Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 319.182 phrase shown in a prominent manner § 318.7 are intended to be exclusive of directly contiguous to the generic the cheese constituent. When any such name and in the same color on an iden- substance is added to these products, tical background. the substance shall be designated in (e) One or more of the binders and ex- the ingredients statement by its com- tenders as provided in a regulation per- mon or usual name in order of predomi- mitting that use in this subchapter or nance. These products shall contain no in 9 CFR Chapter III, Subchapter E, or more than 40 percent of a combination in 21 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter A or of fat and added water, and no more Subchapter B may be used in cooked than 30 percent fat and shall comply sausage otherwise complying with with the other provisions for cooked paragraph (a) or (b) of this section. When any such substance is added to sausages that are in this subchapter. these products, the substance shall be [55 FR 34683, Aug. 24, 1990, as amended at 56 designated in the ingredients state- FR 41448, Aug. 21, 1991] ment by its common or usual name in order of predominance. § 319.182 Braunschweiger and liver (f) Cooked sausages shall not be la- sausage or liverwurst. beled with terms such as ‘‘All Meat’’ or (a) ‘‘Braunschweiger’’ is a cooked ‘‘All (Species),’’ or otherwise to indi- sausage made from fresh, cured, and/or cate they do not contain nonmeat in- frozen pork, beef, and/or veal and at gredients or are prepared only from least 30 percent pork, beef, and/or veal meat. livers computed on the weight of the (g) For the purposes of this section: fresh livers. It may also contain pork Poultry meat means deboned chicken and/or beef fat. Mechanically Sepa- meat or turkey meat, or both, without rated (Species) may be used in accord- skin or added fat; poultry products mean chicken or turkey, or chicken ance with § 319.6. Binders and extenders meat or turkey meat as defined in may be used as permitted in § 319.140. § 381.118 of this chapter, or poultry by- The product may have a smoked taste products as defined in § 381.1 of this characteristic, which may be imparted chapter; and meat byproducts (or vari- by use of smoked meats, smoke fla- ety meats), mean pork stomachs or voring or smoking. If prepared from snouts; beef, veal, lamb, or goat tripe; components of a single species, the beef, veal, lamb, goat, or pork hearts, product name may reflect the species, tongues, fat, lips, weasands, and e.g., ‘‘Beef Braunschweiger.’’ Braun- spleens; and partially defatted pork schweiger may also be labeled as any of fatty tissue, or partially defatted beef the following: ‘‘Braunschweiger—A fatty tissue. Liver Sausage,’’ ‘‘Braunschweiger—A Liverwurst,’’ or ‘‘Braunschweiger [38 FR 14742, June 5, 1973; 38 FR 22621, Aug. 23, 1973; 38 FR 24640, Sept. 10, 1973, as amend- (Liver Sausage)’’ or ‘‘Braunschweiger ed at 43 FR 26424, June 20, 1978; 45 FR 10318, (Liverwurst).’’ Feb. 15, 1980; 47 FR 10784, Mar. 12, 1982; 47 FR (b) ‘‘Liver Sausage’’ or ‘‘Liverwurst’’ 26374, June 18, 1982; 47 FR 28257, June 29, 1982; is a cooked sausage made from fresh, 53 FR 8428, Mar. 15, 1988; 55 FR 34683, Aug. 24, cured, and/or frozen pork, beef, and/or 1990; 56 FR 41448, Aug. 21, 1991; 60 FR 55982, veal and at least 30 percent pork, beef, Nov. 3, 1995; 64 FR 72175, Dec. 23, 1999] veal, sheep, and/or goat livers com- § 319.181 Cheesefurters and similar puted on the weight of the fresh livers. products. It may also contain pork and/or beef ‘‘Cheesefurters’’ and similar products byproducts. Mechanically Separated are products in casings which resemble (Species) may be used in accordance frankfurters except that they contain with § 319.6. Binders and extenders sufficient cheese to give definite char- maybe used as permitted in § 319.140. If acteristics to the finished article. They prepared from components of a single may contain binders and extenders as species, the product name may reflect provided in § 318.7(c)(4) of this sub- that species, e.g., ‘‘Pork Liver Sau- chapter. Limits on use as provided in sage.’’ 305 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 14:19 Jan 25, 2001 Jkt 194027 PO 00000 Frm 00305 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194027T.XXX pfrm02 PsN: 194027T § 319.260 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–01 Edition) [47 FR 36108, Aug. 19, 1982] Subpart H [Re- pared in accordance with the provi- served] Subpart I—Semi-Dry Fer- sions of paragraphs (a)(1), (2), (3), and mented Sausage [Reserved] Sub- (4) of this section. part J—Dry Fermented Sausage [Reserved] (1) Meat shall constitute not less than 70 percent of the total weight of Subpart K—Luncheon Meat, the product and shall consist of pork or Loaves and Jellied Products a mixture of pork and veal, pork and beef, or pork, veal, and beef. Such meat § 319.260 Luncheon meat. shall be fresh or fresh frozen meat. Pork may be omitted when the specie ‘‘Luncheon Meat’’ is a cured, cooked or species of meat used in the product meat food product made from comminuted meat. Mechanically Sepa- is identified in the product name (e.g., rated (Species) may be used in accord- Veal Bockwurst, Beef Bockwurst, or ance with § 319.6. To facilitate chopping Beef and Veal Bockwurst). Mechani- or mixing or to dissolve the usual cur- cally Separated (Species) may be used ing ingredients, water or ice may be in accordance with § 319.6. used in the preparation of luncheon (2) The ‘‘milk’’ may be fresh whole meat in an amount not to exceed 3 per- milk, dried milk, nonfat dry milk, cal- cent of the total ingredients. cium reduced dried skim milk, enzyme (rennet) treated calcium reduced dried [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 43 FR 26425, June 20, 1978; 47 FR 28257, June 29, 1982] skim milk and calcium lactate, or any combination thereof. § 319.261 Meat loaf. (3) ‘‘Eggs’’ refer to whole eggs that ‘‘Meat Loaf’’ is a cooked meat food are fresh, frozen, or dried. product in loaf form made from (4) ‘‘Vegetables’’ refer to onions, comminuted meat. Mechanically Sepa- chives, parsley, and leeks, alone or in rated (Species) may be used in accord- any combination. ance with § 319.6. To facilitate chopping (b) Bockwurst may contain one or or mixing, water or ice may be used in more of the following optional ingredi- an amount not to exceed 3 percent of ents: the total ingredients used. (1) Pork fat. [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 43 FR (2) Celery, fresh or dehydrated. 26425, June 20, 1978; 47 FR 28257, June 29, 1982] (3) Spices, flavorings. (4) Salt. Subpart L—Meat Specialties, (5) Egg whites, fresh, frozen, or dried. Puddings and Nonspecific Loaves (6) Corn syrup solids, corn syrup, or glucose syrup with a maximum limit of § 319.280 Scrapple. 2 percent individually or collectively, ‘‘Scrapple’’ shall contain not less calculated on a dry basis. The max- than 40 percent meat and/or meat by- imum quantities of such ingredients products computed on the basis of the shall be computed on the basis of the fresh weight, exclusive of bone. Me- total weight of the ingredients. chanically Separated (Species) may be (7) Autolyzed yeast extract, used in accordance with § 319.6. The hydrolyzed plant protein, milk protein meal or flour used may be derived from hydrolysate, and monosodium glu- grain and/or soybeans. tamate. [35 FR 15597, Oct. 3, 1970, as amended at 43 FR (8) Sugars (sucrose and dextrose). 26425, June 20, 1978; 47 FR 28257, June 29, 1982] (9) Binders and extenders may be added as provided in § 318.7(c)(4) of this § 319.281 Bockwurst. subchapter. When any such substance (a) Bockwurst is an uncured, is added to bockwurst, the substance comminuted meat food product which shall be designated in the ingredients may or may not be cooked. It contains statement by its common or usual meat, milk or water or a combination name in order of predominance. thereof, eggs, vegetables, and any of (c) If bockwurst is cooked or par- the optional ingredients listed in para- tially cooked, the composition of the graph (b) of this section; and is pre- raw mix from which it is prepared shall 306 VerDate 11<MAY>2000 14:19 Jan 25, 2001 Jkt 194027 PO 00000 Frm 00306 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\194027T.XXX pfrm02 PsN: 194027T.
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