Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data As of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data As of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands

Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future 01 SDN6678 Region 1 Rockfall Mitigation Pool SDN6678.002 US 6: Clear Creek Canyon Rockfall Project RFM S SHF C 547 SDN6678.007 SH74: Morrison to Evergreen RFM S SHF D 60 SDR5055 US 85: C-470 to Castle Rock SDR5055.999 US 85: C-470 to Castle Rock FR8 F NHFP C 5,050 S SHF C 1,049 FSA S FAS C 4,281 LOM L L C 2,500 RPP F NHPP C 14,488 F NHPP R 35 227 S SHF C 47 3,211 657 S SHF M 226 17 S SHF R 7 47 S SHF U 850 192 SUR F NHPP C 5,000 Aurora Toll Gate Creek Trail: Chambers Rd SDR6744 Region 1 CMAQ Pool SDR6744.023 to Montview Blvd CDR F AQC C 1,793 L L C 372 Aurora Westerly Creek Trail to Toll Gate SDR6744.024 Creek Trail Connect CDR F AQC C 6,858 L LO C 1,169 Arapahoe County y Iliff Ave Operational SDR6744.025 Improvements: Parker CDR L L C 5,688 L LO C 1,657 Arapahoe County Gun Club Rd and Quincy SDR6744.029 Ave Operational Impro CDR F AQC C 4,828 L L C 184 Denver - S. Platte Greenway Access SDR6744.034 Sidewalk Imp. Iowa Ave RR CDR L L C 486 L LO C 2,104 SDR6744.036 Thornton Traffic Signal Uprgade PH 5 CDR F AQC C 544 FY18 AURORA TRAVEL TIME SDR6744.037 MONITORING CDR F AQC C 118 L L C 28 Report ID: STIP02 1 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future SDR6744.038 FY18 Superior Mcasalin Monitoring System CDR L L C 183 L LO C 380 SDR6744.039 Broomfield Call-n-ride CDR L L C 69 L LO C 52 SDR6744.040 US85: Highlands Ranch Pkwy to Cty Line CDR L L C 617 SDR6744.043 19th St Bridge and Trail CDR L L C 694 SDR6744.044 Second FasTracks Commitment CDR L L C 369 SDR6744.045 30th St/ Colorado Ave Bike/Ped Underpass CDR L L C 679 SDR6744.047 Centennial MEPP CDR L L C 60 SH-157/ Foothills Pkwy Bike/Ped SDR6744.048 underpass at Colorado Ave CDR L L C 413 SDR6744.049 Adams County Signal System CDR L L C 245 Littleton Dynamic Lane Assignment SDR6744.050 System CDR L L C 6 L LO C 1 SDR6744.051 Denver Bicycle Detection CDR F AQC C 346 L L C 10 86 L LO C 276 SDR6744.052 Denver CCTV Netowrk Upgrade CDR F AQC C 634 F AQC M 184 L L C 150 131 L L D 3 S SHF M 46 SDR6744.053 Denver Multijurisdictional Monitor CDR L L C 25 SDR6744.054 Denver Signal Performance Measures CDR F AQC C 434 L L C 53 108 Denver ITS Device Performance, SDR6744.055 Measurement CDR L L C 171 SDR6744.056 Aurora Traffic Signal System Equip Upgra CDR F AQC C 1,077 L L C 123 Report ID: STIP02 2 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future CDOT R1 Traffic Addaptive Feasibility SDR6744.057 Study CDR F AQC C 146 L L C 168 Arvada Traffic Signal Interconnect SDR6744.058 upgrade/ Expansion CDR F AQC C 619 L L C 213 SDR6744.059 Aurora Bicycle Detection CDR F AQC C 597 L L C 102 149 SDR6744.060 Aurora CCTV Network Upgrade CDR F AQC C 254 L L C 43 63 Broomfield Sheridan Blvd Traffic Signal SDR6744.061 Interconnect Upgrade CDR F AQC C 362 L L C 62 SDR6744.062 N. Metro Rail Stock Show Station Bike/Pe CDR L L C 410 Parker / Quincy Smoky Hill Intersection SDR6744.063 Improvements CDR F AQC C 3,044 L L C 860 640 1,627 SDR6744.064 Inverness Dr West Separated Bikeway CDR F AQC C 191 2,191 1,111 L L C 809 809 809 Dry Creek Rd Oper Imp: EB Lane (I-25 to SDR6744.065 Inverness Dr East) CDR F AQC C 1,000 1,665 L L C 719 720 416 SH-79 and I-70 Interchange Eastbound SDR6744.066 Ramp Improvements CDR F AQC C 400 400 L L C 450 450 RPP S SHF C 250 250 SDR6744.067 I-76/Baseline Rd. Interchange Signalization CDR F AQC C 200 1,200 L L C 50 150 RPP S SHF C 150 Havana St. Transit Improvements: SDR6744.068 Montview Blvd. to Dartmouth CDR F AQC C 100 440 L L C 25 92 I-25 and Dry Creek Rd. SB On-Ramp SDR6744.069 Operational Improvements CDR F AQC C 380 1,000 L L C 320 Report ID: STIP02 3 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future Santa Fe Dr. and Mineral Ave. Operational SDR6744.070 Improvements CDR F AQC C 1,000 500 1,286 L L C 250 125 322 SH-86/5th St. and Founders Pkwy./Ridge SDR6744.071 Rd. Intersection Oper CDR F AQC C 300 3,925 L L C 900 1,375 Parker Rd. Operational Improvements: SDR6744.072 Lincoln Ave. to Pine Ln CDR F AQC C 1,750 L L C 1,750 SDR6744.073 Sheridan Blvd. Multimodal Improvements CDR F AQC C 1,500 2,000 2,000 L L C 500 1,000 500 RPP S SHF C 500 500 SDR6744.074 US-40 Complete Streets: Violet St. to I-70 MDR F STBG C 600 2,500 2,500 L L C 150 625 625 120th Ave. Op. Imp: Washington St. to SDR6744.075 York St. CDR F AQC C 400 500 1,000 L L C 228 285 568 SH-83 Safety Improvements: Bayou Gulch SDR6744.076 Rd. to El Paso County CDR F AQC C 1,500 L L C 3,500 RPP S SHF C 2,000 SDR6744.077 City of Denver Bluetooth Expansion CDR F AQC C 635 L L C 158 DRCOG RTO Program (Regional SDR6744.078 Transportation Operations) CDR F AQC D 1,500 SDR6744.079 FY 20 City of Denver VMS Installation CDR F AQC D 80 L L D 20 US6 and Wadsworth Interchange US6 and Wadsworth Interchange SDR7066 Reconstruction SDR7066.999 Reconstruction RPP S SHF E 40 SDR7091 Region 1 Local FASTER Transit Pool SDR7091.016 MINERAL PNR BRIDGE REHAB LOM L L C 564 TRG L LO C 14 S SHF C 56 SDR7091.017 Downtown Track and Switches STL L L M 287 S FAS M 1,150 Report ID: STIP02 4 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future SDR7091.019 Colfax 15L Transit Imp: I-225 to I-25 TRG L L C 192 S FAS C 770 SDR7112 C-470: I25 TO WADSWORTH SDR7112.999 C-470: I25 TO WADSWORTH RMP S SHF C 14,000 TCI S SHF C 11,000 SDR7116 C-470: (Seg 2) Wadsworth to I-70 SDR7116.999 C-470: (Seg 2) Wadsworth to I-70 RMP F NHPP D 2 F NHPP E 1,005 S SHF E 209 SDR7117 Emergency Repairs on US-36 July 2019 SDR7117.999 Emergency Repairs on US-36 July 2019 TCC S SHF C 20,029 S SHF D 300 S SHF M 100 I-70: Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnels I-70: Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial SIN6312 Repairs & Upgrades SIN6312.999 Tunnels Repairs & Upgrades CTP F NHPP C 82 S SHF C 4,427 4,877 S SHF D 234 S SHF M 25 RPP S SHF C 1,116 SIN6313 R1 CTP Pool SIN6313.002 US 6 Tunnels Lighting and Liner CTP F NHPP D 50 S SHF D 639 4,618 2,681 I-25 Capacity Improvements: Castle Rock to I-25 Capacity Improvements: Castle Rock SR11987 El Paso Cnty Line SR11987.999 to El Paso Cnty Line 7PX L L C 10,000 S 267 C 133,000 FSA S FAS C 7,244 3,909 LOM L L C 10,050 50 SUR F NHPP C 2,582 S SHF C 248 SR12221 Denver Smart City Program SR12221.001 Denver Smart City Program ATC F MISC C 6,000 SR12244 SR12244 SR12244.001 I-70 Picadilly Interchange LOM L L D 50 PR SH72 Flood Repair- FRO Approved SR12266 EMR- Emergency Relief Pool SR12266.001 Imp EMR F ER C 7,245 S SHF C 1,506 Report ID: STIP02 5 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future TCC S SHF C 2,064 SR13322 R1 SB-1 Pool and Gap INFRA SR13322.001 I-25 Gap 7PX S 267 C 54,400 FR8 F NHFP C 2,500 7,296 S SHF C 253 S SHF D 450 SB1 S SB1 C 92,000 S SB1 D 2,000 SR13322.002 I-25: Speer and 23rd Bridges SB1 S SB1 D 1,695 SR13322.005 I-25 North: 84th Ave to Thornton Pkwy Wi SB1 S SB1 D 600 SR13322.006 I-25 North: TEL Expansion/ 3A Re-PKG CBP F NHPP C 235 FSA S FAS C 1,800 HAZ F HSIP C 5,180 ITI S SHF C 500 LOM L L C 2,909 RMP F NHPP C 1,019 RPP F NHPP C 8,299 1,166 SAE F HSIP C 85 S HSIP C 8 SB1 S SB1 D 760 SGN S SHF C 30 SUR F NHPP C 7,423 SR13322.007 I-70 West: Floyd Hill SB1 S SB1 D 3,800 I-70 WB PPSL- CR314 Roadway SR13322.008 Reconstruction RPP S SHF R 175 I-270: Widening from I-76 to I-70 (Traffic SR13322.009 Study) SB1 S SB1 D 300 SR13322.010 I-25 South Gap INFRA DIS F GRNT C 65,000 SR13322.013 North Program Design and PM Support FR8 S SHF D 120 SB1 S SB1 D 340 Report ID: STIP02 6 of 106 Last Refresh: 09/24/2020 11:57 AM Statewide Transportation Improvement Program Summary Data as of September 24, 2020 Dollars in Thousands CDOT Funding Fund Fund STIP Region STIP ID STIP ID Description STIP WBS ID STIP WBS Description Program Source Type Phase 2019 Rolled 2020 Rolled 2021 2022 Future SR14412 R1 TDM Pool SR14412.001 Oxford Ave First and Last Mile Connect CDR L L C 14 SR14412.002 Bicycle Colorado: It's As Easy as ABC CDR L L C 14 SR14412.003 Bike Denver: Neighborhood Navigator Prog CDR L L C 14 SR14412.004 Lakewood West Cooridor TMA Start Up CDR L L C 43 Smart Commute Metro North: AdCo Bike SR14412.005 Sha CDR L L C 40 SR14412.006 Transportation Solutions: Networked Mobi CDR L L C 42 I-70 EB: Silver Plume to Georgetown SR15098 R1 Transportation Alternatives Program Pool SR15098.031 Express RR Rec.

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