the IRISh oraencccn IR£1.00 No. 63 April. May 1993 ~ &'BI Ashford, Co. Wicklow. Tel: (0404) 40169 ~~~~~~ Fax: (0404) 40701 '.' ",r [ FORTHCOMING COURSES, ..) =c-. Wild Wicklow (Water) A refreshingly new approach to environmental courses looking at Wicklow's water habitats and ~A!4 wildlife by foot and from the water. 7=- ~ (Stability guaranteed)! Saturday Rock and Evening Rock -.,._____ Evening and one-day rockclirnbing sessions at Dalkey Quarry for beginners. improvers and experienced climbers -, From May 18th to August 14th. ~ /Lt\1l~~ Tiglin will be looking for staff from May until October. Qualifications for Rockclimbing , Canoeing and Mountain Instruction required. £ 150.00 - £200.00 p.w. Applications and C.V. to the Director by me end of April. I Fe<in[....... on""",and oJl OUT _ _"" p/<as' ""U 7fgIin. 1 AFAS Association For Adventure Sports 44 The irish OrienJeer THE IRISH ORIENTEER The Irish Orienteer is available USEFUL ADDRESS LIST through all Irish orienteering clubs. All material concerning The Irish Orienteer AJAX ORIENTEERS Tara Horan, 12Athlumney Villas. Renelegh, Duban 8. (01.974458) orienteering will be gratefully No. 63 April- May 1993 ISSN0790-1194 BLACKWATER VAUEY OC Ellen Feehan, Scarteen Lr.. Newmarket, Co. Cork. received by the Editor, John McCullough, 9 Arran Road, BOLTON ST. ORlENTEERS Andrew O'Muilane, Siudents' Union, College 01Technology, Bolton St., Dublin 1. (01.933891) Inhow many other sports can you justturn up on the Drumcondra, Dublin 9. CORK ORlENTEERS Rna Sheehan, Kileendanlel, Whitact1urch,Co. COIk(021·301457) day, withoutbeingamemberofacluborafflliatedinanyway to the organisation, and take part? You wouldn't expect to be CURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEERS Eieen Loughman, 169 Monread Heights, Naas, Co. Kildare (045-79780) Subscriptions: £6.50 per an- able to just show up for a football match or a National DUBUN UNVERSITY 0 Mary Blrken, Box 67, Regent House, TCD, Dublin 2. num (six issues). Championships in athletics and expecuo geta game or a run, EASTERN COMMAND OC John de Lacy, 9 Heather Grove, Morley Wood, Dublin 16. Next TIO Copy Date is Yet in orienteering it's the norm. In how many sports can you Ft:RMANAGH ORIENTEERS Teresa Finlay, Gortatole OEC, Florenc:aoourt,Co. Fernnanagh(08-036582·470) May 20th enter for the national championships without having to go FINGAL ORIENTEERS Lillian Oulll, 640 Collins Ave.. Whitehall, Dublin 9. (01·378506) through qualifying rounds or meeting various criteria as to FORMER UCCO Tony Joyce, Undl9larne, Bishopstown, Corl<(021.541246). For further information on orien- performance? Very few, Yet again in orienteering we can all teering, contact the Irish Orienteer- GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Nora Lalor, 159 Cnppaghmore, Clondalkln, Dublin 22 (01·573229) enter and pit ourselves against the champions. If you've ing Association, cia AFAS, House never run in an Irish Championships, or never run in a relay KERRY ORIENTEERS Aory Costello, 14 Monor Court, Manor Village, Trnlee. Co. Kerry, (066-25532) of Sport, Long Mile Road, Dublin event, now is your chance to experience some of Ole finest KEVIN ST, ORIENTEERS Eoln Dunne, !?tudenl9'Union, Coil. 01 Tec~nology, Kevin SI.. Dublin 8. (01·2698489) 12 (01·501633/569099). Cover: 90 year old Berti! Nor- terrain in Ireland, at Carlingford in mid May, It's an oppor- LAGAN VALLEY ORIENTEERS Alen Gartside, 22 Ormiston Drlvo, BoHnsl8T4 3JS (08·0232·655065). denfelt from Sweden after win- tunity you shouldn't miss. LEE ORIENTEERS Clare Nuttall, 4 Upr, Panorama Tee.. Sunday's Well, Oork (021.30037B) ning H85 at the Swedish 5-Day LEINSTER SCHOOLS' OA Eveleen McAuley, 19The Nurseries, Killo,noy Aoad, B,ay, Co. Wlcklow. (01·2828308). (P,Cunnanc). Another opportunity you shouldn't miss is the UTTLE K1LLARY OC Mary Young, Little Killary Adventure Cenlre, 881ruol<,Aenvyle. Co. Gatway (095·43411). Shamrock O-Ringen in west Cork and Kerry at the end of CONTENTS PHOENX NAVIGATORS Breda Daly, Camcloon, Ballydangan, Co. Roseonmon (0905·73502) June.Inprevious years OlCvisitors almost equalled the home Useful Addresses 93 2 competitors, if not actually outnumbered them. All Irish NORTH WEST OC Maureen Loughery, 39 Moyol. Ave.. Caslle Dawson 8T45 8RA, Co. Derry (08-0648-69602). News pages 4 IOC93 News 8 orienteers should be there: the areas are fantastic, the orien- SElANTA ORIENTEERS Jocelyn Calhalln, 36 Taney Road, Dundrum. Dublin 14 (01·2985799) lOA Bulletin 9 teering excellent, the atmosphere exhilarating. Yeteach year SOUTHERN ORJENTEERS Comdl, Kevin O'Dwyer, 4 Inl. Bn., Collins Barracks, Cork. (021-397577). Euro Tour '92 10 the story is the same, It's oneofthemost beautiful parts of the 1993 Championships 14 THOMOND ORIENTEERS Alan Shaw,lnnlsmore, 40 College Pa,k, COlbally, Llnnerlck(061·343959) History of Orienteering 16 country, worthy ofa visirat any time, but to have three days' THREE ROCK OC Vera Murtagh, 19 The Ciolste.. , Te,enure, DubSn6w (01·908237). Connncht News 18 orienteering thrown in as a bonus? What more could you ask? IOAAGM 19 UCC ORIENTEERS Aileen Mead, PE O11ice, UCC, College Aoad, Cork. Student Champs report 21 Well, perhaps you could ask for one thing: an UCD ORIENTEERS Carlyn Dunney, Bo)(55, Arts Block, Bellleld, Dublin 4. Mountain Running 22 Vet's Handicaps (2) 24 Orienteers' Charter. As a member of a recognised orienteer- UCG ORIENTEERS Sive Baxte" clo Porter', Desk, Concourse, Unlvershy College, Galway. Results 26 ing club, affiliated to a national orienteering association WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Veronica Purcell, Lodge's LMe, Newtown Hili, Tramore, Co. Walenord. Fixtures 42 which is in turn affiliated to the International Orienteering IRISH O·ASSOCIATION Finola O'Donoghue, House ot Sport, Longmlle Road, Dublin 12. (Ot·569099) Federation, you are entitled to certain things as a right Why not write for The Irish You have a right to get red uced entry fees to any entry-on-day IRISH O-STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Delrd,e Ryan, Regional Technlcnl College OC, Dublin Road, Galway Orienteer? orienteering competition run by any lOA affiliated club. You NORTHERN IRELAND OA Myra Petterson. Mount Prospect House, Derrylln, Ennlsklilen, Co. Fermanagh, 8T92 9LS (08· 036582·8133) Results and articles can now have a right to see results of that competition, You have a BRITISH O·FEDERATION Aiversdale, Date Road North, Darley Dale, Matlock, De,byshlre DE4 2HX (03'0629·734042, be accepted on virtually any right to expect a reasonablequality of planning, organisation FAX 03·0629·733769). fonn of floppy disk from most and controlling. And if you don 't geuhese things you have a INTERNATIONAL O.f'EDERATION Lennart Levin, Box 7B, S·191 21 SoUentune,Sweden (16·46·8·353455, FAX 16·46-8357169) commonly used computers. right to complain to the organisers about it. Only by bringing TIGUN ADVENTURE CENTRE Administrator: Maeve McPherson, nglln, Ashlo,d, Co. Wicklow (0404-40169). EspcciaUy results! . deficiencies like these to U1Cnotice of Oleevent officials will things improve. Printed by Denton P,lnt, Dundrum, Dublin I 24-hour fixtures information on 01-569099 I 14 (01·2988944). 2 The Irish Oriemeer 771eIrish Orienleer 3 ODDS'n'ENDS'n'ODDS connections: Dermot Somers (husband of Maeve LVOCHAMPS les Reid (NWOC) ,Wilbert Hollinger (LVO), Fred- MacPherson of 3ROC), Robbie Fenlon (3ROC), die McCann (LVO). Frank Nugent and Leslie Lawrence (of the Great After taking a significant number of trophies at the Thanks: Last.minute time and space pressure pre- Outdoors), not forgetting Expedition Leader Leinster Championships atCronybyme on March vented me from expressing my thanks to all the Dawson Stelfox, husband of LVO's Margaret 21st, Lagan Valley Orienteers puit the icing on the NATrONALADVENTURE MARA THON contributors to the last TIO, particularly Marcus Stelfox. cake by taking the Irish Oricnteer Trophy home Phoenix Navigators entered a team in the National and Faye Pinker and to Colm Rothery for the cover with them after the CNOC event at Woodeoboley Two guides for walkers published by oricnteers Adventure Marathon. Team West consisted ofPa- pboto (your cbeque is in the post). Thanks also to next day. An under-strength 3ROC couldn't bold recently are Barry Dalby's "Wick low Way Map draic Higgins, Michael Brennan, Joe Bannon and Colm O'Halloran forTbe Tragedy of King Bjorn off the northern hoardes while Cork Oithe Munster Guide" (£3.00 incl. p &p) and Diana Large's "Two Eugene Sheridan. Cathal Cregg led the 19th B n in the last three issues. If the significance of the representatives, declined to participate. Feet into Wicklow" (£2.50). ffyou are looking for with Kieran O'Brien, George Taylor and Declan map in the centre pages escaped you, it was the unusual Christmas cards this year, you could do a Congratulations to LVO on a fine performance. Hennelly. 3ROC ladies Una Creagh, Rachel Bur- World Cup even t from the USA last October and is lot worse than getting some of Diana's cards with gess, Maeve and Ursula MacPherson entered a la- similar terrain to next October's World Champion- forest and mountain photographs. Contact her at dies team in the event and finished 3rd overall, sbips in upstate New York. Thanks also to the NIOA COMMITTEE 01- 2828442. behind the ESB "A" team and the FCA. Maeve bas contributors for this issue: John Feehan, Eoin The recently elected committee for the Northern promised a report for the next TIO. Dunne, Frank Ryan, the club secretaries and all Arthur Green, recently elected Chairman of Se- Ireland Orienteering Association is: who sent in stuff in time. tanta OC. travelled to Finland at the end of March at the invitation of the fOFHi Tech group to talk to Chairperson Kathryn Millinson (L VO) M/W19 SELECTION Shamrock Chan ges: The order of the three cvcn L~ them about computer communications in orien- in the Shamrock O-Ringen has been changed. Vice Chairperson Raymond Finlay (FelmO) International selection for the MJW 19classes will teering.
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