THE REXBURG STANDARD. REXBURG. IDAHO _ Daddy's pftvei\ii\$ Fairy Tale OUR COMIC SECTION COOLER Harry had been playing so hard all day that he wns actually nnd really ready for bedtime to coma. Kveryone that day bad felt the heat snd probahly all tbe other little boys had felt just as Hurry had. Cut not until the time to leave Ut* playground did the enow end. So, In the smallest llltle minute you ever knew, he went sound, sound - Bnt In his sleep be was Just as hot as ever, and he ruutd still not stop playing from pride. • The game eras never-ending. It ml to bolt, nntll suddenly.one of his playmates saw a beau'lfni fairy, dressed In cool sttver urn irwurntf- rying a wand of .trcen kttb stiver •tars, nnd on her head was a crowp made of green with silver stare, too. "Utile hoys." said tlie Mrf "yon r ore alt so hot and so tired. • 1 not ooe or you will dare admit II. "But 1 will see that you all get fine and conl. Wp are planning to take n trip today, and we wont all you lit- Mode. In FiOver.Prlnted Chilton Mad* With Voluminous Skirt snd the Now Thcy all Just scampered along after Low Dipping Lino at th* Back. An b!<ctreme Design In the Slim Sllhou- thn beautiful fairy, ant) she led them ette ef Belaa.Cccoe Roma.Wiltl_C aat. aad Searf_Draaarw et Solo* end down to the UtUe creek' behind the SliW Lace. playgrobud, There they found lots and lots of other beautiful fairies, all wearing spring seofoo opened, hss passed, Daintiest Silks lesvlnj a few shades conspicuous In ihelr coolest gowns of greeo and all- their popularity. Green, wlih several All Uie little fotrles cried o for Formal Wear tunc-, blending In one gown; yellow, small boys nnd said: and all of the luscious fruit nod fewer "Weienme," In chorus. shades are still fashionable, but two— Details of Treatment Are liebje snd bine—are outstanding. These,-to-many tones and blending*, "Welcome, many times, lovely f.-.ir- Varied: Chiffons., Crepes- ofe most Important les. we nre beginning to get coo! snd we were so hot." Are Much in Vogue. Yellow is used in all shades, aad Is *Uur trip must start." said the lit- parilrulorly lovely In thin crepe or Ue'fsiry who had cone for tbe small Everyone who-saw the early spring chltToii with touches of silver In tbe collections, says a fashion writer In trimming. .The grades of yellow are boys In the llrst pluee, and at once tiie Now York. Times, observed that known as muls, champagne, ninstlo. Ihey all saw lovely sall-boats appear­ there was llltle startllngly different natural, cream, blond, pallte, ecolltc. ing. from tlie fashkms presented ln the chamois and knsliou, which Is a deep, They were quite different, though,, ln« three year* There wns no splash rich shade. Many of the new nciH and fton; any other sall-boats sny of the of color, no extreme In design of tinted luces which are being used luv^ boys had ever seen. (Awns, but that there was no mere Ishty by solas of the best modistes 'Ihe; nil climbed in the boats, end rciiotillon wna also very pluln. It sre dyed In these tones of yellow and suddenly tliey went down under the wna as If In the styles shown, no great beige, making softly fluttering and stride In uny direction had been taken most charming frocks for dinner and for this year, but Quit a closer atten­ dandng. Silver Is Introduced with tion wna being given tn detail and fantastic effect, In ribbon, hruld, the sketches were being filled In. In pretty crinkle motifs and bows, flow­ doing both of these things tho' de­ ers ore seen less than formerly for signers who offered courageous things evening dress, contrasting with their lust yenr have given greater Impor­ enduring vogue for daytime deeorn- tance nnd distinction to the variants •tlon, Nexl to yellow, beige anil blue, thut are now tending In the mode of gteen Is considered futfiloniible, In the hour. In those Is a Oner quality some lovely delicate shades for eve­ end more artistic vnlue. The vital ning, ono exceptionally beautiful be­ point In the latest eoneontlon nnd the ing named nlleen. aim of every styles creator of author- Ir?' seeiusVio be to give tbe long, slim Black, black und white, black nnd effect Ui all of Ihls season's models. pink nud the. pastel pinks are-shown In some of the lato Paris models, nnd This luring u silk season, tho latest the ll^lit grays are growing steadily styles nro Itlusflruted in every phnse Went Down Under the Water. of silk fabric for'every sort of gown, Some Use Taffeta and Pallia. livening dress for Uie summer Is of Not ntl of the evening gowns will be cut: ln the most delicate weaves, made of sheer material this summer, - known by up-to-date names, and the for some creations of style and dis­ di«t In subbing font ure Is one of grace. tinction have been received from Im­ [ They went In these Ball-boats way Jiornuse of tho type of material, eve- portant Purls houses emphasising taf­ under the wuter until tbey reached ning gowns are most lovely In tho feta, and faille of beautiful quality. Uie bottom of the sea. lines of ihelr drapery, Illustrating the Jeanne Lcnvln has Just brought oul The strange thing about tt waa that success with which Uio styles creators a new variant of her period gown In- have won out for. the more feminine It seemed-so natural to be under Ihe htark taffeta. Instead o{ tbe straight sea, and It was Just aa easy to breathe rypc. To quote one of Hie leading full iklrt.she has arranged largo pan­ uicuufuctnrers of fine dress silks, the as Op on land. niers and has made a bodice of the Finally, after thoy hod been going sheer staffs of which evening gowns --tli.- with wide shoulders and a largo along for a very long way, the fairy are made are woven with more weight hatterily how ot the back caught at so thut linns nre no. longer Puttering, the waist with a handsome ornament who was leading tbe party said: but draped with n clinging 411111 tlx. uf brilliants. -In another model nlleen "Here we slop." The evening gown for.lhla senson and luffeta Is n«ed veiled with net of the The small boys saw spread before tb" next must'hang according to de- same shade flnely. tucked and caught them on the bottom of lha sea. tong slim of the artist, and to do this must up at' one side, '.. *• tables of soft green seaweed with de- hirve n certain texture tn give It body. llcigua and strange looking dishes of Fringed evening gowns" ere appar­ food. This docs not mean that tbe sheer ently well thought of by the Prench The dishes were very beautiful tuoterlali ore less gossamer-like, less couturiers, for almost every one shells of all sorts and Ihe food—well, luvirous iu appearance, but thot'thcy among jthose representative _ has tried it was the most marvelous any of Uie have a certain treatment which makes his hand, at Ihls type. In several boys had. ever hnd._ ' ihem more responsive to clever han­ haodsoiiie, evening gowns, the ding- dling and more subtle arrangement. onal lines are followed, dropping the The crabs and the turtles waited on New Weaves in Crepe. hem at one sldo or In (be middle. One the tuhle aud all tbe other llltle fishes Such requisites apply to all of the of the models seen Is likely to endnre who lived in that part ot the bottom sheer silk fabrics—the various crepes, nnd he many times copied because of tbe sea Joined In the merry-mak­ ehlffon, marrnrtsMtesy georgette. In grace. This Is made of Just ing-: crepe are showu several new weaves, three rows of deep blnck silk fringe Horry was Just about to getvip to some lighter and some heavier thaa sewn In slanting: lines on n foundation mnke s >pee."j af thanks, when at Uiose of last season, the most Impor­ of Mark crepe satin. The bodice It that moment his mother colled- htm, tant for tifu year's modes being the without sloe via. and oa Harry sleepily awoke lie knew crr-pe satin, a shimmering, supplo It wns all a dream—but for one tiring Sheer Undtithlnne. crepe tint Is almost serpentine In the —it was cooler, nud It must have been I'nderUilnp. bring displayed In the futility with Which It responds" to the fairies who had seen to thai. shops are so sheer that It fs dlflfcnlt draping. Some 111 Ing entirely new Is a ... believe thot they will hold- together. - rebwebhy silk gauge which has the ap- Nevertheless, this new mderweur fnhr^ PUZZLES l;';aru.ivo--oX -JbC grenadine and Is rte Is supposed to be stronger tlian Ttfured In metal. This t" being tnwrt ninny of iheTheavter woven silks and by a few of tho most exclusive cou- n withstand the "lost trying wear rirrler;, nml wlll'be the high llitht le nfl laundering. It is being br.wsht the fashion plctur™ for evening dre-siT ittrhr-one bouse h.-atl-aorU-of_gar-_ In the auturoh. Tills metal cloth Is nents, Including brassieres, bio-Haenir- nn. achievement' In tho art of deal gu laniiea, envelope chemise*, night­ and wearing Of which gowns, step-ins and vests.
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