,400 stu dents voted Wednesday was who went to the polls much more than the S'stwonewestIpoht- 2,500 turnout she had rcal parties - the 32608 predicted earlier. Student Coaltion and the Indepen- The referendum brought peo- dent Coalition - Iailed to gamer ple out,"she said "Students inthe the support they h oped for residence halls voted strongly to The Independ ent Coaltion keep freshman parking." landed two seats and the 32608 Amajority of students said "No" Coaltion failed ti seat anyone to a ballot question that asked if Three students who didn't run freshman parking should be e]mi- with a party also won seats. inated. The final count was 1,965 Nelson Mirand a, president of votes against and 1,240 voies for the32608Coalitio n.said his party the referendum IS SULLIVAN only campaigned n that zip code But by more than a 2-to-I mar- Candidates and party supporters gathered In the Orange & Brew Wednesday night to celebrate area, which ncludes the apart- the election results. Moe than 3,400 students went to the polis to fil 40 Student Senate seats. ment complexes in southwest see Results, page 3 Jury convicts Humphrey on lesser battery charge The Equipment Uraw Pr. IMAnmdwom as long an possible, Ruo said Police, who have sid Humphrey isamongthe MELBOURNE - Edward Lewis Humphrey, top four suspects in the August student slayings, Dressing players costs the most talked-about possible suspect in the searched the former UF freshman's Gainesville murder of five Gainesville students, was con- apartment, car and Indialantic family home for victed Wednesday of beating his elderly grand- clues in the killings UF athletics big bucks mother. Police no longer will comment on whether Although his grandmother, Elna Hlavaty, 79, Humphrey or anyone else is a suspect in the [i This is thefourth of afive-part series check everything out every time I testified in Humphrey's defense, the jury of five stabbings of four UF and one Santa Fe Commu- think it's got something to do with men and one woman delivered a guilty verdict on the advantages and disadvantages of nity College student. being a UFfootball player (NCAA) regulations." after an hour of deliberation. It does. National Collegiate Athletic Sentencing is Scheduled for Nov. 8 in Titus Indian River County Sheriffs Office spokes- When a football player leaves UF. woman Theresa Woodson said Humphrey will he takes with him only memones And Association regulations prohibit ville, when Humphrey, 19, could be sentenced schools from giving athletes anything to a maximum of five Years in, prison. be served with warrants on unrelated 1988 maybe his game jersey. charges of attempted sexual battery and armed The memories cost nothing beyond that could be resold Steve Mallonee Humphrey had been charged with aggravated burglary.- of the NCA' legislative division says battery of an elderly person, which carries a soreness and dedication. with assault. costs $40. that provision prevents athletes from minimum mandatory sentence of three years and Humphrey also has been charged 'Te jersey Selling their equipment "and therefore a maximum of 30 years in prison. But the jury ing two UF students outside the Pi lambda Phi Athletes are not allowed to keep any- fraternity house in August. State Attorney Len thing that can be reusable or resold. making a profit on their athletic skills." opted for the lesser charge of battery on an Even though players can't keep any elderly person.
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