LECTURE DELIVERED JULY 17, 2012 No. 1217 | NOVEMBER 2, 2012 The Australia–U.S. Alliance and Leadership in the Asia–Pacific The Honorable Tony Abbott Abstract IM R. HOLMES: I am pleased The Administration has indicated that Kto welcome the Honorable Key Points it plans to “pivot” America’s security Tony Abbott, Leader of the focus to Asia. The Administration’s Opposition in the Australian House ■■ America needs to believe in itself plans to downsize the U.S. military, of Representatives, to The Heritage the way others still believe in it. however, can only mean a reduced Foundation. Mr. Abbott is the leader America is exceptional, and Aus- U.S. presence globally and greater of the Liberal Party of Australia and tralia wants America to succeed because a strong America means strain on our forces and equipment a Member of Parliament since 1994. a safer world. wherever they are deployed. Allies like At Heritage, we believe in the Australia are trying to understand importance of the U.S. alliance with ■■ Australia’s relationship with the implications for the Asia–Pacific Australia. It is critical not only for America makes it a better neighbor. Australia’s ties with of America’s shifting priorities. The our mutual security and the security the U.S. give it more standing in Honorable Tony Abbott, Leader of the of the region, but also for spread- the region, and this makes it a Opposition in Australia’s House of ing freedom and the values we share more valuable ally for the United Representatives, discusses America’s worldwide. States. global role, the Australia–U.S. No doubt you’ve heard of the ■■ A China that was freer as well as relationship, and the importance of Obama Administration’s so-called richer would be the best guaran- the Australia–U.S. security alliance in pivot to Asia. We certainly appreci- tee of peace and stability in the the Asia–Pacific region. ate the focus the Administration Asia–Pacific region. is bringing to the many challenges ■■ Geography alone will not keep there—North Korea’s nuclear prolif- Australia economically strong eration and China’s military buildup even in an Asian century. There- among them. We believe, however, fore, the next coalition gov- that rhetoric must be backed up by ernment will cut unnecessary action. The Administration’s plans to government spending, get debt down, and seek efficiencies in downsize the U.S. military can only defense spending, but never at mean a reduced presence globally This paper, in its entirety, can be found at the expense of defense capability. http://report.heritage.org/hl1217 and greater strain on our forces and Produced by the Asian Studies Center equipment, and allies like Australia The Heritage Foundation are certainly taking notice of these 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 plans. (202) 546-4400 | heritage.org Last year, Heritage took a hard Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily look at security in the region. We reflecting the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill spearheaded a joint project that before Congress. culminated in calls for the U.S., leCTUre | NO. 1217 DELIVERED JULY 17, 2012 Australia, and India to build a strong thanks to you and The Heritage of the Atlantic. In a few pithy lines, trilateral relationship. We partnered Foundation for the opportunity to Tennyson encapsulated the mar- with researchers from the Lowy talk here in Washington. This is an riage of liberalism and conservatism Institute for International Policy in internationally known and interna- in our tradition when he spoke of “a Australia and the Observer Research tionally regarded foundation. I do land of just and old renown where Foundation in India to conduct that very much value the opportunity to freedom broadens slowly down study. I had the pleasure of launching speak to it. from precedent to precedent.” This it in Sydney, Australia. The United States is an excep- is the heritage of the Magna Carta, I am pleased to welcome Mr. Tony tional nation. I think that is a mes- the Provisions of Oxford, and the Abbott to Washington, D.C., for this sage which you sometimes need to Glorious Revolution, which the presentation. Mr. Abbott was elect- hear from countries that might often Minutemen asserted against King ed to the official position of Leader be inclined to take the U.S.’s involve- George and which this foundation of the Opposition in 2009. He was ment, interest, and benevolence for celebrates. already well familiar with what that granted. When the Royal Navy thwarted role would entail, having begun his It was the U.S. Information the ambitions of Napoleonic France, political career in 1990 as press Agency that organized my first trip to when Britain and her Empire stood secretary and political adviser to America as a Member of Parliament. alone against Nazi Germany, and then-Leader of the Opposition John I’d just been elected as a Liberal when President Reagan urged Mr. Hewson. His distinguished career Party MP and had previously been Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin includes service as Cabinet Minister one of the leading opponents of Wall, world history was shaped for for Employment, Workplace Australia becoming a republic. the better. Representative democ- Relations and Small Business, as well Something happened in transla- racy, impartial courts, the liberty as Leader of the House and many tion, though, because my U.S. hosts of the press, and freedom under the other positions. had been told that I was very lib- law now seem close to universal A Rhodes Scholar, Mr. Abbott also eral and strongly anti-Republican. aspirations. holds degrees in economics and law So I spent most of my fortnight in Given America’s role, it can’t quite from Sydney University. A former America being introduced to virtual be said that the modern world has journalist, he has authored three Communists. Perhaps this was an been made in England, but it has books, The Minimal Monarchy: And illustration of the capacity of govern- certainly been shaped in English. Why It Still Makes Sense for Australia, ments to get things wrong, in this English-speaking countries have How to Win the Constitutional War: country as well as in my own. In any beckoned to people everywhere, And Give Both Sides What They event, it’s good, finally, to find myself especially in troubled times, harken- Want, and Battlelines. We look for- amongst like-minded Americans. ing to the immortal words inscribed ward to hearing his thoughts on As our former prime minister, on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me how Australians see our alliance, as John Howard, often pointed out, the your tired, your poor, your huddled well as America’s role in the world, Liberal Party is the custodian in masses yearning to breathe free.” and the current challenges to Asia– Australia of both the classical liberal Pacific security. and the conservative political tradi- America as Idea Ladies and gentlemen, please wel- tions. The Heritage Foundation’s I don’t normally quote President come The Honorable Tony Abbott. support for free enterprise, limited Bill Clinton, but he was grasping at a —Kim R. Holmes, PhD, is Vice government, individual freedom, tra- deep truth when he observed of the President, Foreign and Defense Policy ditional values, and strong national United States, “We’re not one race…. Studies, and Director of the Kathryn defense and its mission to promote We’re not one ethnic group. We’re not and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for freedom, opportunity, prosperity, one religious group…. But you read International Studies at The Heritage and civil society closely correspond the Declaration of Independence and Foundation. with the objectives of my own party. the Constitution and you’ll find that The quest for freedom is the this country is an idea.” The noble HE HONORABLE TONY defining characteristic of the story idea, the uplifting idea that each per- TABBOTT: Thank you very much of England, but it has arguably been son should be free to become his or indeed for that introduction, and taken to a new pitch on this side her best self—that, I’m sure, is what 2 leCTUre | NO. 1217 DELIVERED JULY 17, 2012 the Founding Fathers meant when they’re always well-intentioned, even A Dominant or they declared “these truths to be if others are tempted to conclude, Declining Power? self-evident, that all men are created with Graham Greene of The Quiet So, ladies and gentlemen, the equal, that they are endowed by their American, that he’d never known a question now being pondered right Creator with certain unalienable man with such good intentions for all around the world, and especially in Rights, that among these are life, lib- the trouble he’d caused. Washington, fuelled by the rise of erty and the pursuit of happiness.” Australians are less self-con- China, an inconclusive and unpopu- So the United States and Australia sciously idealistic than Americans, lar war, and congressional gridlock are separate legal entities, but few but Prime Minister Ben Chifley’s here, is: Have we reached a tipping Australians would regard America as “light on the hill…working for the bet- point in history? Has the United a foreign country. We are more than terment of mankind, not just here, States passed from being a dominant allies. We’re family. Around the world but wherever we can lend a helping to a declining power? we seek no privileges, ask no favors, hand” might be considered an antip- Facts, as opposed to fears, support crave no territory.
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