ITEM 5 Application Number: 15/00223/CONS Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for access for a mixed-use sustainable urban extension on land to the south west of Milton Keynes to provide up to 1,885 mixed tenure dwellings; an employment area (B1); a neighbourhood centre including retail (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5), community (D1/D2) and residential (C3) uses; a primary and a secondary school; a grid road reserve; multi-functional green space; a sustainable drainage system; and associated access, drainage and public transport infrastructure AT Land South of The A421, West of Far Bletchley, North of The East West Rail Link FOR Aylesbury Vale District Council Ward: Tattenhoe Parish: Shenley Brook End & Tattenhoe PC Report Author/Case Officer: Sarah Hine Contact Details: 01908 252283 [email protected] Team Leader: Sarah Evans Team Leader Strategic Business Unit Contact Details: 01908 253326 [email protected] 1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about) 1.1 The Site The application site is land to the South of the A421 (Standing Way) to the west of Far Bletchley, North of the East West rail link. 1.2 The Proposal Milton Keynes Council (MKC) has been consulted by Aylesbury Vale District Council (AVDC) on this outline planning application. AVDC is responsible for consulting on and determining this planning application. The purpose of this report is to agree the Council’s response to the planning application, focussing particularly on the impact that the proposal will have on the borough. The details of the application contain the following elements: an employment area (B1). Site area 2.07 ha, a neighbourhood centre including retail (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5), site area 0.67 ha, community (D1/D2), site area 5.2 ha and residential (C3) uses (up to 1885 dwellings); a primary and a secondary school; a grid road reserve; multi-functional green space; a sustainable drainage system; and associated access, drainage and public transport infrastructure 2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application) 2.1 National Policy National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 2012 14 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development 32 Transport Statements 39 Parking 47 identify a 5 year housing land supply with an additional 5% buffer 49 relevant policies for the supply of housing are out-of-date if the LPA cannot demonstrate an adequate five year supply 50 Mix of housing 51 Change of Use To Residential 56, 57, 60, 61,63,64 Design 7, 109 and 118 – Biodiversity Enhancements 69 Crime 70 Deliver Social, Recreational and Cultural Facilities the Community Needs 96 Take account of land form, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping to minimise energy consumption 98 Sustainability 103 Flood Risk 109 Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment 112 Take account economic and other benefits if best and most versatile agricultural land 117 Minimising Impacts on Biodiversity and Geodiversity 118 Conserve and Enhance Biodiversity 111 Reuse of Brownfield Land 121 Ground Conditions 123 Noise 125 Light 196-198 Determining Applications 203-204 Planning Obligations 2.2 Local Policy Adopted Milton Keynes Core Strategy 2013 CSA NPPF – Presumption in favour of sustainable development CS1 Milton Keynes Development Strategy CS6 Place-Shaping Principles for Sustainable Urban Extension in Adjacent Local Authorities CS10 Housing CS11 A Well Connected Milton Keynes CS12 Delivering Successful Neighbourhoods CS13 Ensuring High Quality Well Designed Places CS18 Healthier and Safer Communities CS19 The Historic and Natural Environment CS21 Delivering Infrastructure 2.3 Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011(Saved Policies) S3 City Expansion Areas S10 Open Countryside S12 Linear Parks D1 Impact of Development Proposals on Locality D2 Design of Buildings D2A Urban Design Aspects of New Developments D4 Sustainable Construction HE1 Protection of Archaeological Sites NE1 Nature Conservation Sites NE2 Protected Species NE3 Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement NE4 Conserving and Enhancing Landscape Character T2 Access For Those With Impaired Mobility T3,T4 Pedestrians and Cyclists T5 Public Transport T10 Traffic T15 Parking Provision T17 Traffic Calming H1 Land Allocated for Housing H2- H5 Affordable Housing H8 Housing Density H9 Housing Mix L3 Open Space Standards of Provision PO4 Percent for Art 2.4 Supplementary Planning Guidance/Documents Milton Keynes Parking Standards 2016 Planning Obligations SPG for Education Facilities (2004) Planning Obligations SPG for Leisure, Recreation and Sport Facilities (2005) Social Infrastructure Planning Obligations (2005) The Milton Keynes Drainage Strategy - Development and Flood Risk Supplementary Planning Guidance Sustainable Construction (2007) Affordable Housing (2013) New Residential Development Design Guide (April 2012) 3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision) 3.1 a) Working co-operatively on strategic matters b) Impact on the Highway c) Working Co-operatively With Adjoining Authorities d) Impact on and relationship with Milton Keynes e) Urban design matters f) Planning obligations and S106 Contributions 4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee) 4.1 It is recommended that Milton Keynes Council Local Planning Authority object to the application as outlined in Section 6 of this report. 5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have led to the officer Recommendation) 5.1 Working Co-operatively With Adjoining Authorities Paragraph 178 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that public bodies have a duty to co-operate on planning issues that cross administrative boundaries, particularly where strategic issues are involved. It is expected by the Government that joint working on areas of common interest should be undertaken. 5.2 The applications were originally submitted in July 2015 and since this date there has been ongoing dialogue and work with Aylesbury Vale Council on the proposal. Topic meetings have taken place at regular intervals looking at key issues such as highways and S.106 matters engaging with key consultees, stakeholders and the applicants. It is considered that whilst Milton Keynes Council Local Planning Authority recommend an objection to this proposal the requirement to work co-operatively with adjoining authorities as specified in the NPPF has still been met. 5.3 Impact on the Highway The Aylesbury Vale (AVDC) application is in outline form with all matters, except access, reserved for determination at a later date. As access is not a reserved matter it must be given full consideration. It is noted that matters such as the internal site layout and car parking standards will be for AVDC to determine. 5.4 The application is for the approval of the accesses to facilitate the development on land in Aylesbury Vale. Two vehicular accesses are proposed within the Milton Keynes administrative area; one being a left-in only access from the A421, the other is a new roundabout junction on Buckingham Road. (A third vehicular access is proposed to Whaddon Road within Aylesbury Vale.) 5.5 Saved policies D1 (i) and (vi), T10 and T15 of the Local Plan and CS13 of the Core Strategy require the decision maker to have particular regard to any additional traffic generation a development may cause and the resulting impact on the surrounding road network/parking provision/access. 5.6 The submitted Transport Assessment (TS) has demonstrated that the development (in AVDC) is able to be accommodated on the highway network. Improvements to junctions within Milton Keynes are proposed and, subject to agreeing a financial contribution, appear acceptable to mitigate the development. 5.7 The two accesses proposed within Milton Keynes have been tested and have been Safety Audited. The accesses are considered acceptable in highways terms. 5.8 Proposals for public transport and connections to the walking and cycling networks are acceptable but their implementation needs to be secured. 5.9 A section 106 agreement and conditions would be required to ensure that appropriate highway works are carried out at the right time and to the right standards. A Section 278 agreement will ultimately cover the works within the public highway. 5.10 Consequently there is no highway objection to this application subject to securing the works, improvements and funding referred to. 5.11 Impact on and relationship with Milton Keynes The current application is located within Aylesbury Vale and AVDC are the determining Authority for the application. However, the proximity of the application site to Milton Keynes means that the new development, if permitted, would function as an extension of the built area of Milton Keynes. It is therefore imperative that the development is designed to reflect the character and nature of Milton Keynes. 5.12 One of the most identifiable characteristics of Milton Keynes is the grid road network. The application includes a safeguarded route for a grid road from Tattenhoe roundabout in the north to the railway line in the south. In addition, the inclusion of large areas of open space and green links through the site are reflective of the linear park network in Milton Keynes. It is considered that whilst the development will not fully integrate with and reflect Milton Keynes the current scheme does reflect and relate to the character of built development in Milton Keynes. 5.13 The close proximity of the site to Milton Keynes bordering the southern boundary of the administrative boundary, means that the residents of the development will use Milton Keynes for day to day activities such as waste disposal, libraries and shopping. It is the Councils view that the proposal should mitigate this impact and this is discussed in more detail below. 5.14 Policy CS6 of the Core Strategy sets out the principles for considering sustainable urban extension to Milton Keynes which are wholly or partly within the administrative boundary of a neighbouring authority. A strategic approach has been taken by the applicant with regard to the preparation of the scheme and in terms of the assessment of highway matters and design have been made.
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