STATE OF THE NATION’S HEALTH REPORT December 2018 University of Ghana, School of Public Health sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 1 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 Contributors to the Report This report was authored by the following persons: Chapter 1: Overview Dr. Justice Nonvignon, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Richmond Aryeetey, University of Ghana School of Public Health Chapter 2: Health Service Delivery and Outcome Dr. George Amofah, Ghana Health Service Dr. Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Reginald Quansah, University of Ghana School of Public Health Professor Augustine Ankomah, University of Ghana School of Public Health Chapter 3: Financing the Health Sector Dr. Genevieve C. Aryeetey, University of Ghana School of Public Health Professor Moses Aikins, University of Ghana School of Public Health Chapter 4: Human Resources for Health Dr. Abu Manu, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Ernest Tei Maya, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Adolphina Addo-Lartey, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Aaron Abuosi, University of Ghana Business School Chapter 5: Health Commodities and Technology Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Manso Opuni, University of Ghana School of Pharmacy Dr. Amos Laar, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Kojo Arhinful, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research Chapter 6: Health Management Information System Dr. Patricia Akweongo, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Bismark Sarfo, University of Ghana School of Public Health Chapter 7: Leadership and Governance Dr. Abdallah Ibrahim, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Emmanuel Asampong, University of Ghana School of Public Health Dr. Samuel Sackey, University of Ghana School of Public Health Chapter 8: Cross-cutting Issues (Health and Development) Dr. Phyllis Dako-Gyeke, University of Ghana School of Public Health Professor Philip Adongo, University of Ghana School of Public Health 2 University of Ghana School of Public Health State of the Nation’s Health Report 2018 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 2 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 Foreword This report serves as a physical representation of the long-standing collaboration between University of Ghana School of Public Health and the state agencies responsible for health delivery – Ministry of Health and Ghana Health Services. Staff from these three institutions have worked together to review varied publications and datasets related to the health of Ghanaians and have produced this comprehensive review on health in Ghana. The state of health in Ghana is covered by many diff erent sources, including service reports from the Ghana Health Service, policy documents from the Ministry of Health, academic publications in peer-reviewed journals and reports from donor agencies. Even for experienced and established researchers, going through all this primary material in order to answer a question can be a daunting task. It is however important that all these sources be consulted and evaluated in order to have a clear picture of the current situation, The State of the Nations Health Report will serve as a one stop destination for students, researchers, teachers and policy makers who want to obtain information about health service delivery and outputs without having to perform a review of all primary documents. The report also highlights the important issues and challenges related to diff erent aspects of the Ghanaian health system. In addition to this the report also provides historical information on the evolution of health service delivery in Ghana which is invaluable information for people involved in designing interventions to improve health in the country. The incubation period between the idea to have such a report and the delivery of the report has been long and we are happy that the fi nal report is now out. The challenge that this publication now poses to the University of Ghana School of Public Health is to now ensure that there is regular and timely updating for the benefi t of all the diff erent groups who will make use of this fi rst edition. Richard M.K. Adanu Foreword 3 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 3 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 List of Acronyms Acronym Meaning ACT Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy ADR Adverse Drug Reaction AEFI Adverse Event Following Immunization AIDS Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndrome ANC Antenatal Care ART Anti-retroviral Therapy ARV Antiretroviral ASR Ashanti Region BAR Brong Ahafo Region BCG Bacille Calmette Guerin BOD Burden of Disease C and S Consultants and Specialists CBR Crude Birth Rate CBD Community Based Distribution CFR Case Fatality Rate CHAG Christian Health Association of Ghana CHN Community Health Nurse CHOs Community Health Offi cers CHPS Community-based Health Planning and Services CHIM Centre for Health Information Management CR Central Region CSM Cerebrospinal Meningitis CVDs Cardiovascular Diseases DALYs Disability-adjusted Life Years 4 University of Ghana School of Public Health State of the Nation’s Health Report 2018 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 4 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 DHMT District Health Management Team DHIMS District Health Information Management System DHS Demographic and Health Survey DOCFR Direct Obstetric Case Fatality Rate DPs Development Partners DRGs Diagnostic Related Groups DPT Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus EIB Early Infant Diagnosis EMONC Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care EN Enrolled Nurse ENT Ear Nose and Throat EPI Expanded Programme on Immunization ER Eastern Region ERH External Resources for Health ERP Economic Recovery Program EVM Eff ective Vaccine Management FDA Food and Drug Authority FFS Fee for- service FHD Family Health Division GAR Greater Accra Region GDHS Ghana Demographic and Health Survey GDP Gross Domestic Product GFR General Fertility Rate GHC Ghana Cedis GHS Ghana Health Service GHSA Global Health Security Agenda GGHE General Government Health Expenditure GNI Gross National Income GoG Government of Ghana GSGDA Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda HDI Human Development Index HIB Haemophilus Infl uenza Type B HIMS Health Information Management System HIV Human Immuno-defi ciency Virus List of Acronyms 5 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 5 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 HO Medical House Offi cer HRH Human Resources for Health HSMTDP Health Sector Medium Term Development Plan HTC HIV Testing and Counselling HW Health Worker IALC Inter-Agency Leadership Committee IGF Internally Generated Fund IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness IMF International Monetary Fund IMNCI Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness IMR Infant Mortality Rate IMMR Institutional Maternal Mortality Rate IPPD Integrated Personnel Payroll Data ITNs Insecticide Treated Nets LF Lymphatic Filariasis LLINs Long Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets LMIC Low Middle Income Countries LSD Laboratory Services Department MAF Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Acceleration Framework MCV Measles Containing Vaccine MDA Mass Drug Administration MDAs Ministries, Department and Agencies MDBs Multilateral Development Banks MDC Medical and Dental Council MDGs Millennium Development Goals MHA Mental Health Act MHO Mutual Health Organizations MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MMDAs Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies MMR Maternal Mortality Rate MO Medical Offi cer MoH Ministry of Health MTEF Medium-Term Expenditure Framework MW Midwife 6 University of Ghana School of Public Health State of the Nation’s Health Report 2018 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 6 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 NACP National AIDS/STIs Control Programme NCDs Neglected Tropical Diseases NDPC National Development Planning Commission NGO Non-governmental Organisation NHIA National Health Insurance Authority NHIF National Health Insurance Fund NHIL National Health Insurance Levy NHIML National Health Insurance Medicine List NHIS National Health Insurance Scheme NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council NMCP National Malaria Control Program NMR Neonatal Mortality Rate NR Northern Region NRCD National Redemption Council Decree ODA Offi cial Development Assistance OOP Out-of Pocket Expenditure OPD Outpatients Department OPG Operational Policy Guidelines PAB Protected At Birth PC Pharmacy Council PHEIC Public Health Events of International Concern PIN Professional Identifi cation Number PMI Presidents Malaria Initiative PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission PN Professional Nurse POW Programme of Work PPP Public-private-partnership PPME Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation PrivHE Private Health Expenditure PU Procurement Unit PubHE Public Health Expenditure QAMSA Quality of Antimalarial Medicines in Sub-Saharan Africa List of Acronyms 7 sstate_of_the_nations_interior_new.inddtate_of_the_nations_interior_new.indd 7 005/02/195/02/19 111.061.06 RDT Rapid Diagnostic Test RHA Regional Health Administration SAFE Surgery Antibiotics Facial washing and Environment SAP Structural Adjustment Program SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SP Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine SPP Sulfamethoxypyrazine/pyrimethamine SSA Sub-Saharan Africa SSDM Stores Supplies and Drug Management SSNIT Social Security and National Insurance Trust STH Soil-transmitted Helminths TAS Transmission Assessment Survey TFR Total Fertility Rate THE Total
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