Vito Marcantonio Part 6 of 25

Vito Marcantonio Part 6 of 25

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H - INTF-HILAL SECURITY - C V. ~92 .| * Q _ - '| ' .3 mar 81!: - ,1 1,1.-7» __ '*;;;f§; ._». ;k__3;a:m1zua BIT-ting 1'o:§th_ pago33.o3,-herewith the re|u1t.l_o.f are pt» _§g.,q>n1_arenc0 9r1g1m1_.max'nno botnpn cppiau _q1L_"g£;!.1i,011:. <11- _3,u.:;._;;;or Pnulent 0114-he_ Berlcrk 5t-&t4_Qi§t*P9Ai.-ie;l';!1_ie¢.ui;1Q:_;i gg -¥3.§"_'.;vF_>,'§;-.;- - _f-Ii; ___C_9§§_I}_lj§;&n_[I_'_I?£f§lARCALTON10, which confornnco took place September 4, E?-twp;-H-' mcoryiing to Confiifiriifdrrmnt III'l..25 _- 'The log contains n discussion of arrnngeumnta being rado for GIL iaeit 1-5"92FCii~"iGT92l'1G £0 say goodbye an i-0 introduce [.OB'r'T THO}-¬tS-OI . _ A Chairman 01' tbs New York State COHHUIJIST PART!I _ _ - - - "_.~A' In-J .1: . , " . =. ,". --J5 C'7'." H. 1'. .~;-.-' . "=' ...;* U ,., - - T Y ii L.-.::'.: t_.--._ --E I iR1 l '1? ¢ "_;..- '.92.;'_-l!f;'!" 1' . h ''_;.", 7, 1 -- ig. _ '. ' I.-'-'-"92r . 5'1. 1, if .." 3! 13 ' " .--". l'~,92"*' ,7 L. ;" {IQ . 9'. '' -'-J. ";."*.}."-at"Ii - h _ ;-3-"' ~* -~. -- - II L . .1.. -. -. 4" - -n L.,-_-- V - -..- _<~ ~ .; -. .. -"_92' - =.-.~.e~-,~' pv ! T-»i92-43*M 1 pk l I! . ..» -h - .4:-_; ,- . S, , ,. __[,_. _ ., __u - n*._-_ _, 1, |_ ._.-I -|p--_r:_1_-g!-_ T . __;_._, I. -. .¢-_ - I 92 .--"*92- 5' _"",fJ . 1?! . .- ay92.w"92l'92q»92-A I q _- _' k . _ 4_ H .,_,-1., »_; .,. - ~ I . I f _ . ...=,-5», 7 . - .- >'.;_*-.-~;_.§%i*-;-_ _ . "-"-$n¢1°=ur@I A. .1?-l. Q;-,;-_ s§.!;92! ! . 5:. 1:. comm, -su: " *r-"=!r.~* _ _ §:}_,_;?__._-__. _ ' d . , E_ . ____. ... .__ ".LJ '* ._ I TO : TH DIRECTOR *TB= February 27! 1956 Pnou = 11.1.1. meow Tolzorké SUBIBCT: AQUNGRESSHAN VITU§%ARCANTONIO I NI? xi .9! win 3 The Philadelphia Office has furnis d information concerning E the present political statu" oncressmn a antonio as received in i turn from its informant, PRC-1U7?-This Paid .131: '~ informant is considered re 1ab e. NR ]_'N'F'T_ .Qurrui" Handon Rm .._._-. lI'. :u_1.ra ________ Tuh. naol I-Jr. Nels: Ills: in RS8: 68:!!!_.,._.._.-_-.-- c According to the informant, he, along with two other members of the _Comunist Party in the Anthracite Section, District Number 3, Philadelphia area, visited an unidentified Italian whom the informant described as the former publicity director and campaign manager for Harcantonio. The informant did not obtain the Italian's name, who presently resides on a farm at Waymart, Pennsyl- vania. He was, however, registered for l9A6 Communist Party membership by Florence tourher one of the persons accompanying the informant. r '" I '- _ The Italian visited by the informant and the othe communists stated that Congressman Varcantonio has been very close to Ear ~ owder and since é Browder's connectio s with the Communist Party have been oerminated, Farcantonio s has been drifting ray from Party principles and is not now cognizant of the Communist line a does not adhere to it strictly. The unidentified Italian Communist .0 ed out that efforts are beinc_made to arrange a meeting between William oster, the Chairman of the Commnnist Party. and Harcantonio, in order to see if a working agreement can be arrived at. Karcantonio is said to have indicated a general tendency to work with the Tammany Hall group in New York City and is believed to be endeavoring to gain favor with that machine. 1 _ J The informant is endeavoring to ascertain the name of the Italian ' Communist and the information will be brought to the attention oi the Bureau. ' I K 92.. J /ql 0' _.-_, f/. f if./. -.9 ;92._J J ign 7'M'.2 61946 g . in svavalslwr ~-' -' - amnion M F _'~__ I 6" Mi-h__i _;,_ _ . __,r,.h__b 92 - ___* _,.,_f!....:V?- .3. Ea r---92.--k - __...,.,,=,",_,_,_.__,, - . H 1 .- m --f .5.-,1. a .- p§v--:r,- 1'-I:-q,:'-f,. ,_,?;,'n">-¬¢: ., . -.35 E;-_ .-a- .._a_F "w - 4% . -" _,e"-w*§..-¢ - _.»-.-L. " Adv no»-_ _'~..,;.~'_:.-.?A§*.-=;_.-...-,k1_@_i*.. J ' -H _ . ,_ _-§}-?_-.,:- _. _. ._-.1ax-Ia _£_'r£:,.- I ,-_ .-._.-.__._»: _ ,. _. -.-__ _ . 92,,.-_- -0 .-- _1_ -3.-i-2.1 -1.-- -- "..;*-*-';-.' :.'~'§:-"Q:-».-1-:5.-.---.1:-¢ -- _-_+_-¢--L-Y:-.? - -- - -* ti A; . u.1 s. 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