DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 87 – year XXX – No. 1, 2015 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) Editor-in-Chief ARCHBISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI Executive Editor MONSIGNOR JEAN-MARIE MUPENDAWATU Editorial Board DR. ANTONINO BAGNATO DON MARCO BELLADELLI DR. DANIEL A. CABEZAS GÓMEZ SR. ANNA ANTIDA CASOLINO PROFESSOR MAURIZIO EVANGELISTA REV. BONIFACIO HONINGS DR. BEATRICE LUCCARDI DR. ROSA MEROLA MR. LUIGI NARDELLI MONSIGNOR JACQUES SUAUDEAU Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) 00120 VATICAN CITY; TEL. 06.698.83138, 06.698.84720, 06.698.84799 - FAX: 06.698.83139 e-mail: [email protected] www.holyseeforhealth.net Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In L. 27/02/2004 nº 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Roma DH87eng.indd 1 14/03/16 09:38 2 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 87-2015 Contents 3 STUDY DAY ON THE ENCYCLICAL 39 The Service to Life of Health-care Workers LETTER EVANGELIUM VITAE ON THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY 39 1. The Service of Health-care Workers OF ITS PUBBLICATION to Unborn Life. The Diagnosis 25 MARCH 2015 and Treatment of Sterility in Couples as a Service to Life 5 Message of H.E. Msgr. Zimowski Prof. Riccardo Marana H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski Dr. D. Milardi Dr. G. Grande 6 Paper of Msgr. Mupendawatu Dr. D. Ricciardi Msgr. Jean-Marie Mupendawatu Dr. A.L. Astorri Dr. E. Fruscella 7 The Challenge to Life Dr. G. Pompa and the Role of the Family Msgr. Carlos Simón Vázquez 43 2. The Service to Life of Health-care Workers: the End of Life 13 The Socio-cultural Context Dr. Giovanni Zaninetta of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae Msgr. Mauro Cozzoli 46 Conclusions and Recommendations Don Maurizio Funazzi 16 The Contemporary Relevance of Evangelium Vitae from a Bio-juridical Point of View TOPICS Prof. Jean-Marie Le Méné 52 Catholic Nurses and Midwives: 19 The Contribution of the Ministers of Life Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae Msgr. Jean-Marie Mupendawatu to the Theology of Pastoral Care in Health 59 Pope Francis’ Theology of Prof. Massimo Petrini Accompaniment H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski 25 The Reception of the Encyclical Letter ‘Evangelium Vitae’ in the Moral, Spiritual and Apostolic Formation of Health-care Workers 25 1. Nurses Don Francesco Coluccia 28 2. Medical Doctors Msgr. Jacques Suaudeau 35 3. Pharmacists Fr. Pierre Jean Welsch DH87eng.indd 2 14/03/16 09:38 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 87-2015 3 Study Day on the Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae on the Twentieth Anniversary of its Pubblication 25 March 2015 S. Pio X Hall Vatican City DH87eng.indd 3 14/03/16 09:38 4 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 87-2015 THE MOST REVEREND JEAN-MARIE MUPENDAWATU, SECRETARY OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS VIA DELLA CONCILIAZIONE, 3 ROME, 00193 ON THE OCCASION OF THE STUDY DAY ORGANISED BY THIS DICASTERY ON THE ENCYCLICAL EvaNGELIUM VITAE ON THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS PUBLICATION, THE HOLY FATHER SENDS HIS CORDIAL GREETINGS TO THOSE TAKING PArt AND HOPES THAT THIS INITIATIVE WILL FOSTER THE DEEPENING OF SCIENTIFIC, ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND BRING ABOUT A RENEWED AND GENEROUS COMMITMENT TO THE SPREAD OF THE CULTURE OF LIFE SO THAT THIS INCOMMENSURABLE GIFT WILL BE INCREASINGLY WELCOMED IN ALL ITS MYSTERIOUS AND FASCINATING RICHES. WITH THESE WISHES, HIS HOLINESS EXPRESSES HIS APPRECIATION OF ALL THOSE WHO EVERY DAY, ALBEIT AMIDST SO MANY DIFFICULTIES, BEAR WITNESS TO THEIR FAITHFULNESS TO THE GOSPEL OF LIFE, AND WILLINGLY SENDS TO ALL THOSE PRESENT HIS APOSTOLIC BLESSING, CARDINAL PIETRO PAROLIN, SECRETARY OF STATE OF HIS HOLINESS From the Vatican, 18 March 2015 ORIGINAL TEXT IN ITALIAN DH87eng.indd 4 14/03/16 09:38 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 87-2015 5 Message of H.E. Msgr. Zimowski H.E. MSGR. expectant mother. In opposite fash- Letter to the Elderly in which St. ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI ion, the ‘right to have a child’ is John Paul II expressed his love for the President of the invoked, with resort to techniques life as a gift of God and exhorted us Pontifical Council of assisted procreation, which, to appreciate it in every situation. for Health Care Workers, amongst other things, lead to the Despite the limitations that arrived the Holy See destruction of innumerable embry- with his advancing age, the Holy os. In addition, it is ever more the Father observed: ‘I continue to en- case that countries in the industrial- joy life. For this I thank the Lord. warmly greet all those taking part ised world have increasingly legal- It is wonderful to be able to give I in this Study Day. I am very sor- ised euthanasia, even for children. oneself to the very end for the sake ry that I am not present with you. I ‘The culture of death’ – this is the of the Kingdom of God’ (n. 17). would like to take this opportunity sad observation that must be made Grateful for this gift he ended with to thank you all for your nearness – has not surrendered and has not the prayer: ‘Grant, O Lord of life, and solidarity but above all else I laid down its lethal weapons! that we may be ever vividly aware would like to thank you for your Through this Study Day organ- of this and that we may savor every prayers. ised by the Pontifical Council for season of our lives as a gift filled Exactly twenty years ago, on Health Care Workers we wish to with promise for the future. Grant 25 March 1995, St. John Paul II stress the contemporary relevance that we may lovingly accept Your signed the much awaited encycli- of the teaching of St. John Paul II will and place ourselves each day cal Evangelium vitae, one of the as regards the dignity and the invi- in Your merciful hands’ (n. 18). most authoritative documents of olability of human life. This teach- his magisterium. In it he expressed ing was recently restated by Pope the truth of the value and invio- Francis in his address of 5 March Serve Life! lability of human life, especially 2015 to those taking part in the when it is weak, frail and defence- plenary assembly of the Pontifical With these words I address first less, in the face of the very many Academy for Life: ‘I repeat the ap- and foremost all health-care work- imminent threats to it: ‘In addition peal of St. John Paul II: ‘respect, ers who are, and always should be, to the ancient scourges of poverty, protect, love and serve life, every servants of life. The Charter for hunger, endemic diseases, violence human life! Only in this direction Health Care Workers, which was and war’, he wrote, ‘new threats will you find justice, development, published immediately after the en- are emerging on an alarmingly vast true freedom, peace and happi- cyclical Evangelium vitae, defines scale… any type of murder, geno- ness!’ (Evangelium vitae, n. 5)’. them as ‘servants of life’. In partic- cide, abortion, euthanasia, or wilful ular in n. 4, this Charter stated: ‘To self-destruction, whatever violates serve life is to serve God in the per- the integrity of the human person, Respect and Defend Life! son: it is to become “a collaborator such as mutilation, torments inflict- with God in restoring health to the ed on body or mind, attempts to co- In order to perform in a more ef- sick body” and to give praise and erce the will itself…all these things fective and incisive way the task of glory to God in the loving welcome and others like them’, emphasised respecting and defending life from to life, especially if it be weak and the Pope, ‘are infamies indeed… conception until natural death, on ill’. they are a supreme dishonour to the 11 February 1985 St. John Paul Following the example of St. Creator’ (EV, n. 3). II instituted the Pontifical Com- John Paul II, the founder of our Over the last twenty years since mission for Pastoral Assistance Pontifical Council, we as well, to- the publication of Evangelium vi- to Health Care Workers and three gether with all those who are in- tae we can see that these attacks years later he elevated it to the rank volved in the field of health and have not diminished but have, rath- of a Pontifical Council. Subse- health care, must be courageous er, increased, taking on increasing- quently, thinking of providing a sci- defenders of human life. Only in ly new and subtle forms. Today, in- entific support for this evangelising this way, uniting our forces, will deed, in the wake of scientific and mission, on 11 February 1994 the we be able to counter the advance technological progress, human life Pope instituted the PontificalA cad- of the ‘culture of death’. May the is manipulated in the name of pur- emy for Life which is organically Lord Jesus, who said in the Gospel ported ‘rights’. Reference is thus connected to the Pontifical Council according to St. John ‘I have come made to the ‘right to abortion’ and for Health Care Workers. in order that you might have life – women are pushed towards the use life in all its fullness’ (Jn 10:10), of the ‘morning after pill’, with- support us! out any concern about the damage Love Life! With all my heart I wish you a caused to unborn life and without most fruitful meeting! May God any concern about the health of the I would like to refer here to the bless you! DH87eng.indd 5 14/03/16 09:38 6 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N.
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