Submission to Nature in Our City Inquiry

Submission to Nature in Our City Inquiry

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY STANDING COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSPORT AND CITY SERVICES Ms Suzanne Orr MLA (Chair), Miss Candice Burch MLA (Deputy Chair) Ms Tara Cheyne MLA, M s Nicole Lawder MLA Submission Cover Sheet Nature in Our City Submission Number : 27 Date Authorised for Publication : 8 August 2018 - - ' C h .,. , < '- o rl.,, t.. djl~"'- µ CM WI, If-~ ~l. C r-v-1--v .,. 'I - rr1 ~z1<? Co ~ J1'\ , If-4.(,, ..., ""L- -GE I l/~ ("' /-.;vi c:I I ;r- d.-vl -r~- _ {__~~ ~\ . /E'"vi y / ✓" '1 """ -I (A~ !;Jr, .,->v,.,~ly n (_,;-- O8 JUN 2018 I,._,~ I ~ /..J-1 Y-<- - I- ~ . ff) " ,, Jv£~,c:~,a~ fa fJ ~f-v"I'/. I...._ VwJ (,/y =- -;~:~~- - 0 '71...t, l' t 'M o c r ~ I- , (.,., f} 0 (,-ff~ fv! 'f CJJ ""J r ~v I+/- , or- $ 1-,/) ~ C,,n,v,.,rf-tt- I J1. ,:.,, ,, .I ,.J-l.h ;J HI •< p., ~ I,<-- LM rm 1 . Cvi 'Y'f. c.t ,, t-- h vv--1 ~ ,C h~v-t ~t.. 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ACT and Regional Planning: Need to restore the Democratic Process The lack of public scrutiny for the future of both the Ginninderra Experimental Station, and the West Belconnen cross-border urban development has raised the alarm bells. The federal government has allowed CSIRO, itself, to become the urban planners for the Field Station's subdivision! A Public Inquiry is sorely needed to also raise the issues of remnant soil contamination, biodiversity, open space requirement, let alone likely water pollution flowing into Gooromon Ponds and then to Ginninderra Gorge, its Falls and the Murrumbidgee River. Environmental issues also loom large with the so-called 'Ginninderry' urbanisation as it will overlook, also, the grand vista of the Murrumbidgee Gorge, which can be viewed(Yom 'Sheph¥rd's lookout' off Stockdill Drive, Holt. This view will be sadly marred in years to come! The ACT Assembly has already allowed rezoning from rural to urban in the ACT and near the Strathnairn Arts Centre.

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