MAnCH 7,2001 • THE ORION C!& ((Well you're all a bunch o/posers because this is OU1'fitst time playing in Chico. JJ - FAT MIKE, NOFX ;., NOFX: Popular punks sellout sho ~The BrickWorks hosts hugely It was that kind of sarcasm that remained "Straight Edgc" and their reggac tunc "Eat the drummer Cecil Lossy. constant throughout the night us the band interacted Meek," He also blew his trumpet on a few songs. The band preceding NOFX showed that getting popular NOFX, which sold out with the crowd after each and every song. Guitarist Eric Melvin sported his usual nappy plastcred seemed to be the theme of the night. "I think I'm having a good ·time here in Chico," dreadlocks and cven traded his guitar for an ·~Hi. We're thc Mad Caddies, and we're drunk," the show a month in advance said Fat Mike. "I'm having a lot more fun tonight accordion on their closing song. Melvin continued s:tid singer Chuck (the b:tnd members don't go by because I'm drunk." to stand on the stngc and squeeze the accordion their last namcs). MATT BROWN NOFX's show had something to offer for all after thc rest of the band hnd exited. Thc Mad Caddies can be described as :tn S~',O'l' WI<ll'lll< typcs of fnns, as they plnyed songs Eric Ghent's galloping dnnnbeals bat­ insane circus gone punk. A seven-piece frolll th·at ranged from their oldest ulbum to tered The Brick Works' sOllnd system. Sanla Barbara, the ska band forccd The Briek . : As NOFX's tour bus hogged nearly thc all of the their newest orie . CONCERT NOFX pluycd a song in his dedication Works fans to get up and dance with Eddie on p~rking spaccs 011 Wall Street, it was clcar that They have been around since the !IUlI' whcn Fat Mike told the crowd he had trombone and Kcith on trumpct. Sasha and Carter Sl1turday night belonged to them. early '80s, and the last two decades becn sober lor the last 8 112 years. pumped out mcdium-fast guitar parts, while new Who YOIl missed: :: The hugely popular punk band from Los Angeles has seen them evolve from an angry NOFX, NOFX displayed thcir various mcmber Derek provided thc beats. Finally, Mark rocked The Brick Works with everything in their heavy metal band to a radio-friendly Mad Caddies nnd talents through n long set that kept the dealt the bass licks. music arscnal from light reggae to aggressive punk punk band. The Bar Feeders sold-out crowd moving frantically the The Mad Caddies put on a good show, and it was rock. The show was opened by the Bar Feeders and They proved why they h[IVC When YOLlllIisscd it: entire lime. Saturday obvious they wcre well prepured to handle the task . tlie Mad Caddies. become so popular over the years by Opening the show at around 8 p.m. Rating (alii 01 4 sims): of selling the Wble for NOFX. : ~ Thosc who got to witnes~ the show can consider plnying a nearly flawless set, which was a San Francisco three-piece called All in all, Saturday night was a good night to themselves lucky, because this onc was sold out featured various effects from the the Bar Feeders. They blended an obtain an honorable entry into The' Brick Works .. before a single flier was put on any Chico bulletin. sound engincer. ***• unusual mixture of funky bass-led For NOFX fans looking for a new :libum, the :: "How many of you saw us last time we played in EI Hefe's piercing, smooth guitnr verses with fast, aggressive, scre:II11- band is supposed to put out a seven-inch rccord dhico?" ,asked singer and bassist Fat Mikc to thc solos coming from his traditionnl at-the-world choruscs. Although called "Surfer" 011 Fat \Vreck Chords in ApriL e~wectant, buzzing crowd. Tclccaster madc any guitarist envious of his sOlllewhat unusual, their sound worked imd Only members of the "Fat Club" can gl!t theil' : = About 20 members of the crowd Ict alit a roar. plnying ability. provided an appropriate initial vibe. hands on the aibulll. For more information, go to : ~ "Well, you're all a bunch of posers," Fut Mikc He displaycd his vocal talcnt by singing lead The Bar feeder's mcmbers include guitarist ,md the Fat Wreck Chords Web site at said, "because this is our first time playing in Chic?" on NOFX's bluesy cover of Minor Threat's lead singer Jimmy Duhig, bassist Trey Bundy and www.fatwreck.colll. SPEAR: Franti returns to Chico to drop his socially aware beats Co.ntinitedJro1ll <4 C1 confronts the death pcnalty. "I am a fathcr of two kids," Franti said. in the world," Franti said. "You havc to look "Too much money are being spent on prisons U Too much nzoney is at the higher authorities and. the government ancl not in education. Kids are in prison for who are taking this world down." spray painting or selling pot. .I think it's time being spent on priso'lls , :: Franti's lyrics are his personal messages we sturt addrcssing the deuth penalty issues." iq the audience. Therc nren't any gcnder Franti said his lyrics area plnce of and not in etiucation.· n~me-callings, talks of any scxual escapades sclf-expression in hip-hop, and he h'Jpcs to or racial name references in Spearhcad's inspire artists and young people to be Kids are in prison j01' nlusic, There's none of that lyrical themselves rather than just copy what thcy Michael Franti of commercialization that tries to promote see on videos and television. spray painting or' Spearhead said he Image and album sales. When Spearhead grinds it lip on stage, it prides himself on : ~ "Compassion," Franti said. "I want gets down to the groovcs. selling pot. " keeping to the people to have a understanding." "When we perform, it's like a original style of : The level of compassion Franti extends celcbration," Franti said. "It's about funk, hip-hop and through his lyrics pushes humanity. They arc about sO,ul and it's about poetry." Michael Franti making sure that the" ~ same stomps and roars that pushed the Advancc tickets arc available through Spearhead his music always hlp-hop revolution to the. millennium. The Univcrsity Bar, Panama Bar and Cafe has meaningful : On Spearhead's next highly anticipatcd and Melody Rceords at $13 for studcnts and and socially aware al.bum, to be releascd this spring, Franti $15 general. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. lyrics. MOTORS Summer Village over 18 yea,rs Apartments 100 I West Sacramento Avenue eLowRates NowLeasing"/~,.200fSchooIYear .. CGM .. 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath or 2 Bedroom, I Bath II----.1 Thorntroo-=- j \ J:! ., Located in the heart of Chico _E;.;;a.;.;;lo.;;.;n\--\8 Lassen'" .. Across from Burger Hut & Safeway, next to CATS pick-up 3060 THORNTREE #20 '530.342.6392 .. Open floor plan with clean look .. Each Apartment comes with private Washer & Dryer, Dishwasher, Disposal, Mexican . Family Central H/A, Lots of Parking Restaurant Come check out Summer Village for a HOT, HOT, HOT Deal! 894-7218 Office Hours M-F 2 pm to 4 pm 'It Ask for Dave or Jenny or stop by #21 ·'1 ,-" ... "" _'." ........... -.._._ ....... ,_._ .._ •• " ••••• " ....... , ........ , •.••.• , •. ,._~~,,_.'. '" •..••••• ,~,,_ ........ --. , .. ,_...... --, .• ...,._ ....... __ .... n ......._.~._.~ .. __ •. _._ ......... _. __ .• _ .... _ ... _ . '. " .
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