University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 6-14-1999 Current, June 14, 1999 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, June 14, 1999" (1999). Current (1990s). 310. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/310 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. YOUl' SOU1'ce jOl' campus news PROFILE and information Toya Like graduated cum laude after four years of working through college, being a single mom, and remembering a tragedy. .... See page 4 '\ UNiVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ,ST. L OUIS VOLUME 33 • ISSUE gsa University adds two new Here come the grads ... endowed professorships BY CORY BLACKWOOD filling UM-St. Louis maxirnunl num­ and new challenges to the global econ­ staff assistant ber. omy, Each professorship is made possi­ The professorship in corporate Endowed Professorships in ble when a plivate investor such as E. learning will hold appointment in the Corporate Learning and Economic Desmond Lee donates $550,000 School of Business Administration. History were recently instituted at which is matched by the State of The professor will work with regional UM-St. Louis. Chancellor. Blanche Missouri, After the private investor business organizations to give stu­ Touhill announced on May 18 that the commits money, a national search dents a better leatlllng opportunity and two endowed professorships would be committee is fOlmed to find a candi­ make UM-St Louis a more competi­ instituted, date eligible to be a professor in that tive business school. The corporate It's smashing, b'aby! . The announcement was madedur­ field. The professor's salary is then learning professorship is the 13th pro­ 'Austin Powers: The Sp'{ ing the Chancellor's Report to the paid by the individual campus. fessorship endowed by E. Desmond Who Shagged Me' is not Community, given at America's "The professor is a scholar of Lee as part of bis "Collaborative your typical movie sequel. ' Center. E. Desmond Lee sponsored national stature in therr particulat· Vision: Connecting St. Louis through the corporate learning professorship, field. It is not a current professor from Educational and Community A ·See page 3 while the Henry Langenberg family our campus that we choose," said Partnerships." sponsored the economic history pro­ Maureen Zegel, manager of Media Professorsbips clliTently exist in fessorsbip, Relations. fields SUCD a~ teclmo]ogy and learn­ The endowed professorships are The professorship in economic his­ ing, citizensbip education, char'acter patt of a progranl recognized by all tory is set to be a joint appointment education, various cultural studies, University of Missouri campuses, The between the economics and history botanical sruclies, community collabo­ program was initiated in 1996, for the departments, but the economics ration and public policy, youth crime purpose of giving extra learning and department will act a~ the home and violence, urban education in con­ research capabilities in therr specti1c department. TIus professorship is junction with the St. Louis Public field. named after Friedrich August Von Schools, and many others. There are Tal" amongst your­ Each university is allotted a desig­ Hayek, an Austrian who won the 1974 presently 11 open positions for pro­ selves: Now it's easier nated number of professorsbips, with Nobel Prize in economics, Historians fessors in different professorsbips. than ever to talk with fel­ UM-St. Louis being allO\ved 25. The and economists have had a renewed 'These professorslups exist to aid low UM-St. Louis students two announced on May 18 were the interest in the field of economic bisto­ in teaching, research, and community on t he web! 24th and 25th professorships, thus ful- ry since the collapse of communism service." aid Zegel. A www.umsl.edu/ Stephanie Plattl Tbe Cwwnl studentlifelc urrent Gail Rimkus directs graduates to get their pictures taken at New UAf·St. L.ouis literary journal graduation. distributed to local bookstores U-Wire BY SUE BRITT oversees MFA programs. re<.:om­ Ne""s ,. ... statl ditor mends dle production of a literary KWMU manager journal as nne of their criteria. "It': very g<xxl for a MFA pr,)gr<U11 -receives award for Bar owners hope M-St. Louis' tirst literary journal to offer its : tudents the opportunity to out of the Ma.<;ters in Fine Arts pro­ w rk on a literary jownal." S<.:hreiner stand against KKK ID scantIer deters gram, "Natural Bridge." debuted May said. "We have the new progr,ml ,md _2 Imd is available in bookstores at an no\\' we have a new journal." BY SUE BRITT underage drinkers introductory price of $6. Schreiner said submissions C,ffile Steven Schreiner. a~sociate profes­ in from ill.my places but none were staff edit r sor of English and editor of "Natural accepted from ~tudents of UM-St. BY GLEN LEYDEN Bridge," aid the jOlunal C' presently Louis, conrrary to what was rep(xtetl The Public Broadcasti ng The Daily Iowan available on campu.' in the bookstore. in :mother newspaper recentl .. He Manager Association present­ and around the t. Louis area at said two students who had fonnerly ed its Award of Excellence to IOWA CITY (U-WIREi Borders in Des Pere.~ and Sunset Hill s attenued llM-St. Louis had submjlted Patricia Bennett, director and Using a fake ID may no and will sooo be available at Bame ' work but tlM "Namral Bridge" an general manager of KWMU. at longer be so easy as scoring and Nobles in Crestwood anu Des no! accept submi, sions fi·om its own it national meeting in Florida, an expi red driver's license Peres and Left Bank Books in the campus' sllldel1ls. June 3. from a 21-year-old friend, Central West End. "We got submi .: ions from ali lwer TIle decision of the PBMA An 10 scanner is now Schreiner aid the introductory the country and v~uious Pa!1S of the was based on information con­ being used at t he price will rnak the frr.;t two i~ ue . if world. Israel. Amsterdam, Australia." tained in the nomination form University of Iowa area bar, purchased singly. a bener deal than dle Schreiner said. created by Shelley Kerley. Airliner, 2Z 5. Clinton St . $15 yearly sub ription but that the TIle jOWllal also contains a v~ui ety KWMUs station manager. In it and will soon be installed single i, ue price i. expected to me to of tr:mslatetl literature. Hungarian. he descri bes the situation that in other bars and restau­ $8 next year. Czedlllslo\'akilm. Ta.iwanese. Sp.ullsb began in rants. UM- t. Louis' MFA program was and Chinese works were tnUlsl ated for S e p t. 'We are trying to send established two year.; ago. Schreiner the joumal. 1 99 7 the message t hat we do not aid the journal \\ ill be produced Schreiner S:litl llmt L1lis issue con­ when the want to sell to underage Stephanie Pla ttl Tk ClITTtml semi-annually by the smd nl, of the tains approximately 40 percent fiction Ku Kl ux n drinkers," said Randy 'The Nat ural Bridge' is now available at m any area bookstores. MFA as a part of therr graduate .incluuing four full . hort smies. ~Ul d Ki a wan ted to Larson, co -owner of t he Students chose the name from among several choices. oursewOIX. He said llle A~ oc iated 60 percent poetry. The next issue Airliner. Writing Program. an organization that ~houltl be a\'ailable in November. beco m e The scanner, which is an under­ operat ed by the doorman wliter for Bennett quickty checks the magnet­ the station ic strip on the back of IDs. and nlll an announcement on The screen displays the Police credit ·adding patrols UM-St. Louis Campus Crime Statistics the air tar their organization, person's name, age and the After Bennett declined therr expi ration date of the ID, for drop in campus crimes requ t. the KKK filed suit and Larson said. 1 1997 , 1998 they went to c urt on tlle matter The mere presence of ! I I I... _ . ..... _... - in Nov. 1998, Rape 0 0 1 "W113l they did really had a the scanners may be BY KEN DUNK IN often." eno gh t o deter some UI .... .. , .... , .. ,. strong impact on the entire sys­ senior editor Patrolling those areas paid off sev­ Other sex crimes 0 10 2 tem of public broadcasti ng ," students. eral weeks ago. They apprehended a "It certai n~y would deter (exposing, sexual assautt, etc. , Kerley said. "With their leader­ Adding ground patrols and an minor who had been involved in ship and commitment it was a me from t: rying a fake !D increasing awareness of Clime areas many carnpu_ crimes. because I don't want to get Robbery 1 0 2 natural to submit the award.,. may have caused the total number of "We caught a kid break.ing into a Kerley _ai d that Beunett's caught and have to pay the to dmp in 1998. ' cri~1eS car on campus." Roeseler aid. "He Aggravated assault 2 1 0 stand against the KKK was fine for a fake 10 ," said The campus said tb t he was Katie Foreman, a 19-year­ in1portant in that KWMU was crune statistics invol ved in 20-25 Burglary 8 11 7 defending their right to accept old UI sophomore.
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