VOLUME VII. NUMBER 9 TISHREI. 5732 I OCTOBER. 1971 THE FIFTY CENTS ' :"T Z::llr ., H ~~~·;;~~r~·~~¥i~~-~~;~~:::.·;,; "''"'" ·~ """" """" ""' "'"""' """ '""""' .~'"'·'"' ,,.""""""'"'"'""'"''·'"""...... ~i!;.'.;;:..;;;.o:';;"~;".J.".~.,.,"';'-­.... ~-~"';f·-.;~,,.~-,.::,;:;n;=.,.::~"";...-::, ... ,.....,,......, .. _.,.,._.....,.,,,,.,...,_.,~~.-; ..........., ..... ,~.,,., ..... ,.,.,,, .. ~ ... ,,,.,,, Value Crisis """""'"' '"" """" """' ,, ..'''"' ,,_,,.,, "'' '"'"' .,,,,,, .... "'"'"" ,,., "' "'"' ·'""' """" , .. ""'"'"'"' """" ,,, ,,.,, ~··· "'" """"' ·'"'" '"" "''" '""' "" '" .. ~ """"' "'" ""'" ,,,.,,,.., ........ "" "''"' """,... "'"" ""'"' .•...»•"• ;~i!·;!,~i''j·~~~,~~·;~4.~~§~~ I The Jew: - Who? - lVhat?- Where?-How? Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin, 1i"'!T Spokesman for Three Generations Unbidden Sponsors for the Yeshiva Day Schools Birchas Kohanim - in the Mikdosh, - at the Kose~ - £n the Gola THE JEWISH QBSERVER in this issue ... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ................................................................................. 3 THE JEWISH OBSERVER is published 7 monthly, except July and August, A VALUE CRISIS, /\ isson Wolpin 6 by the Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, SEASCAPE, Yisroel Blumenfeld New York 10038. Second class 9 postage paid at New York, N. Y. Subscription: $5.00 per year; Two RABBI YITZCHAK MEIR LEVIN, i1:Ji::i.i, V""Ti 1:JT years, $8.50; Three years, $12.00; outside of the United States, $6.00 SPOKESMAN FOR THREE GENERATIONS, Isaac l .. ewin 11 per year. Single copy, fifty cents. Printed in the U.S.A. BrRCHAS KoHANIM ......................... 17 RABBI NISSON WOLPIN Editor UNBIDDEN SPONSORS, David Meyers . 20 Editorial Board THE SMELL OF FRESH BREAD, Jacob Marateck, DR. ERNEST L. BODENHEIMER Chairn1an adapted by Shimon and Anita Marateck Wince/berg 24 RABBI NATHAN BUI.MAN RABB[ JOSEPH ELIAS SECOND LOOKS ON THE JEWISH SCENE: JOSEPH FRlEDENSON RABBI YAACOV JACOBS YoM Tov ALTERNATIVES ..................................... 26 RABBI MOSHE SHERER THE LOOSE-LEAF MACHZOR .. 28 THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or service MORE LETTERS 29 advertised in its pages. OCT. 1971 VoL. VII, No. 9 Picture Credits: P. 11 & 16, Agudath Israel Photo Library; P. 17, Israel ·~@ Sun Photo, Ltd.; P. 21, courtesy of Yeshiva Torah Vodaath of Flatbush. Try Something More Positive Letters to the Editor To the Editor: Although I generally enjoy read­ ing your magazine a great deal, there is one quality in it which I find disturbing - your tendency (represented n1ost recently in several items in "Second Looks at the Jew­ ish Scene," June 1971) to indulge in carping criticism of Conservative and Reform Jews. Since it is unlikely that any size­ able seg1nent of your readership is men, not their followers. As for composed of such Jews, these at­ the Conservative and Reform Jews, A Complaint About "A Man tacks and slurs on the non-Orthodox they have only our compassion. of the Cloth Complains": can hardly be considered construc­ While only a minority of JEWISH Artificial Differences tive criticism. Aren't they rather just OBSERVER subscribers are from these Between Orthodox and a sophisticated form of lushn hara, groups, THE JEWISH: OBSERVER at­ Conservative Clergy a self-congratulatory invective that tempts to present a broad sampling will never reach the ears of those of (Orthodox) Jewish philosophy against \vhom it is directed? and opinion in hope of educating To the Editor: I think if you were really con­ the uninformed as well as the more I find myself disturbed by the cerned about these less- or non­ sophisticated readers. reasoning and implications of the observant Jews, you would try so1nc­ article entitled "A Man of the Cloth thing more positive-for examp1e, Yet we also see as our task the Complains" in your issue of June, devoting one issue per year to more exposing of the fraud of deviation­ .1971/Tammuz, 5731. You imply basic sorts of articles which, without ist philosophies in Judaism. For that the Conservative rabbi's com­ abandoning their Torah perspective, even the staunchest Orthodox Jew plaints reflect a lack of admirable could be accessible to Conservative finds himself under a constant bar­ intention, while those of the Ortho­ and Reform Jews without m1:ch rage of news releases, public state­ dox rabbi reflect only the highest of Jewish education. If funds were ments, and philosophical interpre­ Jewish inotivation. Gentlemen, how available, such an issue could l e tations by Jewish "spokesmen" of absurd! The rabbis voice similar distributed widely on college car.1- convictions different from ours. It complaints, common to all who take puses, Conservative and Reform is inevitable that this steady expo­ up congregational work in small Hebrew Schools and temples, and sure has some weakening effect on towns away from large urban cen­ inight stir in its readers a desire to the reader/listener/viewer, and it is ters, and you cannot distinguish as learn more about Orthodox Judaisn. therefore essential that the Ortho­ you have done. You reflect tradi­ In the mean time, I hope you dox perspectives be restated. Rashi's tional Orthodox bias towards Con­ will curb your attacks. They do not comment on the placement of the servative Judaism, and this has led accomplish any good. warning "Do not inquire after their you to entirely uncalled-for distinc­ gods ... how they worship then1," JACOB KUGEL tions between the plight of the Or­ together with "you will follow suit," thodox and Conservative rabbis. Dispatch, Incorporated as carrying a cause-and-effect rela­ (Media Communications) As a Conservative Jew and rab­ tionship, obtains here as well. In­ Cambridge, Mass. terest and information breed identi­ binical student I feel that certainly fication with the subject. the Conservative rabbi spoken of would not have indulged in public Reply: Our ahavas Yisroel must extend embarrass1nent, a sin in Judaism, A Positive Approaeh to beyond the ranks of the strictly Or­ as you have done with your article. Criticism thodox to include those Conserva­ (I hesitate to call it slander, but in tive and Reform Jews who "mean truth, it is n1uch closer to slander While we obviously do not hesi­ well, but do not know better"; but than to mere embarrassment.) If tate to point out the weaknesses in we must not permit this love to your thinking is an example of gen­ the Conservative and Reform move- blind us in regard to our personal eral Orthodox thought and reason­ 1nents, these criticisms are aimed values and those who actively seek ing and observance of Jewish Law, at the ideologies and their spokes- to destroy them. [J then I cannot say the same for either The Jewish Observer / October, 1971 3 rabbinate for leadership and instead is confronted with men who yearn In Defense of Jewish to be followers. And yet these "Defense" yearnings are to be expected. LETTERS CONTINUED To the Editor: The source of Rabbi Friedman's dilemma is Conservative doctrine, Moshe Sokol, in his article on you or the Orthodox rabbi mention­ which clings to ritual only as long "Jewish Militancy," states that the ed in the same article. Conserva­ as it is pertinent and calls for annual only strength of the Jewish People is tive rabbis do not slander their Or­ conventions to determine which ha­ Torah. There can be no argument thodox colleagues. Orthodox maga­ lachos are still "with it'' and which with this. His statements about the zines such as yours would do well are to be dropped. It is understand­ Jewish Defense League and their to learn a lesson. able then, that Conservative rabbis activities, however, are debatable BRUCE JIIRSCHEL CHARNOV, come to share their congregants' im­ and I do take issue with several of New York City patience \Vith any religious ritual them. that seems to be failing to keep Mr. Sokol praises the Jewish De­ pace with the current view of "per­ fense League as long as their ac­ Reply: tinence." As long as the clergy's tivities are limited to defense of The Differences Are Real task is to bring the religion down Jews and Jewish institutions of this to the folk-level, why not do it now country. He is critical of the J.D.L.'s The implications carried in the instead of next year? activities against the Soviet Union, piece "A Man of the Cloth Com­ however, because the Gedolei Ha­ Orthodoxy, on the other hand, plains" that so offended Mr. Char­ Torah have come out against dem­ is often labelled instransigent and nov \Vere actuaJly quoted or para­ onstrations. In addition, because unchanging. Whether this is an oft­ phrased from the Jewish Telegra­ J.D.L. members are not tzaddikim, hurled accusation (as by the lib­ phic Agency release, which in tum their efforts are not only doomed erals) or a badge of honor (as the was based on the personal com­ to failure, but attribnting their ac­ plaint of Rabbi Jacob Friedman Orthodox view it), it is nonethe­ complishments and strengths to less a fact. The Orthodox rabbi is (Conservative) of Wanamassa, New their own muscle-power serves to Jersey. Rabbi Friedman's feelings faithful to an ancient heritage and mislead other Jews into similar attempts to inspire his flock to fol­ arc hurt. according to this story, thinking, which is contrary to low him in striving for the higher because he is ostracized fron1 other Torah. level of existence it entails. He is Jews: We would hardly expect Gedolai going to experience some frustra­ "They have a double stand­ tions-but not like these suffered HaTorah to demonstrate or even ard regarding their own by the spiritual leader who must be come out in favor of such a policy. Jewish behavior and what a lonely super-Jew when he would I could not imagine any of these they expect from me." It prefer to be one of the boys. venerable leaders marching and seems that he is supposed carrying pickets. We could never to be some sort of a "super­ Mr. Charnov finds this statement afford to allow great men who Je\v," as he calls it-above of comparative doctrines "close to represent Torah to engage in this the petty vices of his con­ slander"-although he says so with kind of activity.
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