J h & Joh&dihy Jiaimin (publiAksid Owwalkj at M O N H CD T > A N M H A MISSOULA. MONTANA fit} Jh& J'OA&AJbiy (}lub o f JPlQ School o f J'DhSAtMj m i 9n, WlsimoAicmL JEROME H. RAMSKILL 1881-1942 Foresters, who knew Jerry well, will remember him as cour­ ageous, courteous, and sincere; always ready to assist those en­ deavoring for a higher education in their devoted field. Though the years may come and go—let us forever remember him in our hearts. 2 (Dsidwation It is to those foresters who are devoting their unselfish time and energy in Uncle Sam's forces—for the preservation of DEMOCRACY, that we the members of the Forestry Club whole-heartedly dedicate this 1942 edition of the Forestry Kaimin. 3 J 'O h S U V D h d Along the pathways of our free life here in America sev­ eral unavoidable adjustments come into being as years flit by. We of the forestry school,—noteworthy of all the blessings cast upon us, must in the meander also struggle through embryonic difficulties in carrying on the traditions that are so essential. This year we were compelled to reduce our book propor­ tionally to fit the size of the enrollment—brought about by the changing fortunes of peace and war. However, this small, but courageous bunch of fellows have put "their all" into this copy in order that this school will remain known far and wide—come Peace and Victory. Jiaimin THE ROOT SUCKERS Editor-in-Chief Elmer R. Umland Associate Editors Paul Holmes, Jim Sykes Business Manager.............................................Bill Beaman Assistant Business Managers Rollin Baggenstoss, Warren Bradeen. Photographer ................. Frank Bailey Artists............................W. R. Campbell, Bill Mackenzie Literary Staff............................Bob Meigs, John Venrick, Ronald Schulz, Art Zimmerman, Glen LaPine, Wells Cahoon, Burt Edwards, Paul Rieger, Jack Schaeffer, Ken Boe. Seated—Frank Bailey, Warren Bradeen, Bill Beaman, Elmer R. Umland, Typists Bernie Glaus, Dick Smith, Milton Millard Jim Sykes, Rollin Baggenstoss. Standing- -Milton Millard, Bob Meigs, John Venrick, Ronald Schulz, Art Zimmerman, Glen LaPine, Wells Cahoon, Reese Campbell, Burt Ed­ wards, Paul Rieger, Jack Schaeffer, Bill Mackenzie. 4 J 'o x j j d h f . o/ ’T V <c\ w r w a n d ya/ Atf/V Ol/V fXPfcr /I Q(//^ T orto M o w - cA ss r « « W WHAT DO I OO WITH THIS ? S ^ n i o A A 5 Charles W. Bloom Assistant Professor of Forest En­ gineering; B.S., Montana State U niversity, 1927; M.F., S y racu se U niversity, 1934. Edna Helding Campbell (Mrs.) Secretary and Librarian, School of Forestry; B.A., Business Ad­ m inistration, 1939. s H E L T E R W 0 0 D Fay G. Clark Melvin S. Morris Clarence V. Muhlick Professor of Forest Management; B.A., Associate Professor of Forestry; B.S., Nurseryman; Instructor in Forestry; U niversity of M ichigan, 1912; M.S.F., C olorado State C ollege, 1930; M.S., B.A., M ontana State U niversity, 1933. 1914. 1932. J. H. Ramskill Thomas C. Spaulding Charles W. Waters Professor of Forest Products; B.A., Mon­ Professor of Forestry; Dean of the Professor of Forestry and Botany; B.S., ta n a State U niversity, 1927; M.F., Yale School of Forestry; Director of Forest B.L., B erea C ollege (K entucky), 1919; U niversity, 1928. and Conservation Experiment Station. M.A., Ohio S tate U niversity, 1921; B.S., M ontana State U niversity, 1906; Ph.D., U niversity of M ichigan, 1927. M.S.F., U niversity of M ichigan, 1909. 6 Fred A. Barkley Instructor in Botany; B.A., Uni­ versity of Oklahoma, 1930; M.S., 1932; Ph.D., Washington Univer­ sity, 1937. Ludvig G. Browman Assistant Professor of Zoology and Physiology; B.S., University of C hicago, 1928; Ph.D., 1935. Gordon B. Castle Reuben A. Diettert Joseph Kramer Professor Zoology; Director, Biological Assistant Professor of Botany; B.A., De- Instructor in Botany; B.S., University Station; B.A., W ab ash C ollege, 1928; Pauw University, 1925; M.S., Michigan of N ebraska, 1921; M.A., 1923; Ph.D., M.A., U niversity of C alifornia, 1930; State C ollege, 1927; Ph.D., S tate Uni­ 1936. Ph.D., 1934. versity of Iow a, 1937. J. W. Severy Philip L. Wright Professor of Botany; Chairman of the Instructor in Zoology; B.S., University Division of Biological Sciences; B.A., of New H am pshire, 1935; M.S., 1937; Oberlin College, 1915; M.S., Washing­ Ph.D., U niversity of W isconsin, 1940. ton U niversity, 1926; Ph.D., U niversity of W isconsin, 1931. 7 s E L E C T I V L E 0 G G 1 N G Biehl. Clarence Cahoon, Wells L. Campbell, William Reese Lewistown, Montana Greenough, Montana Cutbank, Montana Forest Management Forest Management Forest Management Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; D ruids, 3, 4, 5; Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Druids, 3, 4, 5; Football, 1; Boxing, M iddlew eight title, 1936, President, 4; Bear Paws, 2; Football, 1; Uni­ Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4; Forest Club artist, 1940; Forester's Ball, Assistant push, 3, Walk­ versity Rifle Team, 1; Forestry Rifle team, 2, 4; Sign committee, Senior advisor, 4; Ticket ing boss, 3, 4; Student assistant instrument 3, 4, 5; P resident, 3; Chief Push F o rester's committee, Senior advisor, 4; Forester's Ball. room, 3, 4. Ball, 5. Softball, 3, 4; Forestry Kaimin Staff, 4. Summer work: Lookout, Lolo National For­ Summer work: Lookout-fireman, Lolo Na­ Sum m er W ork: B. R. C., St. Joe N ational est, 1937, 1938; Fire g u ard , Lewis a n d C lark tional Forest, 1938; Station Fireman Lolo Na­ Forest, 1940; Fire g u ard , St. Joe N ational For­ N ational Forest, 1939 an d 1940; A ssistant tional Forest, 1939; Dispatcher, Lolo National est, 1940, 1941. R anger, Lew is a n d C lark, 1941. Forest, 1940, 1941. Crouch, Clemence H. Cusker, Orian J. Edwards, Burton E. Los Angeles, California Circle, Montana Glacier Park, Montana Forest Management Range Management Range Management Pasadena Junior College, Pasadena, Calif., Forestry Club, 2, 3, 4; D ruids, 3, 4; For­ Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4; D ruids, 3, 4; Rifle 1937-1939. Forestry Club, 3, 4, 5; F o rester's ester's Ball; Assistatn Chief Push, 4; Forestry Club, President, 3; Forester's Ball, Assistant Ball, Special Features, Senior Advisor, 5; Phi Club Spring Dance Chairman, 3; Druid News Chief Push, 3; Walking Boss, 4; Forest Club Sigm a, 4, 5. Letter, 4. President, 4; Forestry Kaimin Staff, 3, 4. Sum m er W ork: B. R. C., Lookout Firem an, Summer work: Trail Location, Custer Na­ Summer Work: District Alternate Ranger, Clearwater National Forest, 1941; Timber Sur­ tional Forest, 1936; Range Surveyor, Baca 1, 2, 3, 4, G lacier N ational Park. vey, U. S. F. S., Clearwater National Forest, County, Colorado, 1937; Range Examiner, AAA, C ab in et N atio n al Forest, 1942. 1938, 1939, 1940; Packer, Bitterroot N ational Forest, 1941. Glaus, Bernie H. Orofino, Idaho Forest Management D akota W esley an U niversity 1928, 1929, 1930. For­ estry Club, 2, 3, 4; Druids, 4; S ecretary, 4; Executive Board, 4; Spring Hike Chairman, 3; Forest Rifle Club, 3. Summer Work: Assistant Road locator, Clearwater National Forest, 1934-1940; Dispatcher, Clearwater N ational Forest, 1941. Holmes, Paul N. Missoula, Montana Forest Management Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4; Forestry Ski C lub, 1, 2, 3, 4; Forestry Kaimin, 3; A ssociate Editor, 4. Summer Work: Lookout Fireman, Lolo National Forest, 1939; Blister Rust Control, Clearwater Nation­ al Forest, 1940; Lookout Fireman, Colville National Forest, 1941. Lewis, Bill H. Alhambra, California Forest Management Pasadena Junior College, Pasadena, California, 1937-1939. Phi Sigm a, 4, 5; V arsity Tennis, 2, 3; Boxing, 3; Student Assistant, Mapping, 3; Dendrol­ ogy, 3. Summer Work: Scaling, Libby, Montana, 1940; Scaling and Forest Dispatcher, Kootenai National For­ est, 1941. ft s E L E C T J V L E 0 G G I N G Moxness, Gayne R. Tacoma, Washington Wild Life M anagement Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Bear Paws, 2; Druids, 5; Phi Sigma Kappa; Student-Facuity Council, 1; Student Union Executive Commit­ Parker. Robert F. Peters, Joe D. tee, 4; Chairman, Forest Ball Music Commit­ Butte, Montana tee, 4, 5; University Band, 1; University Rifle Missoula, Montana Range Management Forest Management Team , 1. Phi Sigma; Newman Club; Forestry Club. Summer Work: Lookout Fireman, Lolo Na­ Forestry Ball com m ittee, 1, 2, 3, 4. Summer Work: Dispatcher, Beaverhead Na­ Summer Work: Blackfoot Logging Camp, tional Forest, 1939. Veneer Plant, Tacoma, W oodw orth, M ontana, 1939, 1940, 1941. Washington, 1940. Seasonal Park Ranger, tional Forest, 1941. Y ellow stone Park, 1941. Rochon. Stanley Schaeffer. Jack L. Powers, Gordon Irl Marshfield, Wisconsin Hilger, Montana Sheridan, Wyoming Forest Management Range Management Range Management University of Wisconsin, 1936-1938. Forestry Forestry Club, 1, 2, 3, 4; S ecretary, 4; University of Wyoming, 1935-1938. Forestry Club. 1, 2, 3, 4. D ruids, 3, 4; T reasu rer, 4; C h airm an of For­ C lub, 4, 5, 6; Phi Sigm a, 5, 6; Sigm a Chi; Summer Work: Fire Guard, Kootenai Na­ est Club Smoker, 3; Spring Hike committee, Vice-President Wyoming Forestry Club, 3. tional Forest, 1940; Headquarters Guard, Deer- 2; Forester's Ball committee, Ranger's Dream, Blister Rust, W ashakie National Forest, Wyo­ lodge N ational Forest, 1941.
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