

B. Casualties: Dead – 8 (CAR - 3, Region 1 - 2, Region VI – 2, Region VIII – 1) Injured – 19 (CAR – 19) Missing – 15 (Region VI – 1, CAR – 14) C. Damaged Houses A total of 44 houses were damaged (8 – totally and 36 - partially) D. Status of Lifelines i. Status of Roads and Bridges (Tab D) 2. Status of Powerlines Region I Power outage at 13 cities/municipalities in Ilocos Norte (as of 3pm, 22 Sep) Region II Cagayan Electric Cooperative 2 has already resumed power in Cagayan North except for the six municipalities in western part of the province namely: Abulug, Sta. Ana, Claveria, Pamplona and Sta. Praxedes Globe Network in the province of Cagayan has already restored its operation CAR Power failure reported at Sta. Marcela municipality (Apayao) since 5am Monday. III. National Response PAGASA has been providing the NDCC OPCEN with the following information relative to Typhoon “Nina”: Flood Bulletins, Severe Weather Bulletins and GALE Warning; The NDCC OPCEN alerted all OCDRCs, RDCCs, DOTC Action Center, National Media outfits including KBP, PCG, DSWD, DOH, and AFP Command Center; NDCC advisories were also regularly disseminated to all concerned as information from PAGASA is received; and DSWD prepositioned sufficient standby funds and stockpile of relief commodities in all concerned DSWD-FO amounting to P13,100,329.92. Alerted the DSWD and DPWH on the need to extend support to Sibuyan Island with the damaged three (3) bridges in the municipality of San Fernando, Romblon. IV. Regional /Local Updates/Response Region I The 3 fishermen reported earlier missing since 21 September were all recovered alive in La Union and Ilocos Norte. SWAD Teams from DSWD; and two teams each from NFNL Disaster Response & Rescue Unit and the PCG have been alerted and are now ready for dispatch. 2 Region II Two bridges, Tawi Bridge in Peñablanca; and Itawes Bridge in Tuao, are still not passable due to overflowed waters. Region IV-B Heavy rains caused flashflood which damaged three (3) bridges in San Fernando, Sibuyan Island in Romblon namely: Ipil Bridge in Brgy Panangcalan (both north and south bound approaches were damaged); Pili Bridge in Brgy. Pili (south bound approach was damaged); and Pugot Bridge in Brgy Pili (south bound approach damaged). Emergency restoration work is being conducted by the DPWH Dist Office IV DPWH IV-B assessment team went to the are to assess and identify measures to prevent river currents from damaging the approaches; MDCC San Fernando together with the PNP personnel conducted relief operations in Brgy Panangcalan DSWD IV-B provided relief assistance to the three affected barangays in San Fernando, Romblon CAR Classes in Elementary and Secondary schools were suspended due to bad weather 3 Sitrep No. 4 Tab A TYPHOON "NINA" (HAGUPIT) AFFECTED AND DISPLACED POPULATION As of 23 September 2008 No. of Region/ Province/ Number of Affected Evacuation Inside Evac Centers Outside Evac Centers Mun/ City Centers Brgys Families PersonsEstablished Families Persons Families Persons GRAND TOTAL 47 2,186 10,352 4 151 753 854 4,112 Region I 32 1,100 5,075 - - - 70 350 Ilocos Norte 30 808 3,616 - - - 70 350 1 Bangui 3 200 1,000 70 350 2 Dingras 18 3 Pagudpud 3 205 1,025 4 San Nicolas 5 376 1,456 5 Sarrat 1 27 135 La Union 2 292 1,459 - - - - - 1 Bangar 1 290 1,451 2 Bauang 1 2 8 Region II 2 122 622 - - - - - Cagayan 2 122 622 - - - - - 1 Iguig 1 22 122 Brgy San Vicente 2 Pamplona 1 100 500 Brgy Masi Region IV-B 3 762 3,641 1 2 10 760 3,631 Romblon 3 762 3,641 1 2 10 760 3,631 1 San Fernando 3 762 3,641 1 2 10 760 3,631 Brgy. Panangcalan Brgy. Poblacion Brgy. Pili Region X 1 27 135 - - - - - Misamis Oriental 1 27 135 - - - - - 1 Guingoog City 1 27 135 CAR 9 175 879 3 149 743 24 131 Benguet 9 175 879 3 149 743 24 131 1 Baguio City 4 76 373 2 57 283 17 85 Dominican Ext Guisad Surong City Camp Proper 2 La Trinidad 4 7 46 7 46 Brgy Poblacion Brgy Balili River Brgy Cruz Brgy Lubas 3 Itogon 1 92 460 1 92 460 Brgy Loacan Sources: OCDRCs I, II & CAR, DSWD Sitrep No. 4 Tab B EFFECTS OF TYPHOON "NINA" (HAGUPIT) CASUALTIES As of 23 September 2008 REGION/PROVINCE/ Name Age Address Cause / Date / Remarks MUNICIPALITY/BARANGAY DEAD 8 CAR 3 Benguet 3 Baguio City 1 Lolita Baroma 76 172 Guisad Burong Due to landslide 1 Julian Baroma 172 Guisad Burong Due to landslide 1 Leilani Fetcha 38 155 Dominican Extension Due to landslide Region I 2 La Union 1 Bauang 1 Rodolfo Villanueva 27 Bucayab, Bauang, La Union Electrocuted Ilocos Sur 1 Quirino 1 Censio Culapit 40 Poblacio, Quirino, Ilocos Sur Drowned Region VI 2 Antique 2 Elimar Alejo Balensia Valderrama 1 12 Drowned (a.k.a. Mac-mac) 1 Clarita Viaje 61 Drowned Region VIII 1 Samar 1 Catbalogan City 1 Rodrigo Duena 29 Brgy Mercedes, Catbalogan City Drowned REGION/PROVINCE/ Name Age Address Cause / Date / Remarks MUNICIPALITY/BARANGAY INJURED 19 CAR 19 Benguet 19 La Trinidad 1 Catalina Paat 56 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide 1 Gaspar Handaan 39 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide 1 Monsor Pusawen 6 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide 1 Aya Paat 4 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide 1 Rico Yagui 13 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide 1 Jessie Tolabis 21 Kesbeng, Poblacion, La Trinidad Due to landslide Baguio City 1 Kayla Fetcha 9 155 Dominican Ext., Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Kenneth Fetcha 33 155 Dominican Ext., Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Rey Baglas 34 Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Jonathan Baroma Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Mark Anthony Novestera 37 Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Janica Mae Novestera 8 Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Ruth Baroma 13 Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Magilyn Baroma Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Donalyn Baroma Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Michael Baroma Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide 1 Emelita Baroma 50 Guisad, Surong, Baguio City Due to landslide Itogon 1 Virbek Magatin 16 Ucab, Itogon, Benguet Due to landslide 1 Luzviminda Gropo 45 Dalicno, Itogon, Benguet Due to flooding REGION/PROVINCE/ Name Age Address Cause / Date / Remarks MUNICIPALITY/BARANGAY MISSING 15 Region VI 1 Antique 1 Valderrama 1 Nilia Alejo 58 Brgy. Bugnay, Valderama CAR 14 Benguet 14 Itogon 1 Gilbert Nattem Banaue, Ifugao 1 Garry Ganu Quirino Province 1 Rudy Boling Jr. Banga-an, Ifugao 1 Joel Bulga Aglipay, Quirino Province 1 Jeyson Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province 1 Rudy Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province Trapped miners of the level 700 1 Jojo Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province of Antamok, Gold Fied Mines in 1 Juan Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province Itogon, Benguet 1 Marvin Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province 1 Vincent Himmayod Nagtipunan, Quirino Province 1 Joseph Anayasan Bauko, Mt. Province 1 Mario Annayasan Bauko, Mt. Province 1 Gerry Monyobda Ifugao 1 Robert Buway Itogon, Benguet Sitrep 4 Tab C TYPHOON "NINA" (HAGUPIT) DAMAGED HOUSES As of 23 September 2008 DAMAGED HOUSES Reg/Province/Municipality REMARKS TOTALLY PARTIALLY GRAND TOTAL 8 36 Region I 0 21 ILOCOS NORTE 0 5 Pagudpod 2 San Nicolas 1 Sarrat 2 LA UNION 0 16 Bangar 16 Region IV-B 2 0 ROMBLON 2 0 San Fernando 2 CAR 6 15 BENGUET 6 5 Baguio City 3 1 La Trinidad 3 4 Brgy. Poblacion Due to landslide Brgy. Balili River Due to flooding Brgy. Cruz Due to flooding Brgy. Lubas Due to flooding APAYAO 0 10 Calanasan 10 Sitrep No. 4 TAB D EFFECTS OF TYPHOON "NINA" STATUS OF ROADS AND BRIDGES As of 23 September 2008, 5:00 PM PROVINCE/CITY/ REGION NAME STATUS REMARKS/CAUSE MUNICIPALITY On-going clearing operations of ILOCOS NORTE All national roads Passable to all types of vehicles fallen trees at intermittent sections I Occurreence of pathholes at ILOCOS SUR All national raods / all other road sections Passable to all types of vehicles intermittent sections LA UNION All national roads Passable to all types of vehicles - PANGASINAN All national roads Passable to all types of vehicles - Portions of National Highway in II CAGAYAN NORTH All national roads Passable to all types of vehicles Lalafugan, Lallo in Cagayan are already passable Damaged approaches & sunk port Abra-Kalinga Road, km. 472+600 Closed to traffic ABRA of Ba-ay bridge Abra-Cervantes Road Km 479+000 Closed to traffic Damaged approaches MT PROVINCE Baguio-Bontoc Road Km 354+800 Closed to traffic on-going clearing operation Benguet-Viscaya Road Km 254+300, Bekel section & Km Closed to traffic On-going clearing operation 354+300 Pico-Lamtang Road Km 256+960 One lane passable On-going clearing operation Acop-Kapangan-Kibungan-Bakun Road Km 266+000 and Closed to traffic On-going clearing operation CAR Km 301+500 BENGUET Baguio-Bontoc Road Km 314+080, Pakpakitan Section & Closed to traffic District equipment loader deployed Km 340+500 Gurel-Bokod Kabayan-Buguias-Abantan Road Km Closed to traffic On-going clearing operation 355+500 & Km 356+500 Tawang provincial road Closed to traffic Due to Landlside Alapang provincial road Closed to traffic Due to Landlside Balbalan Pinukpok Road Km 491+000 Closed to traffic Landslide and road cuts KALINGA Kalinga-Abra Road Closed to traffic Road cuts Page 1 of 1 Sitrep No. 4 Tab E EFFECTS of TYPHOON "NINA" (HAGUPIT) Cost of Assistance As of September 23, 2008 ASSISTANCE PROVINCE / CITY / NGOs / REGION Sacks of Other NDCC DSWD DOH DepEd LGUs TOTAL MUNICIPALITY OTHER GOs Rice Relief GRAND TOTAL 0 0 - 31,871.00 - - 11,842.00 8,400.00 52,113.00 IV-B 0 - - - - - 5,642.00 - 5,642.00 ROMBLON - San Fernando 5,642.00 5,642.00 - V 0 - - 29,846.00 - - - - 29,846.00 SORSOGON - Pilar (Strandees) 29,846.00 29,846.00 CAR 0 - - 2,025.00 - - 6,200.00 8,400.00 16,625.00 BENGUET - Baguio City 2,025.00 5,000.00 8,400.00 15,425.00 La Trinidad 1,200.00 - .

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